The lord is red again

Chapter 20 Sister, don’t be afraid, we are good people!

"Holy shit, I'm surrounded!" Favorite Baisi cursed: "This game is too stupid. The wild monsters can also use strategies. It seems they can't escape from the battle! Once there are too many people, they can only be beaten. Come on, challenge him! I'll show him off!"

"Two fists are hard to beat with four hands." Zangetsu Dao felt that the current situation was reasonable: "But the wild monsters in this small stronghold are too alert. I guess there are stealth skills that can be learned in the game, otherwise it would be impossible for us to just get close. was discovered."

The other three nodded. They would not treat the wild monsters as normal people. Instead, they felt that the three of them had no skills but wanted to sneak, so they were seen at a glance.

Although there are no numerical values ​​​​appearing in the game, as players all know, it is just that the numerical values ​​​​are not displayed, and everything that should be there is there.

The four people were happily exchanging information, as well as their fearless and aggressive attitude, which shocked the Rangers.

Go crazy.

The Xuanwu Shield had just helped to block the hidden arrows with his body, and the Dragon Scale Sword was not polite. He hurriedly chased after him and hit the wild monster that had been kicked over.

The sword cut into the back of his neck. The huge force not only chopped off his head, but the sword was still embedded in the soil.

"Go ahead, it's such a high experience!" Dragon Scale Sword exclaimed loudly: "Much taller than a jackal! And his head really turned into a cabbage! Don't tell me, it's quite interesting."

As he spoke, he kicked "Baicai" away.

The good news that the experience bar has increased greatly made Dragon Scale Sword feel excited.

The other three people who received the good news also became excited.

Although "Assassin's Creed" has become "Assassin's Warriors", it's great to gain experience!

"Who's about to be upgraded?"

“Everyone is pretty much the same”

"Let Xuanwu Shield come first. After he upgrades, he will recover and help resist damage!"

The four of them talked to each other and formulated an action plan in the shortest possible time.

The Rangers camp side had no idea what they were talking about. If they knew that four players were distributing food among themselves, they would definitely rush in. There are only four of us, and you are too disrespectful!

But they really didn't dare to let the wanderers rush forward.

Have you ever seen someone laughing and killing someone?

He just wanted to kill, and he had to cut off the whole head.

The severed head was kicked away with a grin.

Blood splattered all over, but he didn't care.

You were hit by an arrow in the waist, why are you still laughing?

The four of them looked as if they were crawling out of a crack in the abyss, almost frightening people.

The players don't know what the wanderer is thinking.

This is a game, it doesn’t hurt, it won’t die, it’s not even scary, just cut it and that’s it!

So the scene changed to a scene where the four people not only did not run away, but rushed towards the place with the largest crowd. Not to mention the homeless people, even the women and children in the cage felt outrageous.

What's going on?

"I've upgraded!"


Who has ever seen four people almost fight their way out when surrounded by a group of people and under constant fire from hidden arrows?

The Rangers' forces were retreating steadily after being killed.

They looked at the four people covered in blood and injuries, and they felt infinite panic in their hearts.

The wanderers just banded together temporarily to keep warm. They merged if they had interests, but separated if they had no interests. This is how it is in border areas now.

As for whether it is trustworthy, whether it can sincerely cooperate, and whether it will be turned against them, it all depends on gambling.

It is better to bet if you have the qualifications than to bet if you are not.

But I never expected that such a crazy type of people would appear in this land.

The wanderer holding a crossbow aimed at a figure behind the shield. The shield and the slow strong man gave him a too strong sense of despair.

No matter how he shoots with the crossbow, the strong man will block it with his shield or even his body.

Even though he was dripping with blood and faltering, he never fell.

Finally, the wanderer crossbowman seized the opportunity, and the crossbow arrow slipped through the gap in the shield, and accurately struck the knee of the dragon-scale sword that was slashing.

"Mist grass!"

The dragon-scaled sword banged on his knees, shouting at the top of his lungs: "It's over, I'm injured, my leg is broken, and my movement speed is debuffed!"

As the main output, Dragon Scale Sword injured one of its legs, which greatly affected the strength of the entire team.

"Bai Si, hurry up and get on top!"

Just when the Rangers thought that the strongest person was injured and the whole team of four people who were not afraid of death would inevitably come to an end, a strange man with green hair who looked like a troll came out.

Not to mention being frightened by its ferocious appearance, even its state of daring to kill and fight was no worse than the one who fell just now.

Hey, that’s not right!

Just now, you were hit by an arrow in the knee, why did you still rush forward?


Killed through!

Four players actually killed more than a dozen wanderers' small strongholds, and made the remaining wanderers scream and run away.

The momentum is gone.

"Run away?" Zangetsu Dao scratched the back of his head, very surprised. It was different from what he imagined. They only killed six or seven people, and most of the rest ran away.

He and others were seriously injured. If they really attacked forcefully, they could win by sacrificing three or four more people.

Little did he know that "sacrificing three or four more people" would be unacceptable to the remaining wanderers.

Everyone fights and plunders to stay alive, not to exchange one for another.

This is not an arithmetic problem.

"What's next?"

"Rescue these people back to the guard post. The lord may reward us generously."

"I think it will work."

The four dragged their seriously injured bodies closer to the cage. The women and children trapped in the cage were trembling with fear.

Zui Ai Bai Si was the first to approach. After all, he wanted to make a living by shooting a video and uploading it. Communicating with the rescued NPC was meaningless to ordinary players, but it was very important to bloggers like him.

"Sister, don't be afraid, we are good people!"

The woman's face was pale, and the child in her arms was crying loudly.

Zui Ai Bai Si, she looks too scary!

"Don't cry!" The woman quickly covered the child's mouth, fearing that the monster in front of her would attack.

"Okay, the child is scared to tears by you" Zhan Yue Dao pulled Zui Ai Bai Si back and took the initiative to step forward: "Little brother, don't cry, it's okay."

With the surging waves and a carefully molded top-level appearance, Zhan Yue Dao coaxed the crying child in an instant.

The child even blushed.

"NPCs really look at faces!"

"Oh, come on, come on!"

"I regretted it before, but now I'm sure that this face of mine will be useful in the evil and chaotic camps in the future!"

"Okay, guys, let's release the people first, and then... loot!"

Killing monsters gives experience, which is important but not important. Instead, picking up trash and searching bags after the battle is very important!

"You can wear all the equipment you strip off!"

"Oh my god, this equipment is good, but it's a bit too heavy, and you can't walk when wearing it."

"How do we divide the spoils?"

"Equally or roll?"

"Let's each take what we need first. We're all too poor. At least let the basalt shield cover our butts."


We fought together to build a base, and there was really nothing good in the wanderer camp, basically all rags, so we were quite harmonious with each other and there was no dispute.

Although Nelinde and the nine soldiers at the Star Dragon Post looked down on those rags of equipment, it depends on who the equipment is compared with. They were wearing the standard armor of the Rand First Regular Army Infantry, which was the best stuff that money couldn't buy. The weapons in the hands of the single players would only spark at most, so it would be better to smash them with a heavy hammer, which might even cause internal bleeding.

The armor that Lind left behind as rags was pretty good.

On the other hand, this group of wanderers was only slightly better than being naked, wearing at most a piece of leather armor.

If it weren't for the overwhelming equipment, plus they really didn't fear death, and upgraded to restore their status, it would be wishful thinking for four people to defeat more than a dozen people.

"It's up to you to send the people back." The first one to lose the support of the basalt shield, his body exploded and turned into ashes.

The remaining three people were very calm when facing the death of their companions, or rather, they didn't even bother to look at it.

But the captured women and children were very uneasy. This group of people seemed to have a close relationship and could block each other's knives, but they didn't even blink when their friends died.

A bunch of lunatics.

Could it be that they just got out of the tiger's den and fell into the wolf's den?

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