The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00423 # Sunrise, or Dusk (3)

# Sunrise, or dusk (3)

After a short summer of training, Leadville's first snowfall in September began to freeze to the ground in October. The snow containing the cold at night did not melt even during the day at room temperature, so the mountain ranges covered each other in pure white. By mid-November, the coldest temperatures had fallen to 14 degrees (minus 10 degrees Celsius). It was like there was no fall.

Meanwhile, the Meteorological Agency looked at this year's winter as colder than the average year. Heavy last year, tough this year. Winter as a commander had half the anxiety. Anxiety is a concern about the loss of the cold itself, and expectation is that this cold will be a positive variable in the course of the operation. The seasons were the opposite, but last year he used a recluse to successfully hunt Boars. It was the power of humanity that did not exist for mutants.

The Battalion Soldiers won't be surprised by the climate of Zero Ground. The weather in the Colorado Mountains resembled the Tibetan Plateau in many ways, regardless of whether there were any discrepancies. Both are high altitudes deep inland.


Under a stand left alone for the night, an open laptop produced a harmonious electronic tone. What is running is a remote command program. The simulated tactical exercises that have been repeated through this program have also helped winter to adapt to its leadership role. Today, based on actual combat in the Latin American region, commanders in the joint task force asked for situational judgments at each level and postmortem verification of how accurate the judgments were.

The time elapsed on a map full of tactical symbols 11 minutes after the start of the battle. Looking at the movements of the observable enemy and the terrain around it, you can guess where the strongest controlling objects will be. However, with limited artillery support, the range is too wide. I've placed stricter restrictions on my ability to command.

Nevertheless, winter called for fire in the area. It's not an immediate shot, but a timely shot if requested by the commander. He intended to force his cover and shelter on the cunning at the crucial moment, temporarily losing control.

In just a moment. In that moment, the vast majority of mutants will jump into pre-built kill zones like rabid dogs. The lethal force of the automated weapon enables a one-minute massacre.

Winter waited for the time, drinking the tea that had been kept in the warming bottle. On the screen, blurry lines and messages, flashing symbols show the progress of the battle.

The aggression of the mutant group began. Winter enters the weakness it deliberately creates. It would have been a good rift to dig through.

Click. Entering finally brings out the cannon you were waiting for.

Again, the mutant group jumped into the net and remained violent. It splits like crazy in real time. The group retreated only when it was almost ruined. The number of survivors was just a handful compared to the first.

If we find and kill Trickster, we can get better scores from the TRADOC evaluator, but Winter has not moved any further since the defeat of the aggression.

‘Cause this is just a drill for zero ground drop. ’

Winter's direction is a victory that minimizes casualties. The objective of the operation in the Tibetan Plateau is to strike and fall quickly, not to destroy the enemy.

Maybe Trickster was shot and killed.

The eyes stayed on the monitor again. I didn't know where the Heterogeneous Whipper was hiding on this map. Heat pressure bombs and grenades have fallen in the forest. If you have a dog, you have to work hard to catch up with the running Trickster, even if it is possible to move.

Shortly after, the program announced that the simulated battle had ended. Only one digit of casualties counted. Compared to actual combat history, it is less than a third low.

However, the evaluator was not satisfied. Despite the formal criticism later being separate, I have already sent a message in an abstract tone.

Today, too much noise was seen in your troop management. It was good to accurately calculate the enemy's range of observations and to lead the attack on the kill zone by firing, but why didn't you actively try to expand on the opportunities that created it?

I feel dissatisfied with the choice of words. A brief thought of winter sent an okay reply.

Lt. Colonel_Han: Eliminating the enemy's focus is a sufficient criminal record, and in Zero Ground, expansion will not matter.

I wish we could end this here, but the evaluator reprimanded winter once again.

"That is not an appropriate explanation. The situation presented was irrelevant to zero ground. Therefore, you should have practiced the general principles of troop management. It means that they should have judged only on the conditions given.

It wasn't wrong. Winter knocks the keyboard again.

Lt. Colonel_Han: I see what you mean. However, if you decided to pursue them at that point, you would have to set up a roadway in the forest, which was likely to result in a loss of ambush. Wouldn't it be easier to break your back with a linear maneuver that ends the forest? I thought, well, you can't try in a situation where there's not enough heat.

Is it impossible or difficult to do?

Lt. Colonel_Han: I can't do it as a commander

You're not the same person as me this time.

Again, the winter tucked under your chin brings back an unpleasant nuance with its tongue.

Although not publicly, the postponement of this evaluator's remarks was largely three complaints about winter.

Number one: Oversurrounding refugee soldiers.

Secondly, you lack the heart of a soldier.

Number three: you're able to do better, but you're able to take care of yourself.

For the first one, there's nothing to say that looks like it. However, even if all of his subordinates were American citizens from birth, winter would have saved him just as much as now.

"I respect them not because they are refugees, but because they are subordinates. ’

This is what Winter thought of itself, and this was related to the second complaint.

There is no war where no one dies.

What this evaluator once said, it was also his idea as a soldier. It means that those in uniform should be prepared for death, and commanders should not just try to avoid the sacrifice of their subordinates. It's a fairly common sense story. From the assessor's point of view, Winter was a commander who was too attached to the lives of one of his men.

However, this was a fairly unfair assessment. Whether it's true to prioritize loss of life in action or simulation, at least winter has never neglected operational targets. In most cases, they accomplished a given task. Other officers' tendencies would not be much different from winter's.

Therefore, the third was the root cause of all complaints.

That "Commander in the middle of winter" has to do better than that.

In other words, my expectations were too high from the beginning. It should be called the War Hero's dilemma.

Fortunately, the evaluator was not one person. Among the multitude of evaluators, there is a poisonous, tricky one. Winter did or did not suit me.

‘You can't kick me out anyway. ’

Now it makes no sense to exclude winter from operations. The final assessment is never low, and those who rated it will be more suspicious than winter as long as it is really low. I don't even like the idea of faith as winter.

Min-won called winter a man unlike man. It was an assessment of the quality of winter. No matter how passionate a revolutionary may be, he will be corrupt after he has power, but winter alone will be an exception to that law.

It was also about the heart and personality of winter, not believing that winter was literally superhuman.

But for many, winter became an idol.

The problem is, you might need that position to make them swim out of the water. Min-wan said, "You can't handle people by yourself."

When the reflection got here, the winter ritual always moved on to the extension line.

Do I have to affirm spring as a god?

Every time it was longer, it was a problem that ended with no income. Winter sighs and closes the laptop. Then he pauses, then opens the drawer and takes out two letters. One came from Anne, and the other didn't have the sender's name on it.

I've been exchanging letters with Anne for a while now. Separate from the video call, the letter had its own kind of romance. Above all, I liked that I could always carry it around like a picture.

To my dear winter.

The beginning is always the same sentence, but every time I read it, I smile. The sentences are the same, but the dates are different, so it might be nice not to change.

It's the 130th day since I haven't seen you today.

Winter bursts into laughter. The letter had saved words on the phone.

130 Days. Can you believe it? It's been 130 days. Oh, I don't know how I survived that empty day without you. What else could he have done before that? Even if you listen to your voice in the morning and look at your face in the evening, you will only get a little comfort in that moment. You're too far away on the screen. Far too far. "

I haven't touched any of my favorite liquor recently. I miss your warmth so much every time I get drunk.

I think it's a good decision to write to each other in that sense. Your words are always in my arms, and it's a warm feeling in my heart. I trust it's not just my story that doesn't bore me with reading it.

That's why I'm a little embarrassed. I'm not very good at writing, but I think you read it over and over again....

"Well, today was a Veterans' Day. Looking out the window at the veterans' street marches, I thought of you again. Well, of course, it was day or night or your idea, but anyway, it was a little bit special. Because of their sacrifice, there is the world today, and because of your commitment, I am still alive. Don't look at me like I'm irrelevant. Like I said, I'm always thinking of you. I can't help thinking like this.

Every time I miss winter's body temperature, the most intense memory I have is the darkness of Lake Piquad. In the darkness, you held my fearful hand. This is the most vivid body temperature I can remember.

As I have already confessed, it was probably then that I started loving you.

Thank you very much.

"It's a cliché, but it was the luckiest I've ever met you in my life. Even if I miss you like this, my life is more perfect than any moment before I met you.

Oh, I want to hold your hand in a cold place……. When you come back, it'll be a new spring.

I believe that spring will surely come. The first spring we will welcome as one we cannot share.

Until then, let's just miss each other a little more. The longer the gap between three and four, the greater the joy of four.

This letter will be reduced here.

With a heartfelt kiss. Your Anne, Joanna Gibson sent you.

P.S.: My parents are very curious about winter. They say they're dating, but they're worried because they haven't talked to anyone for a long time. It shakes whenever I hear a voice of concern, but I also don't want to let you know until the day I face you. I can't help but look surprised. That would be so much fun. Isn't that right?:) "

Winter, when she read the last line, once again burst into disappearance.

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