The Living Myth

Chapter 10 - 10 Stand Down

Mr. Big (Pov)

As I watched the creature (which I now realized was something I had only heard about in legends) pummeled its way through my men towards Judy I could only stare in awe. These were trained bodyguards, they weren't just thugs hired off the streets they were professionals some even ex-military. When she started speaking I realized her voice would have been beautiful if not for the terrible situation we were in. What she was suffering from was something the military had dubbed Primal Control and it only happened when a highly trained soldier who had taken part in countless battles felt that something of theirs was in danger. Vivian (a Tigress and Nurse to the Big household) suffered from the same condition, and the only way to eject them from this mindset was for someone they think of or is a higher rank to order them to stand down. Not knowing anything about this person all I could do was try when I saw Judy's pleading eyes.

"Howler, Tanya, take me to her but put your guns down and approach in a nonthreatening way."

"But sir she just took down 15 men and is still armed" Tanya pointed out.

"Yes she is and she is also suffering from what I can tell, from Primal Control." When I said that everyone's faces went white when they realized the actual danger that was present.

"Yes, sir. Everyone stand down." Howler said.

"Actually take me to Nick, I need to know more about the situation before approaching her."

We walked towards Nick at a slow pace always keeping our eyes on the figure, but never looking directly in the eyes or she would have taken that as a challenge, and then there would be more blood on the ground. So far she just watched us not engaging when she realized we had lowered our weapons. When we reached Nick he was about to open his mouth but I interrupted first.

"We have more important things to discuss than our small grudge, now tell me everything you know about her; where you met, who she is, and most importantly did she ever say anything about being in the military."

To say I was impressed and disappointed would be an understatement, first off, she apparently has bonded with Judy on an emotional level that's the only way this situation would have occurred and secondly, she has amnesia which makes this harder as she might not recognize an authoritative order to stand down. The only hints I had about what her position in the military might be is that she is highly trained to fight by herself and she referred to Judy as the package which leads me to believe she was a specialist and leader of a small platoon of some kind. Here it goes.

"Tanya, take me closer she should be less aggressive to another female, remember to walk slowly."

"Yes, Sir."

We stopped just 10ft away from her when she started growling at us, I don't think she was even conscious of the act.

"Judy my child are you all right?"

"I'm fine but I don't know what's wrong with Alice, can you help her?"

"I will try."

"Soldier stand down the package is secured and the hostiles are neutralized!" her eyes immediately flicked to mine with an intensity so strong I shivered.


"Orders confirmed." her eyes slowly turned back into the calm golden color and her fur started losing its hints of crimson.

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