Chapter 71:Rush Of The Moment And Passionate Feeling

Knock Knock!

Before Yin Li finish his sentence, Aurora's study room has been knocked from outside.

Both of them turn to the door. "Come in," Aurora said while still sitting on the chair facing Yin Li.

Once the door is opened by her father, Yin Li immediately stand up and lowered his head a bit.

"Daddy?" Aurora also stands up and look at his father.

Richard look at both of them. He clearing his throat a little before he starts.

"What are you doing here Mr. Yin?" He asks calmly.

"I'm sorry Sir, I just.."

"He gives me the agreement letter about the house that I bought in Southern City," Aurora interjects him.

"House? Are you planning on staying there?" Richard asks in disbelief.

He thought that Aurora will return home to him and start her new life. Why she still want to stay in the same town as him?

"I was planning to. But maybe until after I got a new husband, I will move from that town." She blurts out.

Playing with his daughter game, he smiles and said. "Good. Actually, I want to introduce you to one of my friend's son. He is quite handsome, I bet he is more dazzling than Mr. Yin here. And..he had a nice figure too, hmm.. I think he just like mine when I was younger. Oh, not only that. I heard he never in any relationship with any woman. Very clean indeed. So, tomorrow's night, you'll have an Omiai with him, alright?"

Aurora lifts up her eyebrow. She smiles and nods. "Of course daddy. This time I'll listen to you."

"Good then, that's all I want to say. So, dear..please bring me a good husband next time okay?"

"Sure, daddy."

Yin Li at the side silent. He had nothing to say. He was a bit ashamed to his ex-father-in-law. He never greets her family properly before. About the wedding and all have been arranged by Aurora. So he never personally met her family.

Turning to look at him after her father walks out from the room, she asks him. "So, Mr. Yin Li, what did you want to say?"

"Erm..nothing. I think I should be going right now." He took his backpack.

"Eh, how did you come to my house? I mean, this mansion is a bit far from the main City."

"I took a cab." He replies to her.

" this hour, you will not find any cab or car that passing by here. Where did you stay Mr. Yin Li?" Aurora starts to feel worried. Well, it almost dusk.

"Um...I stayed at my old studio house in the main city."

"Ah~ then, I should let my chauffeur send you home."

"Erm, Thanks. But it's okay. I will use the apps to find a ride."

"Erm, wait. I had something that I want to give you. wait here for a minute." Aurora went to her room leaving Yin Li alone.

After a few minutes pass, she went back to her study and pass him a medium size box.

"What is this?" Yin Li asks when Aurora passes him the box.

"This is actually a memoir from you. I think I don't need it anymore. You can keep it or throw it if you like. And.." She rummages her pocket before she extends her hand and holds his hand. Open his palm, she put a ring on his palm.

"This.. this is our supposed to be a wedding ring, but we never held a ceremony that day. So, I keep this ring in this mansion. Because this is a man ring and it costs a million dollar, I can't just give it away to anyone or wear it too. So, it's better if I give it to you back. Take this as repayment for what I've done to your life. I cause you a lot of damage in your previous years right? I really am sorry." She closes his palm once she's done saying that.

Yin Li eyes turn a bit red. "Aur, please...I don't want to end this just like this."

"Sorry, Mr. Yin. We're done a long time ago since you sign the divorce paper. The Aurora that you knew is long gone. This Aurora here now are born from the broken heart, so..let me have a new life with a new man." 'Perhaps..' she smiles to him.

"Aur, I admit my mistake. But that night I never.."

"Mr. Yin! Please.!" She yelled a bit. She really not in the mood to hear about that night.

Yin Li immediately shut his mouth. He turns his body around and said "I will be going now. Thanks for your time."

He bottles up everything and walks out from her study.

Aurora slouch on the chair. She rubs her face a few times and sighing. "Why you need to remind me that night?" She opens her drawer and took her purse.

"Stupid. I told you that there's no car passing here after 7. " she mumbles and instruct the valet to send her car to the entrance.

She drives to the gate and stops at the side of the road beside the pond. She pushes the window button to roll down.

"Hey, hop in. I'll send you." She said to him.

Yin Li shakes his head. He continues to walk.

"Get in. Or I will drag you in." She said with a serious tone.

Yin Li stop his pace. He turns his body to the side and went to her car at the passenger seat.

He closed the door and Aurora start to drive off from the mansion. She took a glance to Yin Li. His face looks sad and devastated.

'Oh well, who ask you to divorce me and now you want back to me? Work harder dear.' She smirks inside her heart.

"You lives in your old apartment right?" She finally starts after 10 minutes they both silence.

"Yes." He replies to her short.

"Did you eat yet?" She makes a U-turn at the corner once she saw her favorite restaurant.

"Not yet."

"Good, because I'm famished right now. We're making a stop first before I send you home." She parked her car at the entrance and give her keys to the valet.

Yin Li feel a bit hesitant to follow her in, well, because they are now in a very luxurious restaurant. Even though he affordable to eat here, still..he needs to save too.

"What's wrong?" She turns to look at him.


Both of them went to the grand hall and one of the waitress at the front greet them politely.

"Your name Miss?"

"Aurora Lee."

"Miss Lee, please follow me." One of the men from the counter leads them to the VIP room.

The VIP room is located on the third floor. It is a glass room that can view the cities at night. They had their own waiter at each room.

The waiter that lead them to the VIP room opened the door for them.

"Enjoy your dinner, Miss Lee."

Aurora nod and went inside followed by Yin Li behind her.

After ordering the main course, Aurora turns to look at the night view.

"Did you see that?" She pointed her finger on the spot that is a bit far from their building.

Yin Li squinted his eyes a bit. The spot that her point is his old school. He nods after that.

"I used to sneak in there and pretend to be a student. But I wonder why I never been caught." She chuckles.

Yin Li also chuckles when he heard her story. Well, he knew Aurora likes to come into his school and pretend to be one of the students. She also easily influent all the girls' student and telling them a lie about him.

"Aur, are you gonna go to that Omiai that your father mentions earlier?" He asks out of blue.

Yin Li feel a bit angry, but he knew that he had no choice. It was his fault and he realizes it too late.

"If..i want to get you back, what another way that I can do?"

Aurora almost spouts her wine when he said that. she wipes her corner of lips and looks at him with a disbelief face.

"Er...Maybe you can start with what you never did before?"

He took her hand and kiss her knuckles. "Like this?"

Aurora was dumbstruck. She smiling inside but expressionless outside.

"Every man can do that."

He stands up and leaned his body to her, he cupped her face with his both hand and kiss her lips. "Not every man can do this to you, do they?" he smiling after that.

Aurora frowned and push his hand slowly from her cheek.

"We're in public. And don't kiss me as you wish. I'm not your woman." Aurora said while she glances at the waiter at the corner of the room. The waiter lowered her head like she was not seeing anything odd.

He smiles seeing her face blushed. Aurora diverts her eyes to the glass window after that. They had dinner and she sends him home afterward.

Just before Yin Li step out from the car, he asks her again. "What time did you back from Omiai tomorrow?"

"I don't know. if I don't have any rush of the moment and passionate feeling with him, well I guess I will return early."

Yin Li's face drain his color when he heard Aurora said 'Rush of the moment and passionate feeling with him'. No, only he can have that with Aurora. No other man can 'have that moment' with her.

"You willing to do that? With a man that you never knew?"

"Why not? At least I didn't do it while I still your wife aren't I?" She smirks to him.

Yin Li was totally dumbfounded. He walks out from the car without saying anything.

His face looks angry. However, Aurora in the car already laughing hard seeing him stomping walk out from the car.

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