The lord is red again

Chapter 21: Not a player, but a traveling frog

The undead return victoriously.

He also brought back 8 women and children.

Seeing the three undead people looking excited and eagerly waiting for the reward, Linde was still a little confused.

Are you traveling frogs?

Immediately afterwards, Linde discovered a very serious problem. He did not have a full view of the map, and many important events that happened to the players had no way of knowing.

Just like this time, he had no idea what the players had done.

If it were a real game NPC, no matter how many thousands of miles apart the player is, as long as the task is completed, they would be able to sense it instantly.

My identity as a non-mainstream NPC cannot be exposed.

"It seems that I can only take a peek at the official website."

But on the surface, Linde showed just the right expression, represented by a fan diagram, which is three points domineering, three points pleased, and four points expected.

"Well done, immortal people!"

As for why there were only three undead people back, one must have died.

It's a small thing, but the player's life is worthless anyway if he can be resurrected.

Linde looked at the eight panicked and helpless people again.

6 women in rags and 2 children.

She looked malnourished, afraid of her hands and feet, and was wearing thin clothing in the cold December weather. One of the women had her ankles swollen by frostbite, making it very difficult to walk.

In large camps, women and children are very important population resources, especially women, not to satisfy animal desires, but mainly to be able to give birth.

Population is power.

But in small camps where food is scarce, women and children are a drag, and many wanderers pursue a carefree life.

Linde does not have a food crisis for the time being, and he even welcomes active forces to join his "Novice Village" to strengthen himself. There will definitely not be enough NPCs in the future, and the soldiers must also act as law enforcement forces, as a reflection of his own power and as the background every time he appears. plate.

Soldiers and players must be stripped apart to maintain absolute majesty.

Therefore, it is important to have new NPCs who can issue tasks.

However, the prerequisite for accepting 8 people and even other NPCs that will be retrieved by players in the future - the identities of these people must be OK.

Never underestimate a woman or child. They will turn into "rats" and wander around various gathering places, looking for opportunities for those behind them to kill "well-intentioned idiots".

Linde heard similar stories every time he went to the town of Prai.

Therefore, women and children who are left alone often do not end well.

He was rescued by his kindness. It may be that the "rat" would cause unnecessary disasters, but he was killed with a little effort, and the mistakes were not missed, which saves worry and effort.

Kindness? Is that food edible?

Even if the Star Dragon Outpost cannot be broken through with the strength of ordinary rogues, and even if they are reluctant to provoke it when they see the tall city walls, if they can find loopholes from the inside, I believe no one will miss this fat sheep.

However, there are times when Lind must show his kindness in front of the players.

A kind-hearted idiot NPC is always easier to win the favor of players than a cruel and selfish NPC, not to mention that he also needs to replenish his population, and the players do not belong to him after all.

The players shut their mouths and looked at Linde quietly. Of course, maybe they were just waiting for the "plot development".

"I am Lord Lind of Star Dragon Post."

Linde looked at the eight cowering women and children: "Where are you from?"

Among the eight people, the oldest woman knelt down to Linde first, and the others followed suit.

The three players on the side were whispering, nothing more than "Is there a hidden plot?", "Can I explode equipment or decorations by killing them?", "Throwing them out to attract wanderers, and then killing the wanderers, does it count as a lag?" bug brush rescue mission" and so on.

It has to be you.

As a first-order knight, Linde has a sharp ear and eyesight, and whispers can reach his ears word by word without using any special means to cover them up.

Fortunately, he had known for a long time that the player had this kind of virtue. If it had been anyone else, let alone a lawful and righteous NPC, even a chaotic evil NPC would have been numb.

Where did this living King of Hell come from?

"Sir, I, we were caught in the mountains north of Banshee Lake. Before that, we wandered around with the 'hyena' Old Mande. Later, Old Mande was besieged by those terrible wanderers and abandoned us. Let's go, we were captured by that group of wanderers for no more than two days when we met your...your soldiers, and your soldiers rescued us."

Wanderer = thief, mountain man, rat with no bottom line.

"Old Mande?" Linde frowned slightly, not caring about the players who were already filled with indignation. His emotions were not easily aroused. Although he had not traveled to this world for a long time, he had already disappeared because of how many others there were. The naive idea of ​​choosing to believe in just one sentence.

He had never heard of Old Mander.

It's unlikely that he's making it up, it's most likely that he's a minor character.

But in the eyes of ordinary wanderers, he must be a big shot.

"Leo, Reed!" Lind waved: "Take them to find a place to settle down. I remember there are some tents or simple shelters built elsewhere. Don't be too far away from the vegetable garden!"

The vegetable garden is in the center, not next to the city wall, so even if there are "rats" among the eight people, they can't make small moves.

He doesn't need to arrange the rest. Leo Reed can know what he means and will question and investigate them separately. As long as there is a clue, he can catch it immediately. Even if he can't catch it, he can still interrogate some more critical information. .

Only after they are sure that there is really no problem will they be truly accepted.

He is really short of people.

NPCs may not be more than players, but they must be enough.

"Yes!" Leo and Reed nodded.

"Lord, we can help!"

You see, the undead are anxious again.

"Don't worry," Lind shook his head, "you have to report to me what happened during this period?"

Yes, what happened, I just asked you to investigate the traces of wanderers and scavengers, in short, "open the map", why did you kill so cruelly.

Bringing back a group of people is fine, but where is the food? No food at all? ! Don't tell me it's because you don't want to overload, be careful of my red name!

"Wait for me, I'm coming! I'm coming!" Xuanwu Shield shouted and ran over. His resurrection refresh point is still not the Star Dragon Post. Seeing that he was running out of breath, the distance should not be close.

Xuanwu Shield looked confused: "What's wrong? Fuck, I won't miss the plot, right? Is anyone recording the screen?"

Favorite White Silk raised her hand: "I have recorded it."

"Lord, you need to report what happened."

"Can't you submit the task with one click in this game?"

"There's no golden question mark on his head, and no words on his waist. The main focus is on the truth, don't you know? You can't be distracted, otherwise you will miss the plot easily."

"It's too real, who will come?"

"I'm good at speaking!"

The four of them reported the situation to Linde.

The whole process was described by them with great passion.

"We encountered wanderers, 15 or 6 people!"

"It's 18 or 9"

"Moon Blade, if you keep acting cute, I'll go offline and hit you now"

"Let me continue, the justice in my heart urged us to act!"

"So we gave up lurking, we killed them..."

"Hey, I used a counter-attack at that time, and then..."

Linde: "..."

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