The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00128 # Executive Rationalization Committee % 26 # Golden Gate

# Management Rationalization Committee, 2053

Member A: Ah, committees. Stop doing anything else and come back online. We will now start the regular general meeting of the Korean Economic Reform Committee. Wait, what time is this?

"Member B: This person is charming. Today, we're not on the Economic Reform Committee, we're on the Executive Rationalization Committee for the Post Insurance Corporation. You've got the wrong data. Please revise it."

"Member A: Oops……. Sorry, your secretary made a mistake. I'm a little confused, actually. I see the same faces every time. Hahaha."

(People laughing)

Member E: I understand, but isn't it time to be nervous? The right to run a paradise group has been handed over to the chairman of Gogol Iron. We still have it, but how long will that greedy tyrant stand by? They're going to try to plant their own next year. In order to prevent that, we need significant performance improvements within this term.

"Committee C: Reduce the real coverage period.

Member E: You have to say business rationalization. Please refrain from using specific language.

"Commissioner C: It's okay, right? Maybe this is an electronic government server.

Member E: Still. It leaks from the inside out. Oh, different, different laws. We all want to live well together, but the people won't know that. What is it, a day or two, that I felt sorry for leaving my true intentions and asking for small expressions? Thinking about what I've been struggling with in the chicken coop speech a while back, I still cry because I'm sad. Young people call me that nowadays, so I threw it lightly to try to raise the mood....

"Commissioner C: Yes, yes. People without expertise. I'll be careful."

Member B: It's because civic consciousness is bad. I don't even know if I can relate.

"Member A: No more gossip. Let's get started when you're ready. Let's talk about improving service satisfaction through the expansion of inner diversity in the post-insurance world. You know, I've been experimenting with this plan since the quarter, but I think it's going pretty well already.

Member D: Really? No way……. I thought the satisfaction would actually increase, resulting in longer life expectancy for the surplus subscribers.

Member A: At that time, he strongly disagreed. because it was practically a free-for-all expansion. There was a lot of initial resource use. But the results are encouraging. Take a look at this chart. Please also refer to the published research services report.

Member B: Oh, this is great. Reduced surplus subscribers, increased revenue, and decreased resource usage. If we do this, we'll be able to regain our share of resources over the course of next year.

"Member D: Let's see……. An increase in randomized variables is an increase in potential threats. Is there a growing number of long-term surplus subscribers who have not been able to adapt rapidly to improved diversity without the consumption of profitable additives such as DLC? Who was in charge of add-on policy review?

Member E: I am.

Member D: How do you see yourself as an associate?

Member E: I think it's synergistic with the projects we've been working on.

Member D: Hmm? Was there something? "

"Commissioner A: Look, the supplement was going to be discussed on the following agenda…….

"Committee member E: Let's talk about it. It's an extension of the same problem anyway.

"Commissioner A: You have something to say.

Member E: I want to boast. Hehe. "

Commissioner C: Huh. Can I count on it?

Member E: Not that big a deal. We are focusing on promoting certain types of add-ons to our excess subscribers. It's free for the public. The public often have low purchasing power. It's good to bring the budget to the bailout.

Member C: Additional Products of a Specific Type? What type is that?

Member E: It's what we call "killing content." Powerful add-ons to enhance subscribers, control virtual personality psychology, and disregard probabilities and transform the world view. I'm subcontracting several companies for public works.

Member C: Killing content. I think I do.

"Member E: Yes. It's like soda. It's sweet and refreshing to drink, but I get thirsty quickly.

"Commissioner C: When you don't adapt to the changing worldview, are you buying killing content to overcome it?

"Member E: Yes.

Member B: Well, I heard that extra subscribers often don't buy anything for at least a few years, even more than a decade…… Are they spending money? That it's impossible to sustain an account?

Member E: Mostly old people. People who love deposits and have been repeating tomorrow like today, yesterday, for a long time. Imagine how hard their heads would be.

"Commissioner C: Interesting. That's right, subscribers below Class B are segregated from each other for system security reasons. And there were only silly virtual personalities around. There were studies showing that the longer the period, the less judgmental it is.

Member E: Exactly. It was a free trial of killing content and subsequent discounts for seniors who were suddenly overwhelmed by the changing world. There's no money at first, so use it wisely. And statistically, it's less than 20 percent if the person who wrote it doesn't write it again. Oh, right. When you register for the first time, you will be automatically switched to a paid service after the end of the free period. If you do not wish to do so, please do so yourself. is consented in the same way.

Member B: But it's too aggressive, isn't it? We need to be careful not to find out. You'll be accused of institutional comfort. It's probably just a joke.

Member E: Phew. I don't think I'll get hit twice. Of course I'm careful.

"Member D: How?

Member E: Not all of our surplus subscribers are promoted They didn't run a relay channel, they didn't have a personal reputation, they didn't have a public record, they didn't have a visitor in three years.

Member D: That's wise.

Member E: And who is forcibly discarded? You can make money by opening a relay channel. It increases self-satisfaction, it increases national economy. It's two birds in one stone. You can't blame the country for being lazy and being thrown out despite the lifestyle. We have to try. "

"Commissioner C: You're right. And use of DLC is not always your choice. It's no wonder that there's been over a hundred years of fundamental pension transition on the topic of having no money saved for young people to play and eat. How long are you going to suck the blood of the younger generation...? It's like a monster not caring about other people.

Commissioner A: It's not enough to take people who don't need anyone and don't help anyone. It must be the mission of people like us to help those who haven't left in applause with yin and yang. It's a dirty, hard thing that nobody's trying to do.

Member E: Someone has to do it.

Member B: E Can I ask you one more question?

"Commissioner E: Speak up.

Member B: Are there any complaints about improving the world view?

Member E: Yes, of course.

Member B: Hmm. You're saying it's nothing.

Member E: It's actually no big deal. and objectively, it just raised the quality of the virtual reality worldview free of charge. A class with enough purchasing power…… Excuse me. Subscribers with enough purchasing power are very excited. Depending on your criteria, you'll get a positive minus zero. It's the magic of statistics. "

Member C: What about the citizens who are not yet covered by afterlife insurance?

Member E: Who would have hated that the virtual reality that they would not be secure has been qualitatively uplifted. There's a lot of criticism that the old people do well, but they complain. Most of them don't care. Who cares about people who don't even look for their families?

# Golden Gate (1)

Horizontal lines to the west and coastline to the east. The Japanese shipment's freighter, Corona Triumph, had her destination in sight. Winter looked at the sunset harbor from the athlete. Even though it's still a few more minutes away, it feels close enough. Filipino sailors came out to the deck, chattering. I can't hear a word. The wind was cold and rough. The deck is wide.

“Forget the past. ”

The only clear voice was FBI supervisor Joanna Gibson. For the turning winter, the accustomed investigator brought out a cup of coffee. The scent that cannot be erased by the sea breeze feels unique somewhere.

“Here you go. Cafe Royal. ”

“Thank you, Anne. I wish it was cocoa. ”

Speaking of which, the investigator grabs the boat and laughs. You said it wasn't a good fit. It's less formal than before. When she came back from the phantom ship, she asked me to call her by her name, if that's okay. It was not unusual, as it was a culture that could become friends after age.

No, it's a little weird to make friends on a life-threatening mission.

Hot steam rises from the mug. After a mouthful of blow, winter. Did you say café royale? It's sweet but has a strange flavor. Soft grape aromas blended with the aroma of beans. I don't hate it. Tick, tick, swallow. I can feel it warming up. Winter winces at the snow. The warning of Survival Awakened.

“Is this a cocktail? ”

Joanna Gibson shrugs.

“Cafe Royale. Brandy went in, but it wasn't a cocktail. ”

Looking at the thin face of winter, the investigator bursts another fresh smile.

“The way I see it, every time I add a sugar cube, I also add a spoonful of brandy. You put sugar on a spoon and light it up. The brandy is poisoned and caramelized. ”

“It must be at least 100 proof (50 degrees) or more to catch fire. ”

“Yes. The more the merrier. Here's a graph, 120 proof. ”

“… I don't think I put in a spoonful or two. ”

“Well, did you put in five spoonfuls? ”

Five spoonfuls of 60-degree liquor. It's a normal cocktail.

Alcohol dulls the senses. There are also side effects to overuse and gastrointestinal clothing. I had a good feeling. Technical achievements of sensory reproduction, to the extent that it will be introduced in textbooks. It is not a beverage that is enjoyable because it will temporarily reduce your combat strength.

Winter made up an awkward sound.

“I'm almost there. Did you give me a drink? ”

“Don't worry. It's going to take us a long time to get to the Golden Gate. You'll see it after midnight, after the facial recognition of intelligence agencies. Let's see, what do you think that is? ”

In the direction the agent pointed, there was a clear floating buoy even in the late afternoon sea. It's a chaotic solid color and has a lot of numbers. The rubbish is cluttered, making it even stronger.

“Are you a miner? ”


She explained that the waterway into the harbor is becoming more and more complex.

“They were sprayed for coastal blockade. because as you've seen in April Pacific, you can't have variants on other continents landing. We're alerting the world with satellite transmissions. If we go near the coast, we'll hit the mines. If you want relief, you're going to have to do it under the control of the U.S. Navy. ”

There was a flash from San Francisco's direction. A blazing blaze of pink flare was scattered in a splendid manner. Boo! Boo! Saturation and cannon noise reached one step late.

The ship receives a warning shot, hurrying to turn the player. It was a small and fast ship. The wave hits you with a slanted position. I wanted to be unable to recover my core, but I barely survived. A man hangs on the ledge of a deck where the water of the sea has washed away. A colleague quickly pulled me up.

Beyond that, there were a myriad of vessels that wanted to enter the bay. Most remain outside the confines of patrolling American destroyers. He's lowering the anchor as if he had surrendered.

The small boat that was entering too much was one of the few exceptions.

Winter said.

“April Pacific was my mistake. I shouldn't have gone in like you said. ”

Artwork Reviews

# Premium

As Naver years have begun, there will be no more requests for premium conversion.

Readers will be divided and rank even lower... Heheh. It didn't matter because it was the same rank as before.

# Q&A

Q. Kaif: If there's 0% chance of humanity's extinction... isn't the game over? D

A. In the previous section of the Munchkin Package Mark 1 of the Mission, the Carcinogen Solver,

< < The miracle of capitalism that gives you the power to overcome any crisis!

A little steamed? Oh, what are you doing here? Virtual reality is an entertaining simulation of reality. Money is everything in the real world, so in the virtual world, money is everything. Do you want to spend a day or two with an online package created in Korea? That's how we use the armored car, and that's how we use our service. > >

That's right. It's all there. Haha.

Q. RGZ95: @ Reality is more than virtual... 8.. 8 It was more compassionate

A. The writer is losing compassion due to insomnia. 8_8

Q. Bob has a toothbrush: @ hmm... What do you see when your baby is in the nursery and how are you taught? I wonder who would've made it if I'd been in there since I was a baby and come out when I was about 30.

A. There will be one public service advertisement.

Q. PAM: @ blah blah blah blah But nowadays the reality is so strong that I feel a little less impact per cartilage. It's a novel that transcends your reality. But how many people won't?

A. Unfortunately, I don't think I can beat the reality. I'm going to be a third-rate writer forever. This is all because of President Park Geun-hye.

Q. Karen: @ I have a question. Can I Watch Other Follow-Up Policyholders' Broadcasts? For example, Park Woo-cheol, who came out for a while last time? Is it possible for him to watch the winter broadcast?

A. It depends on the grade. If you are an elderly person like Woo-cheol Park, you can do it because you have worked hard to upgrade your rank, but you are also busy living and don't have time to see.

Q. SVJK: Well… but what are the chances of humanity's extinction today? And can we stop destruction without crossing the limits of human capability?

A. Odds are... well. It's hard for me, as a writer, to say the exact same thing. Winter has already crossed human limits. That's the way to do it. You can't do it alone. You have to be very lucky to do it. Now that I've decided on that luck, this novel is truly hopeful.

Q. QOEWH: I have a question for @. If you search for fairy tales on Naver, the definition is, "A fork in literature built for children based on compassion." And the definition of compassion is the mind of a child. "Youth" is an adjective that reaches no older than mid-teens. So, can't I be a fairy tale writer when I'm old enough to think about marriage? [nonsense response] [nonsense response]

A. Why can't I be? I'm in my 30s. No, I'm in my 40030s. I write fairy tales. Dreams are always beautiful.:)

Q. ironic mockery: I don't know if I should smile or frown, but it was a familiar and uncomfortable chat. Have you ever been to Dolce, or did your generation grow up in childhood? (Approximately) Will the recognition that childbirth is essential disappear and a human factory will be created? Is that factory state-owned or state-owned or private?

A. The child rearing system emerged after the postmortem insurance launch. I've been to Dolce before in childhood./In Korea, the World Leadership Hall is actively discussing the state-owned embryo factory. which is not yet possible because it's expensive.

Q. Guaaaaak: @ Today's chat is full of sympathy. Is your vision of a future in a world where there is a universal way of raising your child? Or is it just fiction?

A. We anticipate that family ties will not break easily. Think of the Ossuary as a novel.:)

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