The Living Myth

Chapter 13 - 13 My Past

Alice (Pov)

A month has passed since I was introduced to Mr. Big's family and started my job at protecting the estate and his daughter. To say Fru-Fru and I get along would be an understatement, she is with me everywhere when we are on the property. We always talk about her day and what new things are happening in the city. When she introduced me to little Judy I was extra cautious, she was only about the size of one of my molars. Mr. Big wasn't lying when he said Olivia is an amazing seamstress, she was able to make everything complement my fur, eyes, and wings. I was even able to convince her to make some clothes right out of the wardrobe of Selene from Underworld, kevlar armor included. I loved those movies back on earth. Unfortunately, she only agreed if she could make me some raver clothes as well, saying that when I got out that was the first thing we were doing, and then she started ranting about dyeing my wings and putting some glow in the dark paint on me. Nick wasn't lying when he told me she was a bit out there. This just isn't what I expected, when I saw the type of work she did for Mr. Big, I thought she would be old fashioned and preppy. I was also able to find out what the children of the moon meant. Apparently, my species were thought to be protectors of those they thought worthy, blessed by the goddess Night, I guess that's why my wings slightly glow in the dark. They say we can use the shadows to fight, which sounds awesome but I still haven't figured out how to do that, or if it's even possible.

The tests that Kozlov had given me were child's play compared to the military training my father put me through when I was growing up, huuuh, I try not to think about that anymore. The only thing that I can think of is an ȧssassination on my life, no idea how they got onto the base though; but that's my old life and I'm enjoying my new life.

However I may have slipped up a couple of days ago when I mentioned my father while I was talking to Anatolia, I'm supposed to have amnesia and yet I just brought him up so casually. It's been two days since then and he still hasn't brought it up which has just caused me to grow more and more anxious, and finally, after an hour of pacing through my room I decided to make either the worst decision of my life or the best; I went to tell Mr. Big about my previous life. As I entered his office I noticed Koslov and Howler standing behind him as always.

"Alice my dear, how may I help you?"

"Howler, Koslov, can you two leave us for a bit? I need to talk to Anatolia alone," causing them to frown at not only my disrespect at not answering his question first but also the use of his first name. As they were about to deny my request Mr. Big motioned them to leave.

"It's alright, Alice is family and can use my name freely, just like you two can. Now leave it seems Ms. Morgan has something she would like to discuss privately."

"Yes sir," as they walked out of the doors.

"Now my child, what I can I help you with?"

"Remember when I mentioned my father a couple of days ago?"

"Yes, I was wondering when you would bring that up. I've had my suspicions for a while but you do not act like most amnesia patients I have interacted with. So are you going to tell me the full truth now?" That caused me to falter, I didn't realize he had had suspicions this entire time.

"Yes, sir. It all started when a baby girl was born on January 1st, 1988." I then proceeded to tell him my story all the way up to when I was killed and found my way to his home.

Mr. Big's (Pov)

I now had a new respect and fear for the mammal sitting in front of me. I knew she was keeping secrets from me, and that's fine we are all entitled to our secrets, but to know that she was from another world; well that was a surprise. The part that scared me is that she used to eat all types of mammals including little mammals like me and Judy, I know she specified that it was a type of training the military did. Survive a month with nothing but the clothes on your back in the wilderness. I understand why she had to do it, but she has been around my daughter my granddaughter, but she has also given me no reason not to trust her. Just as I was about to ask her some more questions she interrupted me.

"I understand if you don't want me to be near your family anymore. I mean, before this we were both just two predators talking, but now that you know that I have eaten your kind as well as quite a few other species that are sentient you probably won't have me near your family again. Huu… I'll just start packing, I could see the fear on your face when I was telling you my story. Tell Fru-Fru and Olivia I said goodbye." She said with sadness in her eyes. With that, she walked out the doors before I could stop her. Of course, I was scared but that didn't mean I wanted her to leave, she is probably the bravest woman I've ever met. For her to trust me enough to tell me about her life and then me to just stare with fear in my eyes, I felt that I betrayed her. Besides, Fru-Fru would never forgive me if I just let her walk out without an explanation.

"Koslov! Get in here," I practically screamed. The door almost broke off the hinges when he barged in, obviously never hearing the worry in my voice.

"What is it sir, what's wrong?"

"Take me to Alice immediately," I must apologize and convince her to stay, I had come to see her as a daughter almost like Judy.

Alice (Pov)

As soon as I mentioned eating the mammals that are now sentient here I knew I had made a mistake. He tried to cover it up but I saw the fear flash through his face, but I couldn't just stop so I carried on. When I looked up all I saw was fear on his face. Huuu I knew this was a mistake, I'm such an idiot.

"I understand if you don't want me to be near your family anymore. I mean, before this we were both just two predators talking, but now that you know that I have eaten your kind as well as quite a few other species that are sentient you probably won't have me near your family again. Huu… I'll just start packing, I could see the fear on your face when I was telling you my story. Tell Fru-Fru and Olivia I said goodbye." With that, I stood up and walked out the door. I didn't have much to pack, Olivia was able to make me a backpack so I stuffed some clothes and weapons into it and started making my way to the courtyard.

"Alice my child, please wait." Turning around I noticed Koslov running towards me with Anatolia sitting in his clutches.

"Please join me back in the study, we still have much to discuss," he said not wanting directly say what was going on in front of Koslov; at least that's what I ȧssume.

"No, I could see it in your face and I don't want to be more of a liability when you are worried about her." Still trying to be vague in front of Koslov.

"All I ask is 5 more minutes of your time, then you can make your decision. Please," motioning with his hand back towards the office.

"Ok," not seeing the fear in his eyes anymore.

I sit back down as Koslov exits the room, just as quickly as I open my mouth I close it again when Anatolia begins speaking.

"My dear, yes I was startled at what you told me, and yes I was scared when you told me what you ate in your old world but you have given me no reason to distrust you, and until you do you are always welcome here." Opening his arms for what looked like an invitation for a hug, which I was still hesitant to do. Hesitating for a second and then reaching down and picking him up for a hug.

"How are you ok with this, with me?"

"My dear I will tell you the same thing I told Judy during her first case. Although we are evolved, deep down we are still animals. So you see, even though you have a different past than us, we are all the same. Do you still wish to leave?"

"N..No," starting to cry as I said it, unknowingly causing the shadows around us to creep towards me.

"My child, this has been weighing on your mind for a long time. Just know that you can talk to me about anything. No one wishes you to leave, Olivia and Fru-Fru would be heartbroken if you did. Now why don't you go lie down, Judy and Nick are coming over tomorrow, hopefully with some good news."

"Thank you for being so understanding, goodnight," giving him a light hug before I headed off to bed.. Judy, Nick, please give me some good news I thought as I drifted off to bed.

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