The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00264 # Valley of Death

# Valley of Death (10)

The air in the room that housed the wounded was warm. The air conditioning was unusual. At least it's not sunrise yet. Spare parts were enough. We should be able to restore the minimum coolant required to maintain combat strength by daybreak.

Winter guards the scene where the bodies of the warriors enter the body bag. Some of them were unharmed. Dehydration and exhaustion and heat sickness overlapped. Military doctors with experience working at the WCSU can see them typing their signature into the PDA's field care system. Medics from the nurses zipped up the body bag. Either way, it was too much manpower to be stationed in a medium-grade unit.

Captain Jo Yunchang, a medic, turns to winter.

“It's over. ”

“It's over?”

“It means that everyone who dies is dead. They were impossible to save in the first place.... If the helicopter's not too late, there won't be any more deaths. Is the transfer still scheduled? ”

When asked, the winter rolled up her wrist sleeves. There was gold on the batch supplied mechanical watch.

“…… Yes. We'll be there in 27 minutes, if nothing else. ”

“Good. I was worried about the massive use of blood packs and fluids. ”

“Relax. There's very little chance of another battle." ”

It was concluded through satellite and aerial reconnaissance. There may have been a sporadic attack by a small group that was out of control, but the main group, including specialized variants, was clearly withdrawn. I don't know how long the group that led the attack will survive. The air force's bombardment was fierce.

Winter looks away and asks.

“What's the status of the lieutenant? ”

"Fractures and burns are nothing, but concussion is a problem. I think it's going to be okay, but we're going to need to stabilize in the back for a while. She might have a brain bleed. ”

“Even in the worst cases, there's no harm to life, right? ”

“Of course. You'll be back in half a year, even if you don't do the surgery. ”

It was confirmed in my mind, just in case. Yura is the only casualty among the officers. Winter nods.

“Very well. Good work, Captain. Take a break until the helicopter gets here. You must be exhausted. ”

The battle was also violent with the medics. You've been running around the perimeter all night. Rather, he was tired of more than the soldiers because he had no time to rest after the battle. But the captain shakes his head.

“Still good. Rather than in Korea. ”

That can't be right. No matter how hard it is to work at the hospital, it's nothing compared to a violent battlefield. After all, it was a sense of accountability. More than that, there was a sneak peek at the winter ritual…….

‘That's what people do. ’

Winter didn't feel bad. It's actually not that bad.

The military doctor was satisfied with the smile of a promising commander. Like a volunteer.

Few of the confirmed personnel are unconscious. However, there were many chemical burns. In Yura's case, the most obvious injury was burns. The gauze is attached from the left collarbone to the ascites. So I lay uncomfortably on the field bed. I didn't wear my top properly, so I covered the rest of my torso like a blanket.

“How are you feeling? ”

In front of the winter, kneeling at eye level, Yura only lifts her mouth tail with a hard face.

“I don't know if I'm sick from pain meds, but I can't keep my head down if I stand up. I don't like speed. It would have been better if I had just worn a helmet. ”

“That's why you survived once. You're lucky the pieces aren't stuck in your head without a helmet. ”

Winter sends out a half-melted helmet from behind your waist. With the left half submerged, a hole is drilled in the middle. Trace of acidic body fluid.

“Is the burn okay? ”

“The doctor said... no, Captain Joe said it's not that bad. Must have been a knife scratch when he got hit. I was a little late when I took my helmet off. I was bitter back then. ”

It is said that there were not many of them shrunk towards their shoulders in the first place. So the burns were scattered points, not faces. There were no areas that advanced to three degrees.

It was a double-aimed, more precisely, cannonball from the artillery that took her down while she was still wounded. The new uniform defends all debris, but when it collapsed, it hit its head hard. The result was concussion and general contusions.

Yura sighs.

“I'm sorry."


“I thought I could do better. No, I think it was a mess from start to finish. ”

“No. The lieutenant did his best. There are fewer casualties like this. ”

“That's because of Captain Singh……. ”

“Trust me. ”

In fact, none of the first platoon members blamed the platoon commander. It would be encouraging considering that the person who is most likely to resent the situation in a hurry is their line manager. It was also highly commendable for the performance of the fighting spirit without any injury.

Yura lowered her gaze.

“Well…. Wouldn't I rather be a goat first? ”

Goats among the sheep. It was the story I told last year.

“Do it now if you want. That was the deal.”

It's hard to get across, but I can change the layout. You can order a secret pizza place.

At the end of winter, Yura grows restless.

“You'd be disappointed if you did. ”


“ ……. ”

“I don't think anyone else will do as well as Lieutenant Yura. There will be few who try as hard as Lieutenant Yura, and there will be none as reliable as Lieutenant Yura. ”

On your prone forearms, there are traces of hard physical exercises. Her PT scores were within five fingers of the squadron. There was also a saying that Jin-seok tried hard not to lose to her. Theoretical test results are good, and application in practice is not bad. Good marksmanship.

All of this was assessed by X.O. Singh, who joined forces before winter.

Yura asks if you feel bad or if you want to believe it.

“Do you really think so? ”

“I'm serious, so get better and come back. I'll leave my seat open. ”

“…… Isn't there a successor coming anyway? ”

“Let's pick a platoon leader and put him on temporary promotion. ”

Winter had that kind of power. We don't have enough officers in the yard, so we'll accept them up there.

“Phew... I can't help it. I don't want to disappoint the little commander. ”

There was a brief silence. Yura's gaze returns to the remains of the warriors.

“I was so scared when I imagined it, but I can't really feel it when I shut up……. It's not that sad. I feel more fortunate to be alive than sad. I'm so selfish. ”

“That's normal. ”

Yura's guilt was overwhelming. If it weren't for the effects of the narcotic pain medication, you would have felt sadness even more. It is not the same as a cold authentic. My eyes are still wet quietly. One more exhale.

“What should I tell Private Moon's mother.... ”

A mother asked me to put her son in a comfortable position. Private Literary Corporal, only half of them are left. It was hard to collect the bones from the melted lower half.

“The little commander wrote you a letter, right? ”

“I'm sure it will. ”

“I'm sorry for postponing my responsibilities somehow……. ”

“The commander's responsibility is also the commander's responsibility. It's my job, so don't worry about it. ”

“ ……. ”

I sometimes wrote a letter to the family of a warrior, but it was usually the commander's. Sometimes it's more than that. From a consoling point of view, I had to consider the rank. The words "honorable death" differ from the words "lieutenant" and "major".

“Commander, the helicopter will be here soon. ”

I listened to the communicator, and winter stood up and grabbed my knee. And I spoke to the wounded who were listening to the conversation between the platoon commander and the commander.

“Well done, everyone. I know it must be hard for you to feel sick, but I just want you to think you're on vacation. Take care of yourself and come back healthy. Things will be a lot different when we meet again. ”

This was everyone's expectation. It was a reason not to mention the person who had been judged to be a medic. Once the mission is complete, we'll be reunited under better circumstances.

You have one minute to wait with the transporters out on the stretcher. Pararescued helicopters flew in from the dawn of dawn. It was two hours after the end of the battle, as other bases were ranked higher.

By the time the helicopter took off, Captain Singh and his chief of staff approached with a serious look.

“Commander, this way for a moment. ”

A captain with a distance between his soldiers reached out to the Tactical Information tablet.

“Would you like to see this? This video was uploaded to the military intranet from Calpine 5 last night. ”

“On Calphine 5? I heard the comms are down there. ”

“I think I hung up on purpose. If you look at it, you'll know. ”

“ ……. ”

Winter touched the play button. After the playback started, the screen was only dark for a few seconds. However, the person who appeared soon could not have imagined that he would see it like this. He sits quietly, chiseled on the table. After a long time, I opened my mouth quietly with a face that looked a little tired, but felt tired and confused at the same time.

For Americans who don't know me. Yangyongbin Publishing Co., Ltd. As a military commander of the People's Republic of China, he is currently representing the Central Guard in accordance with the Exhibition Rules.

The publication spoke Chinese, and a fluent translator was heard off the screen. Listed words were slow because they needed time to translate. The slowness was an odd feeling of weight.

Before we get to the point, I have to say this. Right now, Calphine 5...... is occupied by the PLA. In doing so, he acquired forty-one prisoners and protected an additional fifteen civilian technicians. Their treatment is under the Geneva Convention and will be released at the same time as the establishment of a final negotiation. I will not make too much demands in the negotiation process. Because me and my men are not fear-molecules. We just don't want the US military to do anything rash until the negotiations are over. It will only have tragic consequences for both sides.

All that's left is unconditional retaliation? What the hell were you thinking? Winter waited for the words to follow in extreme embarrassment.

Then let's get to the point.

The merchant reveals an ampoule containing a golden liquid.

"This is one of the prototypes of the disease called Mogelons in the country of return.

“What……? ”

"and other prototypes that make up the reciprocal complex. I don't have to tell you why I have this. I think they know everything. The important thing is that the outcome of the negotiation will give you the key to ending this disaster. We could make a vaccine, or we could make a deadly weapon for plague monsters.

No, this is a lie. Winter sensed the malice of the public offering. Later than ever, more intense insights and findings stimulated the nerves. However, there were other targets targeted at the malicious intent of the publication.

The current situation was not what anyone wanted.

The publication said comfortably. The translation is loud and the temperature difference is severe.

Send the Negotiation Council. I'll wait until noon. I expect the prudent and wise. It will be the seat of humanity's future.

That's it. The video ended with a public hand gesture.

Artwork Reviews

# Heuke

Do you think we're past that now? Sorry! It was a trick!

In this episode, the mutants were just bridesmaids.

# Q&A

Q. Baek-suk: @ Heaven doesn't use white ammunition or bioweapon? It's forbidden by human treaty, but it doesn't matter if it's mutant.

A. The text mentioned several times. in the case of the Bavarian, it's not impossible to make it out of human material. It's also possible that there are other chemical weapons like hydrogen cyanide, and there are actually some sort of monstrous anthrax mutations on the land of China, so we're very careful about using biogas.

Q. Hoch: I'm satisfied with @ 's full sympathy. If you like strategic games, I recommend Totale Ohamma. It's fun because it's a sympathetic game.

A. I thought for the third time... that more game recommendations were Naver... and I realized that this was the attention of readers who wanted to take a break while playing games.

Thank you. I'm finally going on summer vacation...

Q. Sasins: @ has already been recommended by Zachary, recommend Angvik, precipice, Deadcell, and more! Or waiting for the next swat4 to be developed.

A. You don't know the game. I'll add it to the wishlist and look for it when I'm done.

Q. Layak: Isn't it a big deal if @ Byeop then they make a type of weapon-related reinforcement? Some of them were radioactive in Russia.

A. Yes, that's right. Some of you remember.

Q. LunarKarma: If the leader of the security guard in the middle of @ is the biggest injury in the squad alone... did the squad member beat you to a pulp?

A. Well, 22 Bravos are not squadron leaders. It wasn't a bounce, it wasn't a hit.

Q. Karphis: I haven't seen you for a month or so on a business trip. There are dozens of them. I'm a happy man. How about 100 years in that sense?

A. A 100 years is hard to bear, even if the quality goes horribly low. T

Q. No, ma'am: I'm really looking forward to a webtoon piece or a drama piece @ personally, so please let me know if you have any suggestions.

A. The publisher told me earlier about Webtoon painting... and I haven't heard from him in a long time. I think they're tied up.

In fact, this novel is not an easy structure to draw with webtoons...

We'll let you know when we get back to it.

Q. QGEGEGQE: @ Jin Seok Azo is getting anxious. I think it's going to be Southern Trillion, but I'm excited for the audience to react.

A. I'm more excited for the readers to react to this issue.

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