The Little Prince in the Ossuary

00424 # Sunrise, or Dusk (4)

# Sunrise, or dusk (4)

The next letter to read was, in fact, a little uncomfortable.

Wherever I look, there is no name of the sender. However, a subtle aroma leaked from before tearing the envelope. If you take it out with a paper knife, the familiar handwriting has also conveyed a greeting of emotion to the winter. A person who replaces his signature with his own perfume.

"Are you well, mercenary?

I heard that the frost has come to your mountain range every day, and the season of snow and ice has fallen. Although I am in a safer and warmer place, my heart feels cold where the savior is.

“ ……. ”

At this point, the winter I was hesitant to just fold up, sighed heavily, and pressed down on the temples and read the remaining lines.

I am filled with worrying about the savior day and night because I do not forget whose safety and warmth I enjoy. Every moment I'm thankful for a moment when the miserable past comes to my mind, I'm reminded of how desperate your help was for me at that time.

Nevertheless, I am only in the position of literal news of the worrying Silver Man, so I will have to live with this anxiety for a while. But who do I blame? I was reckless.

I still regret sending you lilies and mangroves. It was definitely a difficult flower horse. I imagine the savior was embarrassed. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.

Haona, I dare you not to misunderstand my sincerity. I truly wish you happiness. If that happiness had been because of me, it would have been a happy thing for me, but I don't know if it's possible.

It is just that the mind of man does not work according to his will, but sometimes he comforts himself with idle fantasies.

So please don't be disappointed. Every time you think you've upset a Silver Man, all the colors in the world fade away. When you eat food, you don't know the taste, when you listen to it, you don't understand the meaning, and when you get sleepy, you can't sleep…….

After that, it continued to provoke compassion. However, there was a deeper emotion flowing through the line. He hid it in his own way, but it was even weirder not to know that there were already dozens of similar letters. The numbers themselves are abnormal. It was certainly a burdensome and uncomfortable obsession for the winter when I didn't want to see Anne struggle.

Turns out, there was even an unacceptable cultural background here.

Anai, or Shao San. A culture of retreat that was prevalent in China before the plague and shows signs of revival among Chinese refugees today. Earl Nai was a relationship made only by a financial contract, and Xiaoshan was also involved in the relationship. He also wrote the phrase "disassanger" (third party) about the latter.

Min Wangi, who was more profound than anyone else in their situation, said that in China, before the plague spread, conciliation was a privilege shared by the dominant class. In other words, it was a means of confirming and demonstrating wealth and power by publicly ignoring the social taboos while eliminating the one-dimensional desires. It's absurd, but it's not to say that China was actually that country.

On the other hand, the women who responded felt proud to grow old. The poor and blind men are not worthy to be treated as men in the first place, and the woman who cannot protect her man lacks her abilities, so it is normal to be taken away.

It was the principle of malformed deficit survival, born in an extremely corrupt society.

Material interests in all relationships replace people.

It was a spy to that parched world.

It is absolutely unacceptable in winter.

‘Since I was born and raised in such a country, my psychological resistance is weak. ’

Rarely is someone's fault entirely his or her responsibility. In a way, Juwei was also a victim of turbulence, but it was clearly outside the limits of winter.

I still think I cut it cold, but it's time to send a cooler message.

Winter holds a pen.

Write down the issue after the ritualistic introduction.

… Don't send any more letters until you've cleared your mind. It's just harder for each other. I've never been angry with you before, but if I get a lot of these letters in the future, I might get really angry someday. because it can hurt the people I love.

Since the roaring storm operation is an all-American concern, it should be enough to check in with the media to confirm my safety. And I will definitely come back alive for my loved ones, so you don't have to worry about it.

If you do not respect my doctor, then we will no longer be friends. Then I'll have to reconsider what I promised you. And that would be unfortunate for me. For each other...

The handwriting became stiffer and stiffer.

It was not important to consider the financial help Juwei had promised. Without Anne, there will be no winter, and without winter, there will be no future for the alliance.

Even if you are faced with difficulties, there will be many other ways to raise funds.

The winter after finishing the letter, he sighed for the first time and approached the window to unwind. Seeing the stars was always a comfort. A myriad of stars glisten in the sky, facing the light of the stand.

The journey of the stars reminded winter of the laws of the world, Spring.

Time passed again. The Independence Party's Christmas passes as if it never existed. The new year was bright due to the quiet tensions, and the zero-ground drop finally entered the original reading.


In the squad lounge room, sergeant Jang sighed as he placed the remote control.

“No matter which channel you turn on, you'll only get the same broadcast. ”

Zero Ground, Joint Task Force, Cold Winter Commander, Russian Air Force, Lt. Gen. Rogers, White House, Conversation, President Kramer, Tibetan Plateau, Cold, Snow, Ministry of Defense, Air Force Falls……. It was common keywords that all broadcasters collectively picked up.

“Damn it… damn it…. ”

Small mumbling words like soliloquy. Hanbyol's mouth became rougher than before. Because of the burden of the descent operation, it wasn't entirely as if there was some kind of impact.

One day, as winter passed, I overheard her slang. Outside the encampment, it was a rare place.

“Fuck! Shut the fuck up motherfucker! ”

I took a quick look because I wanted to be angry with someone, but I think he's insulting me with an impression of the air. Are you seeing things? Or is your job stress too much? Psychotic, PTSD? Drug addiction? After asking her what she was doing in all that winter, Hanbyol stuttered in embarrassment.

“Bar, I'm practicing my vocal chords. ”

“Practice speaking?”

“Yes, Sergeant Dienzello said, why can't a sergeant be so insulted?" ”

“ ……. ”

When Hanbyol asked if it was necessary for the frowning winter, Hanbyol replied, "You have to pretend you don't know because this is the culture of the deputies."

Now, the archeologist, Sergeant Diengelo, said.

“Hm. I think the whole United States has voyeurism. ”

Then Merriweather, a preliminary practitioner, raised his eyebrows.

“…… Voyeurism? ”

“Yes. We're going to fight for our lives, and we're talking about some NFL final." How many wins? Analyzing the troops' power. How will the news of the field be delivered...? They even leaked information about our unit officers, just like the athletes did. I didn't think I'd be making a debut on the show like this. ”

“Does that mean you feel too vulgar? No respect for us? ”

“Yes, it's like consuming war as light as pornography. I don't feel very comfortable risking my life for that pornography. ”

The supervisor who was thinking for a moment responded gracefully.

“Hmph. It's a tradition, not a tradition that's been passed down since the Gulf War. There's no better way to encourage citizens to wage war. I understand what you're feeling, but at least be careful what you say in front of your men. This is a time when deception is paramount. ”

Then I glanced at the blacksmith of winter. Winter thanked me with a light glance. Winter was hard to care about every day until this point. Supervisors are doing their part.

“I understand.”

Sergeant Diesel replied with a trembling tone.

Despite the days left until Operation Roaring Storm, the broadcasting station was full of gunfire and noise. This is because Operation Freedom Fortress as a precaution for Zero Ground Falls has already begun on December 15.

The U.S. military chief, who had enjoyed the Cartagena camouflage during the continental splitting operation, said the same trick would work on the Tibetan plateau.

Obviously, the density of zero-ground variants will vary depending on how many variants the Joint Task Force, aka Liberty Force, draws south into the Kunlun Mountains. Winter was also looking forward to it. The Liberty Mission has joined the famous 101st Airborne, so it should be safe without the chaotic crisis.

There were other preparation procedures for Operation Roaring Storm. It was a process of continuously flying aircraft over the surrounding areas of the Tibetan Plateau, making mutants more susceptible to flight noise. If the noise of the turbojet passes overhead from time to time, it is likely that it will not be considered as bulky as the Black Night Falls.

In addition to this, the gunship's periodic shooting will not cause a broad range of hypersensitive reactions, even if you hear a disturbing saturation on the day.

Shenzhen Gu. Ideally, the defeat of a fight is determined before the fight.

After all, Kramer was not the incompetent Supreme Commander.

‘Planning was probably for the Ministry of Defense, but the president's influence was absolute in the process of actually adopting it. Especially with this operation……. ’

The fact that I was a little nervous when I agreed to join the Independent forces under Special War Command and put them on a descent operation. But Kramer's overwhelming demands stopped right there. It was enough reality just to not force it any more.

The break was shortly over.

Informant Murray covers his face.

“It's no fun to force a game. ”

I was talking about night training in a game format.

This is a drill that reproduces local terrain identified by satellite and aerial reconnaissance into virtual space, so that officers and soldiers in the joint task force are familiar with the local environment before carrying out operations. Of course, the battle with the mutants was also implemented.

Developing the program took time, but there was enough time to prepare from the beginning of the year. There was also a lot of budget and personnel. Some of the best experts came in, resulting in a rare level of results.

I thought winter was a very new way. It also helped winter. Although all the maps of that area were memorized, relying on the Reading Method, the encounter with 3D graphics is a completely different area.

I've made all the arrangements that a person can make. The rest depends on the variables in the field.

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