# Angel Island (2)

The destination was another dock north of the base. Along the way around the beach, the vehicle slides north. A small beach grazes outside the car window. Red buoys rising and falling on waves. You've got mines laying around. I can guess why winter doesn't start at the south dock.

‘The road would be a mess. It's like an expanded city without a plan. ’

A colossal city where all sorts of ships converged and landed their anchors disorderly. And the streets are flowing and shaking in real time. There can't be a normal road in between.

The north side of the base is blocked by a line of walls. Stacked containers. I can feel the end of the century as the rusty trademarks are turned on and on in the darker darkness. Soldiers patrol the grounds. There were no lights, no rails, and it looked very dangerous. Slightly. Winter brought down the night vision for a moment.

Yes, the entire wall was illuminated by light beyond the visible area.

“I'm surprised. I thought I could get a helicopter out of here. ”

Johanna raises questions. It's impossible to make it to the CIA Node. However, it was okay to take a ride to Angel Island. Why get back in the boat? Lieutenant Barker answers.

“Oh, I heard it was supposed to be. It's impossible now.”

“Why is that?”

“The container was heated to a crisp and became scrap metal. I raised my hands at the mechanic's station. The parts shutdown has reached its limit. What do they say, riding this is like putting your life on the line? However, the storm forced him to operate, so he must be running out of time. ”

“Why is the hurricane……. ”

“The wall fell. There was an emergency. There was no crash. ”


Johanna nods. San Francisco was the city of the high seas.

One of those helicopters was also near the docks. Flapping wings gently. It seems fine, but what it means to keep it this close to the sea is that it no longer manages it.

The lieutenant turned off the ignition.

“Come down. You have to change. ”

He leads across the white sand. Every step of the way is a distraction. It was because of the rubbish that was swept away by the waves. I can't see sand or water. But the waves were the sea, and the ground wasn't. Winter frowned. I'm getting a little stinky in here somewhere. Turning in that direction, you see a pile as dark as dusk on the other side of the storm forest.

Once again, Joanna looks anxious.

“There's so much flotation, there might be trouble on the way." ”

The lieutenant replies without much effort.

“So there's one more escort and reserve. The biggest problem is that these fishnets are trying to catch fish, even in these disgusting seas. If the net breaks, you can't see it harvesting. I was tied to a buoy and floating around... Thanks to that, we've had a lot of engine, screws, etc. I warned him not to do it, but it didn't work. ”

The grumbling was random. The viable boats were reduced by less than half.

There were two guards. Both were small. Approximately 47 feet (14.6 meters) in length. It was such a boat that if it accelerated, it would bounce off the water. Winter didn't say much, but the lieutenant hurriedly excused.

“It's hard to navigate through the alleyways of that gutter without a boat like this. It's hard to turn the function at the same time more than the medium line...... ”

Winter cut him off.

“I see. By the way, an alleyway? ”

“Ah. It's a slang from this side. And if you go into a corner, there are a lot of teeth. ”

It fits.

Four people are required to operate the high speed boat. But even in the winter, there was already a squad of crews waiting. One of them is wearing a vest and a life vest. As winter boarded, everyone was in a floating position. Corporal Lazara leads the winter inside.

“Let's go in the cabin. No matter what happens, you won't get hurt because you have bulletproof glass. ”

“Do you get engaged a lot? ”

“Not often…… They know we're their lifeline. But a few months ago, a boat went missing. It's never been known which gangsters did it. Son of a bitch. I should have set an example... ”

Then Lieutenant Barker rubs his lips.

“Hey, you can't sacrifice innocent people. ”

The so-called response alone allowed me to understand what the corporal's desired example was.

Winter stands with Joanna in the cabin. There was nowhere to sit. There's just a handle.

Two speedboats start to move. The thick sea divides. Tutu, tutu, tutu. The sound of hard things bouncing off a player. Soldiers with machine guns on the front and back deck remain vigilant. Joanna asked the lieutenant.

“What about the weapons and ammunition from Corona Triumph? ”

“Oh, I'll deliver that later by separate means. There's nothing we can do right now. ”

I said, "Oh, my God. I've got some special equipment I asked for. ”

She frowns, but adds nothing more.

The road keeps bending. A naturally constructed road in the city of dead ships is close to the maze. Nevertheless, it was thanks to the state-of-the-art appliances that were applied to these small boats without exception. Winter saw the shade of gray on the cockpit. Wide angle infrared monitor. It was surprisingly clear.

‘I wonder who isn't America... …. ’

It was just hard to slow down. It was not only the flotation, but the boats going and going as well. The rusty wires are amazed at how floating they are. There was a wooden headline.I wonder what they're moving for.

The nearby island is rarely close.

On the front of the Chinese fishing boat deck, a topless man looks this way. A thick body is covered with tattoos. I put a rusty eating knife on my waist. White on the infrared screen.

“Filthy Chinky bastard. You have to shoot and kill something like that. ”

Corporal Lazaro's swearing. He's been nervous for a while now. Joanna gives him a bad look. Winter felt her worry. The hatred shown by the Corporal does not tend to overwhelm the entire American army in this region.

Apart from that concern, it is unlikely that a man with a knife is normal. From the very beginning, a great slaughterhouse was evidence of looters.

The man giggles. Even though the aiming line of the machine gun comes back, I don't mind putting my hand in my pants and scratching my relic. I picked it up, smelled it, and frowned, and it was provocative.

As we go further, this time the path narrows. In fact, it was not because the waterway disappeared, but because of the side boats or planks approaching from the left and right. Barefoot people rowing with their hands.

“Don't come! Don't come!”

The soldiers on the deck roar everywhere. Threatening gestures that are easy to understand even if the language is different.

But the naked did not give up easily. They didn't have a face. Without a gesture of compassion, I just quietly approached and reached out my hand. I want to give something, and I can't help but give it.

You must be a caterpillar. Anything you give will be taken from you. If you eat it where you received it, you won't be able to make it through the night.

Among them, the only one who showed emotion was a single mother. He looks at you from the back of a full belly. She is powerless. She has tried many times to hurt those who do not yield. Several times I fainted trying to squeeze the gap. In the meantime, the baby in my arms was cherished.

Joanna meets her eyes. The mother looks up at her baby, as if to ask her to take him. The baby sweeps his mouth like a cry. However, no sound was heard. Either that's because it's inside the cabin, or the baby can't eat. A fat child resembles death.

Lieutenant Barker glances back.

“Don't look. I'm just upset. ”

“I know.”

The voice of the answer is surprisingly calm. FBI agents are obliged to accept the limits of reality. But there are still feelings in the blink of an eye, wipe them with your fingertips. He muttered as if to himself.

“You can't help but show irresponsible compassion. ”

She can't have children. Can you take it and raise it on your own? The best thing to do is leave it to someone other than winter. Fort Baker might be able to afford a child.

‘But it pays for good deeds. It's irresponsible.’

It may be better to be irresponsible as a baby. But just like that, it may be better to be with your mother. Who can be sure of the future? The life of a child growing up without love is dark. Sometimes life is harder than death.

As another party, Winter felt that there was no right answer.

The island suddenly approaches.

The end of an emotionally long and physically short tonsil. The soldiers who were proficient in emotional labor were not consumed. In between, Joanna moves a little slower. The gait of a man who left a fool behind his back. Mother Mother is not the sole proprietor. In my experience, it wasn't natural.

Winter reminded me of my mother. And I reimagined the world of life.


“Yes, winter. ”

“Don't you think people who are accustomed to tragedy are sadder than tragedy itself? ”

“…… I see. That's scary. ”

“I'm glad Anne hasn't gotten used to it yet. ”

Johanna bursts into laughter.

“My God, it's been such a long time since I've been this embarrassed. ”

She shakes her head and pushes forward. Lieutenant Barker was waiting for the Humvee.

The Humvee ranks run north of the island.

There was also a base where the submarine was waiting.

Lieutenant Barker bids you farewell at the entrance.

“You can go in like this. I'm going back here. ”

“Oh, yes. Well done.Be healthy until we meet again. ”

In return for winter, the lieutenant looks unusual. It was a gesture of salutation, with index finger and stop, and a ring finger and a possession.

“May you live long and prosper. ”

Maybe it has something to do with Star Trek or something. Is this how you do it? The lieutenant was very pleased to return the same greeting in winter. The FBI investigator sighs next door.

Artwork Reviews

I'm a little under the weather, so I'll skip the review. We'll answer next time:)

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