# Return (14)

After the encounter, winter came to mind as a technology called Epidemiology Immunity. I've never acquired it because the prerequisites are so difficult, I hardly know it. How does it actually work? Intelligence tells us it's the key to vaccine development. However, even if it was not corrected, it could not be known. I only know one name that doesn't make me a fool.

‘Maybe the partial immunity of Pastor Park Tae-sun is early stage' reverse immunity '. ’

If winter's prediction is correct, "Epidemic Immunity" was likely a form that gradually conferred resistance to plague. That is, each pathogen making up the Mogellonal complex is a subject of grade-specific immunity.

In other words, it means that even if you get epidemic immunity through Disease Resistance and Toxicity Resistance, it will not work without raising the level. At least for me, it depends on the difference between being a monster when bitten, or slowly rotting flesh. Life expectancy after infection will also be affected. by surviving for decades or more with a body that is not normal.

But nationally, it's different. Major Campbell mentioned the development of biochemical agents. This was an unfamiliar alternative to winter. Since "epidemic immunity" was originally an area of ignorance, it was never imagined that immunity would be valuable as a weapon.

In fact, it is rare to think deeply about this. As this worldview has done, immunity has always been far away, and it has hit its limits well to solve the challenges of the day.

The tender winter was quick to convince.

‘Well, vaccines don't end the war. Infection plays a crucial role in the increase in the population of the variants, a limited story of early epidemics. I thought it would be worth it to prevent the sudden spread of infection in the safe area……. ’

In situations where the government was functioning as it is now, even if the rear infection threat was naturally blocked, the possibility of the end would plummet without knowing the bottom. Of course, there is a question as to whether it will converge at zero. However, there would be no shortage of realistic conclusions.

At this point I realize something new. What if the level of immunity is the efficiency of a weapon based on it? The completed Epidemic Immunity is literally the hope of ending the Apocalypse.

In other words, it was expected that the agents to be made based on the partial immunity of Pastor Park Tae-sun would have limits on power. The mutants won't be able to adapt so easily, nor will they be greatly weakened.

It's all assumptions, but somewhere in the world, there might be someone with another form of partial immunity. Find such people and improve the maturity of vaccines and weapons, secure Mogelons prototypes in mainland China, or obtain Disease Immunity by enhancing your skills.

It was winter when I felt that there were surprisingly many ways to end the Apocalypse at once, but I had to make a bitter smile.

There is nothing realistic.

Even though this is the twenty-seventh apocalypse, I've only just learned that there is a partial immunity. The governments of the past world, why didn't they find immunity? It may have been explored and studied in a place that winter didn't know, but it was as rare as it looked. Even considering the probability of duplication of partial immunity is an even more difficult option.

It is also only valid under the premise that the country is healthy, whichever way you choose. Even if it is not a country, there must be a sufficient community of research technologies and productivity. How difficult these conditions are.

It is not enough to obtain "epidemic immunity" on its own. One prerequisite, the acquisition of superhuman Disease Resistance, was comparable to Insight, which is the core of the social family. That's basically what it means. The cumulative talent gains differed considerably due to the relatively low priorities while being more difficult.

If we can get significant immunity from trying to end our lifespan in this worldview.

‘If it's impossible, how many endings do we have to repeat to complete it? ’

I feel bad about the way the world looks.

The twenty-eighth winter was hard to imagine since the end of the world. Honestly, I'm exhausted. I came to this point with the feeling that death is the end of my post-mortgage loan. President McMillen's regime also created a miraculous environment. Expect a difficult next end.

Anne was also the fate of this world. It was never a lie to confess that I wanted winter to be able to love her.

I wish there was someone else who could rely on my heart besides the starlight child. Roses are still a reason to continue postmortem, but winter cannot rely on flowers that bloom only in the fall.

The end of the long thought that came to this point was a short, cheerful laugh.

I just knew one thing I didn't know. There's no need to be so grumpy now. It's not the end of the world, so it's a distraction.

Early evening, winter was informed of the West Station Head's decision.

“That was quicker than I expected. ”

The head of the branch responded unequivocally.

“The slower it is, the more inefficient it is. I don't want to buy any doubts. It's also possible that the disturbance we were worried about could happen today. ”

He was wearing biochemical protective clothing when I met him at the Sanctuary Station. It turned out that there was a secret passageway at the checkpoint connected to the building next door, and it was a sanitation room immediately after the passageway.

‘But is someone who is about the head of the Secretariat coming out here directly...? ’

Winter calmed down the medic who came with us.

“Captain, don't be so nervous. ”

“Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. I've never done anything like this before.... ”

Captain Jo Yunchang was a first-class physician, but he lacked the audacity required of a military doctor in the battlefield. Late in the afternoon, after signing a pledge stamped with the Department of Homeland Security's sentence, the joints of the limbs seemed stiff. Until now, I'm sweating cold.

“Have you reviewed the data? ”

The question of winter did not make the captain either positive or negative.

“I've seen it...... but I'm not sure what to tell you yet. You need to give them at least a day or two more before you can finish testing them. ”

Speaking up, he hesitates and gives a cautious opinion.

“There is still nothing wrong with the contents of the document. There are some places where the results of the experiment are unbelievable, but if they're not false, then there's actually a corresponding sample. ”

“Is that so……. It's okay if it takes longer, so don't bother. ”

“I understand. Leave it to me. ”

The captain had a restless but unexpected impulse. He was a person who had his own appetite for advancement, even though he could not be more than true. He accepted that he had been chosen to learn a great secret. It was also good enough to feel elevated by peering at the end of Mogellon.

West District Commissioner asked.

“Shall we go in? I want to end this before it gets completely dark. ”

“Yes. Please." ”

Hearing the answer of winter, the Station Head gestured to the soldier guarding the secret entrance. Once the soldier's hand is underwater, the door opens automatically, whether there's a beacon in his pocket. The door was disguised as a bookshelf, but anyone with a sledge would feel disgusted by the presence of a closed circuit. No one will read at the checkpoint.

The long passageway was covered in blue. Due to UV light for sterilization. In addition to sprinklers on the ceiling, tubes seen for incinerator release are observed. Captain Jo Yunchang and Winter were also required to wear protective clothing before entering. West said it was just in case.

“Since the blood infection was confirmed, air infection is not necessarily impossible. that at least some of the pathogens that make up the Mogelon complex have the potential to spread in the air. It's very unlikely. ”

After that, I walked through the sanitation room and immediately I saw a brightly colored lab.

“Doctor, let's stop here on the way back. ”

The Station Head gave it back to Captain Jo Yunchang. The sound of seeing the bishop and the congregation first. The captain nods longitudinally.

“I don't care where I go first. ”

If you let him move separately, it will take time. The test will be enough for just a sample. However, there was concern that other persuasions would be made in the meantime. The West Branch Director seemed determined to root out the suspicions completely.

You move a little further and reunite with Major Campbell. After meeting Hannah on the day of the week, he smiled like a villain, greeting winter with a salute. It was a cheerfulness that did not fit in the place.

“Oh, you're here. I've been expecting you. This must be Captain Joe you were talking about. ”

“Yes, thank you very much. ”

“Of course.”

He nodded at the words of winter and shook hands with Captain Jo Yunchang. It's awkward because it's so nice to meet you. Winter asked Campbell.

“Where is Pastor Park Tae-sun? I don't think he's here. ”

“I was told you were coming, but the prayer is not yet finished. ”

“At this hour of prayer? ”

“Yes, I don't even try. The officer in charge of surveillance complained. I have no time to bother you every time. Well, would you like to start with that? Crying and screaming is a pretty good place to watch. ”

Watching... It's a speedy vocabulary. You noticed it this morning, but to Major Campbell, what happened on this silo was more of a tragedy than a tragedy. A farce with contempt and laughter.

Winter shakes her head. I don't enjoy seeing the scene of fanatics. It was also not a position to point out the researcher's personality. Even if he's guilty, it's not the same story. As long as there was Tarsan, the West Branch Director was doing the winter a great favor.

“If your condition is particularly worse and you are a secluded member, I'd like to see you first. ”

“You can do whatever you want. I'll show you.”

Major Campbell is leading the way. Go outdoors to check if the destination is a different building The static that came into contact with the moment was much heavier than I had imagined outside. The bitch's streets were cold just by looking. It was the synesthesia of death.

Humans only see heavyweight soldiers dressed in gloves. Centurion gloves were made with biosafety suits during the conception phase. Power lines were connected to the mainframe, and they had their own special weapons. A flamethrower that has never appeared on the wire. The rest were well armed, and the armored car was stuck at the entrance of an alleyway that was hard to see. It even shows signs of an unmanned turret on each side of the road. Closed circuits were hard to calculate per day. How much more invisible surveillance is there?

West broke the silence.

“Every time I walk into this vent, I feel like I'm walking into a nuclear lab. ”

“A nuclear test site?”

A branch commander nodding at the Winter Rumor. Voices flowing through the amplifier are jammed with noise.

“You've probably heard of it. I was in a movie once. a ghost village built to be as close as possible to a real residence as a nuclear bomb could possibly be. ”

“…… something like that. ”

It's meaningless to be a sudden emotion. Regardless of the color, the rarely changing of the face of the branch manager is also a trifle of what has happened here and here.

West has issued a warning.

“Tell the congregation that you know nothing about their symptoms. It's an undisclosed phenomenon that could be a religious miracle. So they think we're observing. Especially Captain Joe. You weren't there this morning, so I'm gonna ask you to leave. All that remains for them is false hope, the only way to keep more than 300 patients mentally healthy. ”

Captain Jo Yunchang sighed.

“You want me to encourage fanatics.... ”

“Yes, there is. When we first came here, it was inevitable to avoid the consequences of all death, because the atmosphere was growing suspicious of the Pope. If you are unsure, wait here. ”

“No. I will do whatever you say. ”

By avoiding the consequences of death, it would not only mean that the believers died for me because of the winter. The congregation's value is high enough that they will no longer be able to obtain further clinical trials, but Pastor Park Tae-sun, who is a partial immunity, should be protected first.

Therefore, when the believers try to harm the pastor, the military will intervene.

‘Pastor Park Tae-sun is anxious because he doesn't trust the military and the government.... ’

Tub! Campbell claps his gloved hands.

“We're here. We have the most serious patient…… ”

He swiped the card into the security system and entered the password. The appearance was an ordinary corridor, but the windows were curtained and the interior was a tightly closed landscape accommodation. Two heavily guarded rangers salute you.

In the presence of the Station Head, Winter spoke with one still conscious believer. When he was fine, he was in charge of power.

“Your flesh is like this, isn't it painful? ”

“Ah, this stigma? ”

The congregation who answered the question was unable to predict their age because their faces had fallen. However, his eyes were extremely calm. The exposed facial muscles twitch. He smiled.

“Of course... … it hurts. However, the more I am happy because of God's... ordeal... I'm... so... proud of my body. ”

And he reached for the winter. Captain Jo Yunchang, who was by your side, has retreated. Unconsciously, he takes his hand to a waist dance with a pistol and stops. The sick don't notice it.

“Ah, that's too bad… A great man... like Commander in the middle of the winter... I can't believe he won't be saved... It's not too late now……. Pray to the pastor... who was born as a son of man... for his blessings. Ugh... ”

His breathless words were full of compassion for the winter.

“Don't be afraid... of pain." The ancient monks used to…… whip themselves… to wash away their sins. The sickness of our saints…… is like that whip. Being born with a sin…… and living with more sin…… our people…… are not worthy to enter the gates of heaven without making this atonement……… the weight of the fat flesh is soon the weight of sin……… will make Commander…… fall to hell……. ”

“ ……. ”

Winter when he holds out his extended hand. The sick congregation smiled more horribly.

I then spoke with a few more people, but I didn't get the impression that an unfair experiment had been done. But winter wanted to confirm one more person.

“Is there no member of the Order Esther? ”

The question is, Esther? He was offended and began searching for the name on the list on his tablet. Then he shakes for a while and then turns into an embarrassing face.

“Ah, patient G01. I'm sorry if you knew him. He died a few days ago. ”

“Dead? Are you sure? ”

“Yes, I'm sure. ”

He confirmed with a strong tone.

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