The lord is red again

Chapter 164 I became the protagonist of the series

Star Dragon City, inner city.

After trying to study it to no avail, Lind gave up trying to find out why the walls here were so strong, why they were strong enough to withstand the magic attack of a group of people.

Maybe it had something to do with the big crack. The people of the Disaster Execution must have some secrets of their own, and not all secrets can be investigated to a conclusion.

The undead were guarding outside the gate. The big iron gate that looked like a boss battle was now painted with a layer of gold and red paint. After receiving 10 points, the undead with a high level of hand-painting happily painted the castle in all directions.

Such a big project would cost a little more money in the real world, and the undead would not even blink an eyelid, but this is a game, and I can get 10 points painlessly here, and I have to thank the Lord.

The lion's eyes on the gate were open and emitting fire, and the ferocious fangs were like a bunch of uneven short blades, which made people unable to help but exert force on their buttocks, always wanting to pinch something.

At this time, there were undead guarding the door, ready to take photos and record videos.

The game "Doomsday Ring" became popular inexplicably. Whether it is VR, AR, or MR, in short, after the so-called metaverse failed to open up the market, ordinary people were not very interested in the entertainment method of wearing more than a pound of wearable devices on their heads.

But because of a previous video, the player @My Ring will not lose to fight the tattooed man, and the short video became popular.

There is always no shortage of people who are good at riding on the popularity in this era. After the short video became popular, a group of fighting enthusiasts immediately stood up to analyze it.

Then they came to a conclusion that my Ring will not lose the fighting style is very similar to medieval sword fighting, but compared to that kind of duel, he seems to be a little too flexible.

It's like a heavily armored knight who pressed the accelerator key.

Many people are curious about where he learned it, and after being asked too many times, my Ring will not lose had to stand up and take the initiative to explain that he was playing a very fun game and learned all those fighting skills in the game.

Learning while sleeping is really greedy.

# Doomsday Ring # also became a hot search term.

Most people regarded that short video as a marketing campaign, believing that it was deliberately faked to promote the game.

But when they searched, they found that the game was still in internal testing, with only 3,000 places available, and the public testing date was nowhere in sight.

If it was to create hype, it was a bit too early. It seems that this game will not be publicly tested in the short term.

Afterwards, the relevant departments took the initiative to clarify that the video was real and that the citizens who acted bravely should not be branded as liars.

Some gamers began to pay attention to this game. Being able to enter it and experience a completely real journey to another world and start a second life was something that most people could not refuse. In addition, after confirming that they could play it while wearing a helmet at night and still be energetic during the day, no one could refuse it.

Life was extended!

Although from a realistic perspective, they were social animals in the real world during the day and cyber labor in the game at night, they were happy, weren't they?

Because the game screen was too real and the NPCs were exactly the same as normal people, not many people believed it.

The key point was that it was not playable.

So some people follow "The Ring of Doom" as a drama, because the special effects are very good and the battles are very exciting.

And in this "drama", there is a person who naturally becomes the protagonist.

Linde Arman.

He has experienced too many things and too many plots, so some people choose to actively follow Linde for the video playback volume.

The world is always so abstract.

The advantage of following an NPC is probably that the NPC will not collapse, he can live his own life at will, and ordinary people can watch him like watching a drama.

However, Linde himself is also following the drama. He sits in the city lord's hall every day and does not come out. He follows his own drama in his spare time.

There are multiple versions of the drama, and there are many that are particularly well done in the later stage.

High income, no copyright disputes, and even many people have been able to obtain internal testing qualifications to film in the game. Anyway, you can pinch any face you want for any role, and there is no cost problem at all.

In addition, special effects costs, lighting, scenery, etc. are not a problem at all.

Unfortunately, those who want to come in to film the drama are not qualified.

But I have to say that this group of film and television bloggers are quite good at editing.

If he hadn't experienced it himself, Lind would have really thought that he was a tragic character.

And some undead people were interspersed in it, playing a role of connecting the previous and the next, making the plot look less fragmented.

After watching the latest episode in one breath, Lind wanted to make a sharp comment. For example, when he was fighting with the two-headed man Bueno, he obviously had an angle that looked better, but the undead chose a shot where he looked like he was naked.

You know how to skirt the line.

When it was Miss Miko's turn, the style changed again. It would be fine if she was directly edited into Kiki in "Kiki's Delivery Service". In Lind's opinion, the two are not alike at all, no matter from the appearance to the inside.

But someone specially edited the CP plot between himself and Miss Miko, which made him a little unbearable.

Why was it edited into a domineering president and a confused silly and sweet.

Doesn't anyone see how much he pampers Miko? It's not an exaggeration to say that he always responds to requests, and Miss Miko has nothing to do with silly and sweet.

What kind of CP feeling can there be between Brittany and Miko? If they didn't fight when they met, there were only two possibilities. One is that Miko went out today and picked up a bag full of various potion materials. The other is that Brittany was too full and wanted to hibernate like a snake.

But the number of views remained high, so Linde had a strange expression several times when he saw Brittany and Miko. His brain was invaded by the dirty thoughts of the undead. This thing is more terrible than the whisper of God.

The game is a war theme, with the most war elements, and the others are just seasonings.

The fundamental reason why the NPCs of Star Dragon City can become the protagonists of the series is the style.

While other NPCs are still searching and plotting, the NPCs of Star Dragon City will always put pressure on the enemy like a BOSS, and the hearty battle scenes make people feel like watching a special effects blockbuster.

The big iron gate slowly opened, and when the first figure walked out, the undead who was filming whispered: "That's Lance, the frost archer, who never misses a shot, and has antlers on his head. He is one of the strong men under the lord."

The undead talked to himself for a long time. Many NPCs walked out of the iron gate. He took a lot of videos, but unfortunately he didn't see Lind.

The NPCs gradually adapted to the undead with strange behavior, and even learned to treat them as air, which made many undead complain that the NPC's AI intelligence seemed to have weakened after the update.

When a group of NPCs walked towards the undead, their scattered positions, shadows elongated by the sun, and their ferocious momentum made the undead feel like they were watching a group of BOSS walking towards them with a group of steps.

The sense of oppression almost hit my face.

It's really different, and only the NPCs in Star Dragon City are of this style.

It seems that if you make them unhappy, they will dare to turn into a red-named BOSS in the next second and start slaughtering the city directly.

Except for the oppressive feeling of all the main city lords, the NPCs in other towns give people a very ordinary feeling, ordinary armor and dress, doomsday-specific world-weary foul mouth, not very good combat power, without the slightest sense of oppression of the doomsday BOSS, just a group of small people struggling to survive in the doomsday.

Maybe they look weaker and more real, and even compared with them, the NPCs in Xinglong City seem too strong, and they really don’t look like they are struggling to survive in the doomsday.

But as long as they look good and handsome, it’s enough.

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