Chapter 259 Demon

Song Yi forced himself to sit in the car. There were many crystal shards stuck on his back, and it was very painful to take a step.

Nono smelled the strong smell of blood. However, he never showed severe pain, as if he had lost his sense of pain.

He looked at Nono's little face, his eyes were red, he squeezed out a smile and asked the bodyguard to take Nono home.

Song Yi knows that danger is everywhere, and now only home is the safest.

That's where luck gathers.

Nuonuo blinked her eyes, hooked his fingers, and said with tears still on her cheeks: "I won't go home, I will stay with you."

He turned to look at her and said in a gentle tone: "Go home, I'm fine."

She didn't speak, feeling suddenly sad.

She knew she shouldn't stay and cause trouble, but she wanted to stay with Song Yi.

Nuonuo scratched Song Yi's palm. He felt the touch on his palm, and for a moment he felt the urge to laugh and cry.

He knew that it was the so-called Heavenly Dao who wanted to kill Nuonuo, and wanted to use this to awaken the deepest demon in his heart.

Heaven wants him to destroy this world and give him all his luck.

He also hates this cold world, where people fight against each other and kill each other. There is nothing to linger on.

His voice was hoarse: "It's safe there. Go back and don't make me worry." She shook her head and held his fingers tightly.

Finally the car drove all the way to the hospital.

Song Yi's back was stabbed, and the damaged skin was quite large. Doctors are operating on him.

By the time the operation was completed, it was already eleven o'clock at night. After taking anesthesia, Song Yi was still sleeping. Nono was originally standing by the hospital bed, but slowly fell asleep without realizing it.

The moonlight was swallowed up little by little, and the whole world was dark.

Song Yi slowly woke up. He opened his eyes and looked at the little girl curled up beside him. His eyes were filled with thick ink, and Nono's shadow gradually disappeared from his eyes.

As if he had entered that illusion again, Song Yi stood at the bottom of the abyss, looking at the person sealed by the iron chain.

Tick ​​tock.

Song Yi heard the sound of blood dripping, and saw himself hiding in his heart about to collapse.

-The man chained up, he looks weak. Song Yi knew that this was just a sign of his weakness.

He stood up slowly, pointed at Song Yi, and laughed wildly like a perverted convulsion. "Did you see it? Your withdrawal, fear, and unwillingness to integrate with me will only hurt Nono and make her leave you."

"You don't want to release your true self. Don't forget that you have reached this point and no one can save you. Even Nono may kill you with his own hands! However, as long as this world is destroyed, we can create a new world. To At that time, you are fully capable of protecting her and making her unable to live without you."

The man's cold laughter echoed at the bottom of the abyss, "Don't be afraid. With me, you will never live such a miserable life in your life."

"You release me and we can solve all difficulties together."

"Don't frown. Isn't it your idea to destroy this world a long time ago? As long as we solve all the difficulties together, you can be with her forever. What a wonderful ending."

The devil is good at deceiving people.

What's more, the dark side is already a part of myself.

The system kept screaming in Nono's mind.

Nono was woken up, and she opened her eyes in confusion. Her eyes were hazy, and she could only see darkness and a figure.

She muttered: "Song Yi."

Song Yi, who was almost integrated into the darkness, touched Nuonuo's face, "Don't be afraid, I'm here, are you still sleeping?"

She lazily fell asleep again without even saying a word. (End of this chapter)

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