The lord is red again

Chapter 180 The so-called epic

After sending away the tired Miss Morena, Linde sat down and continued to taste the unfinished glass of wine.

[The Banshee Horn] has been put away immediately. He is thinking about how to arrange the female ghost in the future. It is very important to establish a trusting relationship with the other party.

There is no conflict between the two parties. As the owner of [Banshee Horn], it is not wrong to say that they have a master-servant relationship.

It is currently unknown how many memories the female ghost possesses, but it is unlikely to be too much. But in the future, as Morena practices soul magic to a higher level, it will definitely help unlock more memories.

Does this mean that Lind has the memory of a witch from the Far East Magic School?

After all, from the female ghost's mouth, it can be learned that bipedal dragons are used to pull carts at the Far East Magic School. A little bit of knowledge will surely make Miss Miko happy for a long time.


A burst of small steps ran towards him.

Lind turned his head and saw Mi Ke's little face turning red due to excitement.

She spoke with excitement and trembling in her voice: "Look at this!"

She raised a book in her hand high above her head and shook it.

"What?" Lind put down the wine glass and took the book from Miko's hand with one hand. His condescending action made Miss Miko a little dissatisfied.

However, seeing that Linde's attention was distracted by the book, Mi Ke went to the table, picked up the wine glass, and poured himself a glass of wine.

After taking a sip, the spiciness made her frown, and she made a strange sound similar to that of an old drunkard.

Lind looked down at the book and reached out with his other hand to snatch the wine glass away. He easily lifted it up to a height that Miss Miko could not reach even if she jumped.

What kind of wine does a little man like to drink, and he doesn’t have much of this kind of craft beer, so only Old Pete and the others would shamelessly come over to have a drink during meals.

I haven’t drunk enough myself, so I definitely can’t create a new alcoholic.

"Essay Notes of Leon, the Executioner of Disaster"?

Will he also write an autobiography, notebook or diary in the future? It seems that the powerful people he has heard of have similar habits, such as Crowley, the song white knight in the Everfrost Land, Leon, the executioner of disaster, and I don’t know. The "Ancient Legend of the Twins" written by the famous secret messenger.

For example, various gods and masters like to use poems to praise their own greatness.

Only words can prove that he existed. Although Linde has not lived long enough, it would be a good feeling if someone still remembers him hundreds of years after his death.

"Storm Knight? One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, an epic potion?" Linde glanced down, then suddenly raised his head to look at Miko, and saw her stop jumping, showing a triumphant smile, her cheeks The flesh pushed upwards with a triumphant smile.

Her little expression seemed to say: Look, it’s a good thing.

What is the origin of the Disaster Executioner who is fighting against the great rift in the abyss? Linde had only vague guesses before, but now he is basically certain that the Disaster Executioner is one of the four knights of the Apocalypse who is carrying a big sword in the Church of the Sun. One, there is a direct relationship.

Among the people I have contacted so far, although everyone claims that they have embarked on the path of Sun Witness, Moon Witch, Secret Pattern Master, etc., they are all in the initial stage, and they are all on the most basic path forward, and the road ahead is still the same. confused.

Without the magic potion formula, there is no future.

Just like Linde, he is taking the path of the Sun's Witness. He may keep plundering the power of the magic ring. One day he can really become the new Sun's Witness. The premise is that there are enough magic potion formulas to support him to cross the path. Step by step, we finally reach that point.

But it's not that easy. Now he can't even obtain the potion formula to reach the rank of Great Knight.

So it is inevitable that many people will take narrower branches. The orthodox path is the most difficult, but it is not difficult to develop weird and tricky branches due to certain accidents.

But being narrower means that subsequent potion recipes are more difficult to obtain.

He could not meet the other great knights who seemed to be the broadest path of the Sun's Certificate, such as Lance, Barton and others. They were all subtle branches of the Sun's Certificate, and their power came from the medicine brewed by the old military doctor. The magic potion, maybe the high ranking knight will be their end.

Countless path potions based on the Evidence of the Sun branch off and branch off like tributaries of a river, almost endlessly.

However, the only thing that can guarantee walking from the entrance to the sea is the main river. In a short period of time, it seems faster to open a tributary, but what awaits them is stagnant water.

But right now, a potion belonging to one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Knight of the Storm, is still epic!

It's a complete shortcut! A shortcut that must be related to the Witness of the Sun.

When chatting with the book thief Domei, Linde would ask almost anything, and of course he would also mention the level of strength.

However, Dome did not give a serious and detailed "strength division", but divided them by stages, and the further they went, the closer they were to conceptualization, and there was not much description of combat effectiveness.

For example, the so-called "epic" means that one person has achieved iconic results in some huge battles in history, and can be recorded in books and will not be forgotten by time.

Reading through his life story, you can experience his powerful charm in leading the progress of the times.

Leon belongs to the epic, which Lind does not deny.

If he hadn't suddenly killed himself, as a disaster executioner who had to fight against the abyss monsters in the great rift while also resisting the erosion of the abyss, Leon was not only strong in strength and willpower, but his life was definitely magnificent.

In the first half of his life, he fought in the Great Rift, and in the second half of his life, he dragged his cursed body and led the undead on the road to conquer the abyss. Without Lind, there would be no problem in saying that Leon was an epic that led the progress of the times.

As for the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse", they have broken away from the epic. Perhaps they should be described as "legends" or "myths." The story of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse coexists with the Church of the Sun and has long been separated from ordinary written descriptions.

However, as the gods disappeared, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were just abandoned and neglected broken stone statues in the church, accompanied by only spider webs, sawgrass and some small homeless things.

Above the level of the high-ranking knight is the hero, and above the hero is the epic. It is a rough division. Lind feels that this statement is far less accurate than level 41-50.

In the game, it should be regarded as mid-term BOSS level.

Being as powerful as Leon is only at the mid-term level in the end. When the game develops to a certain level, he will face tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands or millions of "Leons".

Whenever he thinks about such scenes, Lind will have a sense of urgency that no one else can understand.

And after experiencing the plague incident, he once again confirmed his previous thoughts. There are fun-loving people among the undead, and there are many of them. They don't care how much they get from you. Happiness is the main thing. This is just a game anyway.

In the eyes of many people, Linde's power is developing rapidly and everything is healthy and upward. It only took two or three months from a small outpost to a powerful place. The power under his hands is also growing rapidly. Great knights, high-ranking wizards, etc. As each battle increases, people continue to choose to be loyal.

The soldiers in the territory firmly believe that Lind will lead them back to Goliath in the near future.

Territory, NPC, etc. are all Linde's advantages when facing the undead, but to destroy these so-called advantages, only an "official" update is needed, such as changing the upper limit of the level of the undead from level 10 to level 20.

A large group of immortal high-ranking knights and high-ranking wizards came. Not to mention Lind, even Leon, who was not in the abyssal state, would also kneel.

Linde raised his head: "Isn't there a pre-epic potion formula?"

Currently, Linde's most basic path to the Sun Certificate is only the Great Knight level, which is level 20 (Great Knight), which is still two levels short of level 41 (Epic).

"No" Miko's answer was regrettable.

The epic path potion may seem precious, but in fact it is worthless, because he needs to be promoted to a hero first, preferably to the hero level of the Storm Knight path.

If the strength is not enough, then the potion formula is just an ordinary piece of paper.

As for getting an epic calamity heart as a potion material, it is not that important.

Linde returned the wine glass to Miko.

She held the wine glass on her chest with both hands, her cheeks were slightly red, but she didn't drink.

"I need to take the Secret Marker Path potion immediately," Lind said.

Mi Ke blinked and had long been used to Linde's eagerness to improve his strength. She happened to be more active when brewing the potion.

Just looking at the speed of cooking medicine alone, Mi Ke can compare with other small pharmacists in the assembly line. She has practiced it little by little.

"It's already been prepared."

Linde will open another new branch on the main road of the Grand Knight, and this time it is: the Secret Pattern Messenger.

[Star Dragon City Update Announcement]

[Update 1: Star Dragon City has welcomed two new NPCs, Mr. Dome and Ms. Morena. They have opened two stores in Star Dragon City. They are currently in the stage of renovation and preparation for business. Everyone is welcome to visit after the opening. , there will be discounts]

[Update 2: After the efforts of some undead people, they successfully cleared the dungeon of the Magic School of Tomorrow and unlocked the Banshee Water Pool. Now the undead can go to the water pool and enter the Banshee Dream by consuming points; the undead who participated in the dungeon of the Magic School of Tomorrow can receive the special reward "Star" "Dragon Stone", please bring the lion badge to the square to receive it]

[Update 3: Sell physical strength. Now the undead can go to the military camp next to the Star Dragon City Square to sell physical strength and magic power]

Star Dragon City received another big wave of updates, and then the city streets became lively, and the undead returned in droves.

At the same time, they also brought back the resources they obtained while exploring various areas and exchanged them for camp points.

The undead people have long been accustomed to the lord's behavior of always subduing red monsters and turning them into NPCs. Not only do they not feel there is anything wrong, but they also have a strong sense of accomplishment.

There was even a role comparison with other novice villages on the forum.

Look at the level of the other NPCs in the novice village. They wear tattered armor, tell lies, and look down on the undead. The soldiers responsible for guarding the city took advantage of others, had no faith, no momentum, and just muddle along.

Looking at Star Dragon City again, there are old wizards in white robes, men in black robes, antler archers, a group of witches at the level of poster girls, etc. They have a good image and good temperament, especially the witches at the level of poster girls. They are really stealing from novice villages one after another. The waitress here. The soldiers responsible for defending the city uniformly wear bright armor, are highly disciplined, have a common goal and are willing to fight for it, even if they sacrifice their lives.

In the comparison between the two, Star Dragon City also looks more and more different.

Of course, people are inevitably complaining: "Is this the end of the world? People in the end of the world have no food to eat, live in misery, and are mentally barren. Your life in Star Dragon City is too good, and there is no sense of the doomsday background at all."

But no matter what, Star Dragon City is destined to be filled with hundreds of undead people today.

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