The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00265 # Valley of Death

# Valley of Death (11)

About half a day after that, a summoning order was issued for the winter. It was about joining the Center for Measures on Calphine 6. It was not meant to be part of the negotiation table, but as a reference and advisor. He was the only one fluent in Chinese who had ever seen Yang-yong-bin listed in Far Awal.

Although there were no mutants attacking, it was still dangerous to move dozens of kilometers of mountain ranges by road. A transport helicopter has landed in front of the idle geothermal power station.

“I'm here to pick you up, Major! ”

The pilot who bowed down and bowed down was a sphere.

“Too bad! I wish I'd met you when I had more time! Congratulations on your promotion, lieutenant! ”

Unswitched engine vents inevitably raise each other's voices. The lieutenant laughs at the words of winter. Malcolm Kruger. He was a military air force officer who escaped with him from Fort Baker, San Francisco. The leaders of the escape seem to have all been promoted one step at a time. He gestures with an open passenger car.

“Hop in! I don't know, but I heard it's urgent! ”


Winter after excusing the mining pilot turns to the X.O.

“Captain! Are you sure you're okay? Let Lieutenant Foster handle this if it gets hard! ”

Captain Singh wrapped a bandage around his arm. The sweat on his forehead was probably caused by burns. After last night's battle, I took a stimulant to stay awake and clear, but I couldn't share it with the painkillers. It was originally intended to give him rest as soon as the battlefield was cleared.

“No problem! You saw the aerial reconnaissance results! Rest assured!”

The bearded face was solemn and resolute. The brief glance of winter gives you a nod and a helicopter ride.

The passengers of the boarding car salute with their seats. They were the first rangers I had ever seen. Escort troops or infiltration units in case of misadventure. Maybe both. The winter that bound the belt wore the headset that hung behind the seat according to the Ranger Officer's deaf screams and gestures. It is for onboard communication.

[Sir, this is Caplin from the 3rd Search Bloc.]

Winter reached out to him.

“So you know Lieutenant Palmer? ”

Lieutenant Caplin shakes his hand lightly and gives you a big nod.

[I was jealous that I saw you on the Russian River River, but I don't have to anymore.]

Lt. Palmer was a hunter assigned to the Preventive Scalping operation along with Winter, a Ranger he met with Lt. Long of the Greenbury Alpha team at a civilian base on the Russian River. A girl hugs the teddy bear and embarrasses Greenbury.

[Have you seen the video?]

“I saw it.”

[Did you know it's been deleted now?]

Lieutenant Caplin said winter brought out the four warrior terminals. Signal is clean and strong. There might be one or two interferences from a long distance. Even after the dawn of defense, radio communication was straightforward. Though it was thought that it was simply because of the terrain bends at the time, it seemed that cunning special variants were overcrowding.

‘There is no guarantee that they will always have the right idea of human weapons and strategies. ’

Although I suspect I am alone, the rapidly diminishing number of individuals would have been enough to make the trickster overestimate human tracking and offensive measures. Radio-tracking missiles that we've been using for a long time, triangulating the source. Conservation of the number of individuals is probably the most important challenge right now, which is the complete abandonment of the attack.

Winter, when she folded her mind and searched the intranet, soon tilted her head.

“Lieutenant, they're still up there. ”

[No way…….]

Caplin manipulates his handset with a bewildered look. I was sent on another mission a while ago, and I was summoned to battle clothes, old terminals, and lots of dirt and dust. The stench of sweat, along with a hint of oil, pierces my nose. Especially since it's a small plane.

[Huh, really. Strange. I wasn't on the list before.]

A puzzling figure. The intranet page the lieutenant was looking at was different from where Winter had checked.

This allows the other crew to manipulate the handset. Even after the apparent liberation operation failed, there was still more than 10 million, and even at this moment, the entire expanding U.S. Army could not receive military smartphones, but the Rangers were no stranger to being the first beneficiaries of the Four Warrior plan.

Furthermore, the Ranger Regiment search party is the main force of Special Operations Command (Tier 1).

The crew soon reached the same page, pointing out.

[Team Leader, look at the upload time. It was only uploaded four seconds ago.]

Four seconds?]

As lieutenant asks, he realizes what he's saying is odd. Makes me look serious.

Winter pressed Refresh. You are warned that the address does not exist. However, when I went back to the list, there was a file with the same name at the top of the list. The upload time was 2 seconds ago.

‘No way... ’

By pressing Refresh again, you will receive a message that the connection has been blocked at all. Other pages that were bookmarked were lined up as well. The only addresses that were still normal were those that didn't have upload capabilities. Online store page of the support staff.

[What's this? What did the Chinese do?]

The lieutenant's monologue, like that, disproves the other crew.

[Could those who were actually marine refugees be capable of that?]

[Then what is this? You look paralyzed.]

[It must have been disconnected from above. to prevent the video from being viewed. The upload time is...... but I've seen a lot of errors or something, right? Why does the server taste so bad when there are so many people playing the game?]

It was an inadequate hypothesis. Yang Yong-bin wanted as many people to see the video as possible, so there was no motive to block the page. Therefore, it was the decision of the U.S. military to make it inaccessible.

[What do you think?]

Having been questioned by Caplin, Winter confirmed his concerns.

“It's your command's decision to lose access, but I think it's likely that the video will continue to be uploaded as a cyberattack. because San Francisco had a Chinese military support ship. ”


A sighing Ranger lieutenant with a sense of absurdity.

[By the looks of it, you were in the same sea as those terrorists.]

It was a member of the crew who had been curious about the winter.

[Have you ever seen a Motherfucker before?]

Use of words is rough in front of superiors. Also look and sound. However, it was not because they did not respect the winter, but because it was an expression of unbearable anger and hostility. Operation Nine, the details of Fair Strike, are unknown, but no American knows who killed 1.6 million soldiers in the first place. Only the name was known so far.

Winter was an unpleasant winter for Ranger Searchers.

“…… I had a chance to take a look at it on a mission. ”

[Why didn't you just kill him?]

“That wasn't the case. ”

The long description was unnecessary. The crew clammed their mouths with an angry face. The crew must have known about the periods of many secret operations. He's part of a Ranger Search Squad, also known as Baby D, for being similar to Delta Force.

Winter, when she was considering pointing out the crew's anger, didn't open her mouth.

‘It's not going to be persuasive. ’

If you're right, this fury was the purpose of Yang Yong-bin's publication. How many officers and deputies are there at this moment?

Command is blocking the connection, but it doesn't seem to have much effect. Even the guards on the network must be busy. It's probably not just one or two people who get downloaded because they keep seeing it deleted. Eventually, the short, blunt video, the deadly poison, will spread somehow.

Passengers, please hold the knob firmly.]

During this time, lieutenant Kruger's broadcast mixed with wit was disparate.

Kuang. It was a rough landing to save time. A contact officer was waiting for you when the door opened.

“Commander Han, come this way! ”

Guided in a different direction from the ranger. In their direction, I saw the marks of all the Special Forces. There were not enough landing sites, so many helicopters waiting in the sky. I can see all the forces within the Special Operations Command coming together. The overpayment was also evidence that he was embarrassed by the situation.

The group sitting in the supply box near the landing site was quite liberal in their outfits. Camouflage is not unified, and neither is the equipment. However, a sharp degree of "threat" is detected.

Those who found winter, DEVGRU, saluted at a distance first. It was not a friendly atmosphere One of the returnees looks at the winter and casts a cigar smoke.

Calphine 6 was a geothermal power plant, just like the children stationed by the winter mission troops. It was also the closest Node to Karphine 5 occupied by Yang Yong-bin. The winter when I entered the facility with the base of measures, I felt the cold as the seasons changed. The air conditioning was also cooling, but it was more of an atmosphere.

The room is packed with superiors more than winter. Many people are invisible to the military. They all stop what they're doing and pay their respects. It was a tribute to the Honor Medal winner.

Winter bows steadily toward the monitor. The teleconference system was connected to the White House.

[At ease, major. I'd like to talk to you, but I'm sorry it's not going well.]

There was a slight gap in President McMillan's voice and mouthpiece, perhaps due to the distance from D.C.

The other monitors also show a 4-Star General and the blockade commander, Captain Terrence Shredder. Other links were made to the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Defense and Intelligence, the Ministry of State Intelligence, the Ministry of National Security and Information Analysis, the National Reconnaissance, the Army Intelligence Command, the CIA and the FBI. The members of the HQ put up a ticket to see if they were confused. The headquarters was here and in Washington, D.C. at the same time.

‘It's good to respond quickly.... ’

It was winter when I was worried that there were too many yards.

A man in a suit gave his seat to the winter.

“Brock Hunt, Homeland Security. You can help me now. ”

There was no detailed introduction. Everyone is busy doing their job. The noise of calls connected to all kinds of channels matched the buzz in the marketplace. Winter raised her voice a little.

“I wonder what I can do. I don't know if it's going to be cleaned out. ”

“That can't be right, can it? ”

The Homeland Security officials give a stiff smile, as if they heard a sound they did not deserve.

“We're dealing with lunatics. How do you send someone like you to a yard that may have bombed the facility? It's not all about combat, Major. ”

“That's what I meant. ”

“…… hmm. ”

Hunt stares at you with curiosity, kindness, and gentle ferocity, spreading his laptop in front of the winter and handing over the headset.

“Plug this in first. ”

In winter, he realized that the screens on his laptop would be transmitted in real time. The tapped low resolution screen was a camera that hung on someone's chest height, and the conversations people had in the video were intermediate to unknown contexts.

Winter pointed to the screen.

“What is this? Where are you showing me? ”

“That's the negotiating guild for the first time. And this tab……. ”

Click, click. On the screen where Hunt switched to two clicks, he showed the Devgro crew you encountered earlier inspecting clothing and equipment. The briefing panel at the back indicated internal structures and photographs of the Karphine 5 power plant, the anticipated deployment of the enemy, and the path of penetration. The sound that flowed into the headset receiver changed the conversation of the Devgro crew members.

“A major's job is to advise. ”


“Whatever it is, you can tell me what comes to mind then. Something that might help. If you don't have one, you just have to watch the end. ”

“…… are you okay with that? ”

“I've read the Fair Strike Mission Report myself. Neither do I, nor above, and I don't expect much help. Just in case one major knew anything about them. ”

“ ……. ”

“The negotiation will be dispatched first, and if it doesn't go well, the strike team will infiltrate. If the records I've read are accurate, I think you're capable of negotiating, tactical, and advising. So don't feel overwhelmed, just relax and watch. You won't even think about it when your head is hard with tension. ”

Winter sighed for a short time. It was not because of the burden, but because of the lively faces of the Devgro crew on the screen. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch. It was the words of one of the men.

Artwork Reviews

# Medicine

Kissin's fever is finally wearing off.

I was happy looking at the views for a while. Thank you for your support.

# Q&A

Q. Eeiko: @ Zachariah, have you been hit by a Chinese ship in the South China Sea?

A. It's not like that. I was caught in a fishing net on a Chinese fishing boat.

Q. Ryuzia: In a parallel world of @ sympathy, winter will end with putting that ampoule in your hand...

A. No, why don't you believe in happy endings... some people are even more anxious because they keep saying happy endings... and the writer's credit is so low...

Q. Ability Skyey: @ was it China after all? Thank you.

A. In fact, I don't know yet. It seems that the prophets have already guessed the insinuation of Yang Yong-bin's list.

Q. Qvex: @ First of all, this is a hoax, but I really like the people and the next presidential candidate who take it seriously and use it knowingly. Please make a bold decision on the second line of the presidency......

A. When it comes to the prophecy of a Catholic saint, it also says that people believe whatever they want to believe. What does that have to do with... um, heh...

Q. Pornography Devil F: As the bastard on the cruise ship said earlier, he is a monster on stage because of winter. As winter has already passed in the meeting, Yang Yong-bin will fall as a monster this time.

A. Well, how about...

Q. Sigyun: @ Jacquard loves you!

A. Do you love me? Get in line.

Q. Karphis: @ ㅇ BunBundle's reaction: It's rare to come here.

A. People Scarier than Zombies, is the leading development of the Zombie Apocalypse novel. However, I promise you it is much different from the way it is described! Please read it in confidence!

Q. spadeace: But you're the one who launched the nukes, so you broke through the coastal defenses, the blockades and the fireworks and went there?!

A. We'll get to the next part of the story, but in short... wouldn't it be weird not to expect retaliation for doing something like that?

Q. rumen: The Veteran Corps > The Veteran Corps

A. Corrected. Best regards,

Q. Strawberry Sweeper: @ Why do I feel like there will be a game gift when your Steam ID is revealed? Heh heh

A. That doesn't happen. My username is already public. Haha.

Q. Qgegegqe: @ Let's first make sure that the person who thought it was the extras came back and threw the giant Paste Bait.

A. Yes, you should.

Q. AntiChrist: If @ is looking for a summer vacation, I have to stop it with Gandalf's emotions. This is the karma of the writer who helped me with my brain with all my heart.

A. Yes... it's autumn anyway. I can't stay on summer vacations... No, I just need to go on autumn vacations...

Q. Diflon: @ Soghum... If that ampoule with the listing is real... the refugee zone will be a disaster. Winter must be hard.

A. It doesn't matter if it's real or not.

Q. None needed: @ (strategy) Is it true that the introduction has changed? I remember a different novel, a chariot hall, roughly a nuclear war that led to the extinction of the human civilization, and the shelter that they had prepared for it, and the main character remembered that as a streamer, he was the introduction of electricity like a star balloon to life, and he kept asking me if I had mistaken it for another novel or if I had mistaken it for another novel.

A. KIMTW9742: Not needed at all. That's a novel about me being an item.

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