The Living Myth

Chapter 17 - 17 Attack

Alice (Pov)

"Welcome back to our ZNN interview, we will get right back into it with our next caller."


"Hello is anyone on the line?" Alex asked with a confused frown."

"Heeellllooo." As soon as she started I realized something was wrong, because everyone faces dropped with an annoyed frown.

"Goddammit, a sloth." Judy and Nick muttered at the same time, "we will be here all day." It can't be that bad right, I thought. I didn't know how wrong I was.

30 minutes later. {spongbob narrator voice}

"Yes, they were lovely weren't they. The designer was none other than Olivia Wilde, Nicks's sister," I said smiling at the camera.

"Yes and we only have time for one more caller," Alex continued not wanting to deal with the sloth as well.

ring, ring

"Hello, my name is Skye Winters," came a refined voice. Then silence as if she wasn't going to ask a question.

"Do you have a question for me?"

"Yes. Are you a threat to Zootopia?" My training kicked into gear when she asked that question.

"What do you mean by that Ms. Winters?" Again silence and then the line went dead. Just as I was about to say something the lights went out and the room was plunged into darkness. It didn't bother me that much because I had excellent night vision, it just made me put my guard up even more.

"You three, behind me now!" I said in a commanding voice that didn't leave room for discussion as I stood up. I surveyed the room, nothing caught my eye until I saw a glint of metal being raised towards us. My gun was raised and fired before anyone could react, and a body dropped. That's when hell broke loose, Alex and other mammals started running towards the exits or just standing still and panicking. I counted six other mammals reaching for, what I ȧssumed were weapons. Grabbing my friends I turned and ran for the roof, I could handle the threats no problem, but the three behind would limit my movements and options on how to handle the situation.

"Ahhhh, son of a bitch!" I yelled as a bullet hit me in the leg. I'm glad I had Olivia sew kevlar into my clothing. Ok, plan B.

"Right," he said giving me a questioning glance but also knowing this wasn't the time for it.

Nick (Pov)

As I climbed up Alice's jacket I couldn't help but wonder why she would have weapons for Judy and I, or why she had one herself. Don't get me wrong I'm glad she did, as soon as the power went out my cop training went into gear and I noticed the flash of metal at almost the same time Alice had; the only problem was that I wasn't carrying my weapon on me. Just as I was about to warn Alice about the threat, she moved as quick as lightning I almost didn't see it. A gun appeared in her hand and the unknown ȧssailant had dropped to the floor. We were going to talk about this later. Before I could look around further I appeared in Alice's arms along with Gazelle and Judy, and then we were booking it down the hallways.

"Ahhhh, son of a bitch!" I looked up worried it seemed she had been shot.


"Nick, climb up to my vest pocket. There is a Phantom Fox 9 for you and a Grey Flint 42 for Judy. Grab it, look behind me, and shoot."

Now I was looking over her shoulder at six different mammals of varying sizes that were barreling towards us. I was able to shoot two of them down immediately as they weren't expecting it.

"Alice duck!" As a bullet whizzed over our heads.

"Nick, close your eyes," I was confused at first but then realized we were about to get outside and immediately did as she said. If you are a nocturnal animal who is about to switch from the dark to the bright light in an instant you should do it on your terms otherwise you will end up blinding yourself for a bit. The door went flying as Alice busted through it, she instantly spread her wings and we took off. Surprisingly the mammals chasing us did not fire at us while we were in the air.

As I was pondering Judy finally started talking, I'm honestly surprised she hadn't spoken when the chase was going on.

"We can go to the police station, they will be able to help us. By the way, we are going to talk about why you are carrying weapons later on and why you even prepared some for us as well." Alice didn't respond for a while probably thinking that it was our government that attacked in the first place. I didn't blame her, the people that attacked definitely had training.

"Fine, Nick you direct me to where we need to go, Judy check on Gazelle she seems to have fainted," she said in an authoritative voice.. Right now didn't seem like a good time to ask questions so I did as she said and we flew towards the station.

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