The Living Myth

Chapter 12 - 12 Seamstress

Olivia (Pov)

'Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep'

Slamming my hand on the alarm almost breaking it I get up to start my day.


It's decided, no more late-night raves before workdays. Slowly opening my eyes to the early morning sun I got up to get ready for the day.

"Coffee, need coffee" I muttered in a sleep-induced haze.

Ahh, that's better. Sitting down to watch the news I caught sight of my phone buzzing on the floor.

"Hello," I asked sleepily.

"Hello Olivia" came a deep voice that I knew all too well. Trying to wake up faster I answered.

"Hello Mr. Big, what can I do for you today?"

"My dear, Renato is driving over to pick you up; I have a very important guest that is in need of your skills."

"Oh um ok, but all of my equipment is at my shop."

"That's all right my dear, we have everything you will need when you get here."

"I'll see you soon then." 'Shit shit shit, I still have neon blue fur dye on my tail, head, and back and I got my fuċkɨnġ ears pierced shaped like skull's and now I have to meet an important guest of Mr. Big's, I'm fuċkėd.

'Ding dong'

"Fuck," walking over to the door I open it up to see Mr. Manchas looking at me with a strange face, and then grinning from ear to ear.

"Another rave then Olivia?"

"Yeah, and now I have to meet an important guest of your boss" sighing as I said it.

"You know, I don't think she will mind. Now I know its quite early so I took the liberty of getting you some breakfast for the road."

"Can I at least get changed? I can't go to a meeting looking like this" pointing at the rave getup I'd fallen asleep in.

"No, unfortunately, this is a time-sensitive meeting." He said grinning widely.

"Thanks, Manchas, I really appreciate that. Well, let's get this show on the road I don't want to keep him waiting," I said sarcastically.

"Very well, would you like me to turn on your favorite track for the drive?"

"Yes please, some soothing electric metal should wake me up. By the way, could you tell me a little bit about this guest of Mr. Big's?"

"No unfortunately not" he answered swiftly, causing me to frown.

"But do enjoy your breakfast, we should be there in about 20 minutes."

"So Nick whats your sister like?"

"Well um, she's a bit eccentric, kind of like Judy here," causing her to punch him in the arm.

"She inherited the family business after my father passed away and has been in the tailoring business for almost 12 years now." Causing me to wonder why he never followed in his father's footsteps as well, and instead turned to con-mammal. Seemingly reading my thoughts,

"I was never good with my paws, could never get a stitch to fit."

"Renato just called, he said he has Olivia and that they should be here in 5 minutes," Mr. Big interrupted.

"She will love you though. When she was a kit she was enamored with the legends of the children of the moon, and now she will be able to tailor some clothes for you. I'm afraid you won't be able to get rid of her once she sees your wings." Just as I was about to ask what the hell he was on about children of the moon the doors opened and in walked a very shy looking black fox. She had gothic black and red rave jeans on and a tight-fitting white tank top with the words 'Bitches Go Crazy When The Bass Goes Boom' and I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Nick look like he'd seen a ghost.

"Wow Nick, you could definitely learn a thing or two about fashion from your sister. I definitely like the punk look better than the brown and green shit your wearing."

"Hey! Don't diss the look everyone loves this look, right Judy?" causing her to mutter a faint "sorry your on your own slick" casing his face to fall.

Olivia (Pov)

"It would have taken me a minute at most to change my clothes."

"Oh I know, but I really want to see Anatolia's face when you walk in."

"Asshole. Ok, let's go."

"Hey, I know you're worried but I honestly think she will be fine with it," he said getting serious for a second, as we walked to the lounge.

As we got closer and closer to the doors I became more and more anxious.

"You know we could just go back to the limo, you could say we got pulled over or something."

"Sorry Olivia, but I called Mr. Big when we were 5 minutes away just like I always do."

"Fine, fuċk it just open the doors," that we had been standing in front of for about a minute.

As he opened the doors I walked in sheepishly keeping my head down, trying not to draw attention to myself. Not that it worked because all conversation stopped when I entered. Silence and then a beautiful laugh like a phoenix's call to her young.

"Wow Nick, you could definitely learn a thing or two about fashion from your sister. I definitely like the punk look better than the brown and green shit your wearing."

"Hey! Don't diss the look everyone loves this look, right Judy?" causing her to mutter a faint "sorry your on your own slick" casing his face to fall.

As I looked up I saw something I had only read in storybooks, I tried to open my mouth but nothing came out.

"Oh dear, I guess I'll have to get used to people gawking at me," she said in that beautiful voice. I then realized why I had been brought here, the only thing covering her up was her own wing's; which I couldn't stop staring at.

"You can come up here and touch them, you and I will be working together a lot anyway," she said standing up and walking towards me.

Now I've been around tall mammals all my life, some taller than her, but for some reason, I felt tiny compared to her, she was only about 20ft. It must have something to do with her wings.

"Are….Are you sure?" Finally able to get my voice back.

"Of course, here let me help you to the table, and then we can start talking about clothes and the many questions I'm sure you have," as she picked me up and walked us to the table.

As we walked to the table I couldn't think straight, I think she might have asked me a question but I couldn't bother to hear it. Her fur was like silk and her movements as gentle as a leaf on a flowing stream. I almost fell asleep then and there, and then she put me into a chair next to my brother.

My brother tapped me on the shoulder, motioning to everyone that was looking at me.

"Oh um could you repeat that?" I said blushing in embarrassment.

"Are you willing to make clothes for miss Morgan here?" Mr. Big questioned, still giving an odd look at the choice of clothes I was wearing.

"Of course, this is the chance of a lifetime, I will be the first mammal to make clothes for a legend I'll be famous," I almost shouted still not believing that this was happening.

"I'm glad to hear it, but my child you can not tell anyone of Alice's existence. If the world were to find out about her, she would be taken by the government and experimented on." Just as I was about to say something, he spoke again.

"Now that doesn't mean we will just hide her for the rest of her life, she will be staying with us for the foreseeable future while Nick and Judy try to find a suitable and safe way to expose her to the world."

He was right, I hadn't thought about that as I glanced at her.

"Ok, I won't say anything, in fact, I'll stay here to keep her company and teach her about Zootopia," if that's ok with you glancing at both of them.

"That will be fine my child, you know you are always welcome here."

"Are you sure you're willing to stay with me that long? Don't you have a job to take care of?"

"Mr. Manchas can deliver my orders, besides he owes me," I said glancing evilly at the downcast looking feline.

"Ok, then let's get started on those measurements."

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