The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00415 # High winds (13)

# High winds (13)

An attack has begun from the outside.

Darkness descends from the ruins, and black mutants like the night stream towards the airport. The figures melted in the dark night. From the retractor's position, the placenta is at least within range, so the mortar cannon fires a flare in a row. However, the black shadows of the blacks caused visual confusion. It is difficult to discern with the naked eye. The outsiders responded by relying on infrared observation.

Colonel Davidov, who was watching this in real time, heard a disturbing sound.

“Camouflage?! Are all variants sharing the traits of the Whipper?! ”

Winter denied the colonel's guess.

“No way! Maybe you put it on your body. because the whole city was bombed. ”

The thick soot that covered the body would have been everywhere.

‘But, at this rate.... ’

It is not dangerous. Winter judged it that way. That was a mutant group that needed to cross the open field, and this was an overwhelming armored unit. It is also fundamentally defensive, so it cannot be broken down by a clumsy breakthrough. Not if the monsters carrying the grumbles, or the mutants carrying the acidic and flammable babies, dig up a row.

Trickster must have noticed the encounter inside the airport and launched the attack.

However, you will soon realize that the plan was completely wrong and that the ambush had been rendered helpless without any effect. The outdoor aggression alone is not enough to break two regiments and one generation of mechanized defenses. It just splits into blood and flesh until the last moment.

Black variants are impressive, but if there is no other way, they will eventually have to retreat.

If there's no other way.

What comes to mind here is another attempt to excavate the mutants, at least confirming that there are no tunnels inside or outside the airport. If there is an exit close to one of the runways, it is okay.

‘That's enough to bury him alive. ’

It was also meant that the distance was within this range. Even if an air tram hits one high explosive, many poor tunnels could collapse several feet from the exit. How long can the mutants buried alive survive?

Even the officers outside the winter watched quietly since the ideas were too big. They are responding well on the front line and no further instructions were needed. It was a fight that was close to pure struggle anyway. A simple battlefield with no choice but to endure.

There were flashes of light burning diagonally from the sky. It was two gunships (AC130) orbiting over the battlefield, circling several kilometers in diameter. Even if you apply soot to hide the color, you cannot hide your body temperature. The Rain Individual Sky, a plural air sack with no obstacles to its observation, inserted the correct cannon without the coordinates calling from this side.

The soil flakes off. The mutants on top are brutally torn.

“What the hell is that?! ”

Brusilov, commander of the 217th regiment, expressed embarrassment.

"Kuku Gugu Bow!"

Whenever a cannonball explodes, the ground plunges into an artificial shape.

“…… wow, you sneaky bastards! ”

Indeed. An unmanned aircraft in the field of battle was showing a sudden zigzagging attack trench.

‘The waves keep coming down, so you dug a tunnel from the ground up. ’

It was a trickster idea.

This dramatically reduced the range of engagement. As Independents and Air Force members of the direct firing squadron, the mutants protruding from just 70 meters were even more difficult to deal with.

Colonel Davidov has controlled the turbulent formation.

“Don't shake it! If you get close, just step on it! Don't look back, you missed a few! This way! This way! All you have to do is look ahead! Do you understand?!"

And the Colonel looks back at Winter and Captain Graff.

“Let's move to the commander's armored car. Captain, do you mind if I leave the rest to you? ”

Only Ranger Troops are left inside the airport.

The captain nods.

“Don't worry. We're rangers. We'll kill anyone who comes in. ”

With the confidence of the United States' elite, Colonel Davidov lightly snorted.

However, with this anguish, the aggression of the mutants did not last long. The sly mutants seem to have a low odds. In fact, you should assume that the ambush was broken at the time of its extinction. It's stupidity that doesn't suit Trickster to draw a long fight that's hard to win. He admitted, without hesitation, that the raid was a failure prepared for him.

The soldiers sigh of relief.

It was the futile end of a war that began abruptly.

Winter, however, drenched the complex heart alone, watching the mutants retreat leaving behind countless corpses. I felt strange to myself today. It must be because I have realized the meaning of death differently from the past and a new fear.

‘Objective combat strength has become stronger than ever……. ’

No experience, no skill level, no moment was as loyal as it is now. Consider yourself facing practical growth limits. It will take a long time to become stronger.

But at the same time, I feel weaker than ever. At least I felt winter. It seems that a piece of violence still lingers in your grasp.

I wanted to hear Anne's voice.

This is the heart of sincerely loving someone. Especially for people who have never been happier in their lives, such as winter. The deeper the love, the greater the fear of loss. Likewise, if possible, we hope to be together forever.

Intense temptation aggravates the winter.

In the process of cleaning up the scene, the soldiers frequently looked at the winter sights. It's probably because of a different atmosphere than usual. Winter recognized that, but struggled to rule itself.

It wasn't the first time, but it wasn't easy to get rid of.

Three days later, new troops arrived from heaven and earth simultaneously to officially acquire the airport. In total, it is the size of one division. Reinforcing the garrison was a natural occurrence. This is the only airport within a 200-mile radius, so it must be protected for seamless airspace in south-central Mexico. Many airports were destroyed by mutants. Now that I think about it, it was a sign of a trap since the facilities at Oahaka International Airport were intact.

As soon as he arrived, the engineers who would serve in the division entered the Expansion Building on the runway. Currently, however, there was only one runway, so the air force, Independence Battalion and Rangers' return schedule increased until July 3. When I went back, I was divided into groups.

The first opportunity to withdraw was the Independent Alpha Squad. In order to be dispatched, the first one should be a ranger, but they said they were expected to receive other missions in the region. Zero Ground Vacuum was in a different position from the Independence Battalion.

As the commander, the winter I decided to stay until the end spoke with the Alpha squadron commanders, who were waiting for transport.

“Don't be sorry, go rest first. There won't be any other missions until Independence Day. ”

On the day of the anniversary, I am likely to have no time to rest because I am being dragged to an event. This engagement has raised interest in the Independence Battalion again, so you don't want to show it to the public in any way. It was the process of raising the support rate ahead of zero ground vacuum.

Winter is upon us.

‘It's not that there is no opinion that independence is inappropriate. ’

It's only a matter of percentages, but given the changing nature of public opinion, it's better to turn off a few percent of the heat when you can.

This battle became unnecessarily popular.

From the questionable disappearance of one generation to the truth, it's a good place to get the media's attention. It's good to get the press's attention. It's good to use in the White House. It was a successful debut of an unprecedented mountain air force in the history of the United States military.

I made an unfair face.

“Don't you need to rest more than we do? You've looked very tired these past few days. ”

Winter had a difficult smile.

“I know what I looked like, but I had some personal concerns. You don't have to worry. I feel better now. ”

I postponed the call with Anne. If I called because I couldn't win the urge every night when I was in deep distress, my voice would have been clear, not just a video call.

After hearing the answer, Yura, who was secretly sharing the same concern, looked into the winter's face.

“Sir, let me tell you a funny story, as well as a cheerful one. ”

“Funny story? ”

“It's a nonsense quiz. ”

In this regard, the truth groaned.

“What would they think if they saw Usain Bolt running away? ”

It was winter when I knew Usain Bolt was a legendary athlete, but I never guessed the answer to the quiz.

“Well, I don't know. ”

After seeing a beautiful winter, Yura smiled and said the answer.

“The correct answer is fast food! ”

“ ……. ”

Jinsuk shouted once more. You said he ruined a healthy man. Winter seemed to know who he was. I thought you said he was your brother.


A cool smile burst out. A little embarrassed about winter, I looked back at major Sing. The embarrassed person was not alone in the winter, so Sergeant Diesel and Merriweather were also looking at the major with a slight shock. Jinsuk is completely stunned. The major smiled for a long time and said to Yura,

“That was so much fun! ”

Yura glanced at the winter again with joy. Winter was able to smile without being late. As a result, Yura's face became even brighter. When Major Sing asked if there was anything else, Yura unleashed a tremendous amount of old humor he had heard from someone.

Luckily, the flow did not continue.

It was thanks to the sound of dogs barking from the freshly landed transport.

“Ah, here comes the dog. If you were here early, you'd be a big help. ”

Yura's regrets were with the Always Ambush in mind. Visual gastrointestinal excellence and defusing even infrared detection through thermoregulation are monsters, but they do not avoid even the smell of dogs. At least at this point.

The problem was that the supply was insufficient compared to the abundance of demand. You can't stamp a dog like a weapon. Moreover, existing dogs must also be trained to be suitable for the search for the Whipper.

Moreover, there were very few available troops.

Alternatively, there was mass-production of heat pressure bombs. Wherever there is doubt, we pass by shockwaves of all sizes. I plan to press with industrial production power.

Yura suggested.

“Why don't we train our king? ”

The winter laughed bitterly.

“You'd better wait for another dog to come in. And then there's pulmonary joint disease. You're not fit to run as a dog. ”

“Ah……. I did.”

Yura regrets it. Then she sees a longsword full of her superiors this time.

“Do you mind if I take a look at that knife? ”

Winter unleashed its sword. She swoops in and draws her sword to reflect the early summer sunlight. Under the sharpened black rain sky, there was a bright glow. Yura spills her elasticity.

“Wow, my teeth didn't fall out even after I hit them. ”

Yura, who was not there, said this because the battle record was revealed.

“Maybe I'll get a knife for the real thing when I get back. ”

It seemed not to be a passing horse in nature, so winter held her back.

“It would be better to carry an extra mag with you at that weight. ”

“Well……. That may be so……. ”

Unless the case is exceptional like winter, it is difficult for a cold machine to be more efficient than a bullet of equal weight. Yura strokes the sword with her regrettable eyes. The eyes of winter that followed his fingertips now read over and over again and stayed on the familiar tone of the sentence. God is in the heart of man.

“Major, remember that conversation you had with me about God's name? The major said I was a man close to God. ”

As winter approaches, Major Sing nods with his fists crossed.

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