The Living Myth

Chapter 11 - 11 Aftermath

Alice (Pov)

"Orders confirmed" and with that, the hyper-awareness and aggression towards those around me disappeared.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, something in me just stapped when I saw Judy taken away, and I knew I had to get to her."

"My child it is ok, mammals that suffer from your condition only focus on the goal at hand and do not think about anything else until the primary objective has been completed," stated a small shrew below me.

"The fact that you didn't kill anyone while getting to Judy means you did not lose yourself completely to your primal side. As much as I would like to continue this conversation we need to get inside and take care of the injured, would you help us?"

"Of course I'll help, I caused this mess and from what Judy told me before all this, I interrupted an anniversary party which I need to apologize for."

"Yes, we will discuss more tomorrow when everyone is inside, right now everyone needs rest; Tanya will show you to one of our guestrooms."

"Thank you, and again I'm sorry" he just smiled and waved as he was handed off to a wolf by the polar bear next to him which I ȧssume is Tanya."

She looked up at me for a moment and then turned around and walked away ushering me to follow her. While we were walking I was analyzing the fight that had just happened and wondering why I was able to walk on two feet now and not all the other times I had tried. Maybe because on all fours just felt more natural which is odd to say for a previously two-legged human.

"Um, Alice do you think you could put me down now?" Looking down I realized that I had actually forgotten that Judy was still in my arms, she was quite cute and I acquiesced to do as she had asked.

"Sure, I'm sorry can we talk about this tomorrow I need to process what just happened."

"Of course, I'll see you tomorrow," she said smiling and turning around to go find Nick I presume.


"Goodnight" she called back.

"How is she not afraid of me after what I just did?"

"Judy is a ball of light in this dark world, she always looks for the good in people and never hesitates to help someone in need," said Tanya turning around.

"Have a lovely night your room is right behind you" and with that, she walked away.

She was right I should get some rest it will be an eventful morning tomorrow, and with that, I entered the room not looking at anything just jumping onto the bed (which was surprisingly big enough for me wings included) and curled up drifting off to sleep.

Judy (Pov)

After Alice put me down and we said good night I set off to find Nick and Mr. Big, we had a lot to discuss. I walked in on them talking about what had affected Alice and once they filled me in I was momentarily shocked if that was true and she does have a military background then that means there should be records of her somewhere in the system but that leads to the question are there anymore living legends that the government is hiding or is she the only one. Ughhh… my head hurts just thinking about that.

"Good night everyone I think we should talk more when Alice is present." As I was walking away I paused.

"Hey, Nick your sister still does custom orders right?"

"Um.. yeah that's a little off-topic, why?"

"Well if you haven't noticed Alice has been nȧkėd since we met her, and we don't have any clothes that fit wings in them as well, do you think she'd be willing to come over tomorrow?" Just as Nick was about to protest not wanting to involve his sister in any of this my godfather interrupted.

"It would be lovely to see Olivia again, she is always welcome in this house. I will have Mr. Manchas pick her up tomorrow afternoon."

"How do you know my sister?" Nick practically screamed at him.

"Nicky I will forgive the tone you just used with me because I know tonight has been eventful for all of us but you will not speak to me like that again, understand."

"I'm sorry sir."

"Huh... Olivia was the designer of my daughter's wedding dress and she has done many other custom orders for us in the past, now off to bed with you two we will have a busy day tomorrow."

"Ok goodnight" kissing him before dragging Nick out with me he obviously wanted more answers, but Mr. Big was right it had been a stressful night, and we all needed sleep.

Alice (Pov)

As I woke up I could hear birds chirping and for once they weren't right next to me but outside of a window, I had forgotten what it was like to sleep on a bed. When I stood up I quickly realized that I was wasn't standing on all fours like usual but just on my hind legs, which was different, I guess I did kinda just transitioned into it when I had attacked everyone last night. Sighing I realized that this was the place that Judy wanted me to stay while they figured out what to do and I had probably ruined my chance of them ever trusting me again. Well, let's see if I can at least try and make a better impression today, getting up I opened the door only to realize I have no idea where to go from here.


I have been walking the halls for the last 5 minutes.


"Hey you don't have to tell me I'm hungry I already know." When I was in the forest all I had to do was stalk a bird pounce and there you go, breakfast, now all I can smell is the cherry wood walls, different animals, and some lavender… Judy. After an abundant amount of twists and turns following what I ȧssume was Judy's scent, I walked into a large dining hall where I spotted Judy, Nick, and the shrew I had talked to last night surrounded by a smattering of other mammals. While I was walking towards them I noticed all the mammals staring at me but when I looked at them they would immediately turn away almost like they were ashamed.

"Please my child have a seat we have much to discuss." said the shrew pointing at a large chair across from him.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Anatolia Rats'gafka, but everyone just calls me Mr. Big" I had to hide my giggle at that, 'Mr. Big, seriously he's about the size of one of my claws; apparently, I didn't hide it that well.

"Yes most people have that reaction when they hear my name and look at my stature, but it is not the name you must look at but the power it wields. Now, Judy and Nick have told me a little bit about your situation and I am willing to let you stay at my residence, for a price." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What price?"

"I wish for you to guard me and my daughter, you have the skills after what you showed us last night, I would have you study under Koslov and once he thinks you are fit to work alone I would have you keep an eye on my daughter." That was not what I was expecting, it sounded rather intriguing and the fact that he was willing to let me be around his family spoke louder than words, just as I was about to answer he interrupted again.

"You may have noticed that lots of mammals stare at you and then quickly look away, do you know why that is?"

"I just thought it was my wings that drew their attention, but from the way you worded that I'm guessing you're referring to something else."

Smiling he said, "yes my dear if you have not noticed we are all clothed while you still remain in a state of undress." Looking down at myself and then around the room, I realized the truth in those words and immediately folded my wings around myself covering everything but my calves and my head.

"Not to worry my dear, Niky's little sister is coming over and she is an amazing seamstress, she made the very suit I'm wearing right now." I didn't know what to say. All this time I have been walking in the nude, it just felt natural even when I saw Nick and Judy wearing clothes the thought never crossed my mind until now.

"Umm… thank you. Your family won't hold it against me that I attacked them, or that you are giving me a job?"

"No they understand what you were going through and respect you for it, we will all keep secret that you are here until we can safely release your existence to the world. Knowing Judy she will put everything she can into finding a way to safely unveil you." Causing Judy to sit a little straighter.

"Now why don't you join us for breakfast while we wait for Olivia."

"Thank you that sounds delightful."

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