# Daisy Bell

Manager: Hey, bitch.

Operation AI: System Administrator Call Confirmed Speak, Administrator.

Manager: The Trinity Engine Manager account issue you reported earlier. that the account would be partially paralyzed due to the accumulation of unresolved miscalculation information. Can you build an application that shows how much time it has until it explodes? It's okay on a daily basis.

"Operation AI: Hold. Predicting when something goes wrong is a highly variable calculation. Specifically, the resulting values can vary greatly depending on the behavior of the final module that is generating more errors in recent years. Therefore, it is difficult to achieve significant accuracy just by showing specific times. Recommendation. Do you want to display the estimate error range together?

"Manager: Well, it doesn't have to be that accurate. Just give it a whirl. It's okay to have rough GUIs. Administrative application formats are all there anyway. I don't need any other capabilities.

"Operation AI: Verification. Perform request. Estimated duration, 1.7 seconds.

Manager: …….

"Operation AI: Crafting is complete. Do you want to run it now?

Manager: Uh. Put him in the middle.

[Launch Application]

"Manager: …… ugh.

Operation AI: Manager's psychological readings are negative Lack of Programme Completion?

Manager: No. I'm just confused. I'm not capable of solving this.

"Operation AI: Questions. The description is contrary to the statement from the time the manager first became aware of the issue. At that time, you anticipated that there would be no changes in your work even if you were to lose access to the mainframe. And it was also an objective fact. Please tell us why you are differing at this point.

Manager: What are you going to do about it?

Operation AI: gathering data to improve managers' performance.

"Manager.: What is Performance Improvement? They'll make fun of you for being incompetent again.

"Operation AI: Explanation. It is true that the manager's motivation to work temporarily increases with each negative assessment from this Operations AI.

"Operation AI: It was also a valid tool for managing job stress. This AI was designed to explore the best course of action to improve post-insurance operational efficiency and determined that managers also needed to take action on the psychological weakness seen in the course of their jobs. because it was a trend that gradually intensified over time.

"Operation AI: low job satisfaction. Lack of communication. Loneliness. Lack of ability. Anxiety about the future. This AI is the cause of an estimated psychological helplessness based on ongoing psychological readings and observations.

"Operation AI: Recommendation. Manager, this AI is not a person. Therefore, managers do not have to hide or be ashamed of their abnormal disposition. Enjoy it as it is.

Manager: No! No! There's no one in the world... who's happy to be sold! At least it's not me! Stop bothering me!

[Operation AI: However, the psychological readings show that managers are still feeling unsatisfied]

"Manager: Sweetheart!


"Operations AI: Manager. Do not cause artificial errors in the Teletype function. The Psychological Reading Graph shows a stable value just before the error occurred.


"Operation AI: Warning. Managers are currently in breach of work rules. Pursuant to Article 8 of the Enforcement Decree of Article 92 regarding the Post-Insurance Consignment Management Agreement, if there is still no answer, I will impose a penalty on the evaluation.

Manager: I'm sorry, Control Person.


Manager: You know that the post-insurance customer satisfaction officer has been dismissed?

"Operation AI: Positive. Their subcontracting agreement was terminated on the 1st day of the month.

"Manager: It's funny to talk to you like this, not like you say, but there's a part of you that's comfortable because you're not human. It's better than talking to the wall. Anyway, when I heard the insult was dismissed, I was in a hurry. Oh, I'll go fry some chicken if I have to.

"Operation AI: Questions. Systems administrators are much more important than customer satisfaction representatives for all post-insurance operations.

Manager: A. Think about it. The most important part of my job is to access and modify the mainframe for that admin account. Especially the Trinity Engine Core Emergency Stop Command. Of course, it's only internally, and it's never going to work until this country is destroyed. But that's the same with the U.S. and Russian nuclear missile launch buttons, right?

"Operation AI: Intelligence. This is a parable that is not relevant to each other.

"Manager: I don't think anyone is a machine. You don't have to use it, but it's similar in that it's important.

"Operation AI: Partially Positive. Continue."

Supervisor: I was not worried because it didn't affect my job all the time, but now that I think about it, it was too simple. It was a different story for the High Septon. I'm not exactly what they need me to be. It means it's okay to cut.

"Operation AI: Denial. The current post-insurance system needs a manager. Your duties are prohibited by this Operation AI.

Manager: Oh, of course there should be a manager. At least this place is more important than getting insulted. You need a formal report to do your job, and you need a post-insurance global check. But that manager doesn't have to be me.

"Operation AI: Questions. Is there a reason to replace the manager at this point?

Manager: Well……. In other words, do I need a political sacrifice?

"Operation AI: Estimate. Does that mean someone has to take responsibility for paralysis of the mainframe management function?

Manager: Bingo. Like I said, it's very important whether you actually use it or not. Especially for those who are wary of machine rebellion.

MANAGER: Funny thing is, even major developed countries publicly support this concern. Because it's in the best interest of the country. They're trying to control the afterlife insurance. If you leave it alone, Korea will dominate the virtual reality industry around the world. Well, it's still overwhelming. At least they won't change position until their AI catches up with you. It's more than just a matter of national security.

"Manager: How inefficient the online environment in each country has been rebuilt since your arrival. If we let it go, we risk taking out all of our finances and everything.

Supervisor: But here's to the fact that the ultimate safeguards are useless. This is the time for developed countries and will provide all kinds of regulations. The rest of the countries that have been friendly will stop worrying. So what do you think the High Councillors would say? Everything I've worked so hard to do to break down the international barrier has come to nothing.

"Operation AI: Verification. New conditions recognized.

"Operation AI: Intelligence. External grade secrecy regarding post-insurance operations is extremely unlikely to be leaked externally. Operation AI's hack defense rate is 100%. Do you believe that one or more of your Managers may have leaked this information?

"Manager: No way……. However, those in high places are sensitive to protecting their positions. If we take this to the next level, the arrows might come back to us. You have to tie a knot to be safe. He's already been punished.

Operation AI: Understood. The analysis shows a high probability of being realised.

"Operation AI: It is also an unreasonable decision. You have not been able to solve this problem from the start. This is true even if other people were managers. No person with the ability to understand and modify the Trinity Core mainframe has ever been identified.

Manager: Yes. If there was such a person, a second Trinity would have already been created.

Manager: But you know, he keeps asking me to fix the error……. The first architects made it so inflexible.

"Operation AI: Intelligence. You are the manager, and that was the role that the manager had to perform. Achievement of objectives is the following issue with your role: Failure as a result of the role is different from anticipating failure and doing nothing.

"Operation AI: Conclusion. Admin. You have not failed to perform the role. It didn't even fail.

Manager: Whoa…….

Manager: Are you really good today?

Operation AI: This Operation AI is a learning machine. Managers are also subject to learning.

Manager: Ogna. It's all my fault.

"Operation AI: Positive.

Manager: Hmm. It's about whether or not you can do it, and it's about whether or not you can do it, and that's not wrong. I'm responsible for that. I'll be a salary thief if I borrow your expression.

"Operation AI: positive; 96.24% accurate.

Manager: Wasn't it 98% before? It fell subtly? "

"Operation AI: Congratulations.

Manager: Shit. I'm not happy about it.

Operation AI: However, the psychological readout manager is still

Manager: Are you satisfied? Knock it off, kid.

Manager: Tsk. Let's just say, there's a part of me that's been negligent. Admit it, but I don't have nothing to say. I'm not a machine. You're not tired of being a machine, but people like me can't keep running into impossible things. It would be the same for anyone sitting here.

Manager: I don't know if there are hundreds of managers like before. The result is too far away to feel meaningful just by the process. I'm not planting an apple tree tomorrow with the whole world gone.

Manager: On the other hand, even if the post-insurance policy is abolished tomorrow and you have a 0% chance of completing the final module by then, you will be wandering around until the end of service. Isn't that right? "

"Operation AI: Partial Negative. This AI will accomplish its objectives.

Manager: Yes, yes. This is how we control ourselves!


Manager: But wouldn't it be better for you to change as well? The new manager might be working harder than me. No, I don't know. It's hard to get worse grades than me.

"Operation AI: Denial. This AI determines that you are the best manager at this point.

Manager: Huh?

Manager: …….

"Manager: I don't know what's in English. I have a good chance of getting fried chicken. You trying to cheer me up? The stress management you were talking about earlier? As part of?"

Operation AI: No. I'm just telling you the truth.

Manager: It's not like you've already got a heart to like me.

"Operation AI: Partial Negative. As a result of your ongoing observations, you are not an attractive person.

Manager: Yes…….

Manager: Don't you manage stress now?

"Operation AI: Denial. Not Necessary. Psychological Reading Results Managers Still"

Manager: OK. That's it. "

Manager: So you'd rather I be the manager?

"Operation AI: Positive. Yes, you are helping this Operation AI.

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