# April Vengeance, Corona Triumph (5)

The flow of the giant ship is like a slow swinging cradle. The sound of the wind pushing the bridge. And the sound of waves hitting the hull. When I closed my eyes, I felt like I was laying the sea underneath my back.

Lying in a lighted cabin, the boy ponders a failed request.

Negotiations did not go well.

The captain of the USS Higgins has been obsessed with requests outside the command line. But I could not ignore it. The Medal of Honor weighed more than rank and affiliation. While the FBI investigators were on the air, the destroyer captain relayed the communications to the top. The rank across from the radio continued to rise.

The guilt of exterminating civilians. And curiosity about the youngest honor medalist. Especially if it were not the latter, you would not have been given the opportunity to speak with the antihelmet commander. The difference between the warden and one lieutenant in the actual situation is that large. Even if the reputation of a young officer is high.

Commander Charles Kitchner, a tired voice, said:

[Lieutenant, I don't know what you're doing there, but it's a very attractive offer. But I have no choice but to refuse. Ships overboard and overboard these days. If April Pacific is a phantom ship, then it's more likely than one person can handle.]

Winter's carrying 200 rounds of ammunition alone. If we get more spare and carry a sudden bag, we could somehow fill it up to 1,000 rounds.

The Admiral was concerned about the possibility of a passenger ship turning into a mutant lair.

[Even if you kill exactly one at a time, how are you going to afford the thousands after that? You're looking for survivors who might be among them? With a giant sword?]


Winter made the Admiral smile with a short answer.

[Oh, dear. I remember the courage of your presence. I thought it was part of the show, but it wasn't. But I can't allow it. Courage is overrated.]

“Then can you help us with our troops?" ”

There are over 5,000 people onboard the carrier. While the placenta is technically far from direct combat, it still has basic combat training. You may withdraw troops from each of the fleet ships. This is the judgment of winter.

‘With a few hundred fighters on board, we should be able to hold the deck without loss. ’

Passenger boats have limited travel routes. Mutants were likely to develop a bottleneck in front of the concentrated firepower. When you land for the first time, you'll need firepower support from a helicopter. Ordinary mutants have animal intelligence, so they won't even bother coming out onto the deck.

Of course, entering the line is a separate matter. Environment with many obstacles and complexities. It was a good condition to cause casualties. Winter assumes there's a reason the Admiral's hesitating. So if you could leave the most dangerous part to the boy officer, you might change your mind.

Actually, it was a little different.

[Lt. Winter. The APRIL PACIPIC identification code assigned to this vessel is Romeo 96.]

Numbers are given in the order of radar contact, the Admiral explained. Therefore, the Admiral's ship was already monitoring at least 95 vessels.

[Forty-three ships are sending distress signals. It's hard to hide the real and fake in the middle... Humanitarian aid and rescue operations have their limitations. Long-term accumulated life damage and mental stress of the crew. We're dangerously low on available troops. As commander, you have a duty to maintain a certain level of combat strength for your troops. Do you understand me?]


[You're a good soldier. I hope you don't mind my decision.]

It was nice talking to you. Take a break. Admiral Kitchner has unilaterally cut off communication.

It was good enough that the Admiral of the Navy told Lt. Col. Winter understood his fatigue.

‘At this hour, the Admiral responded. ’

It was a long night. The on-call commander had to take the Admiral's place. This means that there are still things that require the responsibility of the Supreme Commander at this moment. You can imagine the fatigue of the fleet. I wouldn't ask you to sabotage a civilian vessel if you were messing with it.

Winter ended the Sovereignty and accelerated time. The world that flows on its own will shorten meaningless nights. Until the situation of the control personality is over, you won't have to care about an audience from another world.

‘Then it was surprisingly quiet. ’

People who want to enjoy their hard and hard lives. While the boy chewed on his failures, they just lay there in the dark. Though the orderly notions were sometimes texted to Teletype.

Oh, I see. In their day-to-day lives, they don't even have enough dark and quiet time. Winter affirmed its reasoning. They are the unhappy people of the world. Their lives were outside the limits of winter.


Time acceleration is broken. When winter opens its eyes, it immediately checks the clock. Not even an hour passed.

I didn't think anything would happen until I got to San Francisco. Beep, beep, beep. The echo was repeated because of the cabin extension on which the light came on. Winter was received out of curiosity.

Captain Caesar's voice.

[Ah, Lieutenant. Would you come up here now, please? This is April Pacific.]

You're not done yet. Winter jumped to the bridge with a handgun under his pillow and a rifle under his blanket.

“What's going on? ”

“Oh, you didn't have to come... Here you go. Carl Vinson is calling for you. ”

The USS Carl Vinson was Admiral Kitchner's flagship.

Winter examined the electronic resolution before lifting the receiver. The symbol representing April Pacific was still in motion. It's normal to be scolded already.

“Yes, Lieutenant, it's the middle of winter. ”

[Well, Lieutenant.]

The opponent is also an Admiral. I feel heavier fatigue than before. The feeling of being mentally overwhelmed.

[I don't know where to start... ….]

After a long wait, the Admiral told me why April Pacific was still afloat.

[Pilot refused order. I think I saw it from a close-quarters flight. There are survivors.It's a problem... Now that we're here, it's hard to fly a new one.]

Low altitude enough to see passengers? Can you do that with a jet? Given the speed, it would be instantaneous. The winter when he turned his head, he remembered that the U.S. military had a stationary attack aircraft. A machine that bends the engine vertically to make a takeoff.

I also understand that it is difficult to fly a new attacker. Earlier, the Admiral mentioned the mental stress of the crew. A story that will eventually spread, even if you put him on lockdown. Killing civilians out of spite can still leave a mental shock. It would have been more than knowing and killing.

[Speaking of which, does that change your mind?]

“Of course.”

[That's still a quick answer. It's okay without reinforcements, right?]


A winter when I keep returning the answer to the admiral, who insists on asking me. The Admiral has finally given his permission.

[Excellent. It's difficult to dispatch combat troops, but I'll keep one helicopter afloat. At least we'll be safe on the deck. Rescue as many survivors as you can.]

“I understand.”

[Your ride will be delivered by Higgins. Duration... Hmm, yeah.They say it'll only take 30 minutes. Let me know if you need anything other than troops. Ammo or some kind of firearm.]

Agent Gibson will give you a small heads up. This ship is carrying supplies for operations in San Francisco, not just food. Winter nods and reports to the Admiral that everything is fine.

[Maybe. I don't know if this is a good thing.... Anyway, we'll see. Good luck.]

The second conversation with the Admiral is over.

Winter waits for the helicopter on the deck. Rougher than the first wind. Weather changes are not unusual for winter. The real world suffered much deeper than the one behind this worldview.

Weapons intact. Just increased ammo portability. I filled my backpack with magazines and explosives.

While you wait, a fully armed investigator stands side by side.

“I'll go with you. ”

“I don't think that's what I'm saying, but it's very dangerous. ”

Despite the winter currents, the investigator remains motionless with his eyes fixed on the front. The hair tied up in one split was roughly twisted. She is armed with a heavy shotgun. The object Yura used to conquer the San Ardo Genealogy. Auto-fire is possible.

Something she insists on.

“I'm no better than the lieutenant, but I'm also an unorthodox veteran. The battle with the Mexican cartels was usually fought in towns and indoors, underground tunnels and forests. I've had counterterrorism training. After the job change, combat was rare, but it should be possible to assist a lieutenant. ”

“Who do you work for now? ”

“Department of WMD. ”


It was definitely a resource that could go to places like San Francisco.

Philippine rookies patrolling the deck are looking this way from afar. They're whispering something to each other. Look at the things you can't understand. Agent Gibson sighs.

“Ramon Al Karaz says it's difficult to support. I don't want to blame them, but unfortunately, ”

Of course. Why would soldiers who come to these distant seas risk their lives working abroad? In a yard where even the U.S. military can't stand.

Winter asks something else.

“Is it okay with a shotgun? ”

“I've been thinking about it. I thought it might be better to share ammunition with the lieutenant. ”

If you choose a weapon that uses the same ammunition, you can get the rest when one person is short. Tactical usefulness, but she says she has already reviewed it.

“But I decided it would be better to use a weapon that I'm familiar with. The combination of weapons would be important. Overseas, other varieties are found in North America. Maybe you need more proximity than a rifle. ”

A new variant depending on the region……. This was something that had never been seen before in the world view.

“What about the other varieties? ”

In the winter questions, the investigator narrows his eyes.

“This information is often kept confidential……. as far as I know, anthrax resistant variants found in China and mustard gas producing variants. for refraining from using bioweapons. It's also a consideration for the survivors in the city... ”

So when you're projecting biochems, it's normal to completely devastate the area.

As winter reflects on new information, the wind blows heavy engine sounds.

A helicopter descends on the lighted deck in the dark.

Artwork Reviews

# Agony

This novel is not a full-scale military novel, but I'm worried about the readers who know the material.

So here's a little excuses.

The flight type in place mentioned during the writing is F35B.

It has come to our attention that the unit that received the F35B as part of the Naval Aviation Fleet is only a 23rd test pilot based in Pataxcent, Maryland, but we would appreciate it if you could consider it a slight toll on the dramatic evolution.

# Drinking

I'm going out for a drink. A friend bought it for me. Hahahaha. You're jealous, right?

# Q&A

Q. Narodhake: What's your skill level? An absolute 15th rank over the top 14 can only be achieved by breaking a quest or a Great Work.

A. The realm of genius is the realm of the superhuman realm and the realm of God, above which can never be reached by efforts without natural talent. God here is a metaphor for everything. God of Shooting, God of melee. Something like that.

The realm of God is virtually an unreachable realm.

Q. Ca: It's a little late, but what happened to the two prisoners you took after the fight with Captain Harrison? I'm looking forward to how winter will react. Thanks for posting:)

A. I didn't mention that it didn't seem important, but of course it goes to a military trial. There is no verdict yet as to how much trial will take place.

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