Chapter 63:This Is The Golden V

"Huh?" Zoro makes a question look to her.

"I mean, there is something that I missing out. But I can't remember it."

"Princess, there's nothing wrong with your memory. I check it for a thousand times once I know about your condition." He assured her.

"Hmm…then, why they said something like that?" she mumbles.

"What did you say?"

"Uh..nothing. Well, thank you, Z. Now, I feel so tired. I want to get rest for a while." She stretches her body.

"Stay until dinner, will you?" She said to him when he already gets up from the seat.

"Okay. I'll be meeting your father. Take a good rest."


Once Zoro closes the door, she lied down on the bed.

Within a minutes she falls asleep.


Bzzzz! Bzzzzz!

Athena's rub her eyes a little when she heard something buzzing near her.

Using her hand, Athena search for her phone on the bed. Once she finds the phone, she picks it up without seeing the caller.

"Mm..hello?" She said with a bit raspy and sexy voice.


"Hello?" she said again.

"Don't make that voice, or I really gonna take a flight to go there, Athena.." Aslan on the other line said with a deep voice make Athena's heart start to pounding a little faster.

"Hey..sorry I didn't call you sooner. I was too tired."

"Mm..that's okay. It just only a few hours and I already miss you badly.."

Athena chuckles. "Me too."

"Should I come right now?"

"No….please, endure it a little while."

"But I can't."

"Yes, you can.."

" not leave me too long okay dear?"

" know..I like it when you call me with all the sweet name." She bit her tips of a finger a bit.



"Okay.. starting from now, I call you with a bunch of sweet names."

"Yes, please. Thank you." She said in one breath.

Chuckles he said again. "You become more and more open with me. I like that. Keep it up, my dear wifey."

"Okay, my dear hubby."

"Oh god, I can't talk to you any longer than this. Otherwise, I might really take a flight going there." He covers his red face with his palm.

Athena chuckles. "I got it. I call you before I go to sleep okay?"

"Okay. Bye dear."

"Bye." she ended the call and closed her eyes.

'I love you As..but when did I hurt you?'


All the Lee had gathered at the Mansion right now after got the call from Richard.

Luckily Lee Zhing and Jack not staying far from the mansion, so it is easy for them to commute there.

Adrian with his wife and their new baby also coming to the mansion. Shin Xi just delivered a healthy baby boy last month just after Athena went to Arendell.

She is supposed to be still in her confinement days. But she insists on coming here tonight.

Athena and Aurora were so excited to meet their niece.

"Oh my god! Look at his nose. Just like Ad right?" Aurora crinkles her nose and touches the baby's nose. She really likes the kids.

Same goes with Athena. Maybe because they never had the experience to have another sibling beside them three.

"Yeah yeah..look at his face. So small and cute." She smiling happily.

"Hey little Ed..I'm your aunty, Athena the goddess of wisdom and that is your Aunty Aurora, the southern light." She said and Aurora continues after that.

"And you, my little Edward Xyn Lee, are the little prince of Lee. Welcome to our family, little prince." She kisses the baby Ed before she passes him back to his mother.

"Ermm. Sis Xi, I'm so jealous of you." Aurora said.

Adrian lift up his eyebrow. "Hey, why are you jealous at my wife?"

"Go and make one."

Aurora pinches his arm. "Don't say something impossible."

Athena turns to look at Aurora. "Something happens?"

"Oh!" Aurora just remembered that she didn't tell her about the divorce matter.

She went to Athena's side and sit beside her and look at her with a calm expression.

"I and Yin Li already divorce."

"You what?" Athena's eyes turn wider.

"Hmm..its true." Adrian nodded his head and Aurora also does the same.

"Aur.." She hugs Aurora with a bit sorry.

"Hey. I'm fine though." She smiles.

"So, this Ralph…"

"Oh no no. He just my friends. Like you and Zoro. I also had one. Ralph."

"You girls always had boys stick with you huh?" Adrian comment.

"Well, that's because we're a beauty." Aurora let out her tongue mocking her brother.

"Urghhh…" He makes an annoyed expression.

Clink clink!

"Attention to all, today I gather all Lee together in this house is for celebrating that all my children are finally return back here. Especially that naughty daughter of mine, Aurora. And tonight also I want to introduce someone to all of you."

Richard turns to look at Ralph. While all the eyes are fixed on Richard.

"Let me introduce. This fellow here is Prince Ralph De Salis. He has the answer to my little daughter's condition. So tonight, we should listen to what he wants to deliver to us." He then let Ralph take a place to talk.

"Hi everyone. It's a great honor to finally meet up with all the Lees." he inhales before he starts.

"Fuhh... I feel like I'm taking an exam right now."

All of them smiling.

"Okay now.." he went to the center of the hall, he put the device on the floor.

Touch a tiny button on it, the device starts to open up.

"This is the Golden V."

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