# by stone (8)

Supervisors and agents lived in one of the buildings that made up the ranch. It is reinforced with thick wood. Cloudy thickness in winter. It was probably as defensive of a human attack as a mutant attack. I read the context just by the fact that it is not near the headquarters in the beginning.

‘Though it didn't seem like it was going to be General Rogers, we can't just make an impression. ’

The purity of a stubborn soldier can sometimes be a weakness. Especially in the eyes of an intelligence agency that knows these fields, or as a group that suffers from true patriotism.

Oliver Talbot, who dug out his rifle and leaned against the door, greets Winter.

“I heard you were coming, but you're faster than I expected. Are you done for the day? ”

“It's hard to say because it's all just a blur. ”

“Haha! That's how field practice works. Aligning the cluttered reality with nice patterns and specifications without a prescribed shape. that the reality would just stay the way it was. ”

“I've heard similar things. When the battle begins, the first thing to die is a plan. ”

What Sergeant Pierce of Fort Roberts said. My boss wanted to hear it somewhere.

Once more, Talbot searches through his smiling arms and brings out a paper the size of his business card.

“Before you go in, take this. ”

I got a call from a pizza franchise. Pizza-shaped mascot raising thumb while eating pizza. Are you kidding me? Talbot is all serious now. Winter took another look at the paper. However, in light of the light, there were no hidden letters.

“What is this? ”

“An unofficial apology from the Central Intelligence Agency. It's a kind of secret network.”

“ ……. ”

“The ARS should come out when you connect, but you can go through the operator connection. ”

“What are the specific uses? ”

“Anything's fine. ”

Anything? Winter has closed its eyes. Talbot explained.

“Literally means that if you encounter any difficulties, we will help you as much as possible, as realistically possible. Administrative proceedings, judicial proceedings, funds, information, involvement in the investigation process, the detainment and release of certain persons, the import of equipment or supplies that are difficult to obtain, etc……. For example, when you want to solve a problem among refugees by unlawful means……. ”

Talbot, whose words are meaningfully blurry. Winter was stuffy.

“Well, thank you for that, but I think we need to be careful. ”

What happened in the San Francisco Bay doesn't make sense for the intelligence services to do this.

Talbot nods.

“The youngest congressman ever elected to be twenty-eight years old. ”

“ ……. ”

“The record will be broken in the next seven years, assuming the landfill is successfully completed. By then, you'll be qualified to run for Congress... If you go through Juju or the Governor of the state, not the House of Representatives...... It's not bad to become a full-price major in your career. ”

“Governor? Me? ”

“Haven't you heard from the president yet? ”

Did the intelligence agency know the contents of the currency because it was such a public discussion, or did they find it as an independent means? Talbot has no clue what he looks like.

“So you want to make a scanner material in advance? ”

“Personally speaking……. Yes, actually, it is. But I'm guessing you're not the only one dealing in losses. At the top, I think I see a far future than that.... Above all, it's hard to do anything about you. ”

“What if I'm not interested in politics? ”

“Unless you want to abandon the refugees, you will. It's not just politicians. ”

He would have been convinced based on the Winter's activities at the intelligence agency. Not even the FBI supervisor admitted there was surveillance of the refugee area for a period of time.

Supporting the "son of a bitch" as a political mastermind, especially in the United States, was also the CIA's job. It is special in that the stage is the home country.

“I don't know if I'm going to be great at this or just blunt. ”

Talbot shrugs at the words of winter.

“Actually, it's nothing. How much would you do if you asked for a personal favor? Environment is limited……. It must be a problem between the refugees. It's very cheap for long-term investments.... I'm sorry to tell you this, but the disappearance of the operation...... If you make a mistake, it's okay to cover the cost of immersion. ”

“From what I hear, it's going to be for a while. Definitely.”

“Yes, for now. It's going to be different later, but the investment in that situation will be worth more than that. ”

It was convincing. It wasn't just ignorant, so it was a fair deal to be discreet.

‘There is no guarantee that that day will really come. ’

It was completely unknown to winter as long as the governmental system remained in place for the elections seven years after the world premises, eight years after the beginning. It is likely that the end is near, or has already been, heard in words. As a result of situational operations, when the probability of extinction of humanity is unlimited, "after the end of life" comes a great circle.

In addition to the extraordinary restart of the Apocalypse, there is an option to live the rest of your life in a world that has overcome the Apocalypse. There may be accidental deaths.

So it's worth taking it for granted. Winter swiped the cards.

“If I make a phone call, don't I need to authenticate? ”

Talbot said so.

“It is available to a limited number of people, and your phoneme is registered. It's just a real pizza franchise consultation. It's not important, but if you press Find and enter, the closest node is the one that connects you, so you can actually order pizza from Washington or New York. If you link it to this number, it's absolutely free, and you don't have to give a tip. Employee Discount.”

“ ……. ”

“All ingredients are organic, so feel free to use them when you get a chance. ”

The agent winks at one eye. Winter made a short absence.

“Somehow, it feels weird because it looks like a movie. ”

“Sometimes we learn from movies and novels. ”

“…… Thanks anyway. To be honest with you."

“You're embarrassing me. I'm sorry you saved my life, but there's nothing I can do to repay you. I'll give you my personal contact information later, given the circumstances. I... I can't right now. ”

I can imagine the difficulties. Winter hugged him lightly and went inside.

Shit, just... From outside the door, you hear a small sound. It was a dagger in a wooden plank. The alternate throwers stopped their hands as they watched the winter. Kowalski bows himself to the difficult favor. Agent Tucker gives you a quiet gesture of direction.

The interior is crude and dull because it has been renovated because it was not originally intended for residential use. Still, the compartment is properly divided. It was a combination of wooden boards and tent accessories. Wires and lights were stretched along the canvas cloth and there was a protective shield against intrusion.

“I'm here, Anne. ”

The director who folded the book he read suggested a stranger smile.

“Sit down.”

Winter sat in the corner of the crib. It was not a big place. The slightly stuffy air was mixed with the smell of dark wood. I just cut it, but I can't seem to stop it properly.

Joanna, who woke up from her only chair, reached for the coffee pot on the table.

“Aren't you late for coffee? ”

When winter comes, Joanna shakes her head.

“It doesn't matter. I don't think I'll be able to sleep today anyway……. ”

I thought you said there was no work to be done here. For a moment, Joanna raises her head, raising a second glass. Winter nods.

“Give me a drink too, then. ”

So Joanna pulls the bottle out from under the table.

“Cafe Royale will be fine? ”

“…… Still. Yeah, I'm fine. Reminds me of the old days. ”

As the winter smiles, the supervisor laughs out loud. She pours the liquor into a deep spoon and lights it with cubed sugar. Add the molten sugar to the glass several times in brown. Thought about it before, but her recipe was more of a cocktail than coffee.

“Here, take this. ”

The mug falls from your hand. I'll eat well. After blowing a sip of winter. It was a drink with good aroma and flavour only when it was hot. Joanna sits side by side, sipping the cup.

You hear the sound of a bug crying through a blocked window. A quiet time that is hard to experience in the outside world. There were still weeks and months until the harsh summer came. Winter turned its gaze to the side.

“So, what's the job? ”

“ ……. ”

Joanna blinking her eyes. The gaze that lowered without an answer followed a look down on the floor that had no meaning. Winter awaits. When the cup is half empty, Joanna opens her mouth.

“Before I say that, I just want to say thank you so much. ”

“Thank you... ”

“In retrospect, I often overestimated you. Especially on my last night in San Francisco, I don't think I was able to stay calm in front of all those people's deaths. ”

“That's the limit of people. You can't help it if you're scared. ”

“It wasn't me. ”

“No. Even when you look calm on the outside, even when you believe you're calm. I believed that I could endure my fear, but when I turned around and chewed the bear, I regretted why my vision was so narrow. Why would I do that? I don't understand. Sometimes I want to. But it's not true. Well, I think Anne would have some experience.... ”

Joanna grins bitterly at the glance of winter's blurred speech.

“I see what you mean. But I shouldn't have. ”

What am I supposed to say here?



“What do you think of me? ”

The stiffness of time has passed. The overseer looks straight at the winter. Heavy resolutions are read from the gaze you face. The finger holding the cup handle was white. Winter tries to choose carefully.

“That means... ”

“I like you. I'd like to try if there's a chance. ”

“ ……. ”

“I don't know when it started. At first, I just wanted to leave. There are many realistic barriers, and you're always worried that you won't know when and how you're going to die. But then I realized that while winter was over, I'll never forget it if I leave without a word. ”

A hard confession followed.

“If we break up here without any appointments...... It will be hard to meet again. There are so many people who need you. I'm just gonna be one of the bygones. So, I don't want to be nothing to winter. As I think of you, I want you to think of me when you have a hard time…… I was greedy like that. ”

In fact, there was a feeling that winter might turn out like this. I have similar experience. Several times, but that didn't mean I was used to it. The feeling of deepening was burdensome.

Just because the world is virtual?

No, like the audience showed, there was no humanity out there. As I said in the conversation with the child seeking the heart, the mind of others was in a box that did not open. Beyond the sensory barrier, we don't even know if it's real. Winter is just a guess of what the Fall Stone might hold.

Therefore, there are other reasons.

Even past acorns like stones were heavy, but winter was always on the warpath when they disappeared. I didn't want to create a new refinement that was hard to handle. The age for roses and the promise of starlight are too much. Later promises are comforting.

‘It's a good thing he can't feel sadness. ’

It is sadder not to feel sadness, but this was only winter when it was painful by itself.

Therefore, it is not a question of whether you dislike it or not, but whether you are able to endure it.

“I'm sorry. I can't handle it. ”

At the conclusion of winter, the overseer turns his gaze forward and shuts his eyes quietly. I sigh in a smaller voice.

“Can't handle it because you don't know when you'll die? ”

“…… Yes. ”

Though the meaning and context of thinking differed from each other, it was the same just by saying it.

Joanna doesn't add anything to her description that she's trying to leave quietly because she can't handle it on her own. It was comforting to be by her side.

Artwork Reviews

# Son of a bitch

"Consusa could be a son of a bitch. But that son of a bitch is our son."

which President Roosevelt wrote in the advocacy of the dictator of Nicaragua.

# Q&A

Q. Eeiko: @ Memorize always said he would pay 600 coins for the completion. Haha hopes that the Ossuary will be + as well.

A. Ouch, no... I don't want it to be that long, even if it's just a few.

Q. Master Column: Let's do a thousand coins just like Mr. White Kong!

A. 1,000... because white beans are twin leaf plants.

Q. 14C2A58H2: Which of these e-books or paper books would be more helpful to Tunguska?

A. I think e-books are good. If they didn't want it, they wouldn't have signed a paper book.

Q. Tanzanite: When will I get three @ paper books?

A. It's called drawing a cover right now. I don't know the exact schedule, but I think I'll be out in two months.

Q. QGEGEGQE: @ Er Writer, you said "happy ending," right?

A. No, a real happy ending. For winter.

Q. Jupiter: @ Writer... Can't you pierce your love root for winter?

A. Yes... there will be no usual relationship routes.

Q. MR Sagad: My evil eye from @! Can you show me what you're working on? Your masterpieces!!!!!

A. Haha... Don't be shy...

Q. VanillalatteS2: @ I wonder if you know Tasauf, but he is also amazing.

A. Tasauf knows, of course. I haven't read it yet because of the massive amount of blood vessels... but he can't touch the Force because he's more than Mr. White Bean.

Q. Baek Woo Shin: @ happy endings... I like dark sympathy, but happy endings. By the way, what kind of BLC do you need to clear at the current variant level of other BJs?

A. Among the things mentioned in the work so far, there is no same DLC that is cleared just by buying it. And the rest of the DLCs are a little bit out of the question here.

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