# April Vengeance (8)

The hinges drop. An ominous hiss strikes the floor. The rest were also in poor condition. Sharp squeaking whenever it hits. A loose screw sticks its head out. I crawled out on my own.

This is a crisis... Is the bombing ready yet? The boy considering finding a distributor nearby. Ambiguous inspiration. Turning around, the changing room is a closed space. Is that possible?

Kuang! Winter retreats cautiously with the door shaking. It'll hold for a while.

The distributor is locked. Use the pistol to break the lock. And we opened the hatch and shut down all the power in the room. Closed space with dark charge. The dressing room didn't have a window on it.

The ventilator must have stopped. ’

Winter used night vision and held a smoking gun in one hand. Pin already drawn. Just let it go at any time. However, it is not possible to be too fast. Sickness and hunger must come unawares. I had to fill this space, realize something was wrong and couldn't get out easily.

You hear a crack. Pieces of wood splashing into the room. The door twists wide, flaring up and down. Only the handle and nearby locks are holding.

That should do it. Winter throws smoke rounds into the cabinet. After two breaths, cloudy green smoke begins to erupt. Boom! The door finally cracks. The dam seemed to have collapsed. A vast body swarms in.

Light and death pour out at the same time. Things that collapse and fall on their own because they can't beat the mass.

Winter lured them away. Inside, back inside. The passageway between the cabinets has already been covered with dark smoke. Even the light in the beginning was dim, so the winter itself could not gain sight. The night vision was raised and the gas mask was worn. I stamped on both sides and continued to step back.

Kwadang Tang Kwang Kwang Kwang Kwang. The cabinet holds the compartment. Mutants are rushing in from across the street. As time goes on, things come from the other side.

In the smoke, winter climbs up the cabinet. Without a sound, in a heartbeat.

The chase came through where it was winter. Continuing in, winter falls on its belly, feeling the harsh vibrations of the cabinet. It was a collision of things that passed both ways. I can feel their rough breathing from a distance when I reach out my hand.

Keluk! Kweeeek! The agonizing cough of the passing.

Sometimes not a weapon becomes a weapon. Smoke, however its purpose, is an act of burning something up. Use in confined spaces could cause shortness of breath.

Winter lay in wait. Hearing more and more of the coughing of the sick.

‘Lack of oxygen is dangerous for me too……. ’

Too many people are breathing in narrow spaces. And the gas mask filters out harmful components and does not produce oxygen deficiency. How fast does the oxygen go out? It's hard to feel. It's only a matter of time before the mutants suffocate. I couldn't help but notice. It is difficult to wear both a gas mask and a night vision. Even with the night vision, it'll be covered by smoke.

Winter advances into ambush. I didn't have to kill the sound.

The sound of a cough turns into a howling groan. Those who are short of breath can't even send a warning. Even the relatively healthy ones would be paralyzed. Winter fell cautiously. Something bought on a falling foot is trampled. They were tangled and painful. Huff. Huff. Hnng. The sound is intense.

Incoming radio.

[Lieutenant Han, what's your status?]

The bone conduction receiver did not leak.

However, it is difficult to respond. Winter knocking on the microphone instead of making a voice. It was clearly an artificial rhythm, even though it didn't mean anything. It's hard to confuse it with simple noise.

[You must be in a difficult situation to talk about... …. The boiler is about to explode. One minute and 37 seconds ahead. The east corridor is blocked. If you need to make a change to your plan, tap three times or five times otherwise.]

Woodcock. You return the neck of the mutant you encountered at a breathable distance, and tell the investigator to proceed.

[Copy that. Please be safe.I 'll meet you on the 10th floor.]

Time to wait for explosion. The cornered darkness was a moaning pit. The faint light from the entrance made no difference. But relying on hearing and touch, winter killed everything that was near, and everything that was coming. Is this how a blind man fights?


The boom sounds smaller than I expected. It was a dissonant sound that interfered with sympathy.

After a while, the hook opens up. It was a stuffed room. Due to the fact that the body temperature of the variant is higher than humans, the temperature rises rapidly.

While stamping the smoke and darkness in a low position, winter felt a peculiar sensation. The difference between wearing gloves and feeling clear. It was a skin that was different from normal variants. I can feel the hard texture.

Specialty varieties.

Being stronger than normal doesn't make you any better. The higher the metabolism, the more oxygen you need. When you listen, there is a loud moaning that is clearly distinguished from the noisy surroundings.

He was going to die anyway. Or suppress metabolism. Even if it is the latter, by the time he wakes up, he will already be trapped. We won't be able to break through the firewall.

Maybe he's addicted already.

I ignore them and pass by. They're exhausted floors, so I'm careful about the center.

The entrance is half-blocked. Still, I'm glad they were distracted by the explosion. Otherwise, getting out would have been a lot of work.

The hallway. The open space. However, the feeling of openness can only be felt by resounding sounds from all around. Vision has changed from darkness to white cloudy light.

The winter that reached the straight line stripped off the gas mask. And I started running.

In the dark water vapor, the clock is only one to two meters away. Mutants do not respond well to boys who suddenly appear. Baaak! A variant whose jaw is crushed by a fist. The man in front of you crashes into his whole body. Weight plus full armor weight. High level technology that focuses hitting here. The bumped variant bounced off unilaterally.

It seems to be testing the limits of reflexes even from a winter standpoint. The speed at which the variant protruded was immediately. The conditions were poor and even sensory correction was short. We need to respond as soon as we can see. Will it hit, will it push, will it pass?

The beast who was beaten and fallen is late. Winter was already speeding up, and quickly infiltrated into the vapor. A mutant that missed a game roars. The myriad of footsteps that flow after hearing the call, a sense of diminishment. Winter lowers and rolls. A group of rolling boys and variants quickly intersect. There were some things that fell on the boy. Stab the neck with an elbow and kill it. Slap it on the neck with enough force to put the neck down.

The density of the variants increases along the way. In the vapor, they appear as walls. Even if you turn quickly. The mutants who discovered winter began to glow. I have no time to move on. The user knocks down the charge and pulls the pin from the grenade. Then he grabs the collar of a nearby variant and turns it in a rolling direction.

The eyes of the variant encountered with the boy expanded. A beautiful woman with pale complexion. She opened her mouth and tried to bite the boy.


The steam shook the shockwave. Despite the fewer aftermath of the flock, winter is unable to withstand the pressure of hitting the shield. I fall backwards. For a moment, my deaf ear cries sharply. The winter and stacked shield no longer breathes. Roll to the side and get rid of it.

Winter has reached the end of the corridor and grabs the wall. Must have been around here somewhere. The bulkhead blocking lever…….


Winter crammed the mutant's head into the lever. Kwaek. The lever grips the creature's face. Pulls it down. The head of the monster that is thrown down once again with the lever bent.

Mutants struggle to escape, pushing their faces against the wall. Winter did not resist that power. I added my strength and threw it into the passing corridor. Wahr tangles and crumbling pilots beyond the fog.

And then I kick him out. Kick your stomach, kick your crooked face to your knees, and hit your bouncing head with your elbow. Immediately sprinkle an overwhelming shot of ammunition.

The bulkhead's already halfway down. Winter throws itself under it. Roll and brake with your knees, raising your torso with inertia. Half my breath is breathless until I twist my rifle and blow out an empty magazine and insert a new one.

Tata, Tata, Tata, Tata! Tatattan!

Mutants that break through the vapor successively fall. One of them, a dead head lodged beneath the bulkhead. Phew. Phew. Winter is kicked with hard boots. Every blow cracks the bone, deforming the head, causing the bulkhead to sink. Then finally, the skull was broken. Squeezes the remaining flesh and bone fragments from the bulkhead.

Half my head was crushed at the foot of winter.

Clogged by bulkheads, water vapor no longer spreads this way. Field of view was improving rapidly.

You hear gunfire close to the blast. Is the detective engaged?

Winter, running towards the stairwell, saw mutants tearing in real time. One shot was as powerful as an iron mace. The investigator hides behind the obstacle and sprinkles thirty shotguns on the falling ones. Largely leaping variants are reversed in the opposite direction. The spilled intestine was a bonus.

‘There's nothing I can do. ’

You said you were a veteran of an irregular war, so it wasn't a lie. Aim and fire distribution are close to perfection. One has never been hit more than three times. Firearms with a short range of shots in the beginning. She said she definitely picked a familiar weapon. You don't have the nerve to pull off a firearm that weighs more than seven kilograms.

Heave-ho. Winter raises its hand in front of the returning pistol.

“Calm down, it's me. ”

“…… You're all right. I was very worried.”

Agent Gibson takes a sigh of relief. The sigh flickers. And then he asks me to cover him for a while. Winter marked the main entrance path next to the counter where she entered. In the meantime, the female investigator removed the magazine from the gun. It was not a normal magazine. To load thirty-two shotguns at once, the shape was a thick, flat drum.

Winter's rifle magazines are safe to throw away, but Agent Gibson's drum magazines are too bulky to carry in large quantities. So you have to fill it up when you can.

“How did you get out of there? ”

An investigator asks you to put one bullet in the battlefield. Winter explained the chaos. In the dressing room, they choke with smoke. In the hallway, they just run.

“The number of enemies engaged at the same time is important. How can they see me and come together in a limited field of view? Rather, the slower they were, the more dangerous they thought they were. ”

The investigator shakes his head.

“I don't think I can come up with an idea. Smoke grenades were a great stopgap. I think you'll do well in San Francisco. ”

The investigator who finishes the shovel pulls the lever of the gun. An empty infirmary is revealed. Put an extra mag in here and then put a magazine in. And ask winter.

“What will you do from now on? In any case, it looks like there are more than a thousand listings. ”

Meanwhile, it was an internal structural diagram of the ship. It was hanging in front of the counter. After reviewing the floor plan of each deck, the investigator did not wait for the answer of winter, saying:

“First, why don't you secure the bridge? This boat is like a hotel above the sea, and the bridge will be the same room as the caretaker's room…… I think I can check each room with an extension. Maybe there's a CCTV or something. Even if it wasn't, we could at least stop the ship or slow it down and buy some time. ”

It was a good point. Winter nods.

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# Q&A

Q. Touring Spirits: @ Personally, it seems that AI creates environments that can make and overcome memories of the past for the happiness of the winter... And the more difficult and difficult the environment around the winter... How should the happiness induced and created through AI be accepted...

A. It's true that the details of the worldview vary from person to person... Hehe... Winter has already mentioned the distinction between artificial intelligence and people. whether it's the truth or a lie to reassure the therapist.

Q. Black Bee 66: Personally, I'm curious about the completion of Isothesis from @. Whether the zombie problem in this game is resolved, the pain experienced in winter is resolved, completed or returned to reality... It's a spore, so you won't be able to tell me the details, but can you answer only the answers? 1. Have you decided on an ending? 2. Is the focus of this work on solving the zombie problem in virtual reality or the cure and happiness of winter's main character?, is it an ending that makes you think about what contemporary satire and modern/future society might look like and what true happiness is? 3. It's still early, but if this is done, would you be willing to follow up? Whether you want to write as a profession or as a hobby.) can be used if you want to use it occasionally, but doesn't it always seem like a job??

Q.1. Of course, the end is fixed. The last verse of this novel is an ambassador for winter. I can't tell you the exact details because it's a spoiler.

2. The focus of fiction is, of course, on real-world conflict. There's a rose blooming in there.

3. I had an idea for [the road to happiness] that dealt with the future of the same worldview, but I don't want to get my hopes up.

And I want to be a full-time writer. The Ossuary is a debut, and if I can be a writer and be a good family, I'll make it a job. Or, you know, I could just drop the novel...

Q. APP2225: Unlike in @ winter, modern high school girls have six basic arms and ten tentacles and four pairs of eyes, so winter can't be won. Haha.

A. Phew. I'm here to buy groceries today, and bad girls shoot lasers out of their eyes. I should wear a diaper next time. I'm so scared.

Q. Maple Concentrate 2: Ossuary... Now that I've seen all the fun, the title seems appropriate, but at first I was terribly prejudiced and I didn't want to see it. (...) I was fortunate to read it in Sir Jimeclo's India.

A. I've always wondered, what is Sir Jimeclo? Are you a person or a site?

Q. RGZ95: Isn't @ Tunguska's writing immersive? @? It's always good to see it in my head.

A. RGZ95 is actually deceiving me. When readers read a novel, they think of a scene because the author is telepathically transmitting the images at that time.

Whew. It's like this everyday.It's so consuming. Someday you'll have to battle with pure sentences instead of handwriting… Korean is too difficult.

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