Chapter 64:Only On The Full Moon Night

Zoro took a good look at what he wants to explain.

"This is The Golden V. I create this name because they have specific golden color blood. Each of my survivors had a slightly different color, but they still a golden one."

A blueprint of the substance in the Golden V starts to form.

"The Golden V is created to be precisely because they want to create a superhuman subject. The one who can never die in the battlefield, who had a fierce skill and can kill a thousand of man without a scratch, most importantly they want the subject to obey his order. They aim to take control of the world using these armies."

"Unfortunately, most of the subject meets the failure. Including you, Ms. Athena. The survivor is now adding up to the 6 people. You are the last subject they tested before they were captured by the Lee elite squad am I right?"

Richard nodded. "But, no one of them knows about these test. I did my investigation and meet the dead end." Richard tried to explain.

"The one who created this already abandon the ship two days before Ms. Athena get the injection. He does this in solo. All the information is kept by only him. I think Ms. Athena just happen to get the wrong shot at the moment."

Athena and the others still composed listening to him.

"Did you know who created this?" Zoro asks.

Ralph lowered his gaze, he shakes his head. "No. Only one from my survivor manages to see his face. But then she's not able to describe it. She's in trauma and lost her memory. She will lose her control if I start to ask her about that man."

Athena curled up on the couch. Seeing Athena start to curl up, Zoro pat behind her back.

"It's have us..we here."

Ralph inhale and started again.

"Put that aside, the test is a big failure when all the subject is having a side effect. And I believe they had a different side effect. For example.."

He touches a see-through keyboard on air and a video start to play. One man with a skinny body looks so scared. The background seems like they in some kind of forest or something similar to it.

"Okay, show us what you got…" the voice is absolutely from Ralph in that video.

"Ak..Aku takut.." he said in his language.

"Don't be scared, we here to help you. Nothing bad will happen." He assured him gently.

Finally, that man nodded and he went to one big tree in front of them. His eyes color change in a second and he push the tree using his bare hand. Within one minute, the big tree starts to fall down and make a loud thud noise. All the bird start to fly from the branch and he changes his eyes color back to normal.

"Arghh.." He flops down to the ground once he changes the eyes color.

Ralph running to him and check his vein on his arm. The veins are shining in golden color and its moving like something want to pop out from his skin.

"Hold on, I give you the shot right now!" Ralph said and immediately, he injected him at the arm. Within 5 seconds the vein turns to normal and he feels a bit better.

Paused the video, Ralph continues again.

"This is Malik. He just only 20 this year. He got the ability as the superhuman or we called it hulk. But the effect is once he turns to the human mode after the hulk, he will experience the crucial pain in his veins. Not only that. Every time he changes into the hulk mode and uses his ability, his life span also decreased."

"So, everyone had a different ability?" Jack starts to ask.

Ralph nodded.

"And the shot that you gave him?" Zoro also take a turn to ask

"Its the temporary shot for prolonging his life span. When it should be decreased, this solution helps to restore the life span that supposed to decrease."

"You made this solution?" Lee Zhing asks with curiosity.

"Yes. Me and my team." he went to his backpack and pass her the research he made.

Took the research file, she flips it open one by one.

"Continue, please.." Athena said.

"Oh right." he swipes the video and it changes to another video.

"This is Shon. He also got the Golden V injection."

He plays the video again. One man with fair skin and black hair instructing the wild animal. While he converses the instruction to the animal, his eyes color changing.

His voice makes at least 10 of the tiger and lions bow down to him and roar before they separating back to the jungle.

This time, he got a different pattern of pain. He holds his head like its gonna explode anytime.

"He can instruct the animal to follow his order. But, he will suffer from the head ached and his life span also will shorten. His order is absolute for these certain animals."

He swipes again to the next video.

"This is Veron."

His abilities make all the Lee gasp for a moment. Everything that he touches when he in Grim mode will turn black and turn to ashes.

He had the ability to retract the life span on the living thing. However, like Athena, he can't absorb the life span he took. Instead, his own life span will be consumed by the abilities that he had.

Once he turns to normal, he starts trembling and curling up his body on the ground. The guilty in his heart make him feel like he was a sin to the extent that he feels likes there is no hope for him to be in heaven.

Athena could feel the exact same feeling. She is the contrast with him. If he can retract the life, then she can revive life. However, these abilities turn to be no good at all.

"Veron, he requests to confine himself to where there is no human and no living thing around him. He learns how to control his abilities in the meanwhile."

He swipes again.

"This girl is Suzan."

A girl around twenties who can predict the future for the next 10 second. With these abilities, she can dodge the attack and help who is in need. However, the frequent she use it, the more her life span will be taken away.

And the last video is about Renee.

"This is Renee."

The video shows she was attacked by the group of people and Ralph happen to turn on his go pro recorder. So he recorded everything from the event.

They both are surrounded by a group of people. Once she changes her eyes color, all the people who tried to attack her start to drop the weapon.

They hold their head and screaming in pain until they were all dead.

"Her abilities…" Athena eyes still fixed on the video.

"She controls their mind and delivers the crucial pain to them. However, once she's done, she also got the same effect. She will be in real pain for days even though she already takes the injection."

He taps on his keyboard and the blueprint change its form again.

"This is all five survivors that I help to hide them from the hunter."

"So, you're saying that you can't cure them but help them to prolong their life span?" Adrian ask.

"I still not yet find the cure." he corrected Adrian word.

"This shot, how do you know how to create it?" Lee Zhing ask.

He touches enter to his keyboard.

"I'm a botanist. I study in plant and I happen to find about this rare flower that claim can cure various type of blood issues."

"My team consist a lot of mix in each of our fields. I had Zoologist, specialize in animal behavior and structure, I had chemical expert and I had one scientist which still has his sane."

He then looks at the blueprint. "This flower only existed in a mountain at the Borneo. I studied about this flower and the best extract we can get is only on the full moon night. It will release a scent that will lure a wild animal and even a beast to eat it. Thus, to get this extract you will need to fight with those animals first."

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