# Unread messages (6)

[The nation's Slaver has given you 100 stars.]

With the national slave: I've been thinking about it all this time, but the facilitator fights well. Unlike other channels that are pushed through with DLC fudge... Do I have to say I have good senses?

[Equivalent gave you 300 stars.]

Incidentally, I think the situation is good. I didn't know you were gonna use smoke in the dressing room. And I just used the monsters as shields. We winters are sexy even in the brain. (* 65344; *)

"Appealing_Intent: Acknowledging that it is not dependent on reality. I admit, I was really depressed when I saw a dead man depressed.

Smoke? I don't think she's smoking. She's really depressed.

"Chala-pa: Huh?

"Boom boom boom: You look different than you normally make.

Linen sheet Hazard Hye: Different? In what way?

To……. In a way……. Ugh... I just know... You really don't know?

Linen sheet Hazard Hye: If you look at the whole face, you feel that kind of energy? blah blah "

"Boom boom": Yes! Something like that!

"Billy Harrington: I don't know. ^ ^

Hell Saal: 22222222

20th Anniversary: 333333

App etc.: Matching sister seems a bit strange. Men's taste is not normal in the first place......


SALHAE: I don't know about that, and it's sad not to see it. She was so pretty when she smiled with the gun.

SALHAE: When to go.

[SALHAE has given you 100 stars.]

"Eek Ta: What a surprise. If anyone hears me, I'll be left behind by the facilitator. Blah blah blah"

Have you ever been to Dolce: Oh, come on. I went to feed the kids, and now all the fun's gone. Should I turn the digest around...? It's an extreme crime to cut the flow. Changnandang._"

Are you a comedian: feeding? How old is she?

Have you ever been to Dolce: three years old. I don't want to cry all the time. I don't eat dirty anymore. Miami can't even help but talk. Sick.

Blackcat: A cat that makes its own food? God, no one does that nowadays. Why live and struggle? A cat that plays, feeds, sleeps, exercises, and even urinates when placed in a nursery.

"Joseon Dynasty Seal Look: Il Thip. I had two of them, so I don't care. But first, there's only a few days left to get it out. Phew. How do I grow that? She probably grew up seeing me and her husband all the time, but I haven't seen her in five years. It's awkward just thinking about it. I got the money, so I can't send it anywhere.

Have you ever been to Dolce: I wish I had.... My crazy Miami told me not to use a foster system. I gave birth to Atech for the third time, but it'll be hard for me because of Miami. If you ask me why, I always say it's natural. A woman who doesn't see the flow of time. My husband is also my husband, and I can't wait to see him as my mother. Asshole. I wish our old man had gone fast enough.

"Solitary Olympic Gold: Padrip Suzun. So, what's Atech?

"Don't drip with Nick: Kid + Jatech.

"The Olympic gold medal: blah blah?" You're giving birth to a baby and then you're gonna do tech? Is it Possible? "

Doom Tooth: Available. I'm giving you a birth certificate. Give him a day off.

"The Olympic gold medal: Hey. The parenting system is a virtual reality terminal. What about that price? Is not expensive?"

"Blackcat: a cat that is not bought. A cat rented from a residential center. Adoption to transfer the rental fee to child liability. Adulthood and repayment. It's not mandatory, but that's what people do. Only the third one. A cat that was originally unrestricted, but people were too abusive. A cat that gave birth to a child without working. How come you don't know a cat? Are you a tribal cat?

"The Olympic gold medal: a cat that can't stop talking shit? Asshole, I'm in charge of them, not the Joseon. It's hard to work with a bunch of strangers. I can't even begin to figure that out.

Hardgay: You don't have the strength to recognize it, you don't have the strength to love it.

"Mustafa: I can't even dream of marriage because I can't make love"

Helzaal: Marriage can't be a dream, so there's no reason to know what to do and what to do.

"Nitrogen packaging: Oh my gosh, poor bastard.

Suggestion: When bullying others, it fits like a ghost. ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ

"Solitary Olympic Gold: Bastards, thank you so much ^ ^"

Blackcat: A decent cat. Love marriage is getting less and less. Goat is a contract marriage. A cat that you can get your own. I know you're an idiot, but you're strong. Somewhere in the world, there's a cat out there who'd love a moron like you.

"Resistant Claws: Comfort or insult just one thing blah blah"

"Blackcat: I can't help it. Well, that's a curse.

"Resistant Claws: What can I do? Kitchen blah blah blah Fucking-Kitchen Bobo"

"Excelsior: I've been to Dolce, but I feel sorry for her too. You didn't have to suffer because of the bugs.

"Number: I don't know…. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to describe it as something worth doing, than not having to do it? Half of them are in Japan. Those who do, those who don't. So contempt is not right!

Snow Fox: A child must be raised by parents. Isn't that love?

"Don't drip with Nick: I agree. I don't think it's good for affection.

"Excellent pay: What a bunch of morons. It's love, let's say. What's so bad about emotion? I can hear the creaking of the teeth. Grandpa, do you have a body?

"Don't drip with Nick: I'm not old enough to hear grandpa noises yet. And you think that hypothetical personality can replace parents? I find it difficult.

"Extremity: So why is it so hard? Don't you know that managing it is a subroutine of post-insurance control AI? The best AI in the world takes care of him, and he's certainly better than those stupid parents. We do parenting with a thoroughly validated program. You don't make mistakes like a human. Understan?"

"Don't drip with Nick: You don't understand. Are there any proper TOM institutions for toddlers under 5? The virtual parents that Trinity Engine creates don't have human depth. I don't know why with the active search module, the third module doesn't give me a deep personality.

"Nitrogen packaging: blah blah He knows one and not two. There's no depth. Why do you need depth against him? I don't know anything. Does a child have any philosophical questions? Will you do me a favor and do me a favor and do me a favor?

"Nitrogen packaging: When you're old enough to know something, your parents are going to visit you. Did you know that the infant mortality rate has drastically decreased since adoption of the parental lending system? Increasing birthrate?"

"Excellent: That's the facts. It's hard to balance nutrition if you feed them yourself. Very likely to get sick. How comfortable are the parents now that he's gone? It's an advanced system, but we're cutting the strikes for nothing. Seeing them all making those awful noises, it's like they're all from before.

"Dung-ding-don 't swear at me, motherfucker!"

"Excelsior: Yes, the next red fish.

"Shit: Bug.

Snow Fox: …….

[Snow Fox has gifted you 3,000 stars.]

"groseillier noir: Hey, Koreans. I don't think your government's support system is so bad, should we consider your parents' position?

"Hell Saal: What are you talking about Baguette?

"groseillier noir: It was a woman up there. He's a stranger. Parents can't do that. They said they'd see him in five years, but they put him in a machine as soon as he gives birth? You didn't take it out in the middle?

Awesome comedian: I subtract it from the quarterly checks. When replenishing nutrients. But it's the Ministry of Health and Welfare, so people come out of the health center.

"groseillier noir: a. You can't do that. You should have time to bond with your child.

Ephraim: Well. I don't think you're wrong, but I think that's perfect for them.

"groseillier noir: why?

"Ephraim: Look at this chat room.

groseillier noir: ……!

Joel: What is this conversation again?

"Don't drip with Nick: Does this mean you have to imagine people here becoming parents?


Arterioskeletal: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

"App order: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T H sad...... ….

"Ninth Grade Official: ㅋㅋ ㅋ See what this Filipino Saki says?

"Pizza, of course: Hey. The children here look like idiots, but not all Koreans are like this.

Thick Dog: That's your hope.

"Pizza, of course: you might grow up as a parent, right? There's a birth father, a mother.

"Thick Dog: That's your hope too.

"Of course Pizza: Casablanca. Don't you have any patriotism?

"Thick dog: What are you talking about? There's no way that's happening.

Dew Crocodile: Well…….

"Pizza, of course: What can I do..."

"Excelsior: This is all because of the bugs. You'll get in trouble if you don't go to the Ossuary because you're old enough to smoke. What's the government doing? We don't pull old people's brains out. It should be enforced and enforced in the country. So you're saying it's another abuse of government power?

Nitrogen packaging: empathy. It's horrible to be stuck in your mind, so dense in your children's generation, and still be in reality. I don't know if there's any money. That's what it's like to grow old ugly.

50 years old Linder: Hey,, you guys,,, you guys are going to get old someday,,,, if the government forcibly plucks up your mind,, it's going to be a good thing,,, the horn,,, the family collapses,, the society collapses,,

"Excellent pay: I like it. I hope so. I wish you'd ripped out my brain.

Have you ever been to Dolce: Our Miami girl must be forcibly harvested. It's not a bad thing. Why are you so scared? Well, I thought everyone would sympathize with me, but a lot of people don't. Hey, you bastards! Raise your own children! Do you have any idea how annoying it is to cry without even trying? I can't even sleep at night.

Snow Fox: I've raised it. And I want to raise it. I want to be with you, and I want to hold your little hand.... You don't know this heart. He doesn't deserve to be a parent.

"Have you ever been to Dolce: blah blah blah blah What's this 50580; blah blah blah blah entitled to be a parent? You're a parent when you give birth, and a child when you give birth.

"Snow Fox: Born. What are you talking about? I'd rather not have a baby if I want her to live the life she deserved!

Have you ever been to Dolce: Hey, fox. Marriage isn't out of love, is it? Funny. Love is a luxury feeling. I can live without it.

Snow Fox: I feel sorry for your child. I don't know how much more I can live in the future....

Storm224: Well. Shouldn't we just be thanking her for giving birth to a good world like this? She was born without post-mortem insurance. Gosh, if you die, that's it, right?

"Storm224: Being born opens up the possibility of being forever. If you work hard without committing suicide, you can be unconditionally unprotected with low ratings. Even though my parents are chewy, I live gratefully. Seriously.

Grade 9 Public Officials: Agree How great a blessing it is to overcome death. How delighted are you to meet a dead man? We live in a happy world.

SALHAE: Meeting the Dead? There's no way we're going back without a visit. You have to get permission for that too. I think it's impossible because it's a hassle. At best, it's like chatting in Teletype. It's impossible if the facilitator doesn't come in.

"The 9th Grade Official: That's what security is all about. Are there a lot of people looking for post-mortem insurance? The more data it transmits to the postmortem, the more dangerous it is. You'll need to allocate a lot of resources to data inspections, so reducing the quality of your post-insurance policy is inevitable.

SALHAE: Oh, I don't know. I'd like to meet the facilitator, but I can't.

"Eastern Goldsmith: Why?

SALHAE: I want to ask you face to face.

"Arterioskeletal: What? Sex? Blah blah blah That's really great.

"SALHAE: No…. No, in a way. Because I want a reason. Sex is not the point, but it would be great if you could.

"Jessica full-time job: How did this happen to her?

BigBuffetBoy86: Oh, SALHAE. You look like Otaku. Obsessed with a woman who doesn't even exist. Hahaha. "

SALHAE: I need comfort. I need my temperature, but why is that? I don't know why I'm doing this...

"Don't drip with Nick: That's how you like it.

"Don't drip with Nick: There was a time when it wasn't strange to fall in love at first sight.

"Don't drip in Nick: His DLC has made him too pale. I'll deal with it at first glance if I have to. Everyone enjoys watching it, so their perceptions change.

"Unconscious Unity: Middle Life. Romeo and Juliet's days are over.

Artwork Reviews

# Gags

Hmph. I had a gag ready, but it looks like I'm going to have to postpone this next one.

# Oh, dear.

The Ossuary is registered at the Naver Store. It's up to 126 coins. I forgot to tell you.

# Q&A

Q. QOEWH: @ writer, do you know Deadspace? There's always another double event behind the main game played by the player, and the Ossuary is pretty creepy about the creators as well. I'm sorry I keep asking you this like a detective, but are original producers of several people dead, or not? Just tell me that!

A. Natural history, accidental death.:)

Q. EpKna: If you don't like the @ chat scene, you're probably waiting to see the story of the Ossuary, but it looks like the end of a very long chat part, so the solution is for Zachary to wait two years.

A. I'd love to, but I'm a little short on skills.

Q. NUROP: That's a pretty skeletal question. People who eat people and turn into monsters, people who eat monsters and remain human. What are the final clear conditions for this game, by the way? And what are the cities of civilian districts or survivors that are active in the current novel? like Asia and Europe. Like the Philippines.

A. In contextual calculations of Operation AI, the possibility of humanity's extinction in the world view is considered clear if it converges at 0%./At this point, there are many survivors' cities. There are very few countries that maintain government. The Philippines has so many islands that there are still quite a few safe areas left on the mainland where the government has fled. even though it's not administrative. It's not known by the government.

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