Chapter 72:Moonflower, Here I Come

While in Lee Mansion,

"So, how was your preparation? Need daddy to send my elite squad?" Richard asks his daughter while having dinner.

Hai Rin shake her head when she heard her husband ask Athena about the preparation in the middle of dinner.

"Everything is done prepared. No, thanks dad.. we'll be just fine with fewer people." She smiles and slices her meat with the knives before she eats it.

"Are you sure? Did you tell Aslan about you going to this mission this time?" He feels a bit worried about letting his daughter went to a mission without her husband there to guard her.

Athena smiles a bit, she didn't tell Aslan about going to this mission. She doesn't want him to abandon his work and go to a simple mission like this. After all, she wants to surprise him with the dose. She wants him to focus on his business first since he really needs to be there.

"I told him that I will be off from the city for a few days. So, I think I'll be fine."

"Athena…" Hai Rin looks at her daughter.

"Mommy, please...I don't need to be protected. I'm good with the fight. After all, we just collecting the extract from the flower. I tell him later." She immediately holds her mother's hand, calming her down before she starts her sobs drama.

"Just don't tell him, please. He needs to be at his company. This times, the news blow up almost half of his asset. I just want him to save his empire first. I promise I tell him on my way back here." She almost begging her mother.

Richard frowned and Hai Rin start sighing heavily.

Both of them look at each other before they nod their head.

"But, do tell him when you had a chance." Hai Rin reminds her daughter.

"About his company. You just need to ask me, dear. I can help him." Richard started.

"Uh, no dad..he will not like it. I mean, we have dignity too. You've helped us last time so... Let us try to survive this storm this time. But anyway, thanks for the offer."

Richard nods. He had nothing to says anymore. His daughter is an adult, she can decide what she feels best for her.

" careful. I really want to go and protect you by myself.."

"Oh, please no're quite old to do this mission." She chuckles and turns to her mother.

Hai Rin also chuckles. "Yeah, honey. You're not that fit when you're still younger."

"Hey..but I'm still handsome right?"

Both of them rolled their eyes.

"Wha...Why make that faces?"

"Mom…please ask your husband to often see the mirror." Athena jokes.


"You guys... hey honey..who was the one who confesses to me first? Are you forget that you were so in love with me?" Richard look at his wife.

"Eh? Is it me? I thought you were the one who was so in love with me?"

"Uh huh? Want me to prove it to you?"

"Whoa, mom, dad…settle this on your room make me feel so jealous." she covered her mouth with her palm tried to hold her laugh.

Hai Rin faces blushed. Richard just lifts up his eyebrow to his wife before he turns to look at his daughter.

"Athena dear…hurry up finish your dinner. Mom and daddy got business to do."

"Daddy!" she burst into a laugh.

"Dear!" Hai Rin also looks at him with wide eyes. She couldn't believe that her husband will be so shameless in front of their kids.

"What?" he asks nonchalantly.

"Okay, I get it, dad. I eat faster." she munches on her portion.


After she finishes chatting with the organizer of the event for the spring exhibition, she went to her dress room and change to a nightgown.

She waiting for Zoro to bring her the information about Jye Yin but until now, Zoro still didn't contact her. Well, she couldn't help but wonder about the baby that Jye Yin bear right now.

Just when she was in the middle of her thought, Aslan calls her phone and that makes her flinch a bit.

She smiles and takes the call. "Hey.."

"What are you doing?" Aslan asks her.

"Waiting to sleep."

"Mhm? Not calling me before you sleep?"

"Hmm. I was waiting for you to call me."

"I miss you."

"Me too. But, wait for a little bit."

"So, have you prepare your fishing rod for tomorrow?"

"Yup. I think I was done packing my stuff."

"Remember to call me once you get the line."

"Alright. So, what are you doing right now?"

"Hmm, me? I just playing some game with Raisya and Jye Yin."

"Huh? You turn on the speaker?"

"No, I use my headphone. Why?"

"Nothing." while actually, she feels a bit jealous.

"I thought that you said Jye Yin can't go to the right wing?" She asks when Aslan seems a bit focused on his game.

"Huh? Yeah.. but, Raisya was so eager wanted to play this game. So she makes a team with Jye Yin and wants to beat me in this game."


" something wrong?" he asks feeling that something is off after she replies him short.

"Hm? Nothing. Uh, As...I call you later, my sister just knocked on my door." she gives an excuse.


She cut off the call and rolled on her bed. "Aish..why do I need to feel this way. He's not cheating on me, Athena. Be patient." she calms herself.

The next morning, all the team has been grouped at the Lee air based.

Athena just brings her medium size backpack with a weapon and clothes with her. Zoro also brings a medium-sized backpack with a bow and arrow as his weapon. He is good with the arrow while Athena is good with her katana.

Shon? He just brings himself. He doesn't need any weapon. Ralph bring his gun and his lab tools.

"Alright, so are you guys ready for this mission?" Ralph ask before they went to the military aircraft.

The three of them nods and after getting permission from the captain that will send them to the location, they all went inside the aircraft and standby with the parachute at their back.

After almost two hours, the captain finally signaling them that the location is five minutes ahead and ask them to line up from the aircraft door.

"Remember, land on the point that I've set in your parachute system," Ralph said a bit loud, try to make sure all of them heard him. The sound of pressuring air makes it hard to listen to him.

"In the count of ten, jump off from the jet." The captain said through the earpiece.

Athena turns to look at Zoro and they both nods in unison before they turn to look at Ralph and Shon.

They both also nods. Counting together, they jump off from the jet one by one after that.

'Moonflower, here I come.'

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