The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00135 # Past, Season % 26 # Intermission of Rose Seeds

# Past (8), Season when roses seeds (1)

Autumn stood on a platform that changed seasons. The breeze blows. The men waiting for the train together opened the old collar. They're a long way from Autumn. It's a different nationality. Birth was practically an identity. The underprivileged workers did not cross the line. A line to protect the Koreans. It was a single red line, but it was absolute. If you cross without qualification, it is a crime to commit theft.

Clear Discrimination, but do not protest The ones who are superior, the ones who are inferior. The media reported crimes committed by some of them on a year-round basis. Murder, arson, theft, fraud, rape……. The victim did not obstruct the rank. So those who were discriminated against became part of a whole that hated some. I'm different. I'm treated like the rest of you.

There were no gaps on the other side of the line, and they impressed each other. He didn't even look this way. I'm suspicious just by watching. The police were watching. They also had low identities. For post-apocalyptic paradise, we have to improve our performance. Therefore, for landscapes where Korean is difficult, workers who do not know Korean are only potential criminals. No, it had to be a potential criminal. Compassion always precedes compassion. Empathy was the ability to kill itself.

‘I feel nauseous... …. ’

Autumn trembled with disgust. The artificial aroma of the energy pack I had for breakfast lifted up my throat. Your throat is sharpened. The inside of your nose is tingling.

The wind blows again. It's sharp as a blade. You dig deep into it. It was rather clean, so autumn felt good.

With a slightly embarrassed gesture, I opened my arms to the autumn wind. The season of the same name as my distant brother came to my mind. I felt cold in my body and warmth in my mind. I was reminiscing about my body temperature in my memories. Winter never liked winter. I didn't know it would come out of my duvet whenever it was cold. I was glad I could give you a good hug every time.

It's still gonna be so cold.

Not the body, the mind.

Noisy electronic sound echoes.

[There's an internal circulation train coming in towards comet 3 station. Ladies and gentlemen, please board safely. The inner circle line train heading for……]

The train enters history. The car to be boarded is calm. It is rare for Korean people to work in real life. For foreigners who were half of the population, the natives of the land were often nonexistent holograms. This is the dawn of virtual reality. Physical reality was already a dangerous place.

I was happy to receive additional allowance outside.

Noisy on the other side of the line. People trying to get out and people trying to get in were struggling. The station attendant shouts. The swearing speech was Burmese.

For autumn, the meaning is seen as subtitles. It was the interlock function of eye-catching lenses and handsets. A command line comes out from the shouter and tells me it's this person's word. Other unconscious screams are erased on their own.

However, when many people roamed around, the subtitles were often tangled due to terminal performance problems. From the standpoint of managing the workers themselves, Autumn wanted to have a slightly higher performance handset. Good objects provide improved filtering and voice conversion. Hopefully, the goods we use now were paid for by the company.

‘We have to save it. Only use it where it's really important. ’

Shaking his head, Autumn boards the wagon. Most of the seats were empty. Stay away from a few other passengers. You sit quietly and page Trinity. A colourful interface that is displayed in the field of view. The world's leading artificial intelligence engine is responsible for many other areas besides post-insurance. Even personal terminals.

Request to Visit the Central Intelligence Agency of the Post Insurance Corporation

Autumn brought the visitation application form. Winter, I'm off to meet my lost season. In the meantime, it was difficult to get permission. Poor people have low credit. The security of the afterlife facility was a priority over family longing. It's at the heart of national competitiveness.

Now that you have a stable job, you'll feel much better.

Work. Yeah, I got a job. The comet group is more famous for fair employment contracts than any other company. I had to put aside my personal feelings. Winter is already on a deadline. The child was prolonging the remaining time with his own efforts. Only for autumn.

Blurred vision. Formation is distorted. Fall to wipe away tears.

“I want to stop now. ”

A tired and exhausted winter saying. Of course, I didn't actually say that. Winter did not have the temperament to nail a loved one to the chest. But I definitely heard the fall. The expressions, voices, and consideration that I did not want to be introverted were voices that I could hear without speaking.

I don't know anyone else, but I can't cheat autumn. So I answered like this.

“Without you, I'm gone. ”

Live for me. That's not what I really said. However, it was the mind that was conveyed everything other than language. Every time I think about it, I feel a sense of self-esteem in autumn. I was so selfish.

“It's okay.”

Winter in memory smiles calmly.

Conversations we couldn't tell each other the truth. It was nice to meet you, but all I could think of was pain.

Autumn cleared the incomplete application form.

What do I do? I don't have the courage to go see him.

When I thought I was going through that time again, my hands were already shaking. Yes, what I have seen so far has been much more of a weakness than procedure. Horrible fear and ugly self-loathing. Winter looked like nothing in hopeless situations, and it was a terrible pain for the fall.

Your torso tilts. Fall covers your face with both hands. Kill the sound and get in trouble.

“Bastards……. ”

At first, it was a grudge against my parents. People who sold things they shouldn't have sold. That has become a grudge against the old monster who took the young body, a grudge against himself who can't do anything right now, and finally a grudge against the whole world.

He must hate the world, too. Definitely.


I mean, don't you think I'm blaming myself? ’

The heart that I loved and hated could coexist as much as I wanted. If winter had shown even the slightest hint of hatred, autumn would not be tolerated.

Another thing that's hard to handle. Potential for new wounds to winter.

Autumn was winded.

# Intermission, Polyamori

Dear customers, I've been emphasizing this for a while.

Yes! I'm not fired yet. Oh, don't be sad. I'm Seoul.

It's been a little while since "Stargazing in the Sky." And there were a lot of people who had two hands full of stars after I introduced them. So I was complimented and criticized at the same time. Compliments of increasing sales and criticism of spiking customer complaints. My customer service contact doesn't work for me.

I actually thought that was going to happen.

who bought multiple celebrity fiction personalities at once. Honestly, haven't you read the precautions before? But you haven't read the much more important amendments to the post-insurance policy, so why should you care about a single DLC note?

Now, I'm going to easily unravel the notes you passed without reading them in the captivating voice of Omphatal. It's a simple Listening Assessment. Listen carefully to the statements given and answer the questions.

◎ Precautions when using the product feat. System Manager "

Most Character Virtual Personality Packages, including the celebrity items you purchased, have built-in psychocontrol options. The meeting conditions and initial liking settings are the default.

You also have the option of discouraging other virtual personalities from having feelings for you. Lots of people love it. It's a 100% chance that you'll get love one day, because you'll only get affection from players.

I gave you the most expensive money, and you're pissed off when you mess with someone else. I would feel self-conscious if I was trying to do this. And of course, some of you enjoy this sense of self. We respect diverse tastes. if that's what it's like to be rich.

But the thing is, virtual personality is an imitation of human personality. It basically has all the emotions that a person could feel. If you can love, you can be jealous. The two emotions are indistinguishable from each other!

Now, I know it's hard to feel AI as a person with your ability to empathize, and I know you probably haven't had a proper relationship, but that's it, and that's this.

Oh, so you can't include jealousy suppression in your basic psychocontrol options?

You need to rethink the basics. Literally the basics. Minimum conditions required for reliable use of the product. Insufficient or insufficient psychocontrol options for normal use of the commodity. This is the basis for the intersection of basics and beyond.

So the wars of the stars that you've experienced are fundamentally out of our hands. It's not a mistake. It's not a scam.

That's all for now. Let me show you. In your response to virtual personality jealousy, choose the one that best suits you.

Fuck you.

My name is Jinjin. I have now realised my customer identity. Yes, I was a real customer Go to complain to customer satisfaction.

9463; Shut up and take my money!

There's nothing I can do. Once this is over, we're going to Cheongwa!

How was it? Was it too easy?

Uh... I'm sorry, but number four is incorrect. That's how we treat our customers.

Bro, that's right, number three is correct!

The ultimate solution to any kind of political drama that you're going through in virtual reality! Introducing the new DLC, polyamori package!

The moment this package applies to your worldview! Oh, my God. Jealousy's gone. All your lovers will be as calm as a lie. No matter how strong an monopoly is, if you fall in love, people change.

Of course, there are options available for those who enjoy a little jealousy. It's a selfish feature that keeps you jealous of your custom intensity.

In that sense, this DLC name is a little inappropriate. Dictionary polyamori is the belief that the ability of a person to love a person is limitless. It's about not locking limitless emotions in a monolithic, fixed frame.

Oh, my God. How can we be so positive about humans?

We already know that. that love is an explicit emotion.

Of course, there are many examples of unconditional and infinite love. There are incredibly beautiful love stories all around us.

But it's so rare, it's so flattering.

How many people can make that kind of love?

One for the cloth, one for the bay?

Hmm, I don't know. Let's assume that there is one in abundance.

I mean, if only 0.01% of humanity is mentally ill, isn't that mental illness?

So, customers, let's cut to the political correctness and be frank with desire. For most people, polyamori is just a normal sex fantasy! Virtual reality frees man! We can be ourselves in the virtual world!

Are you ready to buy some new happiness?

Turn every virtual personality you have into a psychopath!


So far, Paradise Group Virtual Reality Division has informed us.

Artwork Reviews

# Conversations

Tunguska: Nowadays, when you look at evil, your mental health breaks. I didn't at first.

Friends: Hi!

Tunguska: I'll destroy your readers' mental faculties if I break them.

Friend: That's sympathetic.

# Q&A

Q. Bahá 'í: You don't have a genitalia... Are you an old race of descendants who just sleep with their bare hands...

A. Well. Nowadays, when we write marriage contracts and play 15 games of Heroes of Storm, we know that one person who loses a lot gets pregnant.

Q. AntiChrist: After I got the raw materials coupon from @ Novelis, I had to spend it on something, but I could never find a better piece, so I threw it all here. > Source coupon is WRYYYYYYYYYYYYY

A. Yes? There's the wind and the stars. Honestly, I'd like to pretend I don't know, but I can't because of my conscience and sympathy.

Q. Moon Se Lee: It's more cash than votes to fill @ sympathy. I'll give you a plaintiff coupon. blah blah

A. Thank you. I'll eat with the coupon you gave me.

Q. Credica: I'm getting fewer and fewer tickets and fewer and fewer sympathies. What should I do now?

A. Four years later, you can run for U.S. presidency, take over the White House, lock me up in Guantanamo Base, flog me every day, and pull out the next side.

Q. Quiet: When will your compassion recharge? When you have a powerful scratch on your mind? You can grill meat for lunch tomorrow when you're sure? Once satisfied and able to see yourself objectively?

A. When you're finished posting and eagerly awaiting the first comment, you feel safe to go to sleep because the comment is positive.

Q. Iron Bully: Can't I upload it on the weekends when I'm watching it now in Naver Books?

A. The publisher needs to rest on the weekends. In fact, any job needs to be guaranteed a five-day job… other publishers who are not delayed in uploading even on the weekends can be a little disappointing.

Q. Blue Crystal: When will I get my @ paper book?? I want to have a real paper collection.

A. I don't know yet, as a writer. I heard you were working on it... Actually, I'm not that greedy for paper books... Actually, I made a contract with paper books because my readers wanted me to, so I did it as a fan service... Heheh... I'll look into it again and get back to you.

Q. : @ I enjoy reading well. Reason for not responding to my comment: 1. ContentSpo. 2. Subsequently Important Deployment 3. Too long to read 4. I don't have anything to say 5. What is the question? 6. Other... I wonder why ^ ^

A. You've been out of your mind all night.

But if the answer is two, I can't tell you it's two! That's spoiler enough! Haha.

We would like to respond to a comment in 133 currency.

I think the experience of the past is actually melted from the common behaviors of winter and from the response itself. Honestly, winter doesn't feel like a child, does it? when you're negotiating with a potion like Richingen.

In the usual regression, "I've regressed, so I know this for sure!" I think repetition is a rather convenient development.

After-insurance specifications Virtual Reality calculations differ then.

Even more so in situations where it deliberately promotes worldview change. This is what the business rationalization committee is all about.

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