The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00343 # Shadowed Parchment (10)

# shaded parchment (10)

Sergeant Doyle shouts.

“Sir! Come back! Come on!”

It's intuitive of the attack to begin. The aggressive movement of the harvester group was like a spirit made up of multiple bodies. As a conductor, he gives the order without hesitation.

“Fire! Kill them all if you don't want to die!" Claymore, five, six! Fire! ”

“Not yet! ”

The high location blocks the wide visibility of the sniper, but it is too late. A pair of mine explodes and 1,400 iron beads sweep across the front. All flesh within the kill range is torn to shreds. However, when the bloody fog subsided, the horror revealed was beyond expectation.


The sergeant is appalled. The mob looks like a lump of garbage. It's just an illusion. At first, though, it was separated back and forth as it approached. Instead, I retreated. Fear in the face of much more numbers of footsteps, frenzy and fanaticism, anxious backs, and special variants of the unprecedented Moon. These disturb the veteran's senses.

Esther's goal was to deplete her defenses. The remaining gatherers scatter like wildlife. It is not a human attitude to treat people. It was the rationalization of hatred.

“Medic! Church! ”

Winter's instructions were enough in unison. The Reserve Guard, who realized the urgent fire immediately, was on the move even before it was instructed. To kill hidden fluids and kill bitten believers.

‘If you don't give me a reason, just 10 minutes.... ’

I can kill them all. Winter felt disgusted. I want to let Tae-sun Park die.

But I couldn't. As I said, it was a matter of the end.

“Requesting reinforcements! ETA, about 7 minutes! ”

Communications from Shriver. I don't know how much to push, but I decided to keep it a secret and take care of it for sure. It was late, but I had to assume it was very fast for such a bold superior decision.

As soon as the passageway sank, the maternal babies spread their shells in the sky to see which alley they were thrown in. Low flying through rooftops. It was too short even if the ratios were short. I don't even have a chance to warn the soldiers to get down.

Tartan! Three babies will be torn apart in a row in the winter. Even as a premature child, power is inexhaustible. Spraying strong acidic spray. The rain that was pouring out was a bonus. Either way, it was sprinkled with inertia and wind on one side. The overturned guards shudder in panic. Despite the protective acid-resistant coating, toxic fumes rose throughout the body.

“One o'clock! On the roof!”

The sniper on the second floor of the defense post drops to his knees shortly after a sharp shooting. An overwhelming gunfire over here, which is starting to take its toll in a short while. The gunshot echoes like a distant thunder. It is not a small caliber firearm. He was a heavy speaker with at least a 50 caliber.

Heavy Machine Gun?

It can't be for Esther... There was only a personal firearm in the armory of the fifth lab. The confused winter saw a girl become a monster while evading. It was a heavy machine gun that seemed to have been forcibly removed from the unmanned turret. The electrically operated trigger has not been a hindrance to her. Splitting it into pairs.

Several threats of death hit the winter. It rolls in a puffy shock, and it appears that one of the protections has burst. There was no bleeding but there was pain. I feel like I have a bruise. Surprisingly accurate aim. No strings attached.

“Crazy! Save the flamethrowers! ”

A sudden flame. The sergeant yells at his men. I just burned the three gatherers who jumped through the firewall. What a waste. A portable flamethrower only has a few seconds to fuel it. Less than 30 seconds in a medium-sized combination.

Where did they leave Campbell? Esther was desperate. Once this happened, she would have judged she was no longer a shield. Maybe he already snapped his neck.

Among the guards who were oppressed by heavy machine gun fire, the winter relied on camouflaged marshes. However, the firepower of the rifle was not enough. Esther ignores minor injuries. If the puppets swallow the defense line, she wins.

“Sniper! Sniper rifle! ”

A sniper can't even shoot between the broken concrete fragments, throwing one of the spare weapons.

“Ammo is an armored bomb! ”

I also used it for hunting Trickster. Winter caught a powerful 48-inch (121 centimeters) weapon. Even the three spare magazines that are thrown behind you are drawn with one hand.

“I'll cover you! Larry! Grenade!”

Tutu Tung! The rifleman and machine gun shooter make a gap, and the grenade shooter places four high-explosives in both directions. Chubborn and Chatan were also targeting Esther. A monster girl who crouches at the crack of day. In winter's vision, the blood is clear. At that moment, I aimed at the wound and pulled the trigger. Ironclad bombs will dig under flayed flesh and explode in muscles.

Boom, boom!

It's as powerful as a heavy machine gun, so the fires of the gun are huge. You hear a long, sharp scream from beyond the dust-covered landscape. However, there was a violent surge of radiation shortly thereafter. In the beginning, I didn't even expect winter to be a critical hit. A guard mutters profanity.

“Why is the turret still working?! ”

This is a complaint from knowing the situation. The troops stationed in this detention facility complemented Bondi's remote security system. The components of the system were largely inoperable. I was worried about the heist, but I couldn't help it now. If only I cared a little more…….

In terms of secrecy, it would have been difficult to increase the security force. There would have been jurisdictional issues in each institution.

Sergeant Doyle grips his men. Don't get cocky.

“Four minutes to go! We got to hold on! We got reinforcements coming! Do it like this!”

Each seriousness was fairly good at stopping people from being seduced by Esther. Despite Esther's oppressive fire, this side of the firepower cannot stop unarmed gatherers. Although their physical abilities are comparable to variants, they cannot break through the line of defense of the automated machine at the level of normal variants.

It was winter when I thought about it for a while.

“Two o'clock! Tank Mine!”


“40 meters! Corner on the first floor! We got a man with a landmine! ”

What land mines? Sergeant Doyle was confused, but Winter saw him too. Not only Grumbles, but even the trams are bombarded with explosive force. The gatherer who was holding it was rushing towards the shelter. Like a terrorist trying to blow himself up with a bomb.

How the hell? ’

How did you get the mines? Even if there are landmines, they're completely camouflaged.

Before the question, winter, when it was instinctively aiming at landmines, it fixed its aim and shot the puppet's knee. Lose the landmines. Hope the rolling landmines don't explode. Blocks vision if it explodes. Until the aftermath of the explosion subsides, this side of the firepower is blinded.

However, the iron mass that was filled with gunpowder was weighing 14 kilograms. The drop impact activated the renal canal.


A black storm of debris swept in front of the church. You hear a thumping sound through the flames. Probably a building with an unmanned turret and other quarantines inside. There's no reason to put unnecessary obstacles in front of the defense line. The flame must be burning ammunition inside. A hot, superfluous, dark, opaque wind blew.

Among the guards coughing in the field, winter came to my senses.

‘Smell……? I even have that ability.... ’

In Sacramento, a stalker broke in during the night. A variety that enhanced its sense of smell came through the minefield. Just like rats trained to find gunpowder, they've been able to pinpoint the exact location of landmines by smelling them. In Esther's case, the risk of taking it out can be transferred to someone else who is fascinated.

Possible, even if not necessarily Esther, if one of the fluids has a sensitive nose.

I wish I had a deconstruction chamber underneath the mine.

Fortunately, Esther's heavy machine gun fired. I can't see them, but I'm sure they're out of ammo. That was a long shot, wasn't it? Suspicions have struck me in the winter brain.

Sergeant Doyle, who was covered in dirt, immediately made the best decision.

“Dammit! Claymore! Triple shot! Triple shot! ”

I can't see it, so I need to change the range. At the risk of another mine exploding. The distance of the enemy was unknown how many meters, until the field of view improved a bit. However, a guard with a stimulus reported urgently.

“No response! The line must have snapped!”

“Then pull four! If not, number two, number one! ”

There was a lonely whip in the smoke.

“Cover! Everybody down! ”

Just one second, from the sharp warning of the winter when I heard the rushing sound. My feet trembled. The oscillations of the earth shook even the viscera. It was a minefield that exploded at a much closer distance. Winter felt the rush of debris rushing across your body. How many remotely remotely remotely remotely controlled anti-tank mines are buried in this area? In case of a special variant among the Cultists. It's being exploited upside down.

And then the third, fourth explosion and the afterstorm. Will it explode again? The sergeant, who was aiming for a gap, gripped it.


The shooter breathes fire from the other side, but it's too late.

“Out of my way!"

Bang! Winter's reflective fire breaks Esther's knee, protruding from the smoke. Armored bombs crushing cartilage. The lost center and the rowdy body was a destructive inertia and overweight. The girl gets up on her roll and breaks through the defense line with her uncomfortable legs. A part of my body is on fire, as if I'd forgotten the pain.

“Damn it! Grenades! ”

Winter was already on the safety pin before Sergeant Doyle shouted. However, the throwing direction was different. Because I felt people rushing in behind Esther on the radio. Esther doesn't seem to be ahead of herself to make the most of the diminished numbers. To keep the troops here.

‘We just need to buy time until we reach Pastor Park Tae-sun! ’

During a series of grenades, winter aimed for Esther's ankle. I don't just want to live in this situation. Everything else was so thick. Even heavy machine gun armor is scrambled and deformed. Like a tumor, the back covered the cervical spine and head. There was no hesitation.

Bang, bang! Boom, boom!

Even after replacing the magazine and shooting close to the projectile, every time I fall, I get up again and go into a desperate state. Only slowed down. The burning and bleeding Esther ran closer to a desperate struggle.

“Ba 'ak Taesar! Come out! ”

Five heavily armed men blocking the entrance were unable to cope with Esther's collision with a heavy machine gun. It seemed like I was seeing a car accident as if I was slanting. However, I tied Esther's feet for a while. In the meantime, the five feet emptied a magazine. Bleeding and stumbling of a girl who had become a special variant became more severe.

“I'll leave this to you! Send support as soon as you can! ”

Winter, replenished with ammunition, asked Sergeant Doyle to stay behind. Enemy spots are still up ahead, so it's hard to ignore the defense line. We'll have to go on a second mission and live.

At the entrance of the church, which was running fast, there was a Cultist who was still breathing. Sitting among the dead, muttering like a madman.

“The devil…. Get out of my head...! ”

Signs of reinfection. His injuries appear to be the work of an infantry reserve.

Winter when I entered the church, I rolled first. Phew! The flying man slammed into the doorway and became a blood clot. No, it was already bloody before it was thrown. The Cultists who had survived to this point, avoiding re-infection, were sacrificing their lives to protect their own Second Coming Jesus.

Esther roars among them.

“Yes! You guys! Dead Carpenter! Gnaaang! Grrr! Over here! Finish it! ”

Bang! Winter's gun flashes.

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