The Living Myth

Chapter 18 - 18 SPC

Alice (Pov)

I know they want to talk about my firearms but honestly, I don't care. We were attacked on television while on air which proves to me that I am viewed as a threat. However, they weren't going for killing shots so they do want to talk to me or at least capture me alive. So why the hell am I going to the police of all people, why do I trust Judy and Nick this much?

"Alice it's the large brown building with the grass roof and glass dome in front of us," said Nick disrupting my thoughts.

"Got it, I'm landing on the roof. Call your chief, or whatever," still paying more attention to my internal debate than what he was saying. Why why why. Why am I going through with this, it's most likely their government that sent the squad why should I put myself in more danger by going to a government building. My military training is telling me to head back to a secure place away from the city, but my primal side is telling me I can trust Judy. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!!


"What?" I said looking down at Judy.

"We've been circling the station fro the past 2 minutes and you haven't been answering us." Shit, now I'm not paying attention to my surroundings while I'm thinking, that's one top 10 things my dad drilled into my skull; be aware of your surroundings at all times. I ask myself yet again, what is wrong with me.

"I'm sorry, I'm still not sure if this is a good idea. The mammals that attacked us obviously had training and they definitely had one specific target in mind. So yes Judy, I'm still a bit skeptical about going into a government building. However, because I trust you I will land but I will not go inside." Looking directly into her magenta-colored eyes as I said my piece. I saw her hesitate when I said I wouldn't go inside but she then shook her head, probably understanding why I would say that after what just happened.

"Ok, I understand. I'll go get Chief Bogo while you three wait up here."

"Stay behind me when we land. I don't care if you trust Chief Bogo, I don't know him and if he takes you it might cause me to lose control again." I stated before Judy could interrupt yet again.

"We understand Alice," said Nick. Judy still had a protesting look in her eyes, but after I mentioned losing control she immediately calmed down and just nodded. Ok, here we go as I started to descend towards the rooftop.

Skye Winters (Pov)

As I walked towards the police station I kept replaying the memories of the past hour. I had followed orders and went to the ZNN station with a small escort group to pick up Alice Morgan. My orders were to ask if she could come with us to the CIA and to ask if she was a threat. Admittedly I could have handled the situation differently, we had patched me into the cell towers so that I was the only caller they would receive. We were not going to wait any longer, not after that damn sloth.

Why the hell did I call and just ask her if she was a threat, I may as well have just said the government wants to take you. She had told us last night that she was afraid of us. As soon as the last word left my mouth I knew I had fuċkėd up, so I went with plan B and had Savage cut the power so that the cameras would go off the air. What happened next was not in my expectations, as soon as the lights went out I felt the need to get as far away from her or submit to her. When Alex (a maned wolf) started to walk towards her with his paws on his holster I saw Alice's eyes flash gold, the next thing I knew Alex was on the floor with a bullet through the shoulder.

"Squad! Follow her, non-lethal shots only. I'll take care of Alex."

"Yes, ma'ma."

They returned a couple of minutes later with Sandy and Rapheal on their shoulders both producing wounds on their bodies.

"Ma'am, she flew off but we were able to shoot a tracer onto her leg before she got away," Rachel stated.

Now here I am walking into the Central Police Station, I had already called Andonis and asked if he would meet me and hopefully I could make a better impression with her. Looking up at the dot that was circling the station I couldn't help but wonder why she hadn't landed yet, what was she waiting for?

"Skye, I ȧssume you're the one responsible for the sudden cancelation with the interview today and why a very large feline is circling my precinct?" Said a gruff voice.

"Yes, I may have fuċkėd up in regards to the mission I was supposed to carry out," sighing as I looked up at one of my closest friends.

"Ohh, you think? What in the world prompted you to say something like that, on T.V. no less?" He said with a humorless laugh.

"I don't know it just happened, but I'm here now to try and straighten things out. Let's get to the roof, I doubt she is willing to go back inside after what I just pulled," sighing yet again as we started walking towards the lift.

"What did you do after the power was cut?"

"One of my operatives reached for his firearm when he was heading towards her. Andonis, I don't know what happened one second she was just standing there the next, it was like I was facing a cheetah on steroids. A gun was in her hand before I could blink and then my operative was on the floor, I had my squad chase after her and they came back with two wounded as well. No one was killed, but I'm telling you she could have taken us all out in seconds if she wanted to. The only reason I can think of why she ran is that she was more concerned about her friends."

"Wow.... she has training then," he said after a pause.

"Definitely, and not some run of the mill stuff either. This is on a whole new level."

Alice (Pov)

As I landed I dropped down to all fours, keeping Judy, Nick, and Gazelle behind me as I stared at mammals in front of me.

"Hello, you must be Chief Bogo," looking at the buffalo in front of me.

"However my friends are unaware of who you are, and forgive me for being a bit paranoid but I was just attacked at the ZNN station and I don't like being near strangers. Hell, the only reason I'm even here is that your officers convinced me I would be safe here." I said with a guarded voice, looking at the fox before glancing back up and the Chief. Seeing a slight shift in the fox's movements It looked like she was nervous and that made me all the more cautious.

"Hello, I alre...." As soon as I heard and then recognized her voice I realized who it was, the bitch who attacked me. Pushing off the ground I zipped through the air, reaching her in less time than it takes for a hummingbird to flap its wings. My paw was on her body and jaws above her face.

"You attacked me and put my friends in danger, why!?" Slowly putting more pressure on her tiny frame.



"ca..n....can't br...eath..." she rasped out.

"All of you stay there, I'm bȧrėly controlling this as it is. So unless you want me to lose control, you all will stand down." They all froze, Bogo kept on racing towards me until Nick hopped in front and told him that I suffer from Primal Control. He stopped immediately and then they all walked away slowly.

"Alice, promise me you won't kill her," Judy said with a pleading look in her eyes. I couldn't make that promise but I still nodded at Judy before looking back at the bitch lying before me. I lifted my paw up but still kept it on her body.

"orders...I....had.....orders to ask you to come with me to the CIA and to ask if you were a threat. When the power went out we only meant to use that as a way to get all civilians out of the area and to turn off the cameras. When my colleague approached you he was just relying on training when he reached for his weapon. Thank you for shooting non-lethal shots." She rasped out, still gasping for air as I towered over her.

"I told your government that I was coming into the open peacefully and your superiors send a retrieval squad with tactical gear to get me?!" Growling out as saliva dripped down next to her.

"You want to know if I'm a threat!?"

"yes," she answers meekly.

"Ok, if your government wants to be aggressive so be it."

I reached into my jacket where I kept a ŀȧptop that Mr. Big had given me. Then I hooked it up to her phone, changing from my front paw on her to my hind paw still not letting her up. Sure I'm trained in combat of the highest level but that isn't what I specialized in. My team and I were responsible for destabilizing different powerhouses and governments. I wasn't the brawn of the team, I was the brain, the hacker. Bypassing her security was a joke, and because it was already linked to the CIA H.Q. it made all that easier to get into their system. Immediately after getting into their system, I started copying all of their information. I then accessed the fox's personal file.

"So Sky Ruby Winters, born January 07, 1985. Raised by your mother Ruth Ruby Winters and father Adam Scott Winters died in a skiing accident 2010 in Switzerland, home address 9653 Falls Dr. do you think I'm a threat." Her eyes had been opening wider and wider since I had mentioned her middle name.

"Oh, I know far more than that, and I will release all the CIA secrets to the web unless the head of the CIA General Ryder is here within 2 hours." Of course, I could get him on the phone, but I wanted her to do it. As I kept scrolling through their database my eyes widened, what the hell is the Phoenix project? I kept scrolling it seems the Night howler incident wasn't just planned by a crazy mayor. "Oh.. I will also release the NH2 secrets that happened to leak out 1 year ago." Her eyes widened considerably at that last part while she glanced behind me at Judy and Nick.

"Ok..ok I'll do it." As I handed her the phone I realized that this was going to be a giant pain in my ȧss. My primal side took control again to get payback and now I'm going to have to explain this to my friends as well. Shit.

"He...he said he'd be here within the hour."

I just gave her a feral grin in response while she shuddered beneath me.

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