Chapter 33:You Only Have 24 Hour

"Isn't it because he was not home, and you're lonely?"

Athena smile faintly. She went to the couch on the side of the room and relax for a bit.

" ex lover is really sharp."

Zoro laugh a little.He also went to the couch and take a sit beside her. He lift up her chin and turn her face to look at him.

"I'm not only your ex lover. I've been your listener since we were kids. And that's weird though. You only talk much with me. I wonder why.." he scrunch his eyebrows.

Slap his hand slowly, she also laugh a bit. "That's because you're a nerd and you had no friend at all. Your name is weird, such a waste. You have a good looking though."

"Hmm. True. That's my stupid father's fault. And that's is reason too why my mom divorcing him once I was a month old and I've been raise up in Korea for about 5 years before I stay with him too. Such a stupid old man."

Athena nudge him a bit. "Hey, don't say that. Because of him, you have what you have now."

"Urgh.. Yeah yeah."

Athena get up and put her katana into a long black bag.

"Okay, I'm going home now."

"Be careful on the road." he said and wave his hand to her.

Athena took a hot bath before she went to sleep. When she return home, Aslan still not coming home yet. So she assume that maybe he going somewhere with Jye Yin. They must have a lot of story to tell each other.

She wrap her body with a satin robe and turn on her bedside lamp. She take her novel and sit on the bed.

15 minutes later, she heard Aslan open the bedroom door. She look up to the door and smile to him.


Aslan walk to her and kiss her lips lightly. "Hey.."

"Still not sleeping yet?"

Athena shake her head. "No. I just read this novel."

Aslan turn to look at the novel. "What is this about?"

"Just a romance love novel."

"Oh.." He touch her hair and smell it.

"You smell nice.. have you take your shower?" he ask.

"Hmm. Yeah."

"Wait for a bit. I take a shower and we can go to sleep after that."


Aslan kiss her forehead and went to the bathroom.

The smell that he have on his collar seem like the same fragrance that she smell on their first night.

'So, it's Jye Yin's perfume?'

She brush off the thought and continue reading.

When Aslan done with his bath, he just only wearing his bathrobe. Athena still reading her novel. She focus on reading and didn't notice him.

Aslan went to her and pull the novel from her hand. He closed the book and put on the bedside table. He leaned closer to her.

Athena a bit surprise when suddenly Aslan yank her book and put it at the bedside table. She looked at him who start leaned forward to her, making she also leaning back slowly.

"Rather than you read the romance novel, why not we make our own, tonight?"

Athena froze a bit. She then chuckles and wrap her arm around his neck.

"Did I turn you on or something?""

"Ermm..Much like I missed your body?" he said and start to kiss her lips.

His hand slip into her robe and start to snake around her body with gentle.

He take off her clothes one by one as she also take off his bathrobe and they start to intertwine each other passionately.

The next morning, Athena open her eyes slowly when she heard someone humming in the dress room.

She smile to hear he was in happy mood this morning.

"Do you wanna go somewhere?" Athena ask him when he pass by her on the bed.

She sit up and cover her body with the comforter.

Looked up at him she said. "Going out again tonight?"

"Well, its not that we always hang out like you and Zoro. After all, this is her only short break from her work. So she want to enjoy it a little bit before she get busy again." he bent his body and kiss her lips.

Athena didn't reply him. Well, he allowed her to stay friend and stay close with Zoro and she also should allowed him and stay closed with his best friend right?

But, why did she feel like this best friends of him is not a good person? Knowing that she also said before, that he will only need to be her husband for one or two years, she had no choice than to let him do what he thinks is right.

"Go and take a shower. Or you will turn me on again." he caress her cheek.

Blushed a bit, she lowered her head and find her robe before she wrap it and went to the bathroom.

While at the other side of city,

When she went down at the staircase, a man covered with a sweater and wearing a cap slip a medium size of glass tube to her sling bag.

"You only have 24 hour." he whisper and then he continue to walk out from the subway.

Jye Yin hid her smile and went to the train. She get off at the next station and waiting for a cab to return back to her hotel room.

While she was at her room, she text her manager with a number '6'.

Her manager didn't reply anything. But her message have been seen by her.

Next is, she called Aslan to make sure their promise to meet up tonight is still on.

Aslan reply her with assuring tone. He got the permission from Athena already, so he will meet her up tonight.

Around 12 am,

Aslan and Jye Yin were drinking at the private party at the rooftop of hotel she stayed.

She said she want to chill out a bit. Aslan accompany her to the party. They take a bench around the pool area.

The youngster who already drunk still partying and play around the pool.

She pass him a glass of champagne and sit beside him.

"You know, I've been thinking about moving in here. I mean, this is originally my hometown." she start.

Aslan chuckles. "Is it because you want to stay close with me?"

"Duhh..of course not.."

"If not then, what is your reason?"

"Well, my fans is mostly here. If I stay here means I can gain more popularity right? So I think its good for my income too. What do you think?"

"Hmm..I think its brilliant." he take a sip before he continue again.

"I also want to move my headquarter here. So my company in Arendell will be my branch."

Jye Yin shot him a glare. "No way!"

"You wanna move your headquarter just because of your wife?" she ask in a surprise tone.

"Hmm.." he take another sip.

"Wow, she sure is lucky."

"Yup. She is." he start to blurry and he still could hear Jye Yin blabbering about something until his mind totally blank and black.


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