# April Vengeance (9)

We need to get two more floors down to the bridge.

The stairs were blocked by a thick barricade. I brought all kinds of materials, but never wasted them. The investigator gestures to the boy officer to take a look here. I tied it with wire and nailed it in. It was thick enough to fill the staircase, so it would take less time to disassemble.

Bullet marks were found on the walls. Winter weighs on your fingers, weighing depth and sight. It was a trace of a fully automated machine.

There were dozens of bodies scattered around, and it was miserable. It was severely eaten. Fish leaks rotten gas from the anus and maggots from the skin.

The investigator turns the body over. Dark-colored eye area. Black sap flows from your mouth. My whole body's skin is stained. Agent Gibson stabs the corpse with a large sword, frowning and covering his nose with the back of his hand. Chop, chop. I'm looking for something, scraping it off.

Black flies fly in droves. Stick around, annoying enough for an FBI agent. Winter chased me away. and ask in a small voice.

“What are you looking for? ”

“Wait……. This is it.”

What came out of her blade, it was a little piece of sticky, wet metal. A shrapnel. She finds the rest easily. Wipe the knife thoroughly on the carpet, then remove the gloves and try with your bare hands. I felt like I was trying to feel the temperature.

Female investigators now express their views as professionals.

“Mutants have rotten skin. There were no exceptions. Evidence that each individual's infection spread so rapidly that there was no paralysis. This body, on the other hand, is at least eight hours post-mortem, given the temperature of the body or the level of the hemisphere. This barricade is weird, too. If the infection had spread so fast, we wouldn't have been able to make it this strong. This is a possibility. ”

It is clear what is implied. There was a human and human struggle on this ship. The explosion of the infection must have been a disaster. What she used to say again.

“Armed soldiers killed civilians. If you were in need of a barricade, the scale of the fight would be substantial. which means it wasn't a one-sided massacre. ”

Winter accepted.

“I need to be prepared to fight people. ”

“Yes. You'd better. This is getting more and more troubling. ”

Investigator sighs heavily. He glances at the young officer. It was actually a rescue operation that started with one person being stubborn. The boy made an awkward smile.

But she doesn't complain. It was a necessary restraining order for the field agents. Complaints are meaningless, just opinions. Investigators have not yet considered withdrawal.

“Maybe we should find another way. We don't know what's going on across the barricade. ”

“What about elevators? ”

It was not an offer to ride peacefully. To find another staircase, we need to get to the center of the passenger ship. Before that, there was an escalator, but the structural chart led to a grand buffet at the center of the hull. Extremely dangerous due to exposure everywhere.

‘It's a good place for mutants to hide. ’

Even at Atascadero State Hospital, the mutants were picking and ambushing. Attacking Humans will eventually increase the host. Overwhelming with numbers was a valid strategy to reduce damage. Spacious and open spaces are essential here.

“Sounds good. Let's move. ”

The investigator agrees. Winter comes first. After that, the investigator stepped in. I can only hear one foot. Beyond the realm of genius, to a new level in the realm of superhumans, it was practically the limit of winter. Beyond this, resource consumption is too severe.

‘It's not enough to focus on one technology...' ’

It is unusual that winter repeats the same worldview twenty-seven times. In a world that could cross limits, it was rare for people to endure repeated failures.

That's what the control personality told me.

Winter occasionally raised its fist. While investigators were alert, winter searched the rooms. Just in case you're looking for clues. However, during a search of the six rooms, all they found was a dead body hanging from its neck. Mutants were eaten from an edible height. There are only bones left from the waist to the thigh.

There were six elevators in the center, with rooms on either side. Elevators are stopping together on the fifth floor.

“All aborted. What was on the fifth floor deck?" ”

When the investigator asks, winter recalls the drawing. It was a great help to the intellectual correction.

“Theatre, Atrium, Casino, two dance clubs, cafe, restaurant and five bars……. ”

Fun-related facilities together. The fifth floor was the most extreme.

‘Starting with building the atrium in the center of the ship.... ’

Atrium is an open space in the sky. To give a sense of openness comparable to that within a closed line, how wide will the required margin be. It's the most luxurious waste of space on the cruise.

Agent Gibson with a crooked head.

“I'm not sure. It means something, but there's no clue. ”

And mutters. I know there's a good chance there's survivors there.

“I'll open the door first. ”

Winter pushes your finger through the door. The enhanced combat strength allows you to open with ease. The FBI agent pushes open doors with a curious look on his face. And I looked at the boy officer with a slightly more curious look. It was not a long time to waste.

“Wait a moment. Climbing down the rope is simple, but it won't be easy for any lieutenant to open the door while you're at it. ”

She enters the cabin that winter searched for and returns with a tool. Winter draws a pistol and shoots three shots over her shoulder. Boom, boom, boom! Locked rooms, where the doors are opened and the heads of noiseless things are broken continuously.

The agent stops, but doesn't look back. I am focused on what I do as if nothing had happened. I put some trimming on the stiffeners, so I could control the descent.

“There you go. Get down there.I 'll hold them off. ”

Winter leans on the rope. In the vertical corridor, even work lights were rare. It's just that there's an elevator at the bottom of my foot.

The door that opens with the power of Qiuwung screams metallic. Beyond the door was darkness. Using the night vision, there is nothing to see. Finally, I try to bend the disposable infrared light. A green light source that feels lighter than dense darkness. It is not enough to reveal all the long corridors.

Are you sure there's nothing there? ’

If there was a mutant, he would have heard it. Send a radio to the investigator saying it's okay to come down, and finally winter is upon us. Remove the lever and stay alert.

The air was rotting. The investigator who came down so quickly was nauseous. Winter recommended it.

“Put on your mask. ”

“No, it's not. It's okay, you'll get used to it. ”

“You don't have to overdo it.... One is enough. ”

Sufficient was the boundary through sense of smell. Smell is also an important clue when dealing with infectious mutants. Even though the skin is not rotten, the smell of the variety is definitely different from the stench of rotting corpses. The ambassador was much more active than humans, so it was petty around humans who did not sweat and wash.

‘If this were Korea, it would be a little different. ’

Variants essentially inherit the characteristics of the infected host. Functional variations followed by stories. Therefore, when the background is captured in Korea, the sense of smell becomes less important. Even if it doesn't mean anything.

The thought of doing so. There's no way we're going to get there from this worldview.

Winter and investigators walked the halls of death. It was a place where human malice had passed by, not a disease. Bring infrared illumination to the wall, revealing the invisible. Nine black looking characters.


I didn't have a color because I used night vision. But winter assumed that the letter was written in blood. It was because of the heads rolling around on the floor. The investigator sighs.

“I hope the maniacs who did this are dead already. What kind of grudge did he have that made him torture...? ”

Like she said, the decapitated bodies were naked. Signs of extreme abuse remain. In severe cases, some were shot and killed. The flayed flesh is scattered everywhere.

“Well, there's no limit to how much people hate you. ”

Winter speaks of his own experience. Humans were limited in every way, but hated was the only emotion that winter experienced.

‘There's no end to love, but I've never seen anyone love so much. ’

Do they even have feelings like that?

Except for the long term. For this winter I thought, but I wasn't sure. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding I had in mind I wanted to believe. Expectations breed disappointment. In his lifetime, he was used to giving up what he wanted, what he had, and what he could have.

‘But I didn't want to give up what I had to. ’

Winter broke its spirit. Stuck in the past, getting a ticket for unhealed wounds. Bad habit.

The hallway leading up to 100 meters was an exhibition of cruelty to the end. The scene of the beheading and the shooting. And the signs of violent combat.

A marble dining table is set up on the way to the bridge. It's covered in bullet marks. Beyond that lies the corpse of a rotting soldier with empty hands. Then where did the weapon go?

The bridge has finally arrived. A cold sea breeze comes through the broken window. It was also dark here, but the terminals were on fire. The investigator sighs in relief, expecting the worst.

“It's an unfamiliar system, but I think we can work something out. We have to slow down first.”

“Can you fly a ship? ”

“Yes. Things happen during drug arrests. There are many places to fight. Land, sea, sky.... We tend to learn the basic control skills of airplanes and ships. Not all personnel are required to qualify. ”

The old world was pretty dramatic, too. The risky career she had built, and the historical records that laid the foundation, were impressive for the winter. In the past, it has never been more deeply associated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Central Intelligence.

I feel a light inertia. It was a rebuttal that the ship began to decelerate.

I'm going to change course to 010 degrees. At least we have to avoid the typhoon. ”

Agent Gibson takes the conn to the left. It was inevitable, but now everyone on the ship will realize that someone has taken control of the bridge.

As expected, the bridge was able to connect with the entire cabin's extension. But the problem is that it takes more than a thousand repetitions. Before attempting, Winter and investigators who blocked the bridge doors decided to check the CCTV first. It may be possible to reduce the amount of work required for extension connections.

The first thing to look at is the 5th floor deck of courtesy.

‘This isn't normal either. ’

The power was not cut off like the 8th floor deck here. Thus, the blood glow soaked in atrium is illuminated without filtration. The bodies of the casino were naked. The bar is crawling with mutants, spending time with no action.

“Wait, was that a theater? ”

The investigator has tampered with the console. The screen that went through the theater once again captures the inside of the theater. There were a lot of other varieties here, too. However, winter's gaze remains fixed on the stage. For some reason, there were broken ropes, and a variant of a poisonous individual was tied up.


Not only that. The variant was female, completely different from anything I've seen so far. Demonstration of severe immunorejection. The wound of the rope was completely dislodged. The other end of the rope was fixed with a stake.

As I suspected, the investigator takes the scenery back to the past.

Winter was able to understand the meaning of revenge.

Artwork Reviews

# Unread messages from viewer conversations

It's coming soon. A lot of people hated it, so I was putting it off... Haha. After April Vengeance, I think roses will come out with the season. but it might change.

# Illegal Sharing

I wouldn't say this if I were you.

Those who work hard on this novel. Don't do that. The author is watching what you're sharing.

I don't mean to report it. I know there's less than one chance of catching him. The sites are very tricky. Overseas servers, no IP collection, no privacy requirements, no access history, secret comments, one-to-one anonymous secret exchanges, etc...

In that case, I'd rather write if I have time to file a complaint.

I'm just saying today... he's been spreading a lot lately. You've been updated almost in real time...

The stories that come out of it make the writer feel embarrassed.

Funny, I want it up again, I want it to keep updating.

Hahaha. Writers need to be able to keep using them to keep updating.

I'm trying to determine if I can write as a career writer, but I can't decide if it's going to be easy.

I can't help it if it's a novel that you don't have.

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