The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00311 # The Island of Greece

# Island of Greece (11)

The tavern inside the base was filled with the smell of dry wood. It's a freshly assembled wooden condition. It's because I've been tearing out all these boxes of ammunition on my gut. The wall was therefore filled with a variety of caliber carbohydrates (24392) and quantities, as well as LOT designations. It felt surprisingly good.

As winter breaks into the room, people near the entrance salute lightly. Simple greetings, crooked funerals, or quietly raise a glass. There were superiors and subordinates, but they were not formally saluted to this extent. Winter also answered with a ceremony.

“Sir! Over here! ”

Captain Pelletier raises his hand to be here at the table next to the window. The members of Alamo's squadron who sat back and looked around were easily recognizable because of the army and other costumes. They were single-seat assailants, so there were only four of them in total.

On the way to them, winter came upon two surprises. The first platoon commander and fourth platoon commander sat side-by-side at the counter table surrounding the bartender. It's hard not to recognize the appearance of an uprising.


In the middle of a loud commotion, there is a cry buried in the collar. Lt. Gen. Cheonan leans on Yura and shakes his shoulders. Yura is embarrassing and taking care of her successor. He seems to see his sister who is upset but not angry. Although Somin's height was so much bigger that she didn't look good, her warm feelings were separate from her appearance. There were a lot of interesting gazes that were sneaking around from behind.

Winter joined the Alamo Corps, pretending not to know. The commander of the squadron mentioned above welcomed me respectfully.

“Sir. Thank you for accepting the invitation. Major Brandy Strickland. ”

“I knew the name, but I've never met you, Major. Greetings, Commander. It's the middle of winter. ”

Then the other two introduced themselves, with the exception of Pelettier, the sphere.

“Captain Arthur Rosmond. ”

“Lieutenant Damon Sandover. Have you been drinking? ”

The questioned winter nodded slightly.

“Drink it when you give it to me. It's illegal.”

I laughed at a light joke. In all states, excluding statutes, 21 years old are drinkable. But it was meaningless among the soldiers. We fought together on the battlefield where our lives were on the line, and we came back for a drink, and we said, "You're under the legal age.” It's just a vaginal distraction.

I don't say I don't enjoy drinking. I came here for a reason, but I needed to fit in even better. This would have been a good way to get Major Strickland's cooperation. As offended as it might be to know that the purpose of her meeting was her father.

“Take it.”

Lieutenant Sandover pushes an empty glass into the winter.

“You have more glasses than people? Is there anyone else coming? ”

When winter came, Captain Rosmond picked up the cards.

“The King's Cup" is in the middle. ”

“A drinking game? ”

“There's nothing more intimate than this. Or maybe that, too. ”

In the direction the captain pointed, there was a fluttering sound. It was a target of throwing a dagger from a band of isotheists on a wooden plank that was fixed to the wall, and this was a dart-slamming game in any bar. To get the best score, I had to put a knife in my glabella, hard work, and nipples.

Captain Rosmond quickly shuffled the cards.

“But it's really good to drink and throw. First of all, this game, do you know the rules? ”


“Hmm, it's not that hard. I'll let you know every time I flip the cards. ”

The captain lowers the deck and pushes it with one finger, creating the correct circle around the empty glass. The interval between each card was also constant. Pelletia whistles in her fancy hands.

“It's amazing whenever I see it. Looks like a professional gambler. ”

Winter made an awkward smile.

“I can't drink to get drunk. ”

“Don't worry. ”

What Captain Rosmond said.

“This is just an excuse for our squad leader. ”

“An excuse?”

“Yes, it's hard for me to hear my voice unless I'm working……. You have to do something like this to have a conversation. We have to finish it before it gets drunk. ”

Pelletier helped.

“The greeting I gave you earlier was probably the longest one of our days. ”

Major Strickland pauses and spills. Captain Pelletier shrugs.

“You still speak with your own eyes. Why are you making me blush with you? ”

Winter cleared the awkwardness of the smile.

“That resembles your father, General Strickland. ”

“When did you meet? ”

“A short drive to San Francisco from Vandenberg Base. You were the commander there at the time. ”

Hearing this, there were three reactions. It was the story of winter and the story of the squadron leader. Major Strickland found himself a little uncomfortable and embarrassing. But he doesn't open his mouth. I didn't just feel like I hated it very much.

Lieutenant Sandover asks:

“This is interesting. Is he too quiet? ”

“Yes, really. ”

“Did you say something? ”

“You said you needed an autograph for your daughter. ”

The Alamo squads have set off the fireworks.

“I'll start turning the drinks around. ”

Lieutenant Sandover opened his first bottle. Eagle Rare. On the outer label is an eagle. Each glass was filled with a pinky, dark amber with a red energy. Captain Rosmond recommended it.

“My squad usually enjoys it the most. Personally, I think it's the best product on the Buffalo Trail. Antique would have been better, but I'm afraid it's not here. By the way, I recommend that you try the flavors as they are before entering this game. ”

“Is that so?”

When winter lifted the cup, the other four raised the cup together. A toast. A brief exchange and a sip of winter. Despite being a 45-degree alcoholic, the first taste was very mild. However, the aroma is intense immediately after swallowing. Along with the freshness of oranges and the rich flavors of cocoa and vanilla, almonds' sweetness was overshadowed. Afterwards, my esophagus started to burn. Winter leans in.

“Every time I see good whiskey, I feel like I'm enjoying a delicious perfume. ”

Captain Pelletier laughs.

“In a way, you can drink alcohol without wearing it. because both the main ingredients are alcohol, and whichever is important is fragrance. The more luxury, the higher the price. Oh, right. The fact that there is nothing good to drink. ”

“Is the captain all right? ”


“I thought it would be okay to have a drink after quitting for health reasons. ”

“…… It's hard to hang up all at once, so I'll hang up on this later. ”

Excellent excuse. Captain Wingman and Lieutenant Sandovar plummet their elbows and empty their glasses.

Winter held the first cup and looked inside the counter table towards the TV hanging from the ceiling.

In the wake of numerous debates over the exposure of Republican president-elect Edgar Kramer, tomorrow, the government has finally decided to make a public statement.

It was a little late for my expectations. It was because Kramer had spent quite a long time preparing himself for the government, either to choose a time or to amplify public doubts.

Winter has put an end to the deep thoughts.

‘We need to focus here for now. ’

While considering Captain Shredder's offer, it was the Air Force's specialty that drew attention to General Strickland. For the military uprising to succeed, the White House, Parliament, etc. must be taken control of. Consequently, the air force, which was weak on land, had difficulties leading the military rebellion.

“I've always wondered, how many ground combat units are there in the Air Force? ”

When winter comes, Alamo's squadrons look at each other.

“Uh, there are some base guards…… other than battlefield control (CCT) or Tactical Air Control (TACP)? But these guys are running ground missions, and the main mission is not direct combat. We're gonna go out in a deployment format and start a fire drill. Of course, you'd be good at fighting. ”

Captain Rosmond, who has talked so far, finally looks back at the squadron leader. As you can see, Major Strickland nods slightly. Winter asks a more detailed question.

“Those troops aren't directly commanded by the Air Force, are they? ”

“Probably……. ”

This was the only time Major Strickland opened his mouth to Rosmond's lack of confidence.

“He is both Air Force and Special Warfare Command. It's more like a ranger. ”

In practice, it meant following a separate command system. After all, ground forces controlled by the Air Force are the only ones on the base.

‘Some troops may be able to participate, but they are also the Army. ’

Not just rebellion, but all wars. Bombardment alone is not enough, and the infantry needs to go and flag it.

In addition, the Air Force was free from human resource level problems. The cause is higher than the army. Infantry training is difficult, but it is difficult to compare with the pilot on a positive difficulty level. The base guard must have remained the same as before the plague.

Above all, Chairman Strickland was deputy commander of the Mobility Command. There was little contact with combat forces to control air transportation, and it was less likely that they were involved in the coup. But as Roger said, it was the political realm to star as a soldier. I could at least get some useful advice if I were to ask for help.

‘I can't believe I have to do this to a low probability... …. ’

Winter laughed bitterly. The person who brought out the horse, Captain Shredder, also appeared to be more comfortable than before. It means that he also sees no high prospects of rebellion, assuming it is not a pretend appearance. However, it is also just in case.

Captain Pelletier looks at the table, smiling and raising his glass.

“You're all done. All right, let's fill it up again, and let's flip the cards one by one. ”

The rules of the game were one-on-one, depending on the card type. The symbols don't matter, 12 in total, depending on the number and the alphabet. From the beginning of winter, laughter and sighing came over the table.

“I can't help it. Drink up, Commander! ”

Captain Rosmond urged us to empty the cup without hesitation. Swallow them in the same order as if you'd waited. Major Strickland on the other side steals his mouth with the back of his hand and smiles faintly. Seeing that the squad members were not surprised, they still had more expressions than their father.

“Oh, my God. Four spades.”

The next round of winter, Pelletier grumbles at his choice, and the squad leader and I empty our glasses. In a curious winter, Lieutenant Sandover explained. It's women only.

Captain Rosmond's turn turns the Queen upside down.

“Oh, who should I ask? ”

Even so, the gaze was already on the winter.

“Sir, if you cannot answer my question, you must empty your cup. ”

“Those are the rules. Okay, what do you want to know? ”

“Are you in love right now? ”

Captain Pelletier whistles just as he whistled. Winter answered honestly.

“Not right now...... but if you give me the heart, I want this person. ”

Wow. The questioner was briefly impressed, and the rest were interesting.

“Does he know about this, too? ”

“Isn't it against the rules to ask twice? ”

Captain Rosmond did not hide his regrets from the winter rumors.

This way, I turned the card upside down and ended up throwing the Great Sword as if it had been the first story. The Ranger officers at the table next to you suggested a duel.

While everyone else was standing up first and warming up, Winter quietly asked Major Strickland, who was about to wake up later.

“Major, may I speak to you privately tomorrow? ”


Slightly awkward response.

“Yes, it's important. ”

“ ……. ”

The major, who was thinking briefly, nodded his head while tilting once.

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