# April Vengeance (10)

FBI agents are putting pressure on the other side of the radio. Communication via destroyer Higgins to aircraft carrier. Survivors rescued from the wreckage get there.

The ugly past of the luxury passenger ship has already been confirmed by video. Female investigators were trying to extract information about survivors, more specific statements, and other survivors.

It would be helpful to know the composition and propensity of the survivors. The friction with the armed forces doesn't always result in war.

“Okay, chef. Now tell me about the ingredients you used to handle. ”

Joanna Gibson's emotionless voice. However, his expression is overflowing with emotions.

[Hey……. Are you really, really not going to hold me responsible?]

A man named Prep Cook of the April Pacific said he handled meat at the Bondi Grand Gallery.

‘In other words, it was a human 100 percent...' ’

Beginning with the Grand Theatre, winter swiftly scoured the last few months of the passenger ship with the investigators.

Among them were the records of the butchery of the dishes. If you prepared the ingredients below as a lowly cook, that means it was the role of turning people into meat.

“I don't know. It's your thing. If I take my time with useless words like this...... I don't know when I'll change my mind. ”

Negotiating with criminals should not give you more time. The bait was a legal deal.

[Oh, I see. Let me tell you.]

The chef says April Pacific left mainland Australia last summer.

[The original material ran out in two months. But everyone was afraid of returning. because I couldn't trust the Australian government. The governor said it would be safest to stay above the sea.]

Lack of food. He wanted to talk to the party that decommissioned the humans first. However, his testimony was more concerning than a shortage of food. Agents point out that.

“Governor? The Governor of Australia was on this ship? ”

Winter also tilts her head when she hears this conversation. It's true that there is a Queen of England's representative in the federal state, but why would an Australian governor come all the way here with a government? No matter how prestigious an honor is....

[No, that's not it. He's the governor of the Pacific Republic.]

“Tell me you understand. Unless you want to be thrown in a weapons prison without parole. ”

[Oh, sorry. Sorry.]

A continuing chef's rhetoric. Testimonials that often omit objects and fix the chef himself. Agent Gibson's frowning and straightening.

“So the territory of the Pacific is April Pacific, and the governor is claiming to be the enemy of the state? ”

[It's not a name. The Governor was unanimously elected in a public vote…… No, he was elected.]

Strangers get weirder. The period during which the luxury cruise was closed was long enough for the crowd to mature. To the extent that an inciter is encouraged to cannibalize the food shortage.

[The harvest was about once a week.]

Harvest? The cook's words mutter profanity. Since I took my hand off the call button in time, the subject will not be heard. But if the silence grows longer, you will feel anxious. It is not good for the story that begins to come to an end. should save time. The investigator asked.

“Did you need to harvest so often? ”

[Meat (Long pork) is more difficult to store fresh.]

Long fork. Long pork. The word comes from calling people Long pigs. There was a time in Europe when cannibalism was justified.

Tragedy starts with not seeing people as people. People aren't supposed to be commodities.

“…… Continue. ”

Once again, the detective mutters, "This sucks." Seeing that he demanded immunity, the chef recognized his guilt. However, there is no guilt in the statement. It's dull.

‘Course you can't. You couldn't have done it without self-rationalization. ’

The boy thinks about the weakness of man. Self-realization was a device of self-protection. Trying to protect yourself from guilt. Since I saw the rationalization of parents selling their children, winter was easy to understand. Strong guilt breeds strong rationalization.

The impossible is probably dead already. It was a world of conscience killing people. Good people die first. Not in life, not now. This is the shape of the worldview created by digging up the past. I wonder if this is the limit of people. Winter pushed its limits.

Statements are followed.

[Nevertheless, the white man did not eat. It was terrible. We rescued mostly from Vietnam, Cambodia and the Philippines. And every time I went on air, there were a couple of big, small boats coming in.]

“Broadcasting.... You said you'd give us some food, right? ”

The investigator has found out the truth. The cook replies quickly.

[Yes, it was difficult, so the Governor himself stepped up. I will take responsibility as an enemy of the state.]

“Wait. I couldn't have avoided pirates like that. ”

[Oh, there used to be an escort ship. I heard it was originally a destroyer in a country, but your son was the captain. I was in a fight with a pirate a while ago, and I sank.]

Escort ships, public ballots, and dictators. It's worth knowing. Power comes from the Prime Minister.

Then what do you think the crew was thinking about following the captain? Have you been entertained by the passenger ship? In a worldview running towards the end of time, did he go just plain crazy?

‘Well, even Sevens California initially suffered from headaches in medical care……. ’

Corporal Elliot told me. There are many soldiers who have lost their families. He's mentally unstable, so we can't send him on a mission. It was also an opportunity for U.S. Soldiers in the contaminated area to receive refugee assistance.

After that, the investigator continued with the interrogation for a while. And I finally ask the last question.

“Let me ask you one more question. Tell me honestly, did you know what was going on at the theater? ”

The Colosseum of Human and Plague. The cook replied, "I don't know." The investigator looks tempted, but soon frowns and shuts up. Instead, he asked me to change the person next to him. You should have the manpower you need to keep an eye on survivors in the harbor.

[I changed it.]

Cold and bitter first words. The investigator says.

“I'm Joanna Gibson, field supervisor for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Your coronation statement, please. ”

[…… This is Tori Mattson, Masteratarms.]

Petty Officer serves as an arresting officer for crimes in the Navy and responsible for the security of facilities and ships. Different agency, but somewhat connected with the FBI investigator.

“All right, Sergeant Matt. I'm sure you've heard the conversation so far, so I'm sure you know the situation. ”

[What are you trying to say?]

“I was thinking of calling the Navy for witness protection. ”

[Witness Protection? Ha, there's no room for human trash on this ship.]

“Really? So what are you going to do? ”

[I'll beat you to death and throw you in the sea.]


What the investigator said after he was surprised with his mouth without changing his face.

“Sarge, you're refusing a legitimate request from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Are you familiar with the Institutional Collaboration Regulations for the Contaminated Areas of War in Civil War? This may result in penalties against your supervisor. And yet you refuse? ”

[That's a nice threat. Well, what would you do?]

“We should report to the top and formally protest against the Navy. I have an unsolved mission, so I think it will be a few months later……. Well, I'll try not to forget. I'm worried that my memory will run out after I'm over 30 years old. ”


Supervisor's brilliant laugh. There is also a mixture of someone's cry. It's a different story. Communications have been down for a while. Investigators waiting for reconnection with age-appropriate freshness. Later, when the communication resumed, the background noise had disappeared neatly.

[Funny shit. Any other requests? Do you want me to get back to the war room?]

“No, it's okay. We'll get back to you if we need help. ”

[I see. I'll be off then. Matt out.]

Winter glances at us after finishing our communication, an investigator making excuses without asking.

“Field investigations require flexibility. If they refuse, there's no way. I didn't think it was necessary to raise a problem. ”

“I understand. It's worth it. I just did as I was told... The sin is too heavy. ”

Throughout the testimony, the cook claimed his innocence. But how many people did he slaughter? Dozens? Hundreds? Gibson sighs.

“Even obedient soldiers are obliged to refuse immoral orders. I'm not in a clear position, either. ”

Winter understands her. As the agent himself said, the investigator's job required flexibility. The rules wouldn't have always been followed. Something unscrupulous would have happened.

‘It's not the right thing to do in the first place. ’

It's bad luck to avoid the worst.

Winter remembers a movie I saw with my sister as a child. The story of a man who murdered his wife and daughter. There are two perpetrators, but only one will be punished in a judicial transaction. The angry man begins to seek revenge on both the perpetrator as well as those involved in the judicial transaction.

It was so classic, it wasn't stereoscopic, so it was free. But it wasn't boring because it was worthless. The young boy, after watching the movie, thought deeply about his hatred.

How much do I have to hate him? and.

In fact, Winter doesn't think it's right to kill a chef. Is there any way to resist? Lifetime without parole. Yeah, that 'd be great.

However, I do not disagree because I know that this is the limit of reality. The world of living people does not work so ideally.

‘No, there's no going back. ’

Winter is over. Then point with your finger.

“Let's start taking that. ”

Earlier, one extension was illuminating repeatedly. Blink, blink. I have a call coming in from the maintenance room on the third floor. And on the same floor was the Grand Gallery. A place where the human slaughter took place.

When the ship changed course, everyone knew there was someone on the bridge. Perhaps there was a governor of the Pacific Republic on the side of the signal.

The investigator reaches out with his reluctant face. Winter stopped.

“I'll do it. You must have been stressed. ”

“I'm sorry, but the lieutenant is negotiating... No, no, no. ”

As winter smiles, Agent Gibson speaks out.

“Never mind. The logic won't work if the opponent is crazy anyway. Then you might as well deal with him. He's a world-renowned celebrity, and this ship could have received satellite transmissions. Whoever they are will be nervous. ”

“World-class celebrity? And satellite transmissions?”

“Yes, propaganda broadcasts are being broadcast around the world through satellites. The lieutenant has a large stake. ”

“Why would you do that...? No, I get it. ”

The female investigator nodded easily.

“As you may have guessed, the United States is successfully overcoming disasters. as a means of excellence in negotiations with other countries. ”

It's part of the civil psychological war after all. After reviewing the impact it will have, Winter lifts up her handset.

Artwork Reviews

# Five months, five books

It's been five months since we started rehabilitation. It's now 800,000 years old.

It's about five books by hand.

I write one book a month, but in Novelis, it's like the speed of a dipshit.

I admire the writers who write two to three volumes a month.

Nobles is a brutal place.

# Q&A

Q. optatum @ have you already written a subtitle on this post, but sorted by subtitle? Can't you do it? I have difficulties when I want to see the scenes again because the titles are all the same... I think it will be more eye-catching and comfortable if you use subtitles.

A. In fact, I didn't do it because this novel is about staging subtitles and places, and I think it's just about to get messy, so I'm going to revise it a little bit over and over again.

Q. Pirque: I've finished driving @, I've read it well. I paid for it with 3 days in mind, but I've read it all within 24 hours. You're still a compassionate writer. It's beautiful to share your sympathy. It's a serious fire problem. Revenue strikes are problematic, but they are also a major source of motivation for writers. Well, good luck with that.

A. Thank you for your support. I can't believe you read all this in one day.

Q. The annihilation of humanity: Can you smell less in Korea?..

A. Yes. The development of apocrine glands that cause body odor is said to be in the order of black > white > golden, and in the case of South Koreans, about half are absent glands. It's a genetic problem.

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