Chapter 32:You’re Lonely?


Jye Yin is in a luxurious high class bar in the city. She just finish her concert and she thought that she want to chill a bit at the bar.

She was still sad with what Aslan said to her in the Imperial City. She didn't contact him for almost half a month now. She really depressed and her performance was a bit affected too.

She start to feel a bit drunk after drinking almost five glass of alcohol, then there is one man with a black suit sitting next to her.

"I heard Mr. Aslan are no longer a single man. Poor you." the man start.

Jye Yin immediately turn to look at the man. He was a bit old. Maybe in his forties or something. As far as she know, the marriage between them two never been announce to public. How is that this man know about Aslan marriage with Athena?

That man smirk a bit. "Relax..I'm not here to spread the news though."

"Then, what do you want?" she courage it up and ask.

"I don't want anything. I'm just here trying to help you getting him back. If you want though." he grinning a bit before he sip his glass of whiskey.

"What do you mean? What did you get from doing this after all?"

"Nothing particular. I just want to separate them two." he turn to look at her and said again. "Just like you.."

" what's your plan then?"

"Are you in?"

"Well, that's depends on your plan. If its interesting and convincing, I might consider it." she play with her nails.

"'ll like it for sure."


Somewhere in hidden valley,

"Master, this is the latest report we got." a man with a black suit handed him with a see-through screen tablet.

Take the tablet, he open the folder.

"So, Vandetta has start his move huh?" an old man sitting on the throne seat smiling evilly.

"They targeting Athena to achieve her blood."

"That's okay..let them do his way. I have my own way."

"But, Master..did you not considering to combining the force?"

"We have different goals. But our method might be the same. So we should wait and see until they both in weak situation only we take action."

"Yes, Master."

"While they were busy with killing inside of her, we should get ready to prepare the dose. Have you done it yet?"

"It's been 80 percents complete."


Once Jye Yin free from her schedule, she take the flight to Imperial City.

She already text Aslan to meet up at the airport and he will fetch her after that.

When she arrive at the airport, a lot of her fans start to scream and calling her name, gathering around her.

She put on a smile and greet them nicely until the bodyguard lead her to the lobby.

Waiting inside the car is Aslan. After Jye Yin get inside the car, he drove off from the airport.

"Fuhhh..lucky there's not too many of them." Jye Yin said and sigh a relief.

" how long you will stay here?" he ask.

"Erm..not long. Maybe a two or three days. Its just a short break."

"I where are you staying?"

"Where else? Acacia hotel like always." she took out her phone and check on her media social account.

"Have you eaten?"

"Mm. No. I sleep while I'm in a plane. So, now I'm hungry." she rub her belly showing that she hungry.

Aslan chuckles seeing her do that. "Alright, we make a stop before I send you to hotel."

After they eat, they strolling around the mall. Jye Yin step on the escalator, but she suddenly trip and she grip on Aslan hand. Aslan also help her by holding her waist before she really fall from the escalator and it makes a few of people look at them.

"Sorry." Jye Yin retract her hand back.

"Oh." Aslan scrunch a bit when seeing his arm bleed because of Jye Yin grabbing his arm tightly.

Her fingernail scratching his skin and its make him feel a bit pain.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" she touch his arm and look at it.

"Its okay. Just a little scratch." he said and he excuse himself to wash his hand and put on band-aid.

While Jye Yin also went to the washroom, she pull out his skin which is stuck in her fingernails using a tweezers and put it into a small tube glass.

When she out from the washroom, she slip the tube glass to a man who passing by her. They didn't say anything and they act like they're not knowing each other too.

She wait for Aslan to come out from the washroom.

"Sorry, you have to wait." Aslan said after he went out from the washroom. He already put on the band-aid on his arm.

"That's okay..let's go." she stand up and walk beside him to the dress boutique area.

"Hey, do you have any plan for tomorrow?" she ask him while picking the dress on the wardrobe at one of the boutique inside the shopping mall.

"Hmm..I'm not sure. Maybe I'll stay home with Athena."

"Oh, by the way, why don't you bring her too?"

"That's because she doesn't like to go around where there is many people. She said she want to stay at home."

" she know that we're out right now?"

"Yeah, she know."

"How nice of her, to let her husband going out with me." she giggles and smile.

Aslan also chuckles. "She's..understanding wife."

She glance at him. "Looks like you're in love with her, huh?"

Aslan secretly smile. "Hm, you know..she was my crush. And now, she's my"

Pat on his shoulder, she smile to him. "I know already..she's so lucky right?"

"Everyone would like to be in her shoes." she pick the dress that she interested and went to the counter.

"And why you said that?" Aslan follow her from behind.

"I mean..who wouldn't be happy to get married to a man who had a crush on us? We can use him for a lot of things, and they also loved isn't it? Its just my perspective as a woman though, don't take too serious on what I said." she smirking inside.

Aslan silent. He didn't reply anything after that.

'Is Athena is really someone like that?'

"Princess, why don't you go home's already late.." Zoro leaning on the door frame looking at Athena who is currently practicing her sword skill.

Panting, she stop her training and look at the clock. Its already 10 o'clock.

"Sorry, I was carried away." she stood up and close her katana. Remove the white cloth that she use to wrapping her palm and she wipe her face with a towel after that.

Zoro pass her a mineral bottle.

"So, why you suddenly want to practice your sword?"

After drinking the water, she look at Zoro for a moment before she look at her katana.

"I've been busy with my art work last time. I barely had time to do my practice. I'll became dull if I not training often, right?"

"Isn't it because he was not home, and you're lonely?"

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