# by stone (9)

How many sighs did the cup take? Even if it wasn't "The Detection," winter was guessing the words that the supervisor continued to swallow. At first it was winter, trying to respect her consideration as silent, but after seeing the empty glass, I changed my mind. At this rate, the sleepless days will be much longer.

“You can do it. ”


“I want to tell you something. You don't have to put up with it. It's like I've already heard. ”

I know all about it. In the meantime, Joanna smiles tirelessly.

“Oh my……. I should have sent you sooner. ”

“Well, I don't know. Do you think he's going? With the same girl now? ”

“…… Cook. ”

A low, crooked supervisor sweeps the hair away.

“I'm afraid not. Not for someone who always has to be prepared to die. ”

“Let's just say I want to hear it. ”

“… winter, I know how heavy your shoulders are. So when you said you couldn't handle it, I was speechless. It felt like my tongue was missing. I thought I shouldn't be a burden either. If I really love you, I have to do it... ”

“I'm fine, really. Joanna Gibson is nothing to me. I always will be. That's why I want to hear it. ”

The supervisor, who said he didn't want to be nothing to winter, squinted his eyelids. After hesitating for a long time, she opens her mouth in conflict.

“Unless there's another reason for rejection. ”

Deep breaths.

“I can wait...... Are you sure you want to do this? ”

Until the day you don't have to worry about death.

It will only come to winter when there is hope of overcoming both the end of the world and the darkness without stars, or any of them. Although it is destined to be stranded in a few years because of the flow of the world view, it is hard to imagine just a few years. As I thought in my conversation with Talbot, it was a world I had never experienced.

If such a day comes, there will be a long time for you and for the child in starlight. One more fool to add to this. It would be better to say comfort.

Therefore, winter is revolting.

“Is Anne really okay with that? I don't have any leads. ”

“Yes. As I said before...... I'll never forget you. Possibly enough.”

And the director talked about the past.

“I have suffered enough failures. Was it just bad luck, or was I immature, or was there just as many bad people in the world……. Either way, I believed that I would never love anyone again. I would still believe you if it wasn't for you. ”

“That's too much.”

“It's true. ”

Winter naturally reminds me of a starry child in the name of you, unlike anyone else. In fact, I'm still not sure. Is there something special about winter he says to himself?

Among the infinite waves reflecting starlight, among so many virtual personalities, there was no reality that there were only those around winter who raised happiness without interference with the system. It's true.

Johanna says softly.

“There can't be anyone like you again, and I've already met you. So this is the last time. Success or failure……. Do you know why I said I would wait? ”

Winter nods.


“Then, the answer is...? ”

Winter nods once more.

For a few minutes, Joanna wets her time with tears. She laughed the whole time.

Shortly after, she asked winter for four warrior terminals. Winter came out without asking why, and after a short while, a new number of handsets were returned. She explained.

“This is a personal contact. I'd love to give you a secure line to work, but the number will change as soon as you get back, so it's hard right now. We'll contact you later. ”

“Does the number change? ”

“Speciality confirmed. ”


Winter was convincing. It was natural. Operation Fair Strike to eliminate nuclear threats (Fair Strike) is somewhat inflated to reduce the aftermath of apparent liberation failures. Johanna was not only overseer of the operation, but also accused of illegal private organizations within government agencies.

“That's great. Congratulations. You don't know your FBI rank very well, but you're getting promoted pretty fast, aren't you? ”

When I first met her, she said she was a lieutenant when she assumed her position in the military. We have some clues that it might be difficult to respond one-on-one, but if we go up to the Commander's rank now, it won't be quick. There's hardly ever been a major in the military in their late 20s.

Even the Federal Bureau of Investigation will be short-handed. Whatever it is, it's an age where the army comes first.

Johanna nods.

“I know, but it's strange to hear that promotion is so fast. ”

“Well……. ”

“Winter, you'll be rewarded with something, too. That would be the FBI brass. ”

Winter raised questions.

“Isn't the reward a little too much? I'm already scheduled to receive the Medal of Honor and the Information Cross for my activities in San Francisco…. ”

“No, if it wasn't for you, I would have buried the real Patriots." I'd be dead, too. It's normal to be evaluated separately from Operation Fair Strike. ”

Love was buried in the words, "I'm going to die."

“Anyway, feel free to contact me if you need any help. It may not be that great, but I will do everything in my power for you. ”

“You don't have to do that because of me. ”

“You misunderstand, but this is separate from the heart you love. ”

Joanna draws a line.

“I trust you. Helping you is probably one of the best things I can do in my time. because you always act for a better cause than your own personal desires. ”

“ ……. ”

“Keeping the law and principles does not always have the best outcome. I've been through a lot of secrecy exceptions because I have a job. But if that was a realistically unavoidable compromise or an order until now, I'm just going to choose on my own. You're the first in winter. that night, when I had to avoid the deaths of maybe more than 10 million people. ”

It was a resolute look. Winter was slowly accepted in a clear sense of surprise. So we got a line on both the CIA and the FBI.

Of course, it's nothing compared to an unofficial apology from the CIA. There is a tremendous gap between organizational commitment and personal cooperation. It's hard to expect as great help as she says. However.

‘Access to information is enough. ’

An F.B.I. agent with clearance will be able to get some insight into this mess. not only about the military office, but also about the news that doesn't cross the blockade.

There was also the advantage that there was less need to worry about the aftermath than the help of the CIA. Unless Joanna's involved in any kind of investigation.

“I see what you mean. I'm counting on you.”

“Yes. I'd appreciate it if I could contact you sometime when I don't need you. ”

The superintendent says that you burst out a smile without winter.

The next day, a special gift for the promotion of deception arrived just ahead of a new operation. The aircraft, which landed in turn on the hypothetical runway, dropped a number of trailers from the cargo hold. The identity is…….

“Welcome, Son. Thank you for finding McCluster Burger. What would you like? ”

An old man's welcome to the Vietnam War Field in his old military uniform. More than half of the employees were veterans who pleaded to support the defensive line soldiers. I practiced a lot for this day, 21 different companies have created a mobile store. hamburgers, pizza, donuts, coffee.

I heard something like this happened in Iraq, but I never thought I'd be able to cross the blockade. The public interest in this base seems to be very high. Otherwise there's no reason to waste Sortie.

“ ……. ”

In winter, one of the stores stood out. It was the brand that the CIA was using for undercover sales. It was more likely that private companies were funded and collaborated with intelligence agencies at the founding stage than just camouflage companies.

“Huh? Does the little commander eat anything? You need to get in line fast. It's getting longer.”

Yura was very happy to ask. Coke in one hand, burger in the other.

“I'm good. I have someone to escort. ”

A little wandering around, Yura, soon to realize.

“Oh, intelligence agencies and bureaucrats. Leaving today? ”


“Well……. Too bad.”


“I thought I'd listen to the commander and try to get along. The little commander won't tell anyone he's a good man. ”

“ ……. ”

“I can't help it. Let me know if you want something to eat, Commander. I'll take it for you, for me or for the kids. We have a lot to eat together, but maybe there's something the little commander likes in particular. Pineapple Pizza.I 'll wait until I eat it... ”

Winter shakes her head.

“I'm really okay. Don't mind them. Let them eat first. ”

“You can't do that. This is all thanks to you, too. Go quickly.”

The winter after Yura was stubborn, he walked towards the runway. The seams were not all the way to the airport, and the triangle runway was just solid clay. However, it was sufficient conditions for a reliable military transport to rise and fall.

It was easy to find agents. The convoy was crowded in front of each transport, but it was due to the fact that Kowalski and Joanna were important witnesses, so separate flights were provided for safety. Even from afar, I had no reason to hesitate because I only managed to get there.

“Thank you so much for everything. ”

Intelligence officials hugged each other in winter. Talbot, Kowalski, Tucker, Kelly. Kowalski was a little hesitant. But she also ended up being human temperature.


The hand gestures of winter caught a faint smile under the superintendent's sunglasses. Hold lightly and then fall. Winter said goodbye to all.

“There were a lot of things, but it wasn't necessarily bad when I looked back. I think it's because I met you. We're all gonna miss you. ”

It was a great greeting, but Tucker's eyes are turning red. Highly contagious tears spread rapidly. Talbot smiles on his sleeves.

“We're the reason you can't eat anything special. ”

“He said he wouldn't eat and would wait. ”

“You've got a lot on your plate. ”

“I'm in the middle of winter. ”

The awkward pretense of winter has made the leavings trivial.

“Maybe I'll see you in D.C. again. It may be difficult to leave work because the city is a city, but I will definitely visit that day. ”

Tucker's words were with the Medal of Honor in mind. Unlike the last epiphany that was handed over at the speed of time, there was a high probability of freedom of action being guaranteed in this epiphany. He apologized for what happened to him. Even if the agents can't attend the ceremony, they'll be able to meet outside.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Mount up! We're about to take off! ”

The soldier gestures at the wide-open transport lampdoor. Joanna bows slightly.

“I'm going.”

“Goodbye. ”

The waving winter sees the supervisor's back as the turboprop engine blows. As she climbs up the ramp, she stands still in the middle of what she thinks. Then I put down my starry pack and ran backwards. Winter was enough to stop them, but I didn't stop them after hesitation.

My lips overlap. My tongue comes in. I could feel the sweet breath in my ears.

Intelligence agents stare at you with a frown.

At the end of the kiss, Joanna bows her head.

“I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. ”

“Don't apologize. I understand.”

Despite the words of winter, she does not brighten.

“I shouldn't have done it. ”


“It's like a sip of water in three days. ”

Three minutes without air, three days without water. That's what it meant.

The overseer goes up again. The hand that carried the fallen luggage was loose and powerless.

Artwork Reviews

# Romance

I've been thinking, it's possible to add romance without changing the big trunk. It's close to completion, which is a problem, but...

We've already changed routes to happy endings once, so let's take this seriously.

But don't get your hopes up. Romance is a very serious use of compassion. I might die. Yesterday, I was already...

# Q&A

Q. Unlimited One: If you think about @, the interaction with the virtual personality is proportional to the user's aptitude. I was so angry that I thought, maybe this aptitude was human. I thought I'd hook up and come over, but...

A. You may think so. because people form as relationships between people.

Q. I wonder if there are any users who have cleared Epsilon00 @ (Strategy) and the World View of the Apocalypse. It can be broken free of charge;;; (shorthand)

A. S Grade users can clear without additional charges. But these people don't mean much to clear.

Q. Pick up some soap: Happy endings always break my heart and hurt @ ~ ~.

A. I assure you, the happy ending for winter will be a happy ending for your readers.

Q. Guaaaaak: How much time do you usually spend on one side? And what do you usually spend your leisure time on if you have time?

A. Usually within 8 hours or less, except for the time spent in research. However, there are often more than twelve hours, as we did yesterday.

In my spare time, I watch movies or read books. Beer in a good book makes me happy. Anjou has good ramen soup.

Q. LunarKarma: If you don't have a relationship with @, please give us a relationship with a variant.

A.... I'll just review the usual relationships.

Q. Black Doctor: @ So, are you a one-leaf writer?

A. I'm just an old... untouchable... with no leaves.

Q. Barnum: As I look at it, I remember the source code... Do you know the source code? What do you think about the ending if you knew? Gun!

A. I know there's such a film, but I haven't seen it yet.

Q. Baek Woo Shin: @ Eng… Would you like to try playing in the middle of winter when you've received all the DLC presents? Lightning out of your hand, Cupid arrows out of your hand, all that, like a Godwinter exorcism with a monkey Jesus superstar? Blah blah blah

A. I don't think that's possible because it's a character collapse. It's going to be a winter. Haha.

Q. Sucks: I'm curious to see @, but can everyone feel virtual reality once they've gained control of AI?

A. Operation AI has the ability to do that. but it's a separate question of actually doing it.

Q. Ichidas: I don't see any @ longswords yet. Personally, it's worth a lot of money to be supplied by the military, especially in winter, and... you know, America's great at making longswords called the Modern River. Is there a reason you don't supply them?

A. It came out. Captain Singh's sword is a real combat longsword. But it's more about the religious tradition of the Chic sect, the Knife Amritbridge, than it is about being useful in its own right. Practicality 40, religion 60.

The reason it's not being distributed at the U.S. military level... is because it's inefficient.

In the # Impact chapter, when I was working on melee training, my instructor said,

"The most important principle of melee combat remains unchanged. What are the principles?"

"Simple. It's best to use a gun at all costs."

Assuming the weight of a hands-on longsword weighs 2 pounds, 30 rounds are similar to two magazines (5.56mm). If you want to use 60 rounds of lethal force as a longsword... you can't do it unless it's winter enough. There's no reason for American soldiers with headaches to use cold weapons to reduce their weight so quickly.

It adds to the problem that you don't have training, that you have a very high level of combat difficulty. There is also the advantage that live ammunition can be used from both perspective.

Winter hasn't used iron rods since the ammo supply went well.

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