The Living Myth

Chapter 14 - 14 Gazelle

Judy (Pov) 2 weeks earlier

I know I promised Alice I would help her unveil herself safely but I don't think I was taking that promise as seriously as I should have. How am I even supposed to do this, I cant just go to mayor Lilly White (an arctic wolf) and say I found a S̄eụ̄xdả. I'd be thrown in the looney bin immediately.

"Hey Carrots I think I found a solution to our problem," he said with a stupid grin on his face. This is gonna be a bad idea I know it, 3...2...1

"We are gonna introduce her to Gazelle and then have Gazelle introduce her to the world." My mind blanked on that. I remember when Nick told me he knew everybody, how could I not. I never thought he actually knew everyone though. He has friends in some of the highest and lowest places around. When he told me he knew Gazelle and that they used to sing together I just laughed at him, not an hour later a limo drove up; out stepped Gazelle running up to Nick to hug him, my jaw dropped. We have been on many outing's since that day, I was even able to get Nick to sing with Gazelle once, he has a beautiful voice. What Nick is suggesting though it's crazy, but at the same time perfect, it could work.

"Nick that's brilliant we need to call her immediately and ask if she would be willing to meet with us, don't tell her why of course. This could totally work," I said squealing.

"Yeah, I already called her. Unfortunately, we will have to wait. She is on tour and won't get back for another two weeks. So until then, we will have to focus on police work I know Buffalo buŧŧ has noticed we haven't been putting all our attention into our work," sighing at the end.

"Ok two weeks and then we might have our answer. Well let's get to work then, those reports won't write themselves."

2 weeks later

Gazelle (Pov)

It's always nice to see Judy and Nick, it gets me away from the craziness of the job. No reporters, no interviews, just friends talking and having fun.

"Miss we have arrived," said my driver.

"Thank you, Jared, you can go home."

"Yes ma'am, have a lovely day," he said with a smile before driving away.

Judy and Nick were considerate enough to pick a place away from the public eyes so that I wouldn't get as recognized which was refreshing; I was also wearing regular clothing to try and blend in more.

"Gazelle! Oh it's lovely to see you again, how was your tour?" came the happy voice of Judy. I was about to answer when Nick strolled up in some clothes that weren't horrible, my jaw dropped.

"Yeah a friend and my sister's consistent complaining about letting her make me some clothes once she found out I had been walking around in that outfit, I never stood a chance." Before I could interrupt about me bugging him for years.

"With you, I could just hide for a while, but when I visited my sister I always wore something different so she didn't know about my wardrobe. That is until she gave me a surprise visit." I frowned at that.

"Wait, you said your sister made you these?"

"Yeah, she runs 'Textile Mammal Clothes'." My jaw dropped once again.

"Wait wait wait, you're saying your sister is Olivia Wilde, the Olivia Wilde?"

"Yeah, didn't the name kinda give it away?"

"I mean yeah, I just never really made that connection. She makes some of the best clothes around. Hell, I'm wearing some of her clothing right now."

"Yes, admittedly she does do great work and I wish we could keep talking about her but we have some pressing matters to discuss." Cutting me off and also causing me to hesitate, Nick was being serious, he's never serious.

"Yes, we do need to talk about something, if you could follow us please." Judy also said in a serious tone, pointing to a white limo I hadn't noticed.

Not knowing what to say I waited for them to speak first.

"Nick, did you call and ask if it was ok to bring her?"

"Yes, he said it was fine. In fact, if she is willing to come she will have to sign quite a few autographs for Fru-Fru," he said glancing up at me.

"Can you two tell me why you're are being secretive all of a sudden?" Both of them sighed at the same time, causing me to worry even more.

"No we can't, not yet, but hopefully you will be able to help us," Nick stated again in that serious voice that was starting to creep me out.

"Mr. Manchas, we are ready to head out," with that said we started driving towards whatever had these two acting so serious. We sat in awkward silence for a bit before Judy started talking again.

"Gazelle I know that this is weird and if you want to get out now I understand, but we have a friend that needs your help."

"Of course I'll help, I'm just curious about all the secrecy you two are usually so open."

"Yes well, our friend is... special," was all she said before going quiet again. We sat in silence for the rest of the drive, when we stopped I looked out the window to see a large mansion. The door opened letting in a blast of cold and a polar bear offered his hand to help me out.

"Doing well Koslov how about you?"

"I'm doing well, Alice is also waiting for you in the longe," he said in a thick Russian accent.

"Come on Gazelle I think you'll like Alice."

Alice (Pov)

Fru-Fru, Anatolia, and I were enjoying brunch in the lounge when we got the call from Nick.

"Hello, Nicky what brings this unexpected call?" I heard some talking in the background as Nick answered.

"Well isn't that a clever idea. Yes, she is welcome to visit."

"What is daddy?"

Anatolia put the phone to his shoulder.

"Oh my god, did you hear that Alice we are going to meet Gazelle. This is the best day ever!" Fru-Fru squealed in delight.

I had listened to some of her music while I was here, Fru-Fru practically forced it down my throat. I'll admit she does have a lovely voice. It's odd though that she is a gazelle named Gazelle, but I guess that's just the world I live in now.

"You should probably send a car to Olivia's. If we are going to meet her; I know she's not that into her music but if she found out Gazelle was here and we didn't tell her, there will be hell to pay." I said causing us all to pale, Olivia was difficult to handle when angry.

"Good idea. Tanya, can you go pick up Olivia please?"

"Of course ma'am."

"It seems like they have arrived," I said picking up the scent of Nick and Judy, as well as an unknown scent.

'knock, knock'

"Come in," Anatolia said.

Judy and Nick calmly walked in, and right behind them Gazelle walking in timidly, it seemed they hadn't told her why she was here.

'Knock, Knock'

"Come in," a raspy deep voice answered.

As I walked in I didn't notice anything odd until I looked up and saw a 20ft feline sitting in front of me.

"Hello, you must be Alice," sticking out my hand. Of course, I was surprised but I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"Well damn, you're the first mammal that hasn't stuttered when they saw me, especially with the wings and all." As she flexed the wings I hadn't noticed, I don't know how I couldn't have. They just seemed to hide in her shadow until she pointed them out.

"There it is, I was waiting for you to falter, it seems people either get entranced with them or my voice. I understand the wings but why the voice?" she asked directing the last question to the other people in the room.

"Alice, you really don't hear it, do you? If you sang you could put all singers to shame." Nick said looking at me apologetically, not that I minded, he was right.

"He's right you know, your voice is amazing. If I may ask though, why did you two bring me here?" Looking at Judy and Nick. They then proceeded to tell me the story of how they met Alice and why they wanted me to meet her. Now I have always fought for the equality of all mammals, especially during the Night Howler incident. "This should be quite easy whomever you meet people seem to like you, I know I do, and I've been here all of 5 minutes.. I think if we introduced you to one of my concerts the public would take to you immediately and once you are on camera the government won't really have a choice but to leave you to your own devices. I fact, I have a concert coming up this week if you wanted to do it then?"

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