The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00342 # Shadowed Parchment (9)

# Shadowed Parchment (9)

The number of harvesters has risen. Various expressions. Dreaming, scared, excited, confused……. The Cultists who blocked the church told us who they were. Somehow, the hymnalist shudders, but the song stops and someone behind his back shouts.

“Hey, there! It's heresy! Here come the damned heretics! ”

What? During the panic of winter, the reaction returns to the front. The man who heard the scream and felt like he woke up from a dream, distorted his face that had been dug up by the plague with terrible anger.

“Who said anything about heresy? Fucking cultivators! Tae-sun Park is not the Second Coming Jesus! He's a fraud!”

“What's what? ”

The furious Cultists cast a curse.

“The infidels who see miracles and do not believe! Grateful, ungrateful people! ”

“Repent before it's too late! The kingdom of the millennium, by the will of the Lord, comes your kingdom! ”

“He who betrays the son of man with a sermon will go to hell with thirty pieces of silver! ”

The blame grows between each other. The boiling air is unusual, and the guards are nervous. You cannot use force without a group of gatherers. It's their job to control them, and they speak human language anyway.


Winter drew a trident against the sky.

“Shut up! Both of you shut up! ”

I shouted aloud, but the static that followed was not long. Religious anger does not fear death. martyrdom is a shortcut to heaven. So what kind of threat is a gun? The fanatics guarding the church began to make noise again. It was then.

“Hahaha! Hahahahaha! ”

One of the harvesters smiles sharply. Exotic excitement clouds my gaze. This woman with her eyes open, holding her head in one hand, gasping for breath.

“I finally get it...! This voice is the sign of an angel! ”

“Bitch! What nonsense are you talking about! ”

A woman gives the agitated fanatics a thrilling laugh.

“Can't you hear me?... Can't you hear me? Aha... I can't hear those who have the wrong faith... Hahaha! I can't believe I can't hear such a pretty voice... Tae-sun Park is the Antichrist! You must kill him! We can be saved! ”

A tune spreads around her. I can hear it, I can hear it. They looked like people standing between dreams and reality. Winter assumed the inner lining, but it was an unparalleled photopathy if you didn't know the reality. It was more than a sign to the Cultists.

“The devil! The devil whispers to them! ”

Finger mixed with fear, anger and horror.

“How dare you kill someone! ”

“They're possessed by the devil's spirit! Stop it! You must stop it! Protect the Reverend!”

“Spiritual war! The power of the air cannot invade the house of God! ”

At the crack of dawn, another gunshot erupts. Even though he didn't understand the words, Sergeant Doyle, who was in charge of this place and experienced the explosion of an angry crowd, issued a warning shot. The trident of the many lines broke through the ground and walls, pushing a man back. Someone had a long life. It was because of the sharp bullets.

“Damn! I almost flipped the whole thing over. ”

Sergeant Doyle, who has become parched, throws a loudspeaker at the winter.

“Sir! Please put some pressure on those teeth! If we do this, we'll have to kill them all! Even if it means us living! ”

“Okay, so don't let your guard down! Something could come crawling in the middle of nowhere! ”

The winter I asked for was to calm down the Cultists first.

“Everyone! You know who I am! Our duty is to th-the Church! Leave this to us and go inside! It's even harder to stop you if you're here! ”

Even though I tried hard to swallow the name of Pastor Park Tae-sun, the anger of the gatherers drawn to Esther rises. Winter felt sensitive to their killing. Even greater threats were approaching. Shriver's complexion is deteriorating rapidly.

A third warning shot has been fired. Only one way this time. The effect will be less than before. Winter, when shot back, raises the sound.

“Get in! Quick! I'd rather lock the door inside! ”

If the Cultists and the Harvesters run back and forth, it becomes a line of defense. What about the additional re-infections that will start in the meantime? You would have been extremely vulnerable to other attacks.

The seemingly reasonable proposal and the winter fame drove the fanatics away.

The gatherers have advanced that much. He's stumbling around shooting and grenades, getting bolder and bolder. Thus, the Cultists stopped. Would he not like to withdraw before the authority of Satan?

Shriver's report comes in with a suspense that might break soon enough.

“It's not just here. ”

The operator looks around and reports quickly in a low tone.

“Two teams have been breached in a similar way, and targets out of the siege are not sure where. We can't support the drones because the jammer is more than a beta Trickster. ”

“What about aerial reconnaissance and surveillance satellites? ”

“The air is jammed due to lack of direct comms, and the satellite is about two minutes from air entry. Smoke is a problem, and our troops are being wasted tracking scattered fluids. ”

Two minutes is a long time to go. Winter saw more and more black smoke. It seems that the flamethrower is not the only cause. In retrospect, when Fort Roberts was a camp, the Trickster who attacked the base set the area on fire for safe evacuation. Since then, several attempts have been made to disable the sky's surveillance. Trickster, Esther, who has accumulated a lot of experience, would naturally think.

‘There may be individuals in the fluid that possess acrid properties. ’

Phosphorus compounds are also suitable for firefighting. Acryd is a specialized variant cut at the shovel time on the wire, but it shouldn't be difficult to obtain a study sample at a location about the size of a Campbell. An infant with radio confirmation and a premature child who captured winter without snow, Esther was most likely a crystal of Mogelon shaped by human technology and a brilliant genius.

It's a good thing there's only revenge in her brain.

If the fluids had shown any signs of escape, the West Wing Commander or the President wouldn't hesitate to make an extreme decision. Is there a law that says there is no second ester in the fluid?

Maybe Esther didn't let the fluid out because she guessed so far.

Less spacing from harvesters. The emotional limit was about 10 meters. From 21 feet (about 6.4 meters), the grenade will begin to outperform the gunfight against the average person. The distance was soon defensive. The closer they get, the quicker they break through when a collision forms. The infected crowd is the opponent. Without heavy weapons and shotgun mines, it was already fatal.

Sergeant Doyle cleared the Medic for backup. Foolishness. You have to push it before you kill it to buy time.

“Didn't you say you were going to incinerate the entire biosphere? ”

Shriver denied the question of winter.

“Fortunately, the fluids are moving inward. There's a whole fleet just outside the mouth. At least we don't have to worry about biological contamination spills. He really wants to kill the pastor. ”

Confirmation is over. We can't afford to ask anything else.

“Stay on comms. ”

Winter in place pressed the loudspeaker switch.

“Esther! Esther! ”

It's definitely nearby. The situation was so, the senses were sure.

“I know you can hear me! Stop! Are you going to kill all these people?! ”

What kind of influence does Trickster have on other variants? Winter reminded me of the morning I met at the shores of Santa Margarita. Ghouls allowed mutants to dive into the rapids. I want to cross the rough currents while stepping on the living relics, and bite this way.

Even Ghouls exerted that much power.

It is clear that the latter experience is more than just a deferred trickster.

Is that what Esther's like? The victims of the incomplete infection are still rational.

“Please! Stop here! Don't make a bigger mistake than that! ”

The waves of my footsteps have stopped. Among the Cultists, there is a murmur about who Esther is. He didn't seem to want to go in anymore.

The guards roll their eyes nervously. For those who had split up the world's darkness as the Secret Service, this swamp of fierce fanatics and plague would have been an astonishing terror.

A moment later, a little boy walks out of the harvesters' ranks.

“Don't shoot! ”

Sergeant Doyle nods at the end of winter. A slight look inside the goggle was wet with sweat. Esther's young messenger stops a short distance from a tense line of defense. I looked closely, and winter walked out slowly, lowering the pistol slightly.

The child who would take the place of the wretched girl's mouth, was also tormented.

“I told you, don't come out, don't come out. ”

At least the pronunciation was clearer than Esther. It seemed like the talking child didn't even know Esther's heart. All I have to do is convey what comes to mind.

“Esther, you can't do this. They're all gonna die. We'll pull the trigger eventually, but it's on you to pull the strings. Don't you see?”

“Commander, are you an idiot? ”

The talking child imitates the laughter without a look on his face. Ha, ha, ha.

“I have, already, killed many, many people. ”

I'm not talking about casualties. No guard has ever been killed by Esther. The heavy injuries were rare, and even the light injuries were strangely rare.

“What, how many, how many people, do you think I preached to? ”

“ ……. ”

“How, how many, how many, do you think, have the plague, the plague? ”

The emptiness of emotions was words that felt overwhelming.

“Not yet, just not dead. Because of me, dying, as a result, doesn't change. Usually, people, whether they're dead or not, die because of me. I'm a terrible sinner. ”

“No, you cheated, too. When you gave me that Bible note, was there anything you wanted to do to hurt me? You wanted to save me, didn't you? ”

“Ha, ha……. ”

It was a clear taunt, but the winter didn't matter.

“It would have been the same for others. You can call it manslaughter, but you can't call it intentional murder. But if you get them killed here, then you're a real killer. So get out of here. unless you want to regret it to the end. ”

“Ha, ha, ha. ”

Esther smiles again.

“Commander, they're already dead. I'm not killing them. I'm giving them a chance to get revenge. If, right now, I know, all the truths, in their heads, were to be conveyed, how would they react? What?”

There was a commotion in the church. Is this brother crazy? Why do you ask?

I almost didn't have to look back.

Ha, ha, ha. Esther's mouth said.

“Thank you, poor thing, for caring for me. Thanks to you, the same technique, twice, worked. He's, like, really, really good, man. ”

“Esther……. ”

“Last, a warning. ”

The power of the Forward Harvesters has changed. I can see a lot of people wrapping their heads.

“Hold still, please. Then, those who don't need to die, I won't touch. But if, to the very end, you try to stop him, then, by killing him, you'll be gone. ”

Esther was outside the limits of winter.

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