The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00416 # High winds (14)

# High winds (14)

“Of course. You were also a great man by the standards of my faith. I think I've also mentioned that the mind is more important than the form. Although there is no faith, he is walking the path of a true heart, and at the end of that path there will be the name of God. Is that correct?"

Precisely. For winter, something positive, Major Sing asks.

“Why are you suddenly telling me this? ”

“Just, I've got some thinking to do. ”

“Think about it? ”

“Why the name? ”

Yes, why is it called by name? The question of winter followed.

“You explained back then that the name of God in a man's heart is conscience and compassion and courage and love. That's the doctrine of the Sikh. Then why is it called the name of God? Isn't it more accurate to call it God's will or teachings? ”

Follow your conscience.Have mercy on the poor. Embrace the courage to fight injustice. Love your neighbor. There are similar teachings in many other religions. The right directions of life that the Creator presents to the creatures. However, it was only Sikh who called that direction the name of God. Not as far as winter is concerned.

“Haha. That's a good question. ”

Major Sing smiled with delight.

“To put it simply, a name represents the identity of an entity with that name. The name of God is a symbol of God's identity and existence. In other words, God is conscience, love and compassion, and courage. Each virtue is a compass that represents a god. We are the pioneers who follow the compass and seek a life of unity with God. ”

“Identity.... ”

“Yes. He made all things out of love and allowed them to dwell in all creatures that live and breathe their very existence. Keep it in your heart from birth. So we can find the courage to love, to know compassion, to fight injustice without having to learn separately. ”

The chief of staff and alpha commanding officers were the faces that wanted to know what this was about. But for winter, it was a meaningful conversation. After keeping one's mind after another, the winter when he was named the God of Machinery was constantly troubled about what season Spring would be. In other words, this is also God's identity. That's why Major Singh's story is coming as a powerful metaphor.

Winter swallowed the major's words.

‘One life with God. ’

Spring asked winter whether the sour grapes would really taste sour.

Winter itself knows. I was desperate to protect my heart because there was nothing else left. I just wanted to stay in the middle of the winter after I lost everything else as a person. That winter was something like a fossil from the time he was alive.

However, the days of considering myself dead were over.

It's time to choose life over fossils. That's why I'm more hesitant.

Rather than hesitating, it may be more accurate to say that the feeling of being alive itself is strange and you don't know what to do.

“Hey, this……. ”

Yura, who was looking for a way to intervene, returns the sword to Winter. The winter when I received the sword, I smiled bitterly, thinking it was too clever to give up the suffering of death with the sword.

“Do you have any other questions? ”

According to Major Sing, the winter I was about to say no paused, and then asked with a defensive attitude.

“Are you the same person I used to be? ”

“You mean back in the day, when we had that conversation? ”

“For now.”


Considering the intent of the question, the major's gaze as he stroked his beard stayed in the winter sword. And I looked as if I had realized something. How this conversation began in the first place.

“You seem to feel different about yourself. ”

“…… Yes. ”


Major laughs again. He must have counted the fears of the moment when he had to draw his sword. However, he replies indirectly, consciously, with the attention of his subordinates.

“I wish I could say this, but I believe you. So just listen to your inner self and walk the path to your heart. You may feel skeptical or ashamed of yourself because you can't always go straight, but in the end, your best will be the best of people. You're the most decent person I've ever met. ”

My best is the best in people. Winter gives you an awkward smile.

“That's a kind and burdensome thing to say. ”

“I'm sorry if I burdened you. ”

“No, it helped. ”

In fact, it is not. The stone and other weights remained, but winter no longer revealed. Apart from being, Major Singh was also a subordinate officer in the winter. There was nothing good about looking weak for a long time.

When the flow was cut short, Yura asked a new question.

“Sir, have you ever learned to use a sword separately? ”

Winter denied.


Although Melee Weapons Skill existed, the use of weapons did not follow any prescribed form. However, it is a function that sensually reminds me how to use a weapon.

“So this is a lie? ”

As you can see, it was a newspaper on an empty magazine box. In analyzing the battle at Oaxaca International Airport, journalists were introducing the expert's view that winter had used Gatka, the chic sword. Winter gave me a glimpse and returned.

“There are people everywhere who believe what they want to believe. ”

Major Singh gives you a sneak peek.

“I learned this sword when I was a student, but it's not as real as it used to be. If you attract attention like this, it will be a reverse effect.... ”

“Is that so?"

“Yes, Godcar lost his position as a practitioner during British colonial rule. Now it's almost knife-dancing yoga. Even the most practical waves were actually influenced by fencing from the U.K. It's only half the tradition. ”

Several executives took this seriously. He was usually in the Alpha Corps. Because of the fact that Xing's disconnection from the tradition overlaps with refugees' positions. American life is the object of admiration and dignity for people in refugee zones. Due to the poor environment, it was frequent friction with the same refugees, and it was often the case that they hated common ground with them.

At least the Winter Alliance is relatively free from such problems.

“Too bad.”

Yura folds the newspaper and mutters to himself.

“If you've learned it, I've tried to learn it. ”

Winter heard this and thought differently.

‘I said I was a living virtue. ’

Ann quoted Washington when she was admitted as injured after the coup was subdued. Tradition, virtue, identity. And just like Yura, something that people want to share with winter. Something blurry touched the winter brain. It was a concept before being embodied.

However, the thought did not last long.

Soon after, the next transport lands, and the Alpha squadrons board in a row. Major executives followed behind. There were only a handful of people left to transport additional equipment.

“Well, I'm sorry, but I'll be going first. ”

Due to the salutation of Senior Commander Jin, Winter asked gently.

“Like I said, give them rest. This may be the last break before the vacuum. A proper break. ”

“…… I'll keep that in mind. ”

It was a trembling reaction, but Jin would not disobey the instructions of winter.

After dispatching an Alpha squadron, winter returned to the last engagement site to generate a report. As we reevaluate the excavation capabilities of the variants, the views of winter as one of the field commanders were essential to consult.

“The tunnel itself still doesn't seem useful, does it? ”

At the end of winter, all of the Chief of Staff for Major Singh agreed.

Captain Foster said:

“I'm not just selling the land. You don't seem capable of maintaining depth and direction yet. That wouldn't even be Trickster going in there himself. even if it's dangerous. ”

The trench line that formed as the oyster collapsed was in many ways a blurry structure. It is rare to start with a straight line. There were also a lot of cuts and curves away from the airport. Why there are no indicators to determine direction and depth in the ground. The cunning creature must have been frustrated by the lack of radio communication. I can give you a high score just by miraculously reducing the range, but the technical level of the dungeon has not improved much.

‘There is also a lack of ability to respond when flooding occurs. ’

Traces of rigid excavations were also found in the Cathedrals of the Cathedrals and Santo Domingo, which were exceptional in the bombings and shootings in the interim. It is used as a place to extract dirt that has been excavated from observation. But the crypt was already empty before the search party arrived. On the floor, my rotting corpse was trapped in the depths of my ankle.

I sent an unmanned vehicle (UGV) to the entrance of the oyster, and it was submerged deeper and deeper.

The answer came as you plotted the direction of the dungeon on the map. A river in the middle of the city. They did not pass below the waterway. In the rainy season, the river could have exerted heavier pressure.

The conclusion is that you just have to be wary of using tunnels irregularly like this one.

I still have to write a report, so winter has gone around stumbling in the footsteps of the dungeon for quite a long time. By the time enough photos and notes were gathered, another day in Oaxaca was setting.

The day after that, the winter day before Independence Day returned to Colorado and stayed in Denver. It was not Leadville's original post because he participated in the Independence Party parade. On the anniversary, the whole force is supposed to march the city. It was somewhat expected.

I'm glad we didn't call D.C. ’

It could have been enough to silence anxiety about the zero ground vacuum.

Anyway, it was nice to meet you in winter.

It's been a long time since I've seen Anne.

She announced that she would be here in D.C. in less than a day's time for a meeting. A tiresome flight back and forth 2,400 kilometers. It was a winter when I felt sorry for not being thankful for the aggressiveness, but I had a stronger expectation that made my heart beat.

How long has it been?

The last time I saw it was during cherry blossom season, so it has been more than 3 months since I left D.C. It was a long and harsh wait for two people who had promised each other at that time.

Today, winter admitted that it underestimated its yearning.

If I knew how to meet her at four o'clock, I would be happy from three o'clock.

You won't be nervous because you're excited in four poems.

This is the last verse Anne quoted. That's what winter is like today.

It was because winter caught wind of unusual mistakes, and I was not aware of the fact that I made mistakes from time to time. It was a deep embarrassment for the generation of officials, including the Chief of Staff. Everyone I met was worried about the condition of winter, and every time, I felt a little embarrassed. It didn't last long, but it was more of a problem.

And now, on a cool night in Denver, a winter when I was allowed to go out personally, I found a hotel in the city centre dressed in uniform. Anne's room was on the top floor. It took me a long time to get on the lift.

Knock, knock.

You take off your sunglasses and knock on the door, and a nervous voice returns from beyond.

"Who are you?"

“It's me.”

As winter answers, the door opens wide as you hear the sound of running.

“Winter! I've missed you so much."

Ann with big eyes. Winter lets out a long breath with a kiss on her mouth. In her tightly hugged arms, the momentary stiffness of Anne loosened gently. Her hands twist the back of winter's head.

After her lips fell off, she closed her eyes and said quietly.

“I had other plans, but I couldn't. ”

She closes the door again.

“Let's start with urgent business. ”

Winter nods. Anne unties her tied head and sweeps it over the back of her neck, looking straight at the winter. The ring glistens on that finger. Seen once on the day I confessed. Winter really liked the way she looked.

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