The Living Myth

Chapter 19 - 19 The General

Jax Ryder {a hyena} (Pov)




I was not having a good day, one of my best agents decides to have a dumbass moment on one of if not the most important missions of the CIA and now our entire system is being hacked.

"Report, what's going on?" I asked looking down at Julia (a cinnamon-colored ferret) the head of the cyber unit.

"Sir this is bad, whoever is attacking knows what they are doing." She tried to hide it but I could hear the panic in her voice.

"Attention everyone, we have a level 8 hack and they are in our network. I want everyone on this before they get anything, do you understand!" I shouted into the room of mammals.

"Yes, sir."

"Sir, whoever it has just piled through tier 5 no tier 6 bulkheads!" Franklin shouted at me. My face drained, they had just started the hack, who was this?

"Sir I can't contact anyone, all the lines are dead. They have somehow looped are own signals back to us preventing any contact outside of this building." Holy shit, the only way they could have done that is by hacking into our satellites as well.

"General, they just went through bulkhead 8 and 9, if they get to tier 10...." Julia trailed off staring at me. She was right, if they got through tier 10 they would have access to everything the CIA has collected and done since it was created.

"Ok, I wa..."




I was gobsmacked, every single computer in the room either short-circuited or exploded. The lights went out and emergency power turned on turning the room into an eerie red color. Everyone was silent as they looked at me with confusion and worry plastered on their faces.

'ring, ring, ring.' What the hell I thought all communication was blocked off as I slowly reached into my pants and grabbed my phone. Glancing at the screen I was surprised to see it was Skye.

"Agent Winters, how were you able to call me? We are being hacked and they cut off all communication from the building."

"Tell her I'll be there in an hour. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine I just have a massive feline paw holding me down and I don't think she has any intention of letting me go soon. Sir, don't come in aggressively, she has massive amounts of training." Interrupting that exact anger induced thought.

"Ok, hang tight Winter's I'll be there soon." Hanging up I sprinted out of the office before skidding to a halt.

"Julia, you're coming with me. Head for the Silver Falcon (HALO Helicopter), I need to find Vivian!" I shouted before sprinting off again.

We were 20 minutes away from the station and I still couldn't conceive why I had Winter's ask Alice if she was a threat, or why I had her go at all. The Phoenix project has made me more than aware of what legends and myths are capable of. Yes, Skye could have handled it better but why in the hell did I even ask her to do it in the first place. When Alice had appeared on Gazelle's stage yesterday night she told the world she was afraid of the government and I sent in a fuċkɨnġ tactical squad to get her. When Alex radioed me in and told me what happened when ZNN went off-air I was devastated. All I wanted to do was ask Alice some questions and form a healthy relationship with her to prove that we didn't mean any harm. Fuuuuucccckkkkk. I sighed as I held my head in my paws, now I'm in a hostage situation with state secrets and a very angry feline that I had wanted to have a good view of the government.

"Jax, calm down. We will figure it out when we get there." Came a soothing voice. I looked over at the beautiful red fox next to me.

"I know Vivian but this is going to be a very difficult situation to handle. She told every mammal out there why she didn't come out and then we did this, I'm fuċkėd and so is every mammal that has directly or indirectly worked with the CIA if this doesn't go the right way." Before I could keep ranting she squeezed my paw.

"Don't worry, from a doctor's point of view it seems like she doesn't want to actually reveal anything to the public or she would have done so already. No, what she wants is insurances and answers." What she is saying makes sense I just hope she is right.

"Sir, we're here." Looking down I noticed a grassy roof and 7 figures standing on it looking straight at me. Well, here it goes.

Alice (Pov)

1 hour earlier

"He said he would be here in an hour," squirmed the fox beneath me.

Sighing I decided to let her up, it wasn't her decision to do what she did she was just following orders. Now that I think about it I have also followed some orders that I didn't agree with but I knew my position so I did what had to be done.

"Judy go get some gauze, ice, and some morphine for Skye I think I might have broken some of her ribs when I slammed into her," taking my paw off her and sitting down next to her.

"Thank...thank you," she wheezed out. Huuh, yeah I definitely overreacted. Hearing a couple of footsteps behind us I turned around and saw everyone else staring at me with curious gazes.

"Judy please just go get the supplies, we can all talk about this later when we get home, ok." She just nodded before walking off.

"I'm sorry Skye I overreacted and aimed all my anger at you when you were just following orders. Is it ok with you if I handle your wounds or would you like Bogo or Nick to do it? Unfortunately, I can't let you go to the infirmary just yet." Looking at her with sad eyes, I need to get a handle on my primal side; I can't keep losing control like this.

"Um... yes I don't mind, but.... will you really be able... to help me that well with..... the size difference?"




Her coughing fit broke me out of my musings of the past. I really did a number on her, she's lucky I didn't accidentally splinter her sternum.

"Now this might seem weird to you but I need to put pressure on your ċhėst again. Though this time I won't be as inconsiderate." Giving her a reassuring smile when I saw her frightened gaze when I mentioned pressure again. Slowly picking her up and being as gentle as possible I squeezed her ċhėst. Her labored breathing went back to normal and the pain-filled face lessened considerably. Just as I was about to ask if she was feeling any better I noticed my fur starting to glow gold again, but that didn't make sense, the only time this has happened is when I'm angry. Before I could figure out what was happening I felt something in my body rush towards my paws and into Skye.

"AHHHHHH!" Panicking as she screamed in my paws I was about to set her down when I noticed something amazing. Although she was in pain I could somehow see inside her body as the energy rushed through her system. It ŀȧpped over her ribs and pulled the broken pieces back together fixing everything that ailed her including some scars on her back. I was transfixed with watching this extraordinary process when I felt someone punching my thɨġhs and screaming at me.

"Alice! Put her down! What are you doing to her?!" Nick screamed at me while Bogo was trying to climb up me to get her. Gazelle was staring at me with a frightful look and when I was about to answer Judy ran back up the stairs with a panicked look on her face, she probably heard the screaming from the infirmary. Judy opened her mouth to shout at me when the screaming died down and turned into a relieved whimper. Ignoring everyone else I gazed back down at the energy in Skye and watched as the energy slowly seeped back into my body leaving her body in perfect shape.

"Skye are you ok?"

She looked up at me with those sapphire blue eyes that shown with relief and a bit of pŀėȧsurė.

Everyone was now looking at me with a questioning gaze...again.

"I have no idea, I was just trying to help you and keep you as comfortable as I could until Judy arrived." I was still staring at Skye because although she was completely healed I could still sense a little bit of that energy in her body.

"Hey Skye can you come here, I want to try something."

"Sure," she said without an ounce of the fear she once held in her voice moments ago. Before I had the chance to lower my paws she jumped up with the agility and strength that no fox her size should have.

"Um, this might hurt." Before she could react I sliced my claw across her arm leaving a long cut.

"Ahhhhh! Motherfucking son of a fuċk, what the hell Alice!?" Not answering I stared in fascination as her arm healed at a pace visible to the nȧkėd eye and within a minute there was nothing, not even a scar. Looking up I noticed that she and I were staring at each other with identical bewildered faces.

"I have no idea." answering her silent question.

"I'll tell you what. I will give control back to the CIA as long as you come back with me and we study this, and you can't tell Jax about this either, deal?" She hesitated for a bit. I could see several emotions flash across her face before she rested on a resolute face.

"Deal, but only if I can check in with him every once in a while." I laughed at that.

"Um excuse me, but what the hell was that?!" Judy roared at me with a confused, angry, and just about every other emotion on her face. Glancing back at the others they were giving the same stares. Just as I was about to answer I heard a slight swishing sound in the distance, looking up I saw a high tech aircraft heading towards us.

"Look, let's all talk about this later. I'm sure your General is freaking out right now. Bogo, Gazelle, I would appreciate it if you two would also keep this secret until after this chat. Then you two can join us at home while we talk about everything that has happened, is that ok?" Gazelle nodded immediately but Bogo hesitated it seemed he was still processing what had just happened in the span of an hour.

"Ok," he replied in a gruff voice.

"Thank you," smiling back at them before gazing back at the aircraft above us where two figures were repelling down to us. Just as I was about to greet the two Nick stood in front of me with a bewildered face.


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