# by stone (7)

The ranch where the troops are stationed has become more and more rugged. New people keep coming to winter.

“Please confirm and sign. ”

The sergeant, who had just unloaded a freshly loaded vehicle from the port, filled it with food and ammunition, gave out documents and PDAs for the winter. The paperwork was a list of items, and the PDA had an electronic acceptance certificate floating.

Although it was originally the main supply deputy's job, he left for the headquarters for another task. Everyone was busy before the new operation. Operation details are improving every moment.

“Four shelter carriers, eight armored trucks, one vertical punctured air…… Unarmed rifle (M3), 100 high-explosive shells, 32 dual-purpose bombs…… 60 mortar flares…… 5.56 millimeter rounds……. ”

Shelter carriers used to be humvees converted into transport vehicles, now more like mobile bunkers. A steel wedge was welded to the outer glove plate, and a retractable gross eye was present.

When winter is done with the cargo and lists, the PDA will be signed. The returned sergeant is terrified to step back, and the next group approaches. It was a peculiar group of soldiers and civilians. The leader salutes.

“This is Montgomery, the engineer who will serve in the division. You have been temporarily assigned to this operation. ”

“Welcome, lieutenant. By the way...... Are they the ones who need to repair the power station? ”

The civilians faced the winter when they asked, smiling stiffly and returning to their expressions. Middle-aged men with no exceptions. I felt more nervous about the unfamiliar environment than meeting famous people. This assumption was confirmed by Insight, and the lieutenant nodded that he was from the Engineering Corps.

“Yes, technicians from a private power company. Here's the order and the application. ”

It's another document.I wish I could have done something computerized, but it's hard to hope here. Moreover, private businesses were also involved, requiring exceptional forms.

‘But these applications... ’

The snow in the winter is gradually slowing as the line is swiftly lowered. It was because of the items agreed in advance by the technicians who volunteered for the mission. mostly about risk and reward. Among them, I am fully aware of the risks of the mission and will not ask for compensation other than the compensation provided by the U.S. government under the applicable laws even if I die during the mission. "2."

“Gentlemen, are you sure you want to do this? I cannot guarantee your survival on this mission. ”

As winter looks at the paperwork, one of the engineers who took off his helmet and touched it replies.

“Not here, but my son is also fighting. What kind of father would be comfortable with a child in danger? ”

“ ……. ”

Well, the rest of the engineers cooperate without a word in front of the silent winter.

Good people die this way. Like at the Refugee Camp.

“Very well. As commander, I will do my best to keep you safe. If you feel uncomfortable during your stay, please tell anyone……. Preliminary!”

I heard the call and Winter instructed Sergeant Merriweather to come.

“Provisional engineers and civilian engineers. We'll assign your listing and issue you supplies. ”

The engineers following the boss' lead did not have the same unit marks. Somehow, the documents show only the engineering squad to work without a unit number, so it looks like they're reorganized survivors. Even so, many parts of the newly created Satan feel rough.

In fact, the division rank troops that have just been created are abnormal in the field immediately.

But it wasn't just to look bad. It was an elite choice among the soldiers who suffered the worst. With the troops we've recruited at Olema FOB, we can form several new divisions.

The Apache attack helicopter lands while you're busy. The turbulent emissions and not the current winds focused on the attention of the people around you. One pilot even got off. Deanzello, a weapons deputy, inspecting the massive stockpile of heavy weapons, shouts out in unison.

“Hey, Lieutenant! You're confused about the landing site. ”

“If this were David's task force, you'd be in the right place, Sergeant! ”

Watching winter, the lieutenant scans the side of the fuselage with his bare hands and presses down on the locks to open the glove plate. It was like a cabinet, and I pulled out a mailbox. The prowling lieutenant brought it to winter. The lieutenant who dropped the box saluted like a rookie.

“It's an honor to meet you! ”

“Oh, I hear that all the time. ”

Winter, which bored the ranks like a joke, looked at the box and asked.

“Lieutenant, is this the only reason the Apache are here? ”

An assault helicopter with tens of thousands of dollars' worth of gas was used for postal delivery.

“Not just for this, but I stopped by while I was giving firepower support nearby. It's a bit unfamiliar, even though I do it often. Usually an arms dealer pulls them out. And it's not just…… ”

It's about bringing good news to the people you care about. The lieutenant who told me so far hesitated for a moment.

“Sir, I know it's impolite, but if you don't mind…… a picture… with……”

I feel nervous. It would have been difficult to ask the major to do this. Winter smiled before he couldn't match his gaze and regretted his words.

“Let's take a picture. Come here. ”

Brighter with him shoulder to shoulder. Chuckle. The lieutenant who checked his phone tapped the screen a few times, pulled out the stylus pen and hesitated again. Winter, hand-delivered, quickly signed the corner of the photo. I was used to signing so many things.

“Thank you, Major. ”

“Thank you. I'll take good care of you if you need any help later. ”

“Of course.”

The lieutenant who delayed the time ran quickly. There is an uninterrupted conversation between you and the senior pilot. The atmosphere is bruised from the side that was waiting. The lieutenant smiles to the end. Chopper's taking off.

I opened the mailbox, and there was no letter in front of winter. Probably too much to thread. It may have been sent by the Alliance, but it seems to have been dealt with collectively.

Winter called for those who would receive it on the radio. The one who kisses the letter, the one who runs in place, the one who cries and smiles.... Like the lieutenant said, it was important. Since the reunion, the dark autumn has softened by the name of the sender, and Judah's eyes turned red.

“You like that? ”

“Yes! This is what it felt like to receive a letter from the military! I just broke up with her... ”

The caller must have stayed with him at least in the alliance.

“Do you have a boyfriend? ”

Yura was frightened by the question of winter.

“No! No way! I don't have a boyfriend! Never, Naver! This was sent by my father! ”

“…… aren't you reacting too harshly? ”

“You deserve it! ”

I can't believe it's worth... After seeing Yura burning with both eyes, Winter decided not to ask why in detail.

“By the way, I didn't know much about Ensign Yura. I didn't know there was a family in Port Roberts. Is there anyone else besides you? ”

“Ah……. ”

Yura's silent eyes roll. I could almost see what was on my mind, but winter didn't look like much. Yura replied with caution.

“I am very lucky……. Both my parents and my brother are fine... ”

“I'm glad.”

“ ……. ”

Yura is silent again and watches winter deliver the letter. I only open and close my mouth a few times, put on a good impression by myself, and barely make up my mind when I think about it.

“Commander... I mean, does the little commander... have any... family?" ”

How do I answer? Winter smiles calmly.

“Not in this world. ”

“Ah……. ”

Of course, Yura, who understood it in a different sense and became depressed, blamed himself.

“I'm sorry."


“You were delighted without thinking. I should have refrained from thinking about the people I never got to see my family again...... Aren't you upset? ”

“Now you're upset. It's common.”

Here, in the outside world. Yura looks harshly towards the winter when he swallows his hind horse.

“Common things are sadder. There's no one left to help. because it's common. ”

“ ……. ”

“I've seen it a lot. even before the plague. At first, the poor people got numb once they got used to it. I get annoyed when it's too much. Stop it. Don't you get bored? I hated those people. I hated it, but so did I... ”

To the blurred end of her sigh, winter apologized.

I said, "I'm sorry. I spoke too lightly. It was a mistake.”

“Yes? No, what... I'm sorry... ”

Winter, when Yura was handing out letters while he was still silent, found another letter in front of Yura. Given that the sender's last name was different, it didn't look like a family. Yura, who received the letter, sighed again as soon as she saw the sender's name. A face that looks more difficult than a dislike.

“Who does he look like? ”

“Well……. Private Literacy's mother. ”

“Private Literary? ”

Yura said first, as winter came to remember.

“I'm a second-in-command support technician. When I was a recruit in the Independence Squad, my mother gave me an envelope. I put in a few hundred dollar bills and asked me to put it in my son's comfortable job... Ugh, that's not something I can do... ”

With such a letter, it would be better to leave or send it to winter. Or maybe it was sent to winter, but it was filtered. However, there were too many letters to receive in winter. So much so that the blockade command has a bony head. It looks like it's still pouring out after the relay.

After checking the time, I took a breather and decided it was difficult to distribute it myself. I called the commanders of each platoon to distribute it by division.

After a slightly later dinner, I played the video with four warrior terminals. Of course, it was not a movie or TV program, but rather combat records made by the Independent troops in the absence of winter. Variants that are immersed in a wobbly screen. Gunfire, gangrene, gunfire. Speech, "Insights" worked constantly all the time.

Apart from taking control of the troops, you should know how to fight the squadrons.

“What a crazy day, huh? ”

“Ah, Captain. ”

As winter lifts its eyes, the X.O. stands with a plate. A mouth buried in a beard draws an arc wire.

“You've had a good day. Do you mind if I sit next to you? ”

“You've done well, Captain. And, uh, whatever. ”

Captain Singh sits at the same table. It was under the roof of the ranch terrace. Tuck, the placing plate is heavy. It was due to autonomous feeding since the situation had stabilized. I haven't had much of a winter.

“I was looking at the videos you picked out. ”

“I hope there's nothing missing. ”

“Not at all. It's good to see how the battle went and what the platoon commanders decided. If it weren't for you, it would have taken a lot of time. Thank you."

“That's my role. ”

Satisfied captain began to eat. It was a polite attitude to cherish the beard. Seeing that the beard is so thick, the movement of the well looks like a separate creature.

“Don't you have any appetite prayers? ”

There's nothing wrong with fraternizing with the vice commander. It would be nice to show interest in a religion that is rare. When winter comes, Captain Singh nods. The horse swallows food.

“I also recite the words of the Scripture (Shabad) when I need to, but there are no strict rules like Christianity. Praying in the morning and evening is sufficient. ”

“I see. If there's anything I need to know about your religion, can you tell me ahead of time?" I don't want you to make any mistakes because I don't know, and I don't want you to be alone. ”

Then the captain revealed a humble satisfaction.

“How thoughtful of you. ”

He drinks the drink again.

“Thank you, but you don't have to worry. It's how you practice God's love, not the way you practice it. Especially on the battlefield. God who loves people does not punish them for not praying for a day or two. ”

It was a generous Pantheon. Winter eliminated one of the bad possibilities that had been vigilant during the cover-up.

The captain, who mixed the meat and salad unusually, asks.

“Do you see Agent Gibson after dinner? ”

“I was going to.”

“Please comfort him. ”

“… up? ”

The last days the captain hears of the leaning winter.

“Yes, the commander was very worried while he was out on a long-term mission. Even a foreman from the Bureau of Investigation, who is not a military official and has his own policy, he often asked me for news because there was no way to access operational information. ”

“Did I...? ”

“It's the quickest way to realize the name of God that people care about. Noble brotherhood is the same. Separation must be different from tearing. ”

It seemed like a deep word with melted experience.

Artwork Reviews

# E-Book Release Schedule

Previously, Sananan asked me about the e-book publication in a note, and I thought you might like to hear from me in a review.

Now, seven and eight are said to come out in August, nine are said to come out in September.

We have a confirmed date internally, but I will not tell you in advance as it may be postponed depending on the circumstances of the platform.

It seems to be the first one out of LidiX, as usual.

# Q&A

Q. Eeiko: Are there any couples from your past?

A. If you put it all together, it appears more often. But they're novels I've written worse than I do now, and you can see it in my eyes! You will.

Q. Tisrian: My condolences to viewers who will synchronize their senses... 50 degrees of heat!!! The viewers will be hypothermic or dehydrated, but the brain will be hot and dying, and the body will be sweaty and hypothermic.

A. As mentioned once in your writing, you can control the synchronization rate of the senses belonging to pain, so that doesn't happen. unless you deliberately set it to 100% like winter.

Q. LunarKarma: @ GimJeongEun and Trump...

A. Uh, why...

Q. Life Saver: I can't even imagine what horrific... @ Kim Jong-un must be like. I'm going to play Justin Bieber's song to get rid of your horrific scourge.

A. Calling in another affliction to get rid of the bullying... must have been in my head the whole time I was writing like this horrible... aptitude song.

Q. Pornographer F: If you draw a triangle of @ Kim Jong-un, Trump and Xi Jinping, I will wear a Hawaiian shirt for the next exam.

A. I don't know what kind of test you're taking, but I'm not going to use it anyway. because I'm a normal person.

Q. Chip Chip: What about clothes that value @ defense?

A. Since you are a civilian and use cyber (...), you may find it difficult to identify the types. There's all sorts of products coming out of society like that.

Q. OneChance: I went to the English Literature Center yesterday and bought 2 copies per Ossuary. This volume is too thick! It's too thick to be used as a pan holder, so I'm just reading. It's been a long time since I cooked. I'm satisfied that the winter enclosed in front is delicious, with photos and settings behind it.

A. Winter came out very well. If it wasn't for a paper book, there wouldn't be a second cover.

Q. Karphis: @ Couple Paradise! I'm in hell.

A. On the contrary... Solo Couple Hell. Writing alone will improve your skills...

Q. Guaaaaak: @ If this mission succeeds without much success, U.S. liberation will also be visible. (Approximately) What happens if winter clears the Apocalypse here? I don't think it's a question of how the story developed, but I want you to answer just one question. Clear after the end of the world and stream other games. So you can see if it lasts much longer.

A. I don't intend to keep the Ossuary that long. Instead, we're shrinking or trimming existing episodes. For example, an episode involving a satellite base south of Fort Roberts, or an episode of a female skeleton trying to reappear one of the people known to be dead.

Q. Marker: @ winter will never be a wildling. I'd love to see your trauma recover, and I'd hate to see your sympathy.

A. None. There was originally a plot, but it disappeared as it turned towards the happy end.

Q. Gimgat: @ Winter also sings and plays!

A. I think it will be possible after the demolition, but I don't think it will. Haha.

Q. Honeypot: I saw it in @ 's review... once it was resolved within 400 coins, it was the opposite. You must have a minimum of 500 currency combinations. I can't leave the artwork like this. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A. You should know when to leave, whether it's a person or a novel. At least 500... That's scary.

Four simultaneously... Hahaha... I'm not good enough to roll around the world at the same time...

Q. Karen: Thank you @ for your response. I thought the job promotion was a temporary one, but I was curious that the rank would remain even after the operation ended. It's a little sad that there's no mention of a major class being maintained in a novel.

A. Well... I'll take a look.

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