# April Vengeance, Corona Triumph (4)

It was a place where conversations were rare. Is it the hierarchy of the sailors? They were very quiet below the binomials. And the captain sighed a lot. Because the news he wanted to hear was not so pleasant. Refugees living in Mainland America.

“We're better off at least. because I'm not hungry. ”

Words give rise to familiar despair and loneliness.

Corona Triumph was a freighter for a Japanese shipment. A shipping company in Japan. The operation was commissioned by a Philippine company, with both the captain and the crew of the Philippines. It was a ship carrying Bondi coal between Japan and Australia.

There are no companies to claim right now. The ship is now the property of the sailors. The captain was determined to dedicate himself to his country until the day he died. He says, "Maybe we won't step on land in the future."

“There is an asylum in Indonesia. It's not as incompetent as it used to be or as incompetent as it used to be, but he begged me to protect the refugees. ”

Then Lieutenant Leon smiles bitterly. I can't tell because I'm in the position, but I feel the same way.

Indonesia was one of the countries that could withstand the plague. I thought winter was lucky. Infection is exponential. It could have been a massive population, high-density weakness. It looks like you bought yourself some time and made it a strength.

Lt. Leon testified that Indonesia's initial response was successful.

“We have four million troops. The city turned into a place of great seriousness and solitude. Node defense is sufficient. The problem is supplies, among other things, food shortages. Why did we come all the way here? ”

The U.S. government's policies were consistent. Just as refugees are used as troop resources on land, foreign vessels have been brought in at sea. I'll give you food in return.

The United States, too, was filled with cages. Even before the epidemic spread, it was common in insecure areas. It is surrounded by walls and fences, and is guarded by private security. Or the residents organize vigilantes.

‘Gated community or city with a barricade……. ’

In the latest television, it even says Fortified community. Even a typical household was fashionable to make the interior look like a prison. The prices of houses near military camps have skyrocketed. Winter positively rated it. Experience. In retrospect, the infection did not spread easily in such areas.


Emergency lights are on and the sirens are crying. The extension is on fire.

The captain answers the phone because he is embarrassed. What's going on? Captain Cactus has a short answer, and it's hard to guess what's going on half the time. Winter looked at the captain's face. The crease is getting deeper. The captain has also cleared the investigator and the boy's officer.

The captain finishes the call, the FBI investigator asks.

“What's going on? Is it an explosion?”

“What a rush……. In a sense, yes. I'm getting a distress signal.”

Let's get to the bridge. because in some cases, you're going to need your opinion. That said, Cassius leads the way for Joanna Gibson and Winter.

The entrance to the wheelhouse was guarded by Philippine Navy SEALs. When saluted, the on-call navigator reports the situation to the captain.

“The ship that called for rescue is the April Pacific. 134,000 tonnes of Australian cargo. We are currently approaching San Francisco at 8 knots per hour from the west coast at approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes from here. ”

In the electronic resolution, the ship's settling and projected course floated. After manipulating the console to zoom in, the captain heavily moans as he pushes the map to San Francisco.

The encounter was not a problem. That's enough to avoid. But if the shuttle is unstable, it'll run into the bay.

The bay of San Francisco, as seen on the news, was filled with marine refugees from all over the country. Despite the many times the size of Seoul. The ships that were pushed to the entrance must have been devastated by the crash. Eight knots is not as fast as the mass of the cruise, though.

‘It could be the worst disaster ever. ’

The boy sensed a catastrophe.

“Any other information? ”

In the successive question of the captain, the first mate answers again and again.

“Just an automated distress signal. From the lack of response to the transmission, it looks like it's working remotely. It's just a guess.”

“Mmmm... That's suspicious. Why didn't we turn off the engine? ”

A captain who caresses his chin. In situations where the ship could not be controlled, it was a rule to turn off the engines first. Winter, too. Three chances of not doing that.

‘It was a simple mistake, or we couldn't afford it, or we destroyed it from the bridge. ’

The two things behind are not good. Intraft infection, shelf insurgency, pirate raids. Whenever there was a chance, it was not great. The target is dangerous in winter, regardless of its size, whether mutant or pirate.

Can we expect the help of the Philippine Navy?

‘No, Jeffrey's platoon will never have the combat strength. ’

It was winter when he denied his expectations. The American military's combat strength comes from excellent training, expensive equipment, hands-on experience, and the belief that no one leaves behind.

Meanwhile, the crew, in extreme terms, are a group of technicians. Their Combat Strength comes from Equipment Skill. The area was completely different. It would be basic combat training.

It was a question of willingness to engage an unknown enemy in the first place.

“Have you informed the U.S. military? ”

A monologue nodding at the words of Leon, the liaison officer.

“Yes. Satellite communication. I got it from Higgins. It'll go back up there. ”

Winter read the name on the resolution. Higgins was an American destroyer.

The captain communicating with escort Ramon Alcaraz ordered the deceleration.

“It's no good to be close. Slow it down, then we'll take a look at the reaction. Slow it down to eight knots. ”

The first mate pulls down the lever. Winter detected a slight speed change.

Agent Gibson asks.

“What do you mean, checking for reactions? ”

“I'm being cautious. It could be a pirate's schemed approach. ”

“I feel like this has happened before. ”

“Yes. It's a way to lure large vessels that have already been hijacked and hide in radar blind spots to narrow the streets. We ambush the escort ship, and we end it quickly. ”

Radar picks up radio waves that are reflected in the end. That is, if we somehow find this side first, it is possible to dig a trap like the captain said. The weight of the battleship was generally smaller than a civilian ship sailing the ocean. Joanna Gibson, accepting and asking again.

“Have you experienced it yourself? ”

“Experiences…… I've had two such approaches so far, but I wasn't warned beforehand by the Coast Guard. I couldn't help but get beaten up by a blind cannon. That's what happened the first time. ”

He points to the broken glass at the front of the bridge. I cluttered it with duct tape. Thickness alone prevents a handgun, but it is useless in front of the machine gun. There are six scars that have been scratched through the room. Winter weighs the weight. It was a shot across the border of a gun and a cannon.

This time it's winter.

“If it's unresponsive, it's most likely a real rescue request... … but how will it be handled then? ”

If there are pirates behind it, they will react in any way. Whether it's slowing down to this side, or running away realizing you're out of the woods. If you're insane or starving to death right now, you might try a desperate attack.

“It usually ends with a bystander. Refugees are as fickle as the sea weather. Refugees and robbers are no longer a clear distinction. I had heard stories of sailors who were rescued from the dead and taken over the ship the next day. ”

The captain continued his depressed look and pessimistic assumptions.

“Only this time I'm afraid it's going to turn out worse. ”

Winter readily understands his implications.

“You mean you might stir him up. ”

“Yes. If I leave it like that, I'll hit anywhere." Even at a low rate, we can't ignore the possibility that the US military will suffer losses.... The internal situation is completely unknown, and at worst, the stomach could be infested with an infection. ”

If you leave them, they will die in 10,000 units. If you uproot it, you will die by a thousand units. Choosing the worst over the worst. It may be unavoidable. People were limited, groups were limited, and even the world's best military was no exception.

The FBI investigator was cold. At least as hard as the look on his face, but his neck is stiff.

‘You're uncomfortable. You're more uncomfortable than you were on the helicopter. ’

Winter reads her easily. "Insights" and "Determinations" that interlock late in a beat. At least as much as reading a person, the system is difficult to get ahead of a boy. The hope of a control personality is here, too.

I think I can shake this.

We have incoming comms.

“This is an additional speed reduction notice. We're launching an assailant soon, so be on the lookout for a five-in-one attack. They say they'll be in the air in 20 minutes. ”

“I see.”

At the end of the day, the squad suppressed their accustomed depression. Winter didn't like those faces. Even in the outside world, that's how exhausted people are living in times like this.

“Agent Gibson. Can we stop the attack? ”

“What do you mean? I can't possibly have that authority.... ”

The Bureau of Investigation is baffled by sudden demands. But winter persuades us again.

“It's a request to leave authority. Ask him if he can send a helicopter instead of an assailant. I want one of you to put April Pacific on the list. The helicopter's in the destroyer, right? I don't think we'll have to wait long. ”

“No way! You know what's on that boat, don't you? You're reckless. I can't authorize you as a supervisor. They won't accept it anyway. ”

“If that's what you think, it's better than nothing, right? I'll feel better later. ”

I tried. They refused. That kind of self-rationalization will be possible. The slightest hint of remorse. Joanna chews her lips.

“Lieutenant, I'm not such a coward. Tell me at a common sense level. ”

“Then give me a chance to be a coward. I'll try to communicate with him myself.”

FBI agents hesitate for a moment. It was not necessary to seek active consent. With her hesitation, winter has already caught up with Mike. The first mate is easily pushed away.

“Ah, Agent Gibson. Do I have to hide that I'm here? Or is it irrelevant for me to state my true identity? I can't keep it all a secret. ”

“…… In principle, it's unlikely that all communications from here will run deep into the bay. because they don't know what's going on. All you have to do is not share the details of the operation. But... are you sure you want to do this? ”

“Yes, I want to live like this. There are limits.”

Winter answers calmly. Then I checked again.

“Is there any way you could identify me over there? because I didn't think you'd believe me right away for saying the name of the coronation. ”

I think there is. But the agent was in serious conflict.

Can't it get cold in front of the deaths of thousands of civilians? He's not a good agent, but he's a good man. Winter called USS Higgins without waiting.

Artwork Reviews

# Q&A

Q. SSM9725: (Strategy) + 'I wish people like Hitler were supported by life's urgency to change dramatically' … but real people are more compassionate than fiction.

A. We will review the revisions, including those already submitted to the publisher. Thank you very much.

Q. Before and after: Is winter a lieutenant rank? Lieutenant at the top, Lieutenant at the bottom.

A. Lieutenant's right. Writer made a mistake.

Q. Wolhaveeyoung: What does it mean to recall the journal? I don't understand the journal part yet.

A. Well... the journal is a medium that delivers the shortened flow to winter when it's automated. It was the first person on the job. Running the journal is a hypothetical personality that learned about the personality of winter.

There are intermission collections of posts in artwork settings. Now that the journal was published in the mission, I don't think it's a bad idea to look at it again.

Q. QOEWH: @ I was so excited about something that I just read the young prince quickly because I needed to collect my feelings. And it calmed down pretty quickly. It feels like a sympathetic experience.

A. What a great reader you've used it for. Experience silence with your eyes. Overwatch is fun.

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