# April Vengeance, Corona Triumph (6)

Delayed and delayed crystals. Winter invested in technology. in the direction of increasing combat strength. Then I couldn't achieve the same efficiency as before. The higher the grade, the less often you learn it.

This resulted in a delay in the strengthening of the survival family. Why you have saved your accumulated resources.

‘No matter how strong the combat force is, it's dangerous to go around a pandemic once. ’

It was unlikely, but winter wanted to prepare for the "unequivocal liberation" failure.

At some point in the end of the world, I had a rotting disease. It is known that what is not human is "after the end of the world," which means social death. I couldn't afford it anymore. Lack of late-night disease resistance only prevented further progression.

[Check the civilians on the bricks.]

Radio from the pilot. As the helicopter circles over the cruise, winter looks in the same direction.

Above the brick structure where the engine room exhausts, a handful of survivors are waving towards the sky. High and perilous seats. I wonder how I got up there. Among the mutants roaming underneath the rocks, there were a lot of broken things. They must have failed climbing.

It's so visible that the attackers have to abandon their mission.

There are few variants on the layered deck. He doesn't flinch when he sees the helicopter, knowing he can't touch it. It's just that sometimes I turn my head and look up quietly. The response alone shows that the pathogen from Australia is no less than the Americas.

Pilot stops shooting.

[Don't shoot yet. Too many enemies. If you wait, I'll give you a good location.]

Two shooters will send an OK signature. They were holding the reinforcements on the fuselage side. One is a heavy machine gun and the other is a mini gun. The latter shoots 4,000 rounds per minute. Six firearms rotated and avoided overheating.

Pilot to propose a one-lap tour first. I didn't know the internal structure at all, so I had to at least look at it from the outside. Survivors trapped in the cabin cling to the window.

The lieutenant who captured the maneuver exerted a smooth skill. The helicopter almost went to sleep. Slide to see if there are any entrances other than the deck. It feels like riding on a mast boat, when the sea flows close to it. When the waves broke, the water splashed into the aircraft.

[The boarding passage is open.... It must be difficult to get in.]

An unfortunate pilot. Like he said, he left five doors open at low altitude on the side of the hull. Entrances for passengers to board the pier when they dock. Or emergency exits.

The desperate have opened it. What happens after you jump?

Every time a wave breaks, the water enters the boat. However, it was not enough to wash away the blood.

The hallway is bloody. It was like a cheap horror movie.

and the human resemblance that stood in the middle of it. Listen to the engine and turn around. A sign that shows you how far you can get to the door, hit by the wind, and get a sense of the distance to the helicopter.

“It's no different from the living. It's probably just been infected. ”

The stiff voice belonged to an FBI investigator.

As she said, the variant has yet to decompose. It's before the immune response even scratches the flesh.

There was nothing on the deck. Winter worries the investigator will be able to withstand it.

‘Adults say that, but there are too many children. ’

Her weapon was a shotgun. A weapon that tears its target to pieces. Wouldn't they be shocked to see the kids crumble? Even though it's an infected variant...

What do you say, lieutenant?]

The pilot asks the doctor in winter. It means decide where to go.

“Let's get to the top deck. Please remove it from around the radar mast. ”

[Copy that. Moving to firing position.]

Gunners on your left and your left check your firearms. It was an act of preparing for one in the bay.

The radar mast was the highest position on the ship except for milestones. Luxurious passengers, parasols and outdoor restaurants surround the mast. The food that's being prepared is human.

How did he die at the table? A man's corpse is being ripped apart. The things that were eating while wearing clean clothes, stopped eating and looked up.

The electric motors are spinning.

“Guns, Guns, Guns. ”

A mini-gun shooter who alerts you with three repetitions and presses the trigger.


The rays have been scattered. A huge shell. It was a cotton ball weapon, not a dot. It shattered the deck in an instant. The hosts of the plague were broken without cause. The shattered heads, arms, legs, and breasts were mixed indiscriminately. Under the broken light, the bloodstained deck seems to be dripping with blackness.

“ ……. ”

Groaning that does not sound. The investigator's gaze is pricked. The heavy machine gun shooter, watching the mini gun shoot, mutters silently as he looks at the investigator. Winter reads its mouth. maggot. You're too judgmental. It is abnormal not to be shaken by the sight.

‘Yeah, me. ’

Winter is the only time I feel calm. Once more effective than necessary for a boy, the world has now entered the realm of inertia.

“What the hell is that? ”

Sound slowing motor rotation. And the marksman's surprise wakes up the winter. In the passage through the shell, there is one who stands staggering. Weird looking. Strong in build, with white spots all over the skin. I think I got hit a few times when I saw the blood... A special breed? With winter's attention, a solid shooter aims at him.


Unlike what has been sprayed so far on a large area, the shooting is concentrated into one place.

The sand seems to be washed away by the wind. It was a shattered scene. It is hit by hundreds of rounds, pushed by power, rolling and breaking in real time. It was very impressive.

KAEek! The monster that gives up the terminal at the last moment.

[Hmm? Well, the other decks are empty. They're getting away.]

Pilot's Lost Alert. Witnesses of human firefighters sneak onto the line. I was noticing winter. It is natural to be intelligent. However, the speed exceeded expectations.

‘If it's that organized.... ’

Trickster or Ghoul or something like that. Disturbing movement that requires the general variant to have a parent to exert control. The enemy is still unknown.

Deep death and a silent deck. The helicopter immediately touches the deck. Winter and investigators descend without missing a moment. The helicopter doesn't stop for a moment. Climb straight up.

Pilot left a cheer.

[We'll rescue the people from the rocks first, and then we'll watch from above. Come up anytime you're in a hurry. Good luck.]

Even before the stiffness of the fear of flight is eased, the investigator's feet slip.


The gallbladder was trampled. On a deck full of blood and oil, torn bodies are everywhere I can see them. Winter itself has stepped on someone's commander. Supportive, full stools come out. It didn't add up to the smell. It was already awful.

“Are you all right?"

Winter reached out its hand. A ship shaking gradually. And a slippery floor. If I tried to get up on my own, any hand would be soaked in blood. The investigator grips the hand of winter.

Move your feet slightly. Winter approached the corpse of a peculiar variant. The body was devastated by the intensive shooting. The torn body stretches over ten meters, pushed and killed with a tremendous amount of speech.

Characteristics should be identified. Winter draws the great sword.


As we stab the unknown spot, the sound of hard things colliding together. The investigator narrows his eyes.

“This... is bone. ”

Yes. The white spots full of skin, in fact, were shallow and broad bone tissue underneath the flesh. There's another bone under the bone. Although there is flesh between the two, the overlapping bones eventually block indefinitely. It's actually an exoskeleton. The muscle thickness was more than just a trained athlete.

Appears to be a lot of fat and rotten pork.

“I don't know how many of these things there are, but I'm in trouble. Personalizers won't be easy to catch. ”

The density of bone to withstand on muscles beyond humans was very high. Like the investigator said, the dizzy fire extinguisher was a monster to run into. Even a shotgun speaker can't guarantee a clean shot.

Is there such a thing in Australia? If they land, is that how new types of Americas are delivered to their variants?

There are weaknesses. Winter collects large fragments of the corpse.

“At least I can't protect my joints. Of course, then you won't be able to move. ”

And then he grabs her by the neck and twists. Woodpeck, misplaced cervical bone. A black tongue with an infectious protrusion flows out of the tooth. The neck was also not dense because of the movements in the left and right inferiorly. Depending on the area, you feel soft as cartilage.

“That would mean something to a lieutenant.... ”

Investigator shaking his head excitedly. But I don't feel any fear, no matter how nervous I may be. It was a woman who was more afraid of flying than of mutants. What Agent Gibson said to the winter when she stood up on her dead body.

“Let's go. I'll take the six. ”

Twelve o'clock ahead, six o'clock back. It meant that he would take care of the back. She is skillfully alert to broad defenses. Winter finds its way down one level.

The upper deck of the luxury cruise consists of an open multi-layered structure. There are two ways to get down from an outdoor restaurant to the next deck. Take the stairs. Take the slide. The cylindrical sliding frame falls into the pool on the deck directly below. The color was impressive even at night. colorful

Inside that hole was an infected boy.


I feel a tingling sensation as I make eye contact. It may be a cautious gesture, but it is small and appears to be an expression of fear.

Compassion can be very unpretentious.

The person I feel is, in fact, irrelevant to their nature.

Winter shot alone. Puff! A bloody bribe sprayed on a slide with its head turned upside down. It is painted in yellow, making it even stronger.

The body is sucked into the cylinder. Come on, boom! Drowning sound. Approaching the handrails and looking down, there should already be a body in the red pool.

At this point, the helicopter approaches the rocks. As expected, the pilot's skills were excellent. It travels at the speed of the ship, with no acceleration or deceleration at all.

After making sure it was infected and keeping an eye on the rescue process, winter made its way down the stairs twice. The two watchers shoot without a moment's hesitation. The bullet used was only one shot.

Glug. Glug. Two strands of neck pierced by a single shot. Mutants spit blood back and forth with their mouths, but come running. Winter waited quietly. Fall, fall and fall, kick and push away. Until he can't even move because of his shortness of breath.

‘I have to save ammunition. ’

There was enough time for the ferry to reach San Francisco. If we were lucky, we could have taken the main part of the ship and made it to San Francisco.

Artwork Reviews

# Star of Espionage

Do you know the star of Naver Webtoon intelligence?

Really, it's been a long time since I've had such a sympathetic cartoon.

And I realized that Le Rue doesn't come to mind because K'Tulu fears the high schoolers of the world.

I want to have more than three high school combat skills someday.

Just watch. It's a good cartoon.

# Q&A

Q. In Bob's toothbrush: How many gods did you receive @ Park Woo-cheol?

A. You are blessed with a wide variety of Gods because you are playing the dance of shortcuts. I mean, Evertson.

Q. Ca: Is winter the way to see foreign varieties? It must be hard to find a nuclear submarine.Even to save civilians... I'm sorry. That's why Winter wants to save civilians. As the game's quests are passing, we may wonder if you are accepting quests as a player or if you really want to be a civilian and if you want to achieve justice in the least. (approx.)

A. There are a few clues. What does winter have left but the heart of me now? And the human standard that winter itself spoke of in the part of psychotherapy. I didn't know, but I think he was dreaming of fighting the world. There's a little bit more to it than that. You can drive around in 4,000 years, and you'll be fine. Hehe.

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