# by stone (5)

The rest offered by General Rogers was merely a means of no combat mission. Two days is a pretty tight time to take over a squadron. If it weren't for Captain Singh's consideration on the first night after returning, there would have been no time to resolve the meeting with the platoon members.

‘There will be opportunities in the future. ’

Faced people looked strange in winter, reviewing documents and writing reports. In fact, I can't say I'm proficient myself in winter. However, it was difficult to pass on time because there were things to understand. In some cases, the information you receive as calibration is less than you can remember.

However, there was a sense of stability coming from sitting in the office. Now I feel like I'm in the clear. Temporary garrisons are all formal.

The third morning pours out of the window. The square sunlight fell in front of the small, old TV.

The Federal Railroad Authority announced that the GuardLiner plan in the Northeast Corridor was completed at 8: 00 a.m. today. Thus, all trains running the north-eastern mainline railway line from the Canadian border to the vicinity of Washington D.C. became armored trains. This initiative was undertaken under the Human Collaboration of the Office of Secure Transportation under the Federal Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration…….

The announcer's voice caught my attention. Winter placed the document and looked at the distant landscape on the screen. The train arrives at the landing platform, lined with rivets. The Remote Turret (RWS) was impressive, paired per car. There were anti-tank missile launchers.

There were really few people on commuter trains in suits. Each of them was carrying a backpack, and he wore clothing that was more practical, active and rarely defensive than formal. It was worth noting that there were bunker-like shelters everywhere, and the elevator shafts were divided into bars.

Knock knock. Someone knocks. Winter, which checked the time, tilted its head. Who is it? Is Operation Briefing still a go?

“Come in.”

The door opens carefully. The first one came in, and the next one was a mix of familiar and unfamiliar faces. Not the men in the platoon. It was easy to guess because there were so many.

The preliminary clerk put in the old fashions. Attention. Salute. Winter was saluted.

“Rest. You must be the backup. ”

“Yes, Commander. ”

“That was fast. I just sent you a request yesterday. ”

“It means it's almost time to give these filthy bastards a shot. ”

The boss handed over the file on his side to Winter. Winter takes a quick break and looks around at the rest. The familiar faces, such as Morales and Schulz, smiled faintly when their gaze met. They also participated in the last hunt, so they deserved to be called skilled soldiers. Participants in the operation were awarded at least a medal for homosexuality.

Nothing unusual about coming here, as the Baker squad wasn't a formal proposition.

Other unknown faces were like statues staring up at the front.

“Welcome, everyone. I'm sure some of you don't know me. It's the middle of winter, the commander.”

Some people's faces shake with winter jokes.

“I want to relax and talk, but I can't right now. Let me ask you one thing. You may be exceptional, of course, but it can be difficult to adapt to the characteristics of your troops. Please report it to your supervisor or to me without delay. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir! ”

“Okay, then, boss, I'm sorry, but I'll take care of the rest. I have to get to headquarters soon. ”

“Don't worry. ”

Winter returned the signed file to her superiors. The anchorman Marquis Merriweather was neither difficult nor ignorant of winter. I'm just saying, I have 22 years of experience in service.

I hear another knock after a while. He was deputy commander this time.

“Commander, you need to come out now. ”

“Yes, Captain. Can you wait just a little bit?”

Winter quickly cleared the desk. I would not go in and out of places like this, but there was one law in the bay. Load the drawer with a lock and stand up.

There were already two humvees out there to start. Operation Officer Foster, Intelligence Officer Murray and their companions salute Winter. Winter sat in the front seat of vehicle number one.

“I'll be going.”

Winter when the driver nods. The guard at the gate removes obstacles and barbed chains (spike strips) from the entrance. Their leader was a magnificent star. I gave him a bright smile.

I noticed things that were unusual to the scenery going to the headquarters. Winter caught me on the radio.

“Captain Singh, do you know what that is? ”

After a short jolt, a reply comes from the follow-up vehicle.

[I'm not sure. It's like a radar…… just looking at it, but I've never seen it before. And you don't need that much radar.]

Small trailers that looked like radar, as he said, were short of ten fingers in the count. The upper rotary structure was an azimuthal rotary panel, with a protrusion similar to the receiver of the antenna. Winter asked the tactical officer of the same vehicle this time.

“Foster, what do you think? ”

“…… not a radar. The structure of the driver suggests that the angles are all negative, so why would they send radio waves to the ground if they weren't meant to be landmines? It could be a new weapons system using electromagnetic waves. because the cunning have similar abilities. ”

The poster mentioned Trickster's ability to emit microwaves.

Other new and unfamiliar vehicles or heavy equipment were lined up. Of course, not everyone was familiar with it, but typical drilling machines were. What are they trying to do with the ground?

A poster that was looking carefully at the landscape pointed out a trailer that looked like it had a Vulcan hanging underneath the R2D2 in Star Wars.

“I'll see if I can find one. This was in Iraq. I called it Centurion.”

“Centurion? Same name as your gloves? ”

“Yes, I usually avoid the same name on formal equipment, but at the top you probably don't think you'll be able to rewrite that. There's no need to confuse names. ”

“I think I saw it on the cruiser. ”

“That's also true. It was originally a proximity defense system (CIWS) to intercept missiles, but it was pulled ashore to intercept mortars. It was originally designed to stop hypersonic aircraft, so it was very good at stopping mortar shells. It's autonomous, so you don't have to worry about it. ”

“Hmm……. ”

Is it to defend the infant that Grumbles are throwing? Big monsters throw small monsters fiercely, but at a decent speed. At least it'll be faster than Major League Aces pitchers' balls. However, the interception difficulty was much lower compared to mortar shells. I thought winter was overrated.

‘Still, it would be better to overflow than be lacking...' ’

It would be okay to have such a weapon system around the ranks of Satan. If we rework the program, we could wipe out the surface at the same time. The scope looked quite large because it was used. Given the incredible speechless power of the six barrels spinning, we will also be able to stop Grumble.

It was only a short trip, but it was a headquarters. A line of chariots from the headquarters were waiting. The shape is very different from before because it is upgraded. The size and height of the turret have increased compared to the past. The sliding armor for artillery defense has been replaced with vertical gloves. Winter may have thinned out all the front gloves.

‘Because of the steel against mutants, the defensive strength over a meter is too much...'

Instead, the defensive force that was concentrated forward would have been dispersed in the other direction. But he's lost a lot of weight.

The capacity of the cannonball has increased as the internal volume has increased.

After getting out of the car and entering the headquarters briefing room, the officers arrived a little earlier silent. Curiosity, admiration, awe, and skepticism were concentrated in winter. Winter sat next to me because I saw someone I knew.

“Captain Langford. ”

The captain was delighted and a little awkward. What a smile to say.

“Now I'm the underdog. It reminds me of a movie I saw before. ”


“It was an SF movie about fighting alien bugs, where the trainer told the protagonist. I'll salute you the next time I see you. ”

“ ……. ”

“Everyone was so happy to hear you were back in one piece. even though Baker squadron no longer exists. ”

“Are you disappointed?”

“…… a little. But I don't want to go back to that. ”

Winter smiled faintly at an officer's confession of tremendous responsibility and hair loss.

Langford is now assigned to the sack to serve as the devil. You may consider yourself back to your original mission.

Shortly after, the Master of the Legion entered. The room darkens and the projector lights up. Still, the blunt warden did not change his greeting. We ended up looking at the numbers.

“You're all here. Let the briefing begin.”

The Valley of Fire is the name of the mission projected with light.

“As everyone knows, the aggression of the mutants has reached its limit. ”

A map came to mind in the actions of the warden.

“They are at war on two fronts because we set up a crossroads here. Operation Preventive Scalping has weakened their control. This counterattack is an extension of a clear liberation operation, with the goal of completing the takeover of the mainland before fall. ”

There was a slight murmur.

“The screen you're looking at is from the Meteorological Administration. ”

The warden looks at the officers with his eyes and points at the red bitten map with his hands.

“At this point, temperatures are already going through the years. The Meteorological Administration expects record heat to reach the Central Valley of California and its vast foothills in the southern region, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and Mexico. Especially in our area of operations, California, they say it will rise to 120 degrees Fahrenheit depending on the region. ”

Winter, when it was estimated to be 120 degrees Fahrenheit, tilted its head slightly. It was a murderous heat close to 50 degrees Celsius. The operation is understandable and the contents are predictable.

“This weather change is expected to start in early June and last until August. ”

According to the Complaint, red areas like blood were spreading pathologically on the map where the pages crossed by the prediction interval.

“The body temperature of the infectious strain is higher than that of a normal human. Therefore, while the weather is so hot, the normal ability is not possible……. What?”

The officer who raised his hand asked.

“Does that mean their activities are stopped? ”


The general denied it immediately.

“They have the ability to suppress metabolism. We can keep her warm and active. But it becomes that slow. It was confirmed experimentally at the CDC. ”

“Wouldn't it be different in a battle situation? ”


The general responded again immediately. Just as I expected.

“But they only showed up last year. I've never been in a heat like this. Therefore, there is no experience in what distance from certain temperatures the metabolism should be normalized. Their charge will be swift or late. We'll be out of here sooner or later, and we won't be able to get the best combat power. Either way, it's in our best interest. Isn't it?”

“If that's what you're saying. ”

When the officer gave the clue, the general raised his hand again. Projected accordingly was the landscape of an experimental facility. It appears to be one of the facilities of the CDC. There were a number of variants trapped in a large white space. Each mutant has a sensor embedded in its entire body. It was a means to check the physical condition.

Inside the reinforced glass was a researcher who was moving transparently and opaque. The monitor showed room temperature, humidity, and the condition of the variants.

When the temperature reached 100 degrees Fahrenheit, bait appeared to stimulate the plague's aggressiveness.


Variants that are starting to glow like when they're slower.

Violent attacks are short-lived. At 3 minutes and 30 seconds, they slow down rapidly.

Artwork Reviews

# Q&A

Q. Karphis: This is from the "American Captain: City War." when a villain-dressed friend tried to escape in a helicopter, he grabbed the tall helicopter bridge, grabbed the railing of the building, and held it together so that it wouldn't take off. What about winter?

A. I don't remember seeing the movie. But I don't think we can hold onto the rails.

Q. AntiChrist: I'm going to cast a powerful spell on you because you've been having a hard time lately. Scalochen!!!! Scalochen!!!

A. You're using spells that match your nickname. I'm going to be sick.

Q. Eunhyeong Ro: I bought a paper book from a bookstore in Joal, an e-book buyer in @ Lidi. What I want... what I want... is all of Hale Scaloven!

A. Ha-ha-ha-ha. That's right. Ha-ha.

Q. Eeiko: @ I'm still having a great time reading today! If you don't mind me asking, what kind of work do you read in Jorah?

A. Well, of course I've told you too much about the wind and the stars, but other than that, um... maze is business?...

Q. LunarKarma: @ Fan # 1... Sponge.....

A. I think I try to kill myself every night. Haha.

Q. FNLSHSK: What are you going to do next? You have a loyal reader. What do you think? I paid for it.

A. The next one is about a few initiatives. It's unlikely, but it might not work.

The first 'Path to Happiness' is the sequel to the Charnel House and spinoff, addressing the conceptual future after the end.

The second night of the Wall is a worldview inspired by Frederick the Great and Prussian times.

The third "horn of the Mushroom" is an authentic fantasy of Macho Man, Princess and the Demon King.

The fourth "Age of Fire" is a steam funk fantasy based on the nomadic empire that started the Industrial Revolution.

There are many other ideas such as the cosmic horror of the Christian worldview, "The Wilderness of Sexual History," or the medieval comedy fantasy of the Buddhist worldview, "Walk nine steps in eight directions," but for one, the four are finalists. It's all written down to the beginning.

Q. Greyark: You said you have a lot of writing to do, but is there anything else you'd like to do separately? You must be in a lot of trouble.

A. There's no such thing. Only one sympathy per skeleton remains.

Q. IIO6: Now that I think about it, can I synchronize, chat, or play games with other policyholders? And can I get used to reading movies, dramas, novels, etc. and not just playing games?

A. Electrons are conditionally possible. This will be omitted as it will be discussed by the members later. The latter, of course, is possible.

Q. Seunggooni™: What happened to the survivors who were there after the @ nuclear outbreak? The Chinese or the Americans.

A. As I've mentioned several times, I'm unable to answer these questions. We appreciate your patience.

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