# April Vengeance (11)

The one who walked the extension is the governor of the Pacific Republic, as expected. Winter was expected. In closed societies, contact with the outside is a dangerous possibility. control.

The governor, who heard the identity and purpose of the winter, blew up an unmarked fire zone.

[Oh, my God. This is amazing! Hahaha! I can't believe the rescue's coming!]

And he laughs at the man in charge.

[I don't know which line to make, but I'm an idiot. There must be hundreds or thousands of ships requesting rescue right now……. Even in America, do you have the resources to waste?]

It seems the governor's decision to send a distress call in the context. Winter asked.

“Does that mean you didn't want structure on the subject you signaled? ”

[Of course not, Lieutenant. I abandoned the illusion that the world was a sweet place a long time ago. A fixed spike toward San Francisco. Large speeding passenger ships. If I was in charge, I would have told him to go to hell. But now that you're here, the Americans still don't know the truth. Tsk, tsk. I can't go any farther.]

Ah, the future of mankind is dark! A man who whispers nonsense and snorts low. An FBI investigator eavesdropping on the auxiliary receiver frowned. Winter reads two emotions from her. One is contempt, one is guilt. The latter was aimed at itself.

The antihelmet commander, the FBI investigator and the first passenger ship were to be destroyed. At that point, he's no different from this homicidal maniac. It seems to feel that way.

Not when I was comforted. Winter asked again.

“I don't understand. Then why did you send the signal? ”

Even if the odds are low, it would be better to try magnetism.

[Yes, to die like a human being.]


[Yes. Without hope of rescue, my dear people would have gone mad. The order of the Republic will collapse, and in the meantime, neither will I. We cannot allow the people to murder the Governor. Unless we all die together. That's why I was expecting torpedoes or missiles....]

Words spill very quickly. The governor seemed to enjoy talking. Like someone who's desperate to make excuses for someone.

By the way, you sent a distress call for mass suicide? So that he can extend his life a little...?

Is this for real, or are you trying to talk about it? Feelings are more like electrons. I'm not sure. Winter decided to continue hanging out.

“Is that a human death? ”

[Of course. I want to live one more second, struggling until the last moment. What a man. It's an ingenious way to kill yourself.]

“Well, you want to live that badly, and you've eaten other people well. ”

Logically, a mad man bursts into laughter again.

[Are you making fun of our position as we were supposed to survive? Very noble of you, but Lieutenant, the people of the Republic were ordinary. It wasn't a natural cannibal, it wasn't a killer. Anyone can be like us. If you're hungry enough to eat people.]

Winter soon denied it.

“No, you were more than that. You've enjoyed disease and human beings on the same stage. with a passion for their fight and their death. You know what? The last monster tied to the collar is still in place. He'll last long. He's eaten a lot. ”

On the floor of the stage was a circle. The radius of the circle was the length of the collar that tied the monster.

Once I entered the circle, I couldn't come out until I finished the assignment. Ten dumplings. Ten push-ups. Ten jumps. Spin the Hula Hoop ten times. Jump the rope ten times. You should complete a series of silly tasks such as running away from mutants. It is not predetermined. The facilitator and the audience ask at that time. It's easy to read with a gesture.

It was treason to kill mutants. Killed by armed personnel. In closed circuit screens such as silent movies, winter has witnessed the deaths of those who committed treason several times. even though it wasn't that long a review.

The assignment became more and more bizarre.

The worst challenge was time. Committing a mutant, a living corpse. Killing was still treason, so the challenger's placenta died. The power of variant is powerful. In front of the starving rape victim, the unavoidable assailant was a helpless prey. The boundaries between the perpetrator and the victim were unclear.

Immediately after being bitten by the victim, the perpetrator was killed.

‘It was like the copulation of a wart……. ’

I never thought I'd see a female chew through a male.

There were also successes. How is that even possible? As a token of success, the facilitator removes the condom that has been pre-covered. The content was the matter. As it blew white, the audience responded hot.

The rules got more and more complicated. There was only one circle at first, but then there were up to five. The person to fight was the person. A brutal match where five circles overlap and the last survivor stands.

“Are you saying you had nothing to do with your life? ”

In the words of winter, the governor retaliates lightly.

[Of course.]

“ ……. ”

[Are you being naive or are you really naive...? He may be the latter since he's still young. Then I'll teach you, lieutenant. Fun is an essential part of life. Humans can't live unless they're happy. Why do prisoners in prison miss the outside? Huh? I'm not starving. I'm not naked. I'm in the wind. Answer me.]

All I can think about here are people screaming for sex because they're in a hurry to have fun. Audiences in other unhappy worlds envy the death of a little boy. A man cannot live without joy.

“You're right. But you can't squeeze your joy out of someone else's heart. Do you mind ignoring the most basic common sense and not seeking consent? It's disgusting.”

[Haha. That doesn't make any sense to me.]

“Why is it different? I mean, you're young, you're a social animal. This is a proposition that middle schoolers learn. which means you have to have someone else to live with. It's one of the most basic reasons why people shouldn't eat people. ”

In the same context, the only way is to ultimately win. The two are not different. It was a dream that the boy had held in his life. And now that I'm dead, I feel better.

‘Instead of loving me alone, I want everyone to love me instead of loving everyone……. ’

I was young and immature. They told me to give it to others as much as I wanted to receive it, but nothing came back after doing so. People who just accept it. It was a world of people who only loved themselves.

Maybe they all cared more because they didn't have anything. I'm not sure how to repay you, but I'm afraid I'll have to give you something soon. Human weakness and limitations. Whether there was anything other than body and mind to share with the boy. The boy was too small to hate the world itself.

A drunken psychopath wakes up.

[Yes, you certainly have the right to say that. If what I saw on TV is true. Honestly, I admire you. You act like a dead man when your conscience is off. Racing through Santa Maria recklessly, risking the lives of the entire squad to protect one mother. By the way.]

He speaks with a voice full of laughter.

[If you live like that, what's left of you? Huh? There won't be anything left in the old days. If you take out your heart for other people, is that a happy life? How happy have you been?]

“ ……. ”

[Admit it. A conscientious person is applauded because it benefits everyone else. What a generous handout. What a beauty.]


I don't need to hear any more. I didn't want to have this conversation in the first place. The sound of a murderer picking up a wound in winter as if he were catching a rat by the back of a cow.

“You've been barking for too long, not even a dog. ”

Dogs are rather cute. It was a one-woman, deliberate provocation. Contrary to the fact that they were just hanging around, threats were thrown around in a powerful act. Tension created by unnaturality.

“The way the world works and the way it's supposed to be, you son of a bitch. Where do you get off trying to scam? ”

[Is it so important that the deaths of those who would have died had they been left alone?]

In this sea, no one trusts the broadcast of unconditional distribution of food. Only the hopeless have been drawn here. Don't you think it's more important that this ship survives as a result? As the bullshit continues once more, winter once again cuts him off.

“That's a lot to say. It's noisy, and every word you don't ask from now on will be your bones. ”

Governor sighing with a smile. The person who spoke the doctrine of man asked me if I could say such a thing.

[Hahaha! That's very humane of you to say.]

First of all, Winter counts the cold numbers calmly.

“If you think of people who are infected to get back at you, you're lucky you don't kill them right away. Until I get there, think about which bones to throw away. ”

The knife sack was held from this side. Although there were only two numbers on this side, it was more than just an empty slaughter. There's a helicopter. There's a lot you can do with one helicopter.

‘If the bridge is taken and withdrawn, the remaining firepower will be spared. ’

The Grand Gallery on the third floor deck is where all the food on the ship is concentrated. Center of the hull with limited entry. It was the last burial ground.

And that's what bothers me. In case there's any food still alive.

‘There aren't enough closed circuits in the kitchen. ’

It has been difficult to think of the Governor as a hungry man for a long time.

“Lieutenant, I'll take it from here. ”

You pause the call, and the winter tilts its head.

“Why would you do that? ”

“From what I've heard so far, this Governor is not afraid of you. Have you gone completely insane or have you been desperate? Either way, the value of the lieutenant's name makes it difficult to see the effect. Then I'd rather deal with it. In the field of negotiating with criminals and extracting information, it is rare to surpass the bureau of investigation. ”

I smile at the fact that I don't insist on nothing at all.

“Would you like to try some gas? ”

“Exploring and stimulating the needs of others is the basis of negotiation. We can't treat the chef who first rescued him as an accomplice to this man who was thrown into the sea. This bastard will know his place, so he'll only try to harass us if he's distracted. There's nothing to be afraid of. ”

Nevertheless, the investigator expressed his willingness to play the opposite joke.

[Hello, Lieutenant? Is anyone there?]

A hissing sound passes over the speaker.

Winter gave the investigator a handset. The boy reads directly in people, but using it belongs to another realm.

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# Q&A

Q. rumen: Is the film @ Winter a model citizen? starring Gerard Butler?

A. That's right. It's a bad ending, so it's better to think about limits. Hehe.

Q: Oh Writer, you said that if a shadow comes out of a dream and gives you a soul, you would join in, but you're not a writer, right?

A. Oh, that's my impersonating Periana Chicken. Next time you come out, you have to bite your leg off.

Q. Lifesaver: I think there are more countries with cannibal culture in the past than I thought. China, Europe, South America, etc.

A. Wherever people live, I think they were.

Q. RGZ95: @ I see... that you can't come out of this world view @. @

There were human episodes in season one of A. The Walking Dead. It was really fun, but I can't get my thumb back on the steam board. I was wondering about Season Two.

Q. Pirque: @ You read it well. Your writing appeals to three sets of settings, descriptions, and probabilities, and it's really clear. In terms of qualities, I think we've surpassed the average of recent novels. Thank you for your continued attention and for the work you've done.

A. Thank you for reading this slow and negative novel regularly.

Q. NaRu: @ Hmm. Was the film seen by winter a model citizen? Too bad I skipped somewhere in the middle.

A. I think you've resolved this side of the Colosseum if you're sorry.

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