# Angel Island (1)

Corona Triumph landed an anchor at an American base on the northeast side of the Golden Gate Bridge. It was an overseas trip, but the tide hit the pier was rough. There is a small bay in front of the base called Horseshoe, but it is not wide enough for the freighter to enter. You've narrowed the entrance to the shield.

Corvette Ramon Alcaraz also boarded the same pier. Philippine Navy officers and soldiers tread on the ground exhausted. I gathered together to light a cigarette. I was tired of sucking one of them around. The wind is cold, but there are not enough clothing, and those who wait their turn embrace their shoulders. I even rolled my feet. The country they lost was a warm one.

Winter pressed the ground with its feet. Walk for a few steps, then repeat step back. The process of adapting the body to land. It will be quick, but it was always a habit to keep your fighting strength at its peak. The FBI agent who saw this smiles.

“You still feel weird, don't you? It's like the ground is shaking. ”

“Yes. It's only been two days. ”

Corona Triumph may be enormous, but she is a ship that has slipped off the edge of a hurricane. My body is still feeling the waves. It's kind of like coming down from a treadmill.

Joanna looks around and tilts her head.

“Looks like the pickup's still here. I contacted you beforehand.... Could you wait a moment?”

After seeking understanding, she heads to the Outpost for the winter. The outfits of the Sentinels are much different from those of the United States Army. A solid blue shirt. The Coast Guard. Two crews whirring through the winter. I'm curious. Even during the Christmas battle. An isolated chariot squadron that ran out of fuel. Lt. Col. Edment Durant was astonished at the sight of winter. He said he was a real person.

There is an inaudible conversation between them and Joanna. It's not long. A rookie nods and writes a radio. The other one still peers through the crack. Winter salutes you. Ooh, the shape of his mouth. I'm in position here. Johanna looks back. She looks suspicious at first, then quickly softens.

She came back, she said.

“They'll be here soon. I'll wait a little longer. ”

Winter asked.

“This isn't the place, is it? ”

The time has not yet come for the earth spider to be wiped out. He was supposed to meet up with the tactical team after midnight. Joanna points to the sea when asked.

“Yes, it's not. This is a midway landing. We'll get to that island first. Angel Island. That's also a secondary landing site. At the end of the day, we're going to take a sub. ”


“Operations headquarters is a remodeled freighter. impersonating a private-military corporation corrupted by a criminal organization. The first mission is to gather information among marine refugees. ”

A private military company……. Winter was convincing. Otherwise, there's no way to explain the combat strength and organization of the Special Forces. It was a group that paid to kill people in the first place. There was nothing strange about the coming apocalypse when it turned into a criminal organization.

Johanna continues.

“Even if it is impersonated, I am doing everything I can as a criminal organization. They have their own zones, they patrol, they pay protection, they quarrel, they fight with other organizations, and sometimes they act as mercenaries, which is their home base on the surface. That's how refugees from the nuclear empire... No, don't use useless language. It's actually building relationships with the Chinese. ”

Russia is still in control of its navy. Things were different from China.

It's all good, but it takes one thing.

“Do you get a protection fee? From them?"

“That's what worries me. ”

Johanna, the delighted.

“I hope you don't mind. Spray as much as you walk. It's hard to keep up with this unbeatable balance. But it was necessary for the mental health of the personnel involved. Refugees think of it as a passageway that U.S. military transport often passes by. Rather, there are many commendations for maintaining order without being overly insolent. ”

I heard that supplies are dropping frequently. They'll be richer than anywhere else.

Mental health, by the way. Winter asked again.

“Are the men walking the expense themselves? ”

“At first, it was. Now we've got fewer and fewer organizations. It's not gone. It's hard to believe that you're a refugee organization. We need eyes on the scene to prevent unnecessary violence and double exploitation. Everyone hates it, so it's going straight. ”

“Recruiting the organization……. It's so immersive.”

“I don't want to get caught. You have to be thorough. That's why you're a better fit. Experience in a refugee area will be useful. The experience of interacting with the Triad was particularly high. The CIA didn't want winter for nothing. ”

“Oh, my God. How much do you know? ”

When asked, Joanna hesitates. An honest reaction. I'm sure you're familiar with hiding things from your career. A token of that kindness. I can't help but hesitate.

What kind of night was it for Joanna yesterday? I wonder how much fame has affected me.

Unless investigated by other means, the trust she demonstrates is somewhat inconclusive. Therefore, I was expecting it.

Winter reassured her.

“It's okay. I think it was necessary. if only you could have trusted me more. ”

“Are you serious?”

“I don't believe the outcome justifies the means. But I also believe that people have limitations. That's what the refugee zone was. Everyone becomes evil in order to live. It was disgusting from the outside. What could I possibly have done to gain my trust in that situation? Incredible combat power? Reckless and irresponsible? No, that's not proof that it's good. ”

“In the end, it would have been the same. You might need a little more time. ”

“That little bit of time is precious. It was a great opportunity."

The FBI agent shakes his head, saying surveillance was an opportunity.

“It was late December to January. I think it was a fairly high directive. who owes money after he became famous, needed to be judged. As you know, the situation in the United States right now……. ”

“You don't have to make excuses. Thank you for being honest with me, Ann. You shouldn't have told me that. I'll keep it a secret. Should I put my finger on it? ”

Winter when pinky pinky swear. Playfulness created as needed.

“Whew, really. ”

Johanna smiles bitterly. Winter turned the flow back to its original topic.

“It's nice that you don't have to torture the hard people, but the side effects won't be great. We've got a lot of killing to do. ”

There will be lots of greedy tissues in areas with a lot of supplies. So don't you get attacked often? That's the question. The FBI agent has confirmed winter concerns.

“At first, I heard it was. He said he suffered from frequent raids on his head. ”


“I heard you showed off your overwhelming skills. I can't get my thumb out of my head. In the process, two Devgro teams pulled out. ”

DEVGRU. U.S. Navy Special Operations Development Group. Sergeant Ashford mentioned in this worldview. Don't be a good knife for them. It'll just get ruined.

If they step down, we may need to reevaluate the expected difficulty of this mission.

“Withdrawal.... Incredible. Is it personal injury? ”

“No. Names are the best special forces in the United States. It's untrained, and it's hard to spend it on gangs who love ammunition more than people. It was just stress. Human horses, but they've killed too many. It was a long operation.”

“Well, wouldn't it be convenient to just increase supplies around you? ”

You've argued winter. If you're not hungry, you'll be less eager to attack. Of course it won't go away. In many ways, there are limits to human beings, and there are no limits to water lust.

Joanna says no.

“It was a real tough choice. First of all, transportation capacity is limited. How many more aircraft do we need to organize to satisfy the surrounding area? The more Sorties you draw for this operation, the less places there are to go. There's a growing number of alternative species and pilots, like Wooden Wonder, but number one is to prepare for a clear liberation operation. ”

“That's what I heard. ”

“Next. That may reduce direct combat, but it does not eliminate the fight. People here only look up at the sky during their spare time. The increasing proportion of supplies will, of course, lead to greater controversy. If we look at people purely, we're better off tired. ”


“Finally, supplies are a means of trade. It's hard to make deals with people who have nothing to lose. A favorable negotiation is only possible when the opponent is in danger. Think about the nature of the mission, winter. It's a cold story...... but they must be hungry. ”

The winter was just a nod, because it was only reasonable. In any case, it was clear that their supply supply supply would have improved compared to before, given their response to this transaction. It is hard to say that it is inhumane because it is cold.

“Just one more question. Do you think I'll have any trouble doing my job? ”

My face is too well-known. Joanna's answer was not overwhelming.

“No more disguises. ”

“Will that be enough? ”

“Don't underestimate the CIA. I shoveled a lot, but I was once the best intelligence agency in the world. It's going to change so much that even your family doesn't recognize you. ”

I feel a stain in the "once upon a time" part. Is it because there is no comparison in the dying world, or is it just a matter of time? The FBI and the CIA aren't exactly on the best of terms. Different areas of work, but if you look closely, it was the role of controlling each other in the same field.

I was sent here to oversee Ando. ’

I said it at the first meeting. Homeland operations are overseen by the Bureau of Investigation. Very few people enjoy watching. Not everyone could be like winter.

The conversation is over. It's the exhaust coming from the north.

Something's not right. ’

It's not the humvee's exhaust sound I've always heard. The car that ran with the headlights on was red. It's spectacular even under the dusky sky.

“…… Ferrari? ”

Disturbing voice next to you. It's unusual to have a civilian vehicle rolling around in a military base. Especially if it's an infinitely luxurious brand.

Is that your ride?

I didn't think so. The driver looks out of the window of a four-seater coupe. You talk to the rangers and look this way. Grrr. Soft engine sound. Ferrari 612 Scaliti arrives at a slow pace and stops in front of Winter and FBI agents. The driver and the passenger landed and bowed graciously.

“Sorry I'm late. I made a few mistakes in the control room. FBI Special Supervisor Agent Joanna Gibson, and... hey, lieutenant midwinter. It's an honor to meet you. I heard you were coming and was looking forward to it. ”

“Oh, yes……. ”

“I'm so-called Aaron Barker. Please call me Lieutenant Barker. This is Corporal Lazaro. ”

With a greeting, he opens the back seat door of the coupe like Doorman. Let's get on.It's lean, but it's a slow winter. And then Joanna rides along.

“I thought Humvees were coming, Ferrari. I'm a little embarrassed.”

“Oh, this guy? ”

Barker, sitting in the driver's seat, replies as he drives away.

“We operate a large number of impounded private vehicles here. There are many reasons, but the biggest one is to reduce the maintenance of military vehicles. We also want to reduce fuel consumption. Humvees are greasy monsters, you know. Civilian vehicles have a good fuel economy. ”

And then Joanna mutters, driving a 12-car coupe for fuel. The lieutenant laughs a lot if he heard that.

“What do you think? It's a good thing. I was very happy when I went out on patrol and found him. Ferrari in my life. It was the only luck that came at the end of the world. ”

Does he look like Geoffrey? We've only just met, but winter feels vague.

The car passes through the Coast Guard office and enters the base. It was not too far away.

“Welcome to Fort Baker, home of Starfleet command in the 22nd century. ”

Starfleet Command. I don't know what you're talking about. Nothing comes to mind. Memories, holograms. It seemed to be out of range of intellectual correction.

The lieutenant, who was looking forward to something, became somewhat discouraged when two FBI agents and a young officer were unable to react. Corporal Lazarus of the passenger seat gives a cotton ball.

“Phew. How many people know Star Trek these days? I'm ashamed of everything. ”

The lieutenant became even more restless. Looks like Geoffrey was right.

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# Questions I can't answer

Comments with an @, among other questions that end in a question mark, will be answered as much as possible, but at times you may not be able to answer them. It's important for future developments, vague answers, and so on...

Please don't be discouraged that the author is avoiding the answer. Haha.

# Q&A

Q. Maple Concentrate 2: Joanna Gibson heh heh heh @... So if humanity is completely destroyed, what do those zombies eat? Destruction, isn't it?

A. Not really. Metabolism reduces consumption compared to numbers, can eat more than humans, and has two associated pastry paddies thrown in it.

Q. Sasashid: Will the foreign dignitaries be chosen as Trump? Or is it already elected?

A. The United States is on the verge of a presidential election. Now you can trust the writer's compassion.

Q. คล ู คล ා ් Like the Ossuary, I also appeared in your dream and went nuts and groans.

A. Cheoncheon Woo is already living my dream. It's a secret, but when I wake up, the universe will collapse.

Q. OneChance: @ Gosh, Trump got elected. Doomsday is coming. Where can I get a Dreamland immigration pass?

A. Uh... Trump's a little grumpy, but still better than the great old days. And my country is better than Dreamland. It would be important to know which old priests of the Qingwa Dynasty signed.

Q. Diflon: Do you continue to play Nobel without switching premium to @ Joa? Naver is a one-time payment, so why do you ask? W-what?

A. I made a promise, so keep it.

I just want to get rid of the people that are spreading. Yesterday, you even took the latest ones.

Q. Dohwahwan: @ We are compassionate. It's purity. It's not just the devil. It's the writer's lack of concentric literacy that makes him the devil.

A. Is the chicken first or the egg first? You must have been the Devil before the Ossuary. @_@

Q. In Bob, Toothbrush: Does @ write down any sudden, flashy lines, situations or materials? I'm not very good at writing when I do that... (Don't tell me you're tired of paralyzing or obsessing!)

A. Of course, write it down. When I think about it, I record it on my phone. I'm sorry to hear you can't find your writing. If I'm tired, so am I. even though I'm always tired from sleep disorders. Haha. Cheer up.

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