# Angel Island (4)

I wonder how much time has passed. I feel a fine inertia. The sub was slowing down. It was time to get to my destination. Winter, which was locked in a habitual thought, turned to the side.

Sammy. Regular breathing. Johanna is asleep. She started dozing off soon after the captain left. It was the bed that became the chair. It was winter that I gently laid him down so he wouldn't wake up. Crouching, I covered Mofo. I lifted my legs.

‘The air is so frustrating, it makes me sleepy. You must have been exhausted yesterday. ’

The fan repeatedly breaks when it starts. It should be adjusted automatically according to the carbon dioxide concentration. I feel like the criteria are set low.

Everything is limited underwater. In submarines, oxygen and air purification are also limited resources. Love is a fundamental ingredient, and a short voyage like this is no exception. Just in case. Throughout all winter experience, the only exception was the American nuclear submarine.

The captain's cabin was only a half-level cabin. Since there were two people in this narrow space for hours, it is natural that the air is hot and cloudy. Drowsiness of the Force is a very easy condition.

Winter was also hot inside the eyelid. Precisely reproduced fatigue was no different from what I had felt in my life. If there were not enough calibration, there might have been a compulsory sleep inducement.

Shall I wake him up? ’

Given last night's consumption, I'd like to put him to sleep a little more. Even to keep your strength up.

But you don't want to be defenseless to the captain or anyone else. For winter, I don't know, but we have a lot of trust, don't we? As you think about it, the submarine moves again. Waves of inertia that are hard to recognize without sensory correction. Repeated by switching directions. It seemed to be in the midst of difficult fine-tuning. Looks like it's positioning itself for an injury.

“Ann, wake up. ”

Grab his shoulder and gently shake it. Yeah, she narrows her eyes, but she doesn't open them. In my lifetime, I remember waking up my autumn sister, and winter smiled without making it uncommon. There are many similarities between narrow spaces. The room that we shared when we were poor resembles this cabin.

I hated opening windows in the cold. Winter liked the hot air with body temperature. Thanks to you, I heard a lot of nagging in the fall. What if it hurts? Each time, winter murmured depressingly. I hate winter.

It was a lifetime when I didn't have enough, but my childhood was poisonous. Once the air was sharpened, the only way to raise the fallen temperature was also body temperature. I had to save the heat, and it wasn't always possible to bring boiling water. That's why Autumn gave my two brothers a long hug for a duvet.

I read old books in their arms, and I learned from autumn.

Hmm……. Winter falls upon Joanna's shoulder. The warmth in your hands. It's been a long time since someone hugged me, and it's been a long time since someone hugged me. I want to feel a little warmer The essence of being beyond that was one thing, even though it was not a real person, but people were also on the other side of the senses.

Winter did not follow the heart. Keep your hands tight.

“Anne, Anne? ”

Joanna's eyes narrow as she shakes a few more times. Eyes that were moving left and right are fixed in winter. Blink. Approximately 3 seconds until situation is resolved. She just woke up. After checking your weapon, checking your time, you sigh and ask.

“I can't remember when I fell asleep. How long have I been doing this? ”

“About an hour and a half. ”

“Oh, no. Why didn't you wake me? Winter would have been exhausting. ”

She is not particularly ashamed. But I'm sorry. I slept alone. Winter folds skillfully, picking up a falling mofo.

“If Anne sleeps well, that's it. ”

Popularity is coming from outside the door, scared to organize. It was an armed soldier who opened the door.

“Agent Gibson, and Lieutenant Han. Captain's page. We need you in the combat command room. ”

The soldier steps forward. Winter watches his weapon carefully. It was a gun I had never seen. A lightweight and easy to handle SMG. I'm curious about its performance.It's unlikely we'll be able to engage them right away, but we'll never know. Or an enemy with the same weapon may appear. Other factions of the SDF, for example. The march of a lost country army will not be the same.

‘Hmm. I don't think he cares about accuracy. ’

I'm short on ammo. I'm afraid ballistics will be unstable. There was no skull. It would be difficult to control the recoil. It's for suppressive shooting with lots of ammunition at high speed. It might be useful in smaller environments, like submarines and inside buildings. If the range is short, Accuracy won't matter. Insights and findings based on the Combat Sense affirmed the judgment of winter.

Then one of the FBI's main duties was gun control. Johanna is highly likely to know. Let me ask you when I have time.

A small vibration rises under your feet as you walk down the hallway. I hear the sound of water. I feel the ground rising.

In the command room, the captain is waiting with his backpack. He greeted them with a dissected attitude, and recommended an empty telescope.

“It's going to happen soon, but I think you'd better look around before that. ”

It meant to be aware of the environment above the surface in case of war. Winter bows.

“That's thoughtful. Thank you."

The landscape viewed through the telescope was also projected on the front screen. Only one of them could hold the telescope. What the crew didn't do was care to look where they wanted. Winter takes its place because Joanna has refused. The captain helped manipulate it.

The location of the injury was between two boats. Maybe one of them is CIA operations headquarters. He was going to take over the rest of them. The gap opens back and forth, hitting the narrow eye net and covering it.

There's nothing to see here, is there? I wanted to, but the magnification changed. The net gradually becomes sparkly and faint, and the landscape beyond it shines evenly.

“It's like a fluoroscope. ”

“Think of Kill Flash. ”

Joanna's voice. Kill-Flash is a net-like frame. A tool that prevents you from being spotted by your enemies by reflecting lenses. It doesn't bother me to put it on a scope.

On one side of the field of view, Winter was able to recognize the faces, equipment and clothing of the armed forces outside 230 meters. It was impressive to look as bright as day with the light control.


Soldiers are huddling among civilians, drinking and chatting. He wore a foreign pattern of digital camouflage and was armed with undistributed weapons in the United States. Joanna, looking at the screen, mutters.

“The Chinese army. The real mastermind of this part of China. The stuff next to it... Hmm, the tattoos show that they belong to the Liberation Army. It was the last time I wiped out a faction in Los Angeles about eight years ago, but I never thought I'd see it again. ”

Anyway, it wasn't a threat right away. I look the other way, but I can see only a few sleepy sentries lately. Their lazy boundaries do not point this way.

“I've looked hard enough. I think Anne would be more than happy to come up. He'd have been assigned to the CIA anyway. ”

Johanna nods. The captain has instructed the crew.

“Ballast tank drainage. Rise.”

The X.O. has had one good encounter. Again, weaker than before, the ground seems to be rising.

The injury was short-lived because it was close enough to the surface to raise the telescope in the first place. The captain led Joanna and Winter to the bridge hoistway. We have more than we need. Are you saying good-bye, or is it just a formality?

Japanese sailors take the hoistway at the command of the captain. The hatch opens, and a small stream of water spills out. Eek. Joanna frowns and sheds her hair.

Following you up, the vanguard aims everywhere.

The rope ladder falls from above, as if waiting. A man leaning against the railing of the freighter was looking down. The appearance of wearing night vision and smoking on my regular clothes makes me feel weird.

“I've been waiting for you, Director. And a winter lieutenant. Come on up. Let me get some rest. ”

Joanna frowns once more.

Captain Umehara says goodbye.

“It's been a short meeting, but it's been a pleasure knowing you both. We meet again when we meet. And I'll show you a little bit better then. And, Lieutenant Han. ”

He bows perpendicular to the winter.

“Please take good care of the people of Japan where you are. ”

The crew will be modeled after one or two captains. Winter also bows politely to them.

“I'm begging you. Please stay as you are now. ”

Joanna takes a step up the ladder and watches.

Last winter, I shook hands with Captain Umehara, and followed Joanna up the ladder. By the time it was up, the rhutum had also begun to sink below the surface. Hull silently submerges.

“Hmm. Did you see all that? ”

A voice that feels bored. Turning around, Joanna and the relaxed man still contrast. The man throws his butt and takes off the night vision. At the same age as Joanna, or a little bit more. A guard stationed on the deck is watching this encounter.

“Nice to meet you. I'm operational director Nathan Chadwick, Department of Homeland Security of the Central Intelligence Agency, who is in charge of Fair Strike operations. Y-you know, the hot patriotism...... and the soothing words to the two of you who would have been drawn here like pigs with different allegiances... Let's eat first. You haven't had dinner on schedule. ”

The flow is chaotic. Winter is something but formal.

“As you may know, it's the middle of winter. Please take good care of it."

Joanna, on the other hand, is silent.

Team Leader Chadwick shakes his head with a dull expression.

“Why does our director look so disgusted? Break your pretty face. Although we are Montague's dogs and Capulet's cats…… Let's not get too intense from the start. They're sleeping on call or on the job anyway. I can't even introduce you right now. ”

Okay, let's go in. He wraps his arms around the shoulders of winter. Point with your other hand. That unselfish attitude was a bit embarrassing. It follows Joanna in the wind like this.

It really was a restaurant. Chadwick himself entered the kitchen. It was an open structure and did not interfere with the conversation.

“I've brought you some precious meat to entertain my precious guests. Didn't the refrigerator come in just in time? Even though it was expensive.... You greedy Chinese. What are you getting, 150 rounds of shotguns for two pairs of spines? It's because of them that the distribution costs of this shithole are increasing. If it wasn't for them, sea transportation would be enough. Hmm, if they're all dead. ”

Whether it was fake or natural, he was chattering all the time baking meat. Usually meaningless, one-sided words. This side doesn't give you a chance to talk.

“Here, have some. ”

Roughly grilled steak is placed on the table. It tasted good for that. Johanna grabs the cutlery in an uncomfortable tone, then takes a bite and wriggles her eyebrows.

“What do you think?”


Chadwick grinning at the answer of winter.

“Oh, Lieutenant, I like you. So, do you want to hear from the people you're most curious about? ”

Most curious people. In winter, of course, it was only the Winter Alliance of Fort Roberts. But what's the news already? He's been gone a long time.

‘Nevertheless, it seems that something happened when I said this.... ’

Looking at you, Chadwick grins.

“You want to hear it, too? Stars are supposed to feed on attention. Okay, so now I'm going to brief you on the factions and activities of your fan club in the United States. ”

“No…… No more of that.”

What was so funny? Intelligence officials have made a big deal of it. You hear a screaming sound next to you. Joanna sets down the dishes. I want to shoot a word, but it's hard to choose what to say.

This operation, is it gonna be okay?

Artwork Reviews

# Q&A

Q. kartiel: Is the promotional footage of winter within the @ world sphere almost consuming like a movie or drama? I'm looking forward to the winter youth version of the flight.

A. It's more than just movies and dramas in the sense of reality. Michael Jackson?...

Q. OneChance: @ It's the second time you've been to the previous chapter recently that you've, uh, skipped a spot (once for a crazy captain). Skipping and replenishing with recall are common storytelling developments, but this time it looks more like a twisted handshake, rather than an intended development. I don't know if I haven't felt the same way about her in the meantime... But I feel like I'm losing flow reading it, so it's not good. I'm worried that you're not currently busy or uncomfortable writing these days because the performance cycle has been longer than before. If the storytelling gets a little slower these days, I wonder if it's because of the readers... I'm going to have to write a lot more on my phone and not be able to express my thoughts. I hope you'll accept my concern. I'm always cheering you on.

A. It is true that you are concerned that the progress is slow. I thought it was too much, but it was uncomfortable. Haha. I'll think about it and fix it.

Q. Pepper pepper: @ sympathetic to the throne... together! Don't you see?

A. You have stopped reporting until Season 1. We don't have time to see that. T

Q. Strawberry Sweeper: @ I voted for the winner rather than the material. Apocalypse has a peculiar background, but it's more provocative than that.

A. You can choose from any of them. I can't wear this novel anyway. Thank you for your vote:)

Q. Nananagnang: Based on @ Joara's novel, the boundaries between plagiarism and cliché are obscured. The author is curious to know what you think.

A. I think the work ethic of the writers is missing.

I think the logic of readers wanting it, or supplying it with demand, is a cowardly excuse. The impact of supply and demand on both parties is that even if you study the economy a little...

You're just choosing the easiest and most proven of all the ways to meet demand.

It is said that imitation is the mother of creation, but the only thing that can be justified by that is the imitation that is directed towards creation. It's okay because the whole piece is similarly decorated, and it's not legally plagiarism. There's nothing new under the sky anyway, right?... making excuses... well... sad...

Q. How much for 16 @ coupons? I'll divide it by two for each tentacle, and I'll give you 16. Two out of 10 squid legs are genitals. So, 16 coupons for each of the eight.

A. My leg is purely a leg. I have no reproductive organs.

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