The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00312 # The Island of Greece

# Island of Greece (12)

The major, who was thinking briefly, nodded his head while tilting once.

“Time sounds good, but what is it about? ”

“I can't talk about it here. First of all, let's just say we need help. ”

In response to the winter, the major became even more puzzled. I just met the Air Force major and I don't know what he's going to do for help. How much more do you have to be conscious of others' gaze?

Rosmond insisted on exchanging contact information.

“What are you two doing out of bed? I'm sorry if you've lost us. ”

Pelettier grips him.

“You don't know this man. You want me to interrupt? ”

“Huh? Am I interrupting? ”

Captain Rosmond misunderstood and gracefully stopped the knife. Winter denied lightly.

“It's not like that. Have you forgotten what you said before? He asked me.”

“What I asked... Ah. Someone's taking you seriously. ”

For a moment at the end of Heman. I kept my promise exactly, but there was no reason to explain it. Pelletia smiles at the winter when she walks away.

“You said you weren't even together yet... He's very intelligent in a good way. Married couples often take off their rings when they enter a bar. ”

“Somewhere there are people like me. ”

“Don't you usually call it Heaven? ”

She talks to herself and raises herself. It was a lightweight hangover.

You hear a ballstent coming from the Ranger.

“How long are you going to keep me waiting? Let's get started. The loser pays for the drink. ”

Among those who were eager, there was one who seemed unwilling. This is their commander. He was a useless battle insult, but he was playing defense for days because of the winter. Looks like he's still being swept over by his men. Just like the Marine commanders pretend to be men. Rarely do people like nicknames like "Mad Dog" after getting old.

“It's not fair. ”

A Ranger officer who looks like a platoon commander gives his opinion to his supervisor on the surface.

“Those are nobles, except for one. If we stick together, we'll win unilaterally. No matter how easy it is to win, it's no fun, right? ”

Wow. Sounds like someone's turned around and is interested in Taunting. Starting with that, there was a lot of interest around me. Pelletier flirts with the rangers. It was a separate matter to hear it like this. I'd rather just lose.

Commander Strickland frowns, and this man, Lieutenant Sandover, asks.

“Do you have any suggestions? ”

“Hmm, what good is our penalty……. ”

“Instead of penalty, why don't you double each of your top scores…… no, triple each? ”

“……… sir? ”

As Ranger officers look back, their commander nods immediately. When I looked closely, I felt disgusted. You can't be too burdened in front of your men.

‘I'm a little sorry, but this isn't bad either. ’

As winter approaches, the smaller the colonel is, the better. Somewhere in the future, I will testify about the reality of the person called the Midwinter. There was enough to be cautious. Maybe the war hero group was exaggerated by the role of the war tactical support group that was once offered to recruit.

Therefore, the first batch of winter did not have an assessment of the throwing. Technology is still the realm of genius, even if you are intoxicated by alcohol. Three daggers, one man's share, were inserted vertically in a row. Despite the location of the highest point, the figure of the creature makes the human target strangely obscene.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

A joyful snake bursts around you. Seeing the money going back and forth naturally between them, winter pulled out her purse and listened.

“Hey, I'll bet. $100 to win the Ranger. ”

Tucked on an instant gambling table and placed five 20-dollar bills. In the midst of the commotion between the workers in the same game, you make a ridiculous face for the rangers.

“What do I do with this? Looks like we're gonna lose some money. ”

In this single word, a fierce smile bursts from everywhere. Hey, I'm counting! Yura looked at it with her eyes wide open as she later discovered winter. Major Strickland found it quietly amusing to get out of the curiosity earlier, and Captain Pelletier was similar as well. She had a lot of fun in her words.

“You're surprisingly good at Taunting. ”

“When you need it. I'll give you back what I got. ”

“Of course, you're the one who makes even the mutants commit suicide. ”

It was now a rare occurrence for strangers.

The battle was tight. Because the pilots' skills were not surprisingly poor, and the rangers were literally real. In the Civil War, the slaughter with the Great Sword was highly regarded for its lack of noise. Practical utilization was a different level, but the training could have been enhanced by the Special Forces.


The Ranger Commander's Javelin Sword is extremely powerful. The blade penetrates the target, causing it to vibrate to the wall. Even if it was a true variant, it would have penetrated the bone. Each throwing knife tested the limit of motor vision. It was not out of the circle to score something that wouldn't be as elaborate as the winter, and it was full of practical feelings, so it was enough to applaud every time.

As it turned out, the wager became more and more dominant among the rangers.


I would have won if I had been farther away from the target, but this was not a bad outcome for winter.

“Ha, you're finally losing. ”

The unfortunate Lieutenant Sandover. There was still a pilgrimage, but after the last turn of winter and the commander, it was still eleven years old, so there was no possibility of reversal.

“I have no regard for the Commander. You gave me the perfect three. ”

“What if I lose? If only we had fun together. ”

“Well, at least you won the money. ”

“I'd like to help you pay for that drink. ”

The lieutenant bursts into laughter. With conversations like this, the rest of the players languish. When it was his turn, Captain Rosmond stared at Major Strickland instead of throwing his sword.

“Are you sure about this?”

The squad leader gave his permission for something. The captain reaches out for his supervisor's understanding and raises his hand.

“We lost. ”

The Rangers are screaming. The commander wets his armpit wet. It smells like sweat mixed with deodorant. Winter reached out to him.

“Pleasure, major. ”

The Ranger commander rubs his hand roughly into his trousers, straightens his waist, and responds to a handshake.

“I'd appreciate a drink. If I see you again someday, we'll buy it. ”

“Really? I should remember your name. ”

After you close your hands, the Ranger asks you as if you just remembered.

“Name.... Do you remember Commander Emert? His name is Ray Emmett. If I remember correctly, you've met me in Santa Maria. ”

“Second Delta Squad? ”

“At the time, I would have. ”

“Of course I haven't forgotten. You must be the new commander. ”

It remains angry in the memory of winter. My men died trying to save these little thieves. The last news was tracking the Humpback. I thought I might meet him nearby San Francisco, but I never met him.

Authorities are keeping a secret, but a rough guess is it wasn't Commander Emert and his men who discovered the whereabouts of the thin Humpback. Even though it was public enough, it was not strange even though it was unique. Promotion date was earlier than winter.

Winter has fallen.

“But what about him? ”

“It's no big deal. We recently met, and he was very kind to me. He was expecting to see you again soon. ”

I'll see you again? It doesn't mean the garrisons overlap. Rangers are unlikely to be placed in Port Roberts. It used to be a training facility, but now its role has changed. Therefore, there was only one thing for winter to be sure to reunited with. Improvement formula.

“I'm excited about that, too. Thanks for letting me know.”

“You're welcome. Have a good time. ”

Winter, when the Rangers were greeted and sent to their table, they returned to their original position by collecting the stakes. Everyone was sitting first, and Pelletia felt sorry for him.

“Maybe it wasn't that big of a payoff. ”

“Of course. They were rangers. ”

The difference was $20.

Winter changed its stance and knocked on the table.

“I can't help but flip the remaining cards. I haven't learned all about this game yet. ”

Changing the mood was a courtesy to Major Strickland for a difficult favor. At least this place had to look like it was enjoying itself.

“Is Major Strickland's name based on your father's favorite drink? ”

Major Strickland looks fat on the question of winter when he lifts the diamond queen.

“That's right.”

I didn't think so. On the day we first met in winter, General Strickland showed us brandy on tea.

The squad members laughed frantically, not knowing it at all.

“Are you serious? Are you kidding me? ”

In Rosmond's question, the major of his personality, who would normally have kept his mouth shut, however, agreed with a sigh that he was moderately drunk and had more to say.

“Yes. Every time I drink my favorite drink, I wish I could think of my daughter." Usually you think of me as a drunk. ”

“My mother didn't stop you? ”

“Arthur, your mother loves brandy. Actually, it was my dad's favorite bar, too. Your mother worked there as a bartender. ”

“Oh, my God.”

The Strickland family seems to be a pretty interesting family with very few words. It was impressive for the winter when I grew up in a cold house.

The game continued after the fourth king card was turned over. The people who flipped the previous three times poured their own liquor into the King's Cup, and the fourth protagonist decorated the damage by writing poison. Unfortunately, it was also the major's. She takes a glass full of whiskey like cold water.

The next day, when I met Major Strickland again at the officers' restaurant after dinner, I first checked to see if they were feeling well.

“If you're hungover, you're welcome to postpone it later. ”

“I'm fine.”

I came first and asked her to remove the drink she had been waiting for.

“Sir. Is the counseling you want about my father? ”

A straightforward way to put it. In fact, nothing else would have come to mind. Winter was easily positive because it was not a particularly vigilant look.


“Is this a request?”

“No, I want to prepare for the coup. ”

“ ……. ”

Embarrassing major. Winter revealed its predicament in a calm tone. Some army officers who have experienced qualitative decline due to quantitative expansion may be plotting impurity. Also known as Captain Shredder, the blockade commander who warned us about this.

Major Strickland found the story to be compelling, but it was a reassuring story to end with. That's why the Air Force was...... muttering yesterday.

The words of winter followed.

“But he's not completely exonerated either. That's why I need the help of Chairman Strickland. The reason I think the Air Force is more reliable than the Army in this situation...... I think I'll know if I don't explain it. ”

The Air Force major stuttered a little because it was too different from what he expected.

“Uh, um, are you okay? ”

“What do you mean? ”

“I mean, you don't know who my father is. ”

“That's what I want to talk to you about. Do you think your father would be capable of such a conspiracy? ”

“What would you believe if I told you? ”

“Why would you say that in the first place? It's true that Director Strickland seems safer than Captain Shredder, if you don't believe him and leave him objectively. It's the Air Force, and there's no real action unit under the command. It would be more reassuring if you just took the opinion of the major as a family. I met him for the first time yesterday, but he doesn't seem like a bad guy. ”

It was an assessment based on the improved insights and findings, beyond the feeling of simplicity. Winter has chosen to strengthen the other side since the combat skill enhancement has hit its limit. Enough energy. Although hand-to-hand combat has diminished, both direct and indirect interactions are evaluated.

“Nothing's for sure anyway. But I decided it was the worst option to just wait. The more cards you lose, the better. Even when you throw it away. ”

That is, unlike the CIA or the FBI, only Captain Shredder would ask for cooperation within a military organization. In that way, it was 10 years to reach a dead end.

“So you can say it as it is, without any pressure. ”

Major Strickland waves his head slowly as he ponders.

“My father... doesn't want to get involved in anything. But what kind of help do you want? As you said, the Maneuver Command is primarily a place for troop transport and supply propulsion, even though there is no combat force. ”

“Anything. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. That would be a word of advice from the general. You can see things that I don't. ”

It is the power of the so-called General. There must have been something other than the title and authority on the surface for a person to reach the top of an organization. Views and connections gained from knowledge and tools only senior citizens can access, or a long career.

There were also advantages to the Maneuver Command alone. Despite the lack of combat strength, the jurisdiction is all over the mainland.

Major Strickland was still embarrassed.

“I had no idea that counseling would be like this. I'm surprised you're telling me this. ”

“Assuming Captain Shredder's words are true, shouldn't everyone be expecting something? So is Chairman Strickland. If you're worried that the major's mouth is lighter, you don't have to save your breath unless you are. The inevitable risks are at stake. ”

The major who heard so far nodded his head with many deep breaths.

“Very well. Let me tell you the message first. But I'm having trouble using the phone. This might take a while. ”

“Of course you are. ”

“I'm wondering how I can get back to you. ”

“If you have something to tell me, I think you'll find a way. ”

“Hmm. Somehow... ”

The major, who was considering for a while longer, nods again and lets out a small sigh.

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