# by stone (6)

After regeneration, General Rogers continued.

“Of course, this level of flame is deadly for us too. In order to minimize non-combat losses, all vehicles in the emerging fleet will be converted based on operations in a desert environment. In addition shelter carriers with cooling equipment are also supported. Landing combat shall be conducted at the commander's discretion. ”

The screen has changed back to the map. Unlike before, it was not indicative of regional temperature.

“Before we begin our operations, we must take control of the Sonoma Dam and the geothermal complex in the mountain range south of Clear Lake. The goal is to reactivate the power plants to gain the power needed to disrupt the area and defend the node. Nodes built in this area will act as a distraction for the enemy while the main force of Satan operates in a violent manner. ”

And this was the assignment that would be given to Winter. It's because there was an Independent, David, mission unit to be placed on the task list. The location is an idle geothermal power station. This is the farthest west of the compound's defensive nodes, so it is unlikely you will need support from other troops.

“New radio disruption equipment is different from traditional ECMs in that it mimics enemy signals. Thanks to the separation of signals of a certain significance from enemy communications we've collected. This means that it sends an incorrect command beyond the level that interference interferes with communication. ”

Roger emphasized the emphasis.

“The only problem is that the only separation order is a rally signal. ”

Some officers have been wandering around. Most would have been commanders on the same mission as winter.

“Commander, we have a huge range of radio interference, but shouldn't our communications be disruptive?" Even if you build a wired network between the Nodes, you need a way to contact the Saracen headquarters or Marigold. ”

As soon as I was curious about winter, another officer asked me.

“You don't have to worry about communication. As the signal becomes clear, the channel used for the disturbance is limited. It can be overcome by frequency jumps set to the rules. Satellite communications, as well as regular radio stations in the vicinity of disruptive equipment, will operate normally. However.”

A brutal declaration by the Master of the Legion.

“Under no circumstances is Satan's dominant support. ”

More officers came roaring this time.

“This is because Satan's mission is to strike a maneuver that digs into the hearts of his enemies. I don't know if there's anything loyal to a mutant group.... More precisely, the aim is to liberate the mutant population from all sources within the operational area. Even with the support of the Air Force and Navy aircraft, it's never an easy mission. It's almost impossible to come back for support. ”

“ ……. ”

“The Weather Service predicts a severe drought in inland California. Mutations are life after all. You need water to move around alive. It's that desperate. It won't be easy. However, if the operation is successful, we can spend Thanksgiving with our family. ”

Most of the dams in the pollution area keep the water gates wide open to prevent collapse. Just like the Salinas Dam at Lake Santa Margarita, where winter was dispatched. Thus, no matter how much rain was poured at the beginning of the year, there was never much reservoir.

The drought in California is notorious. Rivers and canyons are dry. Constants and irrigation theory would not work now more than ever. Even though the central plains became deserts, it was not strange.

“Say it again. Node Defense has no reinforcements. Even if a new division is created here. However, this is not an impossible mission. ”

The commander handed over the screen. An officer on the laptop went through a few pages this time. Finally, on the page where Warden Rogers nodded, resources were introduced for fortification.

“The list you see here is an additional set of equipment that will be deployed to defeat the enemies that are constantly gathering. You all know the turret. There are other laser firing systems and access rejection systems. ”

Rejection systems were radar-like vehicles seen on the way to the headquarters in winter.

“The output of the laser firing system is 1 megawatt. Since the power plant is a node, unlimited firepower support will be possible. Rumor has it Grumbling couldn't last five seconds. Although there is a cooling problem, a turbulent size group can be eliminated without ammunition consumption. ”

Winter looked at the terrain. It was an excellent defense notice. Extremely disadvantageous for variants who had to jump a few hundred meters above extreme temperatures.

Access Denial System (ADS), also known as Quick Heatray (Heatray) seemed fine. It's a kind of non-lethal weapon that makes life in range feel intense pain. It was originally developed for military use, but didn't see the effects, so it was used for protest. A description of the briefing document that improves it and increases its output to deploy it.

‘Even if I don't have lethal power, it's enough to buy me time.... ’

Various uses have passed through the winter's mind. Though less potent than Trickster's microwave radiation, the range was wider than that. Not only will it delay the assault of the mutants, but it will also be useful for focusing fire on restricting access routes. or forcibly separate Grumbles and common variants.

“There is also a way to increase the temperature and humidity of hot groundwater. We could go straight to high pressure. Given the support of the Air Force and artillery, it is believed that there will be no difficulty defending the notice that the pile has been completed. Any objections? ”

Warden Rogers asked the quiet officers.

Winter reminded me of the vertical perforation. This was the heavy equipment you needed, right?


The Complainant conducted the briefing without much emotion.

When you get back to your outpost after all, a team of mechanics hauls a truck behind you. Loaded with armoured plates, bulletproof glass, etc. to add to different types of air conditioning, humvee turrets.

Captain Singh says while watching the mechanic's work.

“This summer must be terribly hot in many ways. ”

Winter agreed.

“It looks like your non-combat losses are greater than the number you've been hit by. ”

“Beyond 100 degrees, even the asphalt will weep. People don't have to say. Of course, I have to watch out for troop management. ”

Operation Officer Foster sighs.

“Too bad. If I had known this was going to happen, I think it would have been okay to slow down Operation Clear Liberation." ”

“I can't help it. It was a decision-making at that point. Since they lost the West Coast, they also lost a lot of piloting instruments.... If it wasn't for the Navy, it wouldn't be possible. ”

“… How does the commander see the operation? ”

“Isn't the chances of success enough? Mutants have to run on foot in that weather. I will suppress the metabolism, so it will be slow... And the drier the bloodstream, the less the radius of action will be.... The Air Force would beat us up if we got together on the water. We're done fixing survivors now. ”

Captain Singh nods.

“I have a feeling the area is too wide, but Satan's main force won't be as dangerous as it is overwhelming in manpower. You can attack unilaterally, maintaining your distance, even if the enemy is large, but only if you break into smaller groups. ”

With air support and satellite surveillance, there's very little chance of being surrounded.

“The way to contaminate the water source with chemical ammunition…… will be difficult to use given their adaptability, but we can lead them to a particular water source and let the fire flow instead of the water. If it's poisonous, napalm doesn't adapt and sleep. ”

The captain expressed his expectations as if he had seen a strict face.

But the tactical officer was worried about the other side.

“Aren't you worried about the mission of our platoon? ”

“ ……. ”

“A rally signal? That means that there are all kinds of variants within range of transmission. Or more. If the smart-headed Specialty Mutants bring in the herd outside, all troops deployed to the Node Defense, including our troops, will be in jeopardy. ”

Murray frowns.

“No way. I'd avoid it if I had any ideas. ”

“Why are you so optimistic? ”

“The cunning ones have been outnumbered by the last hunt, and those who survived there must be prepared to take their lives." So you want to stay out of radio interference. What's left is an uncontrolled attack. If we give up, won't we only be dealing with new frontiers from now on? Things the Tricksters couldn't bring in. Well……. ”

Murray concludes.

“It may not be an easy fight, but it's a long way from a suicide mission. ”

Winter did not agree to this.

“Well…. ”

The gazes of returning with luck.

“If you let it interfere, it creates too much vacancy for the mutants. in areas where there's no real activity. I don't know if you want to solve it.... ”

By the time Trickster, he would have understood what that realm meant.

One nodder, one shaker, one expressionless person. Winter was short.

“Let's not be too careless. ”

By the way, I need to let the platoon know.

The unattended squadrons were curious about the mechanic's work. The air conditioning system with a pair of fans was sufficiently exhaustive to remove the entire rear cover of the humvee. I wouldn't even be able to operate in 50 degrees of heat if it weren't for that.

“Ah, winter. You're back.”

I heard the call, and it turns out I'm the FBI supervisor. He was armed in a tactical suit with his forearms raised. I was already wearing my sunglasses because of the intense direct sunlight.

“Anne? What's going on? ”

“ ……. ”

She smiles slightly, silent for a moment.

“Can I see you after work? Something needs to be done before you get back. ”

“It doesn't matter... I take it you've got your return scheduled? ”

“Yes, I think I'll be there sooner or later. They say Washington's pretty well organized. I can't stay here too long. The new operation is about to begin, isn't it? ”

“Yes, I'm on my way from the briefing right now. What do you know? ”

And then there's the smiling director.

“No, I'm an outsider now. ”

“ ……. ”

She hides her loneliness and asks a new question.

“Is this a dangerous operation? ”

“I don't know yet. ”

“It won't be easy. Some of the cities you want up there will be sacrificed by refugee soldiers. No... ”

Joanna is surprised at her own sharpness, telling herself. She covered her mouth with one hand and apologized to the winter and other officers looking at her.

“I'm sorry. You said something useless. It was rude.”

“It's okay. Anyway... When do you think you'll have time after work?" ”

“Anytime is fine. I don't have anything else to do. It's not an important business, so taking the time is enough. ”

“If so……. I'll keep an eye on things. ”

“I'll wait.”

If it's not important, is it a personal matter? Winter turns its back for a moment and watches the overseer move away. On the way there, CIA agents were walking around in the sun like they were taking a walk.

Artwork Reviews

# KakaoTalk Tornado

Comician friend: Wow. I'm watching a tornado video, and the trailer just flew by.

Programmer Friend: There's a lot of land in that area, so it's not preventable.

Tunguska: Is there any way to prevent that?

Cartoonist friend: I can't imagine it because it's so big.

Tunguska: A nuclear strike on a tornado

Cartoonist Friend: I'll just run away from Tornadoes…

# Questions

Uh... I've mentioned a few times that I am unable to answer @ questions about the use of certain materials, what will be released, and the life of people. We appreciate your patience.

# Q&A

Q. Sasashid: It's an unprecedented era, full of steam-funked nomadic mulberries.

A. That's what I want. Of course, compassion is essential.

Q. Guaaaaak: I keep seeing the word @ scalocene, what does it mean? I can't Google it, but I think it's used to pressure the writer.

A. A request for a couple of characters, called Scarlett, to be associated with a character called Crochen in Halqueginia Seabreaker. I'd rather write about Kim Jong-un and Trump.

Q. Is there no flamethrower?

A. Not yet.

Q. OneChance: While it may be an example of discussing the next chapter at a time when there are still a lot of young princes left, I don't think I can help but be as excited. I think the next ones are interesting, and the titles are pretty good. If you complete it one by one, you'll have a little happiness in your life. Cheer up! This Heil Scalorchen!!

A. Thank you, except for Scalochen. I have a lot of things in mind because I have a long anonymous life, but I wonder if I can use them all while I'm a writer.

Q. Karen: I'm curious @, when will I be removed from the job promotion? After Operation Preventive Scalping, you've been made commander. Shouldn't you be returning to your original rank? Or a lieutenant in my country, a lieutenant in the ranks of a general general in the United States?

A. U.S. military office promotions are sometimes recognized as they are, depending on the situation or business evaluation. In this case, the salary is also adjusted to the ranks, and we can find many examples in World War II, because deputies and commanders were always lacking. There are even cases when advanced deputies are converted into advanced officers without additional training.

As noted in the book, the United States now suffers from more than a ten-fold expansion of the size of the army in World War II. and with the creation of a large group of refugees only. Winter assumes you're considering the configuration of a battalion commander. In winter, there is no longer a formal inter-work problem due to the high performances and the policy of adding history between service shifts.

In fact, this policy itself implies the intention of mitigating the terms of the promotion restriction.

History of Seohoon and the number of years of service added are as follows:

The Medal of Valor (no extras)/The Star of Comradeship (6 months)/The Silver Star of Honor (1 year)/The Distinguished Service Medal (2 years)/The Medal of Honor (5 years)/The Distinguished Service Cross (3 years), The Silver Star of Honor + The Oak Leaf Bronze Badge (1 year)/The Medal of Honor + The Oak Leaf Bronze Badge (5 years), The Intelligence Cross (3 years) (lessons confirmed)

It looks like a monster to me. The legendary Ody Murphy, who has won 33 medals in two and a half years as a living person, has also received one Medal of Honor... but he's also a movie actor and composer, which makes him a monster in a different sense.

The medal to be awarded as a Preventive Scalping Operation is not included as yet.

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