The Living Myth

Chapter 15 - 15 Concert

Alice (Pov)

The past week has been hectic, to say the least. Of course, I lept at the opportunity to finally be shown to the world. Yes I like being with Anatolia and his family and I will always be grateful to them, but I do want to see the rest of the world. The plan was for me to just walk on stage when Gazelle called on me and she would tell my story, I would answer questions and we would go from there. However, Nick wanted a more flashy entrance, and I have to admit I like his idea.

I have been circling the stadium for almost two hours now, enjoying her singing when I heard my cue.

"Did you enjoy the concert?!" Gazelle asked the crowd.



"Please marry me!"

"I'm glad you liked it. Now I have an important friend to introduce to you all. She is different from the rest of us, thought to be a myth until now. She was scared to come out of the shadows in fear that the government might capture her, well tonight we squash that fear. Hear in front of cameras and a live audience no one will be able to take her from us! Alice will you please come down and join us." Gazelle said looking up, causing everyone else to look towards the sky.

First, there was just silence and nothing happened, I heard some mutterings in the crowd.

"Has she gone crazy?"

"What's going on?"

I couldn't let someone who has done so much for me be called crazy so with that I nose-dived towards the center stage. I was about 1,000ft away from the stage when somebody finally noticed.

"Oh my god, what's that!"

"It's heading right for us!"

"It's going to crash!"

Whoever said that was right I was about to crash, I was only 20 ft away from the floor. Had I not been practicing for the past week for this moment I would have. In one fluid movement I whipped my wings open and pulled up, I then dropped next to Gazelle with a small smirk on my face.

"Hello everyone, my name is Alice as Gazzele mentioned and I am a S̄eụ̄xdả. I have been keeping away from civilization because I was afraid of what your government would do if they captured me, but when two special mammals stumbled upon me and said they could change things I took a chance. I'm glad I did, for a month I have been living with some of the nicest people I have ever met. When my friends introduced me to Gazelle I almost lept in joy at having the chance to take a step in the outside world. I would now like to call upon these two for making this possible." I could already sense the anxiousness of the crowd.

"Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps please come to the stage," I said looking at the backstage. Out they came in a show of fashion, Olivia had really gone all out for tonight. Nick was wearing black dress pants with a three-piece top, white undershirt, a burgundy vest, and a slick black overcoat with his gold trim aviators in his brėȧst pocket. In Judy's case, she was wearing a black evening dress with transparent sleeves that had little stars stitched into them; she was also wearing a floppy hat with a purple ribbon and a black feather sticking out of it. Unfortunately, I was not spared either. However, I wouldn't wear a dress, I couldn't very well fly in a dress, fuċk that. So I was in something similar to Nick, except I wore a white vest and tie to compliment my fur.

"These two mammals are the lovely animals that opened my heart to come out of hiding, and joining the outside world, and I would like to thank them from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you both."

Of course, almost everything I'm saying is bullshit but it's a script that is supposed to make people feel for me; and by looking out into the crowd I'd say I'm doing a pretty good job.

"I know you all have a lot of questions but this isn't the place for that, tonight was just a time to put me in the spotlight for all to see. Gazelle and I will be having an interview with ZNN tomorrow and all questions can be asked then. Thank you all and have a lovely night," I said with a smile.

I then bent down and picked up Judy, Nick, and Gazelle before flying off. We knew if I had left alone the crowd would have rushed the stage with questions and the trio could have gotten hurt; I wouldn't allow that.

"Well I think that went as good as it could have gone," Nick stated.

"Yes, you performed beautifully. You could go into acting if you wanted to with how well you followed the script. All we had to do was stand there and look pretty, I still can't believe Olivia is giving this to me for free," said Judy looking down at her dress.

"Well first we are going to have to deal with a lot of PR and then the government is going to want to talk with me, hopefully, to just get to know me, make me a citizen and stuff like that. Then I'll have to deal with historians because I'm pretty much a living fossil, so all in all, I haven't really thought a whole lot on what I might do afterward. Maybe I could join Nick and Judy on the force, or maybe I could do some singing since you all say I have such a good voice, but that all depends on how the publics' reaction to me tonight and tomorrow's interview go."

With that, we flew through the cloudless sky towards the moon that was rising, the stars above me, and Zootopia's busy streets below.

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